Sacred Surrender (11 page)

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Authors: Ava Riley

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Sacred Surrender
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She leaned her head back against the tub, enjoying the relaxing comfort of the hot water and cleared her mind of any thoughts of Rowan, work or anything else.  She needed to find her center point because since she’d moved from her small town in Kansas, she felt off balance.  Even her morning runs had failed to balance her out and they always helped. She’d tried to convince herself that the move had affected her mood, but deep down inside she knew it was this man who pre-occupied every waking thought, hell every moment of unconsciousness as well.  Finally she completely shut herself down mentally, the serenity of the moment encompassing her. 


Rowan felt on edge.  The corona with a touch of salt did nothing to take away that edge either.  Here it was already Wednesday afternoon and he’d not seen or heard from Madison since they’d met for lunch on Saturday. They exchanged phone numbers, but she hadn’t called and he didn’t want to be intrusive. They hadn’t even talked about seeing each other again, but he’d hoped to at least get a glimpse of her. He knew her first week of work would be a hectic one trying to get settled, so he didn’t want to push anything. He couldn’t get her out of his mind, though; her taste still lingered on his lips.  When he kissed her on the boardwalk, he felt like a school boy experiencing his very first kiss. It was electrifying. Sure his body reacted to it, but the emotions that flooded his heart were overwhelming and he wanted to experience more.  He had been pleasantly surprised when she’d pulled him in for another kiss and knew that when he finally got her into bed she would wonton.  He couldn’t wait to experience that with her. 


Tonight was his last free night before his vacation ended and he wanted to see her.  He needed to spend time with her before he went back to his graveyard shift at the hospital.  Their schedules were so different that if not tonight, he wasn’t sure when he’d be able to see her again.  Rowan decided that dinner was in order for the two of them.  She’d most likely not want to go out after a long day at work, so he was going to make special plans for them.  He quickly sent her a text asking her to have dinner and then went right to work on getting everything together for their night. 


Madison sat at the round brown table in the middle of Advance Pharmaceutical’s lunch room with her new co-workers, eating the ham on wheat sandwich she’d packed herself this morning.  She liked the girls in the office, although they were much older than she was, they made her feel welcome and part of the group already.  This week was mostly about paperwork, learning the facility and getting to know the other employees.  Although, the work wasn’t stressful, it still drained her mentally.  As she sat more listening to the other ladies, her cell phone began to vibrate.  She was surprised that someone would be texting her since other than her mother, no one knew her new number and her mother didn’t have a clue as to how to use text messaging.  She laughed thinking back to when she tried to teach her mother how to text.  That had been a lost cause before the lesson even started.  When Rowan’s name popped up on her phone, she remembered they’d exchanged numbers.  When she’d given him her number, she honestly hadn’t expected him to call and most certainly not text.  She figured since he hadn’t made an effort to contact her since their lunch date, he’d decided not to pursue anything.  When she tapped her cell screen to retrieve her messages she sat dumbfounded and giddy all at the same time. 


Hi Beautiful. I hope your first week of work is going well. I was hoping you would allow me the honor of making you dinner.  Would you join me at La Rowan Wroth for dinner? 


Madison felt her cheeks heat.  He was thinking of her and wanted to make her dinner.  No one, other than her parents, had ever made her dinner.  She quickly responded. 


Thank you, Rowan, I would love to join you for dinner.  I get off work at five thirty, what time would you like me over? 


Seven.  Enjoy the rest of your day. 


Thank you.  See you at seven. 


Madison struggled the rest of the afternoon trying to keep her mind focused on work instead of on Rowan, a task she found impossible to accomplish. 
  He was making her dinner.  She didn’t even care what he planned, just that he had.  The simple gesture of taking the time to cook for her spoke volumes about the man that lay deep within.  On top of being drop dead gorgeous, he was kind, considerate and thoughtful.  He could have easily taken her out, but he was making her dinner.  The gesture kept playing over and over in her mind.  She was thankful too because she didn’t have the energy to go out.  As soon as she filed her last folder, her task as the new employee, she grabbed her purse and keys, high tailing it out of the office.  Advance was about thirty minutes from her house, if traffic wasn’t too crazy, so she’d have just enough time to get ready and be at Rowan’s by seven. 


Madison wanted to call her mom to let her know about her date tonight, so she attached the Bluetooth to her ear and dialed the number. Long Beach had a law against the use of cell phones while driving and required a hands free device. She stopped at an electronics store first thing when she drove into town to purchase one. Most of her phone time usually took place while she was in her car, so she knew it would be money well spent.  She used the entire drive home on the phone with her mother, filling her in on her new job, how the house was coming along and answering all the questions she knew her father would have asked in regards to Rowan.  Of course, when her mother found out he was a doctor, she was ecstatic. Madison said her I love you and goodbyes as she pulled her Altima into the driveway. Glancing at the dashboard clock, she was surprised to see that it had taken her almost forty minutes to get home.  She had less than an hour to get ready and, although his house was only a stone’s throw away, she’d still be cutting it close. 


Madison grabbed her purse, closed the door behind her and set the car alarm.  When she reached her front porch, yet another surprise awaited her.  Lying at the foot of the wooden door was a bouquet of purple lilies. They were her favorite flower, but it wasn’t something that was public knowledge.  She reached down, picked up the bouquet and inhaled the scent that was specific to lilies.  Attached was a cream colored envelope. Pulling the card from its envelope, the smile she felt deep within her soul reached her lips.


I saw these lilies and their beauty reminded me of you.  I’m looking forward to our night. ~ Rowan 


“The man is not only good looking, but smooth also,” she thought out loud. 


Madison took a deep breath before she placed the key in the lock, quickly stepping through the threshold of her home.  She needed to get in the shower and make herself presentable for tonight.  Throwing her keys in the basket sitting on the end table next to her coffee colored couch, she hung her purse on the coat rack standing in the corner of the living room.  She walked into the kitchen, grabbed the blue vase from the table that held the lilies she had bought a week ago tossing the old ones in the trash.  She quickly rinsed the vase, putting in fresh water then added the lilies Rowan left her.  After placing the vase back on the table, she made her way to her bedroom.  She quickly showered and dressed.  By the time she made herself decent, the clock indicated that it was almost seven. 


Chapter 9




Rowan put the finishing touches on the cucumber salad he prepared to accompany the steak dinner he planned for him and Madison. He wanted the evening to be perfect.  He placed the salad bowl on the oak kitchen table just as the doorbell rang.  He glanced up at the clock on the stainless range.  Seven o’clock right on the dot.  He loved a prompt woman.  Madison kept giving him reason after reason to fall for her. 


He quickly made his way to the front door, not wanting her to spend any more time away from him, opening it to a smiling Madison.  She was absolutely beautiful.  Her shoulder length dark hair, not in the usual ponytail he was used to seeing, lay in ringlets around her face, punctuating the sparkle of her hazel eyes.  She wore a pair of faded blue jeans that hugged her slender hips with a white button up blouse covering a black tank top that was undone three buttons down.  She looked amazing and perfect.  He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. 


“Hello.  You look great,” he said, trying to keep the nervousness from his voice. 


“Thank you.  I appreciate the invitation.” 


“Well, come on in.  I was just about to put the steaks on the grill.” 


“Sounds great,” she responded as she followed him into the kitchen. 


“Would you like some wine?” 


“I’d love a glass.” 


Rowan grabbed the bottle of wine he had chilling in the ice filled sink and two wine glasses from the cabinet above his head. His hands felt shaky. Not from the cold bottle, but because of how Madison made him feel just from being in his personal space.  He handed her a glass and held his glass in the air. 


“To new beginnings.  Salud.” 


Madison smiled at him and couldn’t help but think of all the new beginnings she’d like to experience with him.  Raising her own glass she echoed his sentiments, “To new beginnings.” 


Rowan grabbed the plate with the two t-bone steaks, his grilling utensils and his glass of wine.  “Would you like to join me while I grill?” 


“Absolutely.  I’ve been cooped up all day, so some fresh air will be nice.”  Madison was uncertain as to what she would do otherwise. 


“How do you like your steaks?  I’m guessing rare.” 


“Definitely rare.” 


While Madison watched Rowan grill she couldn’t help but smile.  Men were so in their element with a pair of grilling tongs and a fired up grill.  He was no different from any other man in the world.  Well, he was different in that he made her body ache with need.  Even standing there with the flames from the grill encompassing the raw meat, in a pair of dark blue jeans and black t-shirt that stretched across his muscled chest, he looked mouth-watering.  She’d just as soon forget about the flame broiled meat and have a taste of him.  She was shaken from her thoughts when Rowan leaned over and pressed his lips to hers.  The taste of wine on his lips was more intoxicating than the wine in her glass. 


“Mmmm, you taste wonderful, beautiful.”  


She hung her head slightly, afraid to let him see how his words affected her.  “Thank you, you taste wonderful too,” she said as her cheeks flushed from the admission and her body tingled from his touch. 


“Why do you do that?”  He didn’t want to seem abrupt, but he noticed that every time he complimented her she hung her head.


“Do what?”


“Shy away from compliments.” 


“I’m just not used to compliments.  I mean, other than my father, no man has ever called me beautiful.”


Rowan shook his head and went back to flipping the steaks,  “I find that hard to believe.” 


Madison didn’t answer him because she didn’t want to come across as fishing for more compliments.  And honestly it
a little embarrassing that at twenty-three, she’d not been told something as simple as that.  She felt completely out of her element.  Her lack of experience with the opposite sex would ruin everything with Rowan.  She was taken off guard when he placed his empty glass on the round steel patio table just behind him, intertwined his fingers with hers and continued to flip the steaks.  Although Madison had been surprised by the gesture, it felt right.  More right than anything ever had in her life. 


“Well, looks like they’re done.  Are you ready to eat?”  he asked just moments later. 


“Yes, I am.  I’m starving.  The ham sandwich I had for lunch didn’t do much to quench my appetite.”


Rowan grinned at her as they walked through the back door.  Thoughts of quenching her physical appetites didn’t stop at food.  He wanted to satisfy all of her needs.  Deciding to keep that bit of information to himself for the time being, he winked at her as if to say I’ve got a secret you can’t hear.

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