Sabrina's Clan (6 page)

Read Sabrina's Clan Online

Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #MMF Menage Vampire Gargoyle Urban Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Sabrina's Clan
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His climax was as powerful as hers, for he clenched in a tight bow over her, holding very still for a long moment. She could
his pulsing, the throbbing of his cock inside her.

“Son of a…” he breathed, his voice hoarse. His arm was trembling, yet he held himself over her still, not collapsing the way she expected.

Sabrina giggled. The sound emerged unexpectedly, matching her trembling and her fizzing nerves. “I feel like I ruptured my eye balls.”

He laughed and lifted himself up properly, his cock slipping from her. He stayed on his knees before her and his cock was still upright. His hand shook as he stripped the condom off, disposed of it, then reached for another.

Sabrina’s heart squeezed. “Again?”

“Damn right,” he growled. “You really want to stop now?”

She shook her head.

Jake tugged at her shoulder, rolling her over onto her belly. He tossed the pillow away, then gently pulled at the back of her knee, lifting it until it was level with her hip. It brought her hip up, raising her ass and exposing her in a novel way. She could feel the air playing against her heated and sensitive pussy lips. Her mound was not quite touching the sheet and the little brushes and movements made her clit squeeze and throb.

“Touch yourself,” Jake said hoarsely.

She pushed her hand under her hip. Her cocked knee gave her the room to do it. When her fingers brushed up against her soaked and heated clit, pure pleasure stabbed her, making her moan. She pressed her finger up against the tiny bud, the movement making slick sounds.

“Beautiful,” Jake said, his voice even rougher.

His cock pushed into her from behind. She could feel him against the back of her fingers, the soft brush of his testicles. He didn’t go slow, this time. He rammed into her, giving her no time to adjust to his possession. She was so ready, so open, it didn’t matter.

He immediately began to thrust in hard, deep movements and Sabrina barely had to move her fingers. Even the smallest movement sent pleasure shooting through her. She was ready to come, all over again.

Then his big hand rested over the curve of her ass. His thumb pressed in between her cheeks and pushed inside her ass, enough to spread the ring of muscle.

Sabrina cried out again as her climax leapt upward, a wild animal looking for release. She gripped the sheet with sweaty fingers, trembling on the very edge of the orgasm.

Then it exploded over her like fireworks. Even her vision dimmed and stars played behind her eyelids. Her throat strained in another silent scream. She had no breath to vocalize it.

As her climax beat through her, making her shake and claw for breath, Jake’s cock began to slam into her over and over, driving deeper, until his orgasm brought him to stillness and he gave a deep, belly-wrenching groan.

This time, he almost collapsed on the bed beside her, his heavy arm dropping over her hip. He was panting, his breath blowing over the back of her shoulder.

Sabrina listened to his breath calm and considered moving, except every limb felt as heavy as lead. “I don’t think I can move,” she breathed.

“Here, let me help.” He eased her over on to her back and settled beside her once more, his head on his hand, looking down at her. “Hi,” he said and smiled.

“Hi.” The insane urge to giggle hit her again. She smothered it. It was an undignified sound. Certainly not a sexy one.

Then she caught her breath once more as Jake stroked his fingers over her belly, letting them circle and dip into her navel, before sliding up to her breasts and brushing the underside of them.

For long minutes, he simply caressed her, never lingering in one spot and never stopping, either. Sabrina thought she was utterly replete and exhausted, but her nerves began to twitch in response and her muscles to quiver. Her breath hurried along, keeping time with her heart.

When he bent his head to take her breast into his mouth and tease the nipple with his teeth, she was eager and more than willing to go along with anything he wanted to do to her.

The morning was a long way off and could be safely ignored.

For now.

Chapter Five

Jake knew the moment Sabrina woke and remembered where she was. She stiffened, her breath halting for tiny moment. Then she tried to breathe normally. She eased out of the bed to avoid disturbing him.

“It’s okay. I’m awake,” he told her. He’d been awake since five a.m., his thoughts frenetic.

She sat up, keeping her back to him, which gave him a chance to appreciate all over again the achingly beautiful curve of her hips, from the narrow waist, out and down to the perfect shape of her ass. She had generous hips, which he didn’t mind in the slightest. Skinny models had never appealed to him, even though most of the women his family herded in his direction seemed to aspire to those anorexic standards.

As she bent to hook toward her the silky underthing she had been wearing under the staid business suit, he sat up, too. He put his back against the headboard and let the sheet gather around his hips. “How’s the head?”

“Fine.” She added, as an afterthought, “Thanks.” She was dressing rapidly, sliding into the silk thing with marvelous dexterity. Once she pushed the straps up over her shoulders and brushed her hair back into place, she got to her feet and bent to retrieve her skirt. Her olive skin was pale enough that he thought he could see a faint blush on her cheeks

“Hey,” he said, working to keep his voice low and non-threatening.

She glanced at him and stepped into the skirt. “I have a breakfast meeting,” she said.

It might even be true. For a woman her age to be made a director of anything spoke of wholesale dedication to her career. She wasn’t marking time until she got married and had kids, which many women were who would rather die than admit it out loud.

“Sabrina,” he said, trying again.

She pulled her shirt on and turned to look at him with a resigned expression.

“Last night was great,” he said gently.

“It was,” she agreed evenly. There was wariness in her eyes.

“And now it’s tomorrow,” he said.

She glanced at the clock. “Damn,” she muttered and started buttoning the shirt.

He wasn’t going to be able to compete with the clock or her priorities, he realized. So he got to his feet and moved to stand in front of her. He considered for a moment grabbing a robe and covering up, because naked would put the wrong emphasis on what he wanted to say, but he didn’t know where his robe was. He wasn’t sure he still had one. It had been a long time since he’d used it, if he did.

She bit the corner of her lip and looked at him again. Even with only traces of makeup left, her big, black eyes were still the most arresting feature she had, among a whole swag of more than stellar attributes, including her ability to slap down a challenge and shame a man into trying to win against her.

“I don’t know what last night was,” he said carefully. “Not even on my side of it. It came out of nowhere.”

She let out a breath and nodded. “It did.”

Her admission felt like a tiny victory to him. He held back his reaction. She was on a tight leash as it was. “What happens now…if anything happens now…I’m going to leave up to you,” he said carefully. “Call me. Don’t call me. I’ll cooperate either way.”

For the first time since she had woken, she looked at him with something close to frankness. “
romantic,” she breathed.

He nodded. “It’s not supposed to be. Look, you were dealing with something last night, something that has nothing to do with me. Not yet, anyway. I think…no, I
that for a little while, I helped. Yes?”

Never ask a question you don’t already know the answer to.
It was basic trial procedure, one of the few things he had retained from his dusty and interrupted legal training. Only now he was feeling his way, going on instinct. Sabrina defied stereotypes and he had no idea how to deal with her other than making it up as he went. She was that different.

A small smile touched the corner of her generous mouth, lifting it. “Yes, you helped,” she admitted. “Although that wasn’t why I—”

He cut her off with a wave of his hand. “I know that,” he said quickly. “I don’t think either of us knows why we ended up here. We did, though. It was good. It was better than good, Sabrina.”

She was back to studying him with her big eyes, not letting a sliver of her feelings or thoughts show. He imagined there were directors sitting across the board table from her who had faced that expression and felt just as lost.

He ploughed on. All he could do was finish saying what he wanted to say, then leave it up to her. “I don’t know what was going on. It wasn’t just sex and I’d like a chance to figure out what the rest of it was. That is, if you’re at all interested in finding out, too.”

There, he’d said it.

She frowned and opened her mouth to speak and he knew she was going to do the “it’s been great” speech. Disappointment speared him.

It was also when his phone rang, out in the kitchen, where he had dropped it on top of his jacket last night. He wasn’t sure if the perfect timing was a positive or a negative. “I’ll be right back. It’s just… I have to take the call. There aren’t a lot of people who have my phone number and none of them call without a good reason.”

She nodded and started working on the last button on her shirt, her head down.

He hurried into the kitchen, his heart moving way too fast for his liking. What was going on here, really? He barely knew her. It just didn’t feel like any of the thousands of nights he had brought a woman back here and parted on generally friendly terms the next morning. He was being truthful about wanting to figure out what the hell was going on.

It was Graham on the phone. He sighed and answered. “It’s six in the morning. This had better be an emergency,” he said, keeping his voice down.

“You took her home last night?” Graham demanded, his voice just as low and controlled. “Are you out of your tiny little mind?”

Daniel had reported back to Graham, Jake realized with a sinking sensation. Graham did pay his salary, but Jake was still pissed. Most of his anger was fueled by how foolish he felt for not considering this possibility. He had agreed to become more involved in the business. Only his uncle wasn’t going to slip the leash or fail to monitor him until he knew for certain Jake meant it this time.

“She’s a consenting adult and it’s none of your fucking business,” he told Graham, squeezing the phone.

“She’s the Director for Financial Reporting for a company who manages our off-shore investments,” Graham ground out. He was angry, too. “It didn’t occur to you that slipping her one would compromise our working relationship with Wentworth Kumatsu?”

Jake couldn’t help focusing on the crude euphemism. It wasn’t what last night had been. He knew that much. He knew it in his bones. “You’re being paranoid. And you can find Daniel someone else in the family to drive around, too. I don’t like being spied upon.”

Silence. He’d scored a minor point. The silence also confirmed his guess it was Daniel who had run back to Graham with the news about Sabrina.

“I’m only doing what your father would have wanted,” Graham said, his tone very even and controlled.

The knot already sitting in the middle of his chest expanded and grew harder and more painful. “Leave my fucking parents out of this,” he ground out, resting his fist on the marble next to his hip. “You’ve got my agreement to learn the family business. So stop playing the guilt card, Graham. It just gets my back up and makes me resent you more than I already do.”

“Then start behaving like you give a damn,” Graham replied. “You’re jeopardizing the family’s reputation by tangling with that bitch and you know it. You’re not stupid. Try to get a clue. If not for your parents, then for Brandy’s sake.”

This time the hurt was white hot and lethal. Jake closed his eyes. “You’re a fucking asshole,” he breathed. “We agreed never to talk about Brandy. I regret ever telling you about her.”

“That was your mistake,” Graham agreed without a trace of regret in his voice. “You know I’m right, so take a pill, take a shower, boot the broad and get your ass into the office, there’s a good boy.”

He hung up before Jake could respond.

Jake resisted the urge to throw the phone as violently as he could against the tiled backsplash. He already went through phones like most people used up cigarette packets because of his off-time activities. Deliberately destroying one would be pointless and probably wouldn’t make him feel any better, anyway.

“Excuse me…I just need to get my briefcase, next to you there,” Sabrina said from behind him.

Oh, shit
. He whirled. “How much did you hear?” he demanded, guilt and horror spewing bile through his system.

“Enough,” she said. She bent and picked up the briefcase, lying against the foot of the counter where she had dropped it last night. “Your uncle is right. There is a conflict of interest in us seeing each other.” She said it matter of factly, as she buckled the briefcase closed and slung the strap over her shoulder.

She was fully dressed and it pleased him in a dull, subconscious way that he could very nearly look her in eye when she was wearing high heels. It didn’t happen too often…unless the lady really
a model. Models were freaks of nature.

It was merely a secondary notion. He was still processing her statement about conflicts of interest. “So live dangerously,” he said. “Spice up your life with an illicit affair.” He said it lightly, because in his gut, he knew she was right and so was his uncle. This was a really bad idea, from a business perspective. He had to get better at thinking this sort of shit through.

Her reaction to his joke was odd. She almost winced. “I like boring and buttoned-down.” She gripped the strap with white knuckles. “It was great, thank you, Jake.”

He let out his breath on a sigh. “You’re sure?”

She gave him a smile that was more of a grimace. “Yeah, I think I am.”

“I’ll call for a cab—”

“No, I’d rather walk and find one myself, thanks.” She leaned forward and pressed her warm lips against his cheek. “This would have become complicated,” she breathed by his ear. “We both have way too much baggage.”

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