Sacking the Quarterback (8 page)

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Authors: Samantha Towle

BOOK: Sacking the Quarterback
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With his forehead pressed against mine, he closes his eyes and his breath comes out labored.

“Jesus,” he says. “That was amazing. You're amazing.”

I slide my hands down his back. “I didn't do a lot. It was all you.”

“But you're what I needed—all I need, Mel—it's you.”

Then he brushes his lips over mine, kissing me softly. He pulls out of me carefully and takes the condom off. I can't keep the smile from my lips, because this gorgeous man…the hottest man I've ever met…he just told me that the only thing he needs is me.

“You're smiling,” he says as he reaches me, moving back between my legs. He slides his hands around my waist.

“I am.”

“I like when you smile.”

Then he lifts me, and instinctively I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He starts walking through the kitchen.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

His smiling eyes meet mine. “To my bed, so I can make you smile some more.”

It's dark out
and Grayson has fallen asleep beside me. I take a moment to look at him. He looks relaxed and at peace. It's a look I've never seen on him before. Something pulls at my heart. I knew I had feelings for the man, but in this moment, I realize how strong those feelings are and have the potential to be.

But I have a lot to do—a man's life is on the line—so I quickly slip out of bed. After the week that Grayson's had, I know that he needs his sleep, so I move carefully. I don't want to wake him. More than anything, I want to stay here with him, but I need to go. I need to help him fix this mess that Tyler has gotten them into.

I look down at Grayson, tempted to kiss him before I leave, but I resist. I tiptoe out his bedroom and downstairs to retrieve my clothes. After I grab my cell from my bag, I go into the downstairs bathroom. I fire off a text to Tyler telling him that everything is okay and that he should stay put at my place. I have a few things to do and then I'll be home.

My phone beeps with Tyler's reply immediately:
Cool. I've eaten the entire contents of your fridge—hope that was okay?☺

Chuckling, I reply:
No problem. I'll be in touch soon.

I climb into a cab and give the driver my address. I stare out of the window at Grayson's house as the cab pulls away. I can still smell him all over me. The scent of him sends memories from the night screaming through my brain. My body shivers from those thoughts and then aches to be back with that man.

Closing my eyes, I breathe through the moment. Then, I turn on my work brain and fish my cell out of my bag. It's late, but I'm sure the person I need to call will be awake. I search through my contacts until I find his number. I press Call and put the phone to my ear.


“Hey, Matt,” I say carefully, noting the surprise in his voice. I can't say I blame him for it, since I haven't called him in a long time.

“Are you okay?” he asks with genuine concern in his voice. It makes me feel like a jerk for all the times I've been standoffish to him and for using him now. But, like I said, a man's life is on the line.

“I'm fine…but I need your help.”

“I'm looking over some reports at the coffee shop near my place, the one we always used to go to.”

“I'll be there in five minutes,” I say, and end the call. Then I ask the driver to take me to the new location.

Five minutes later, I'm walking into the shop. The scent of coffee sends my nerves into overdrive as soon as I push the door open. It feels weird to be here with Matt, but I push that aside, because I know I'm here for Grayson. He and Tyler need help, and Matt will be the one to provide it. He might be a pain in the ass at times, but he's a damn good cop.

I order my coffee and head to his table.

“Hey,” I say, hanging my bag on the back of my chair.

“Just like old times, being here with you,” he says with a smile, tipping his mug at me.

I don't chastise him for the comment, even though he knows better than to act like that's the reason I'm here. I don't want to get into a battle with him, especially since it's best if I stay on his good side right now.

“So, what can I do for you?”

I glance around and my eyes catch on a guy sitting over by the back, who's glued to his cell phone. I'm going to have to take my chances.

The barista brings the coffee over. I wait for her to leave before I start talking in a low voice. I tell Matt everything about Grayson's situation from start to finish—how he covered for his brother by holding the drugs, where those drugs came from, how Tyler was threatened by the cartel.

Matt doesn't say anything the whole time. He sits there and listens to me talk, taking it all in. When I'm done, I sit there staring at him, waiting for him to say something.

“Well, that's an absolute mess, Mel.”

After everything I've just told him, that's what he says. And he is right. It's a huge disaster.

“I know, and that's why I need your help—Grayson and Tyler need your help. We're talking about the cartel here, Matt. The minute they find out those drugs are missing…Tyler's as good as dead. And Grayson…” I trail off, because I can't bring myself to say the words.

Matt blows out a breath. It's a resigned sound and I'm not sure what it means. “I have a contact in the DEA,” he tells me. “I can call him, see what we can do to get them out of the mess they've got themselves in.” He reaches for his cell, and I reach over and put my hand on his arm. He pauses, his eyes meeting mine.

“Thank you, Matt,” I say earnestly. I move my hand away and into my lap.

“You don't have to thank me, Mel. You need help, and I'm there.”

It's late afternoon
and I'm heading back to my apartment. I spent most of the day with Matt at the police station, meeting his DEA contact, Paulo Dresden. We were mapping out a deal with him. Dresden is a short guy with a receding hairline who smells heavily of smoke and drinks way more coffee than I knew any one person could. He seems like a good guy and Matt trusts him. They went to the academy together.

Most importantly, Dresden has pulled together a good deal for Tyler—well, as good a deal as a person can get in these circumstances. Things won't be easy for him, since the DEA is proposing a plan that will turn his life upside down—he'll have to get a new identity and move into the Witness Protection Program.

Everything rests on Tyler agreeing to do this, and I would like to think that's a possibility, especially if he feels the same way about his brother as Grayson feels about him. I would hope he'd also do anything to keep him safe.

I walk toward my door, a little apprehensive about seeing the guys. Grayson joined Tyler at my place after I called to tell him it'd take me a while to sort things out at the police station. I'm sure they're going a little stir-crazy. They've been hunkered down all day.

My stomach flips at the thought of seeing Grayson. Grayson, who drove me wild last night. I force deep, steadying breaths to calm myself.

He's just a man. One you've spent half the night getting hot and sweaty with, but still just a man.

I open the door and let myself in. My eyes connect with Grayson's instantly. Seeing someone for the first time after you've had sex with him is always nerve-racking, but I didn't expect to feel the way I do looking at Grayson right now. Like my whole world is centered around this one man.

But suddenly my world gets flipped again. There's nothing in Grayson's face or eyes. They're emotionless and cold. And I don't know if he's angry with me for leaving before he woke or just indifferent about what happened between us last night.

My heart sinks. Grayson said a lot of things last night—telling me how much he wanted me—but men generally say those kinds of things when they've got their cock deep inside you. It doesn't necessarily mean they want you forever.

I force a polite smile and gesture for them both to sit in the plushy couch in my living room. “Thanks for your patience,” I say, dropping into a chair across from them. I look at Tyler as I speak because it just seems easier to do. Looking at Grayson right now would be like staring at the sun—it'd blind me. I can smell his cologne, teasing and taunting me. I take a breath and decide to just go straight into it. “I spent the last fourteen hours or so with Sergeant Daughtry—”

“The cop who arrested me?” Grayson demands. His words force me to look at him, and when I do, I swear to God I see jealousy burning in his eyes.

Why would he be jealous? Grayson isn't looking at me like he cares about me. And he doesn't know Matt is my ex, anyway
does he?

“Yes. I went to Sergeant Daughtry—Matt—because I trust him—”

Grayson snorts.

I ignore him and focus on Tyler, who is giving Grayson the side-eye. “I told Matt everything both of you told me. I thought it'd be easier to work with Matt on this, since he was the arresting officer in both of your cases. There's no reason to bring a third party in. Also, Matt has a contact in the DEA named Paulo Dresden. He called Dresden, brought him in, and the three of us hashed out a deal for you, Tyler.”

“What's the deal?” Grayson asks.

I look at him. His expression is still blank.

“The deal is that both of you make a statement that says that Grayson had nothing to do with the drugs the police found on him that night in Liv. You tell them the only thing Grayson did was hide them for you, Tyler. Even though the police found the drugs on Grayson, Matt is willing to let the charge drop so long as”—I focus on Tyler, because this affects him the most—“you give up names of the main players in the cartel who you work for, and you testify against them—”

“No,” Grayson says, cutting me off.

“Gray…” Tyler says his name in a gentle warning.

“No, Ty. You take this deal, you know what that means? If you testify in a trial, your life will be in danger. You—”

“It's already in danger,” Tyler cuts him off. “The second I got involved with these people I was putting my life on the line. I got involved and now I have to face the consequences by myself. I can't let my big brother face them for me.” Tyler turns to me and says, “I'll be protected, right? By the DEA?”

“Yes. Full protection. Then…” I bite my lip, pausing, because I can guess how Grayson will react to this piece of information. “After the trial, you'll go into witness protection and be given a new identity.”

“Hell, no,” Grayson says, getting off the couch. “Tyler, you're not going into witness protection. If you go, I'll never see you again.”

Tyler gets to his feet, turning to Grayson. “I have to do this. There's no other choice.”

“I'll take the rap on the drug charge,” Grayson says, turning to me. I can see the panic in his eyes. “I'll go to jail. Call Daughtry, tell him that's the way it'll be.”

“No,” Tyler says in a firm voice. “I'm not letting you mess up your life for me. I should have never let you take those drugs from me in the first place. This is on me. I screwed up. You have a life and a great career—I saw how hard you worked, all your life, to get into the NFL. And now you have Mel. I won't have you lose that because of me.”

He puts his hands on Grayson's upper arms, looking him in the face. His voice drops lower and turns more serious. “Even if I was selfish enough to let you do that, it won't make any difference anyway, Gray. The cartel knows I was arrested—they left me my first warning when they came to my apartment. Once they realize that there are charges against you that match mine and that I stole those drugs from their stash, they'll put everything together and I'll be as good as dead. You too, man. I won't let that happen.”

Tyler swivels his head toward me and says, “This offer from the DEA is the best chance I have. Right?”

I see fear in his eyes and a desperate need for support, so I give it to him. I push up to my feet and say, “He's right, Grayson.”

Grayson looks at me and I see the moment he accepts the plan. Hurt fills his eyes and defeat slumps his shoulders. He pulls his eyes from me and back to Tyler. He takes Tyler's face in his hands, looking him in the eye. “I'll be there for you the whole way. I won't let you down.”

“I know, Gray. I know. You never have.”

Then Grayson wraps his arms around his younger brother, and I turn away to look out the window and give them their moment. It also gives me the chance to discreetly wipe away the tear that decided to show up and escape from my eye.

I hear Tyler clear his throat. Then he says, “So what now?”

I turn back to the brothers. “Now we go see Matt Daughtry.”

The three of
go to the police station. Grayson and I go in first, so he can give Matt his statement about what happened the night he was arrested. Next, it's Tyler's turn to give his statement. Then Matt brings Grayson back in and tells him that the charges against him are officially dropped.

I've got to say, even though I knew it was coming, it's still a relief to hear. Matt tells Tyler that he should expect a call from Paulo Dresden within the hour, since the DEA agent will now be in charge of Tyler's case.

Since Tyler is advised not to go back to his apartment, we decide that he'll go to a safe house until the DEA gets in touch regarding the next step. That's when they'll collect the names of the key cartel players that they need, and then they can start making plans for their arrest.

Even though the cartel doesn't know that Tyler is talking to the police or the DEA, there's still a distinct possibility that they could find out about the missing drugs. Tyler's apartment is definitely a dangerous place for him to be right now.

Matt walks us all out. Tyler is up ahead, Grayson is glued to my side, and Matt is on my other side, at a slight distance from me. I'm starting to get the distinct impression that Grayson knows that Matt and I have a history.

Grayson's been off whenever he deals with Matt. I mean, I know the guy arrested Grayson once, but Matt has helped him today—and he's helped his brother. Grayson should be grateful for that. But his snide comments and attitude haven't shown that. When he made a crack about my “best friend Matt” to me, I cottoned on to the reason for his problem with the guy.

He was definitely jealous.

Superstar Grayson Knight was jealous of Matt Daughtry. All because of me.

I won't deny that I got a little thrill from knowing that the green-eyed monster was at work on Grayson. Some things just make a woman happy.

But Grayson's jealousy confuses me, because he's been so incommunicative ever since last night. Not that I've rushed to talk about things either, but I think that I've been cordial. It's strange that this morning and around Matt…well, I'm half-expecting Grayson to pee on me, so he can mark his territory.

I guess Grayson and I do need to talk about what happened between us. I'm worried about what last night was for him.…What if he was just chasing the unobtainable? Maybe I was something forbidden to him. Something he couldn't have. Now he's had that something—
—maybe the thrill has worn off and he's just not interested anymore.

Maybe the jealousy thing with Matt is more about male pride than anything else.

I guess the only way I'll know is if I talk to Grayson about it. Have a proper conversation with him. And I will talk to Grayson, once we've got Tyler settled at the safe house.

“Thank you for all of your help, Matt,” I say, offering a smile and also my hand. Even though shaking Matt's hand seems too formal after everything he's done, I don't think hugging him would be the best idea with Grayson standing right beside me like some sort of animalistic predator. Who knows what he would do.

Matt stares down at my hand in his. A chuckle escapes him as he shakes his head. “Anytime, Mel. I told you earlier: You need help, you call me first.”

“I know. Thanks again.”

Matt is still holding my hand, even though he's stopped shaking it.

Grayson clears his throat. I take that as my cue to move. I ease my hand from Matt's, giving him one last smile of thanks before I leave. I walk through the door that Tyler is holding open. Grayson is on my heel, his hand possessively on my lower back.

His touch surprises me. It's the first time he's touched me since last night. The skin that his hand presses against feels like it's on fire. Even though there are layers of clothing between his hand and my back, I can still feel the heat of his fingertips.

I lift my eyes to him. The look in his face is heated with anger and lust. The combination is one hell of a sight, and my needs flare to life. My need for him.

I break eye contact so I can breathe. This isn't a moment we need to be having now. But it's one we need to have soon, if my libido has any say.

We've just hit the sidewalk when suddenly I hear the screech of tires. I look up and see a car moving down the street toward us. Panic stiffens my spine.

The car is a black Escalade with full blacked-out windows and no license plate. I feel completely paralyzed as I watch it. Those windows lower, almost as if in slow motion. I see the guns poke out from behind them.

Matt yells something.

Tyler turns and yells, “Get down!” His words hit my ears, but it sounds like I'm hearing them underwater.

Everything seems to slow right down, almost to a stop. I'm frozen and the guns are pointed in my direction.

I'm going to die.

Out of nowhere, someone grabs me and throws me to the ground. A large body lands on top of me, covering me, just as the earsplitting shots are fired.

All I can hear is the sound of screams and bullets spraying everywhere.

My eyes are closed and my heart thunders in my chest. I have never felt fear like this in my life. It seems like the gunshots go on forever.

The deafening noise stops as quickly as it started. My breath is caught in my throat and I'm afraid that a second spray is going to be aimed at us. But then I hear the distinct sound of tires screeching away.

They've gone.

I almost cry in relief.

There's only silence for a long second, as if someone has hit pause on the world around me.

Then the yelling begins as everything instantly comes back to life. Grayson's voice is loud and clear as he speaks to me. He keeps it surprisingly calm as he says, “I got you, baby. Are you okay?” He doesn't move his body off mine.

“Y-yeah, I'm fine,” I say, my voice trembling. “They didn't”—I mentally check my body for pain, but there's nothing—“I'm okay. Are you—?”

“They didn't get me. I'm fine.”

“Thank God.” I breathe a sigh of relief. I couldn't bear it if anything had happened to him.

Grayson lifts himself up slightly but doesn't move off me completely. It's almost like he's afraid to leave me.

“Tyler?” I ask, my voice still trembling.

“He's fine.”

I follow his line of sight to see Tyler sitting on the ground, looking completely shocked but physically okay. Matt is with him, and seems uninjured. He's checking over Tyler.

I shift, turning my face so I can look at Grayson. He looks fine, calm, but I see the fear and disbelief in his eyes. And I know how he feels, because I'm right there with him. I've realized, in this moment, how much he's come to mean to me. I knew I cared for him. Now I know how much.

Grayson's looking deeply into my eyes.

There's this moment where something intimate passes between us. He cups my cheek in his hand. “Mel, I—”

But he doesn't get to finish whatever he was going to say. Police officers come swarming out of the building, ready to help. The wail of an ambulance gets louder until the vehicle pulls up close to us, and paramedics jump out to check over our injuries. Whatever Grayson was going to say to me gets lost in the mire.

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