Safe In Your Arms (11 page)

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Authors: Kelliea Ashley

BOOK: Safe In Your Arms
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Chapter Eleven

When the noisy chopper touched down in the Bradys’ backyard Gabriel and Mina were ready for it. Gabriel had a backpack strapped to his back filled with food and water. Mina held a tote carrying clothes and supplies. In her other hand was a shoebox, holding one very unhappy kitten that she’d named Lucky.

Mina fought to catch her breath as the door slid open and two soldiers jumped out. One stayed on the helicopter and motioned them inside. Gabe grasped her arm and propelled her in front of him. Firm hands clutched her, yanking her up into the big, metallic beast. The soldier guided her into a seat and proceeded to belt her in. When he reached for the shoebox, Mina shook her head and held it to her chest. He nodded and grabbed the mic of his headset.

“The package is aboard and ready. ETA forty minutes.” Mina smiled as Gabe sank down beside her. A glance outside the chopper’s still-open door made her gasp. A swarm of the undead was running straight toward them. Guns popped as the soldiers jumped into the chopper, dropping Z’s one after the other, but more took their places. One of the soldiers was almost pulled out of the helicopter by a zombie whose head jerked back as the other soldier shot his head off. The door slammed shut as Mina felt the chopper lift off.

Her stomach dropped, her hand reaching over to clutch Gabe’s knee. His hand covered hers and squeezed. A yowl from the shoebox made her smile as she tried to calm her racing heart.

“Easy, Duchess. You are safe.” Gabe spoke directly into her ear, his warm breath making her face heat and her mouth water.

Across from them, one of the soldiers was gripping his lethal-looking weapon as he looked out the window beside him. He shook his head, speaking into the mic rapidly. Mina turned her head to look out the window as well. Her jaw dropped as she watched the mass of Z’s below. They were like a mob of arms and heads. Several were fighting on the fringes, mouths biting and tearing rotten flesh off their own kind. Black liquid flowed from the middle of the crowd outward in a macabre swirl that made her taste bile in the back of her throat. The Z’s had taken one more step down the descending ladder of evolution.

“Don’t look, Mina.” Gabe turned her head with a gentle finger under her jaw. She met his gaze and swallowed hard. He shook his head, his thumb brushing her lower lip. “Focus on us. We are safe.” She nodded, turning her head to lay it on his strong shoulder.

The flight seemed to take forever, but finally they touched down in a field of choppers and jets. She even noticed Air Force One sitting in pristine condition in front of a huge chain-link fence. The fence seemed at least ten feet tall and topped by a coil of barbed wire. Signs warned of high voltage. A shiver raced up her spine as an army Jeep pulled up to them.

“Miss Brady? I’m to take you both to the senator.” The driver waited until they were settled in their seats before heading on a path parallel to the lake. Trees, tall and beautiful, nearly blocked out the sun as they drove through them. Finally, they came to another gate, this one made of steel.

“Guess we’re heading into the belly of the beast,” Gabe commented. Their driver looked at him with a grin.

“All this was constructed in two weeks’ time. You are entering the last refuge for the United States government.” The soldier shrugged a shoulder. “What’s left of it at any rate.

The guard at the gate held a massive weapon aimed straight at them, his body covered in armor and a helmet shielding his face. “Your orders are to take them to decontamination first, Lieutenant Rylie.”

“First thing, soldier.” The gates swung open as the Jeep moved into a massive compound. Tents were set up on both sides of them. A medical unit, marked by a huge red cross, was their first stop.

They were taken to separate tents, which pissed Gabriel off. She could hear him cursing out the doctors on the other side of the canvas walls. She was fine until the nurse grabbed up the box with Lucky in it. Mina didn’t utter a protest when the doctor made her strip naked and had the female nurse look her over for any bite marks or signs of contamination, but she came off the table with a snarl of warning when the woman grabbed the box.

“Back off, bitch! That is my kitten and she is perfectly healthy.” Mina grabbed one end of the box. The nurse, an older woman with a mean bedside manner, glared at her as she tugged on the box.

“This should have been confiscated at the gate. No animals are allowed within the perimeter, Miss Brady. Let it go. It has to be destroyed.”

“The hell it does!” Mina swung, her fist hitting the nurse just as the doctor came rushing in along with another nurse and Gabriel, who was wearing his black boxers and nothing more. Hell broke loose as the nurse went down and the doctor grabbed at Mina. Gabe yanked the doctor back roughly.

“Get your hands off her!” Gabe shoved him back.

“What the hell is going on here?” The authority in the deep voice had everyone freezing to look toward the door and the tall man standing there. His brown eyes, the exact same shade as Mina’s own, took in the chaos with a deep frown. “Mina, cover yourself up.” His gaze turned to Gabriel, who positioned himself protectively in front of her.

“Da...” She cleared her throat and grabbed a paper robe off the table beside her. “Father, it’s good to see you.”

“What is the meaning of this...scene?” He folded his arms and raised an eyebrow.

“The animal must go!” The nurse struggled to her feet and wobbled as she moved behind the doctor, holding her bleeding nose.

“She goes and I go!” Mina held the box close to her chest.

“Wait just a minute. What is in the box, Mina?” her father asked. Mina stepped around Gabe, who followed her over to her father.

“She’s just a kitten, Father. No bites, no sign of disease. That...woman wanted to have her disposed of.” The nurse glared as Mina turned to look at her. She lifted the lid of the box and pulled the kitten out. Lucky cuddled under her chin, a soft purr vibrating as she rubbed against Mina’s throat. Her father took a long-suffering sigh.

“Animals are not allowed within the compound, Mina. It has to be taken care of.”

“The hell it does!” Mina felt Gabe’s warm hands on her shoulders as he moved behind her.

“Senator Brady, with all due respect, your daughter has been through a traumatic few weeks. The least you can do is bend a rule that seems unnecessary to begin with.” Gabe’s tone was respectful but strong.

“Who are you? And tell me why you are naked and touching my daughter.”

“Lieutenant Gabriel Landing, at your service. I’m touching your daughter because she needs support and because I love her, sir.”

“Oh...” Benjamin Brady was rarely ever at a loss for words, but he quickly looked at them both with a shocked nod. “All right. We will discuss this matter when all parties are properly dressed. Have they passed your tests, Doctor Prawn?”

“Yes, sir. However, the animal...”

“The animal stays with us.” Gabe’s tone was final. He glared at the doctor, his jaw tight as Mina looked at him over her shoulder.

“Get dressed. I’ll meet you at the Commons.” Senator Brady looked down at his daughter with a look of disapproval. “Good to have you here, Mina.” Then he turned and left them.

An hour later they were dressed and sitting in the hallway of the biggest building on site. The flags indicated that the building housed the president and the joint chiefs, as well as some of the nation’s representatives. Mina sat there petting the sleeping kitten that was curled up in her lap. She didn’t dare leave Lucky behind in the tent that was appointed to them. The doctor took great pleasure in telling her they would not be permitted to stay in one of the buildings if she persisted in keeping the animal with her.

Thankfully, Gabe told him the tent was just like home. She wanted to kiss every square inch of his face as he grinned at the shocked doctor. She turned to him, staring at his handsome face. “Thank you, Gabriel.”

“For what, Mina?” He gave her a questioning look.

“For supporting me. No one does that for me. No one has ever taken my side, especially against my father.”

“My pleasure. I will always be on your side.” He lifted her hand to brush a soft kiss against her knuckles. The door to her father’s office opened and a secretary dressed in a pencil skirt and chic silk blouse came out. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a loose bun, her makeup impeccable.

“Mina, I’m so glad you made it.” Callista Brady held a bundle of papers to her chest. Her blue eyes moved to Gabe and widened in pleasure. “Gabriel! I can’t believe it!” As they stood up, Callie moved into his arms, holding him tightly for more than a few seconds. Mina felt the kitten’s sharp claws dig into her arm as she realized she was squeezing her tightly.

“Callie, you look great. Your sister was so worried about you.” Gabe set her from him, his arm going around Mina’s waist.

“Callie, why weren’t you at the summer house? Where is Mom? And...I’m so happy you’re safe.” Mina wrapped one arm around her younger sister, careful not to smush Lucky. Callie’s entire body stiffened, and then slowly eased as Mina held her.

“I’m happy to see you, too.” Callie pulled back, her eyes watery as she studied Mina. “Mom didn’t make it. It was...bad.”

“Oh, God!” Mina turned to hide her horror in Gabriel’s warm chest. His arms wrapped around her. Soft words of comfort eased her tears as she heard Lucky mew between them.

“I’m sorry, Mina. There was nothing that could be done...” Mina turned to see Callie wipe a hand over her face. Her eyes moved to Gabe’s hand as it rubbed at Mina’s arm. “Dad would like to see you now. I’ll keep Gabriel company while you talk.” Callie grinned up at him.

“I’d love to catch up, Callie, but I’m going in with Mina.”

Both women looked at him in surprise. Callie was the first to react, her eyes moving from him to Mina. “I see.” She nodded her head, obvious disappointment in her tone. “Then go right on in.”

“Callie...” Mina grabbed her arm as she went to turn away. “I love you.” Mina felt saddened as Callie looked startled. Then her red lips pulled into a sincere smile.

“I love you too, Mina. We’ll talk when you’re through with Father.” She reached out and rubbed the kitten’s chin before she left them.

“She still hates me,” Mina whispered softly.

“No, she doesn’t.” Gabe cupped her cheek, dropping a quick kiss on her lips. “She just needs to spend some time with you, Duchess. Give her time.”

“Okay.” She took a deep breath, filling her lungs as she stepped through the open door to face her father.

He wasn’t alone. A general with four stars on his uniform stood next to her father. “Lieutenant Landing, I’m General Tullis. I’ve been informed you are active military. It is good to have you join us.”

Gabriel immediately went to full attention beside her and saluted.

“At ease, soldier.” At the general’s words, Gabe relaxed his stance and shook the man’s hand.

“General Tullis, good to meet you, sir.”

“I think it would be to our best interest to debrief you ASAP. If you’ll come with me, we’ll get you back in uniform and on the front lines, soldier.” The general held out his hand in the direction of the door.

“General, with all due respect, I would like to stay—”

“No, Gabriel. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you when you’re finished.” Mina couldn’t stop him from doing his duty. If the general was willing to overlook his decision to stay with his family, then he really needed to walk a fine line with the man. Defying his orders for a woman who wasn’t his wife would go over like a ton of bricks. Gabriel turned toward her, his hands taking hold of her arms as he studied her face.

“Are you sure? I can stay with you.”

“I’ll be fine. We’ll talk later. Go.” She worked up a smile that had him nodding his head. The worried look on his face told her he didn’t believe her, but the quick kiss he dropped on her lips was a silent thanks for her understanding his need to go.

“See you soon, Duchess.” His grin as he turned to leave gave her a soft ball of cotton candy good feelings right in her tummy. “Senator Brady, we also need to have a talk once you’re available.” He stuck out a hand that her father had to take, though the narrowing of his eyes told her that her father wasn’t thrilled with it.

“I look forward to it.” Her father nodded. He waited until the door shut firmly behind the other men before coming around the desk to stand before her. Mina felt his studious look and his disapproval all the way down to her toes.

“Callie told me about Mom.” She felt her eyes burn, but pushed her emotions down with tremendous effort. The senator never liked to see the girls cry in front of him. It made him look bad and a political figure had to be careful how his family members appeared at all times.

“I’m glad she was the one to tell you. I didn’t want to break that news to you. She...” He swallowed and his brows drew together as he looked away from her. Mina blinked in surprise as he took a shaky breath. “She was very brave. Her actions saved Callie.” He folded his arms, effectively changing the subject as he looked back at her. “Now, about this soldier who rescued you...”

“His name is Gabriel Landing.” She didn’t like his tone of voice. Gabe didn’t deserve his disrespect and she wouldn’t stand for it.

“Lieutenant Landing, then. I hope you know he will be put back in his place. You will move in here with Callie. Grateful as I am to him for saving you, I will not allow you to stay in a tent with the man.”

“How old am I?” Her question seemed to startle him.


“How old am I? You clearly don’t remember, or care, so I’ll put you out of your awkward misery. I’m twenty-two, Dad. I don’t live under your roof; I haven’t since I left for school.”

“Don’t use that tone with me, little girl.”

“Don’t call me a little girl.” She kept her tone even, though she was stroking Lucky’s fur a bit fast. “I’m a grown woman. One, who has a mind and a life of her own. Wake up, Senator Brady. You don’t have the right to order me around, or pick who I get involved with.”

“If you had one ounce of respect for me—”

“No, if you had one ounce of love for me, then you wouldn’t be so worried about your damn career, you’d be thankful I’m alive. Z-Day, in case you haven’t noticed, has changed the rules. We don’t need senators to survive, we need men like Gabriel Landing. I need him. I want him. I love him. I’m staying with him in a little tent on the edge of this...compound.” She turned to walk away, but his hand on her arm stopped her.

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