Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels) (15 page)

BOOK: Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels)
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Almost frozen, Adam didn’t kno
w what to do or what she might need

“I’m sorry, Eve. I didn’t want any of this to happen.” Adam’
s heart pounded as he saw the pain in her face.

Without warning, she leapt at him. “Please
, just
don’t leave me. I know I told you to leave
me to die, but I was
” she cried. The pain of her cries tore through his soul. Adam had hated seeing her go through the grieving process wh
en her husband had died, but this was worse and
it just about killed him.

“Shhh,” he whispered and pulled
her hair away from her face. Those luscious lips tempted him again and he couldn’t stop himself as he captured her mouth.
The taste of her filled him and his body hardened as he pressed against her. Eve’s hands slowly drifted toward his stomach and he knew that if she went any lower they would end up on the ground, naked. Grasping her hands by the
he stopped her.

“We must move,” he stated sternly. Eve started to say something, but Adam stopped her with a finger against her lips.

“Don’t you dare tell me you’re sorry, because I’m not. Now, c
an you make it or do I need to throw you over my shoulder?”

Eve looked up at him with eyes wide of surprise. “You can’t carry me. You’ve been shot!”

Smiling, he knew he’d brought the fight back out in her.
“I beg to differ. I know I can carry you even though my arm would like
. Shall we?”
He motioned upward and they began their final steps out of the trees.

Finally, after their long trek they were on the road. Several cars passed them from either direction and then a rusty old blue
approached them. The driver sl
owed down and opened the window.
“You two need a ride to the marina? Koa sent me.”

Adam opened the car door first and got in, pulling her behind him onto the faded beige leather seats
It felt so good to sit for a moment, it felt even better that Adam had his arm around her waist pulling her as close to him as possible.

picking us up
,” Adam
said to the man.

“No problem. I’m Koa’s brother Kei, by the way. Koa said you had car trouble today and just needed to get back to your boat.” He had long black hair pulled back into a ponytail, the tank top that he wore revealed huge muscles and numerous tribal tattoos.

“Nice to meet you Kei, and yes you could say that we had some car trouble,” Adam replied smiling as he turned to look at her.

“Looks like you got yourself hurt?” 
Kei asked.

“It’s not too bad
am didn’t take
his eyes off of her.
Eve’s gaze
still had a hollow look after t
he explosion, but he knew it would
He held his breath for a moment a
s she leaned against him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
Adam knew she clung to him out of fear, but he welcomed her touch nonetheless.
Her breathing leveled off to a normal rate as t
hey arrived at the mar
Koa was there waiting for them
at the end of the dock and
rushed to the car
as they came to a stop

“Mr. St. James, are you
all right
sir?” Koa asked.

. Is
the boat ready?”
The pain had really dulled so that he had almost forgotten about it.
Adam got out of the car and turned back to help Eve as she slid out of the car

“Yes sir. It is ready as you requested. Ms. Nash it is good to see you unharmed,” he added.

“Thank you Koa and it’s nice to finally meet you.” She smiled as she extended her a
rm out offering to shake his. Koa
shook her hand briefly and then Adam interrupted by taking her hand back into his.
Adam could not believe the rage that went through his body when Koa touched her. Even knowing that it was completely innocent, it enraged him. Adam wasn’t prepared for those feelings, but he would have to deal with those later.

“We must go now,” Adam said
to her
. He thanked Kei again for picking them up and started wa
lking down the doc
k to the boat with Eve on his arm and Koa on his other side.

Adam spoke
with an even tone
, but he was pissed. “Assholes blew up my car. They’re going to
pay for that, but in the meantime you know where we’ll be so call when you have the arrangements made.”

They had blown up his car and they had already tried to kill him all to get at Eve. He wasn’t going to let it go either. They would get what was coming to them, but right
he was taking Eve to his
They would be miles from land in just a short while.
They boarded the b
oat and Eve
followed Adam to the wheelhouse so they could take
off. Adam seated her in the chair next to the door, just so she had some breathing room.

Once they were far enough away from the coast
line Adam sped the boat up.


couldn’t sit silently anymore. S
he was only a few steps away and walked to him, but she just couldn’t touch him quickly enough. As she stepped up behind him and placed her hand on his
he turned swiftly as if she had startled him.

“I’m sorry,” she said. One side of his mouth curled upward.
one hand on the wheel, he
took the other and placed it around the back of her
Adam pulled
her into a kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth and she moaned at the sensation.
Her head was spinning.
Then as if on
for an awkward mo
vie moment, her stomach growled.
Adam stopped
and grinned.

“We should be far enough away for now. I don’t thi
nk they know who I am s
o no one should find us here.” Adam slowed the motor down and then shut it off.

“This is where we are going?” Eve looked around the vast ocean. She felt like they would be sitting ducks in a pond.
The islands were in the distance. They were literally in the middle of nowhere.

He simply nodded. Well he was the professional in this case and she didn’t have much choice but to go along with his plan.

“Let’s get cleaned up and get some food. Then you can rest if you want,” he stated. He led her down the stairs again to the familiar galley. “Koa stocked the refrigerator so there should be something that you’d like. I think I’ll take a shower first considering how dirty I am,” he added. He spoke swiftly as if there wasn’t a moment to lose.
All of the
mixed signals
his range of emo
tions or lack of in this case were confusing her.

ould you like me to fix you something to eat? I don’t know what you like
.” She definitely didn’t know him like he knew her and
wondered wh
at else he might know about her that she hadn’t thought of.

“I’ll figure something out after I’m clean,” he replied coldly. “I’ll just be a few minutes.”

Adam disappeared into the bathroom. She could hear his gun clang on the counter as he laid it down and then
the sound of the water.
The thought of him completely naked had her
body sizzling
as she imagined him in the shower.
The ache deep in her belly ha
d her focused only on one thing,
Adam inside of her, but he wouldn’t possibly want her after her hysterical episode earlier.

Trying to focus on something else she
looked in the refrigerator and saw a lot of food, she
been hungry off and on all day, but wasn’t now. She was completely distracted by what her heart wanted.

Frustrated and confused she slammed the door to the refrigerator and walked to the bathroom.

The door wasn’t completely shut and as she pushed it
the steam from the water had already started to cloud the small room. The silhouette of his body behind the glass door still
did not
fill in the blanks of her imagination. She wanted, no she needed to
see him.

she pulled open the shower
door to see Adam.
With his eyes closed,
he rinsed soap from his hair. Even though he had been
he moved his arm freely, as if it didn’t bother him at all. His body was wet, muscles taut,
her eyes scanned
them again and again
Her breathing quickened as she gazed upon the center of his body. She wanted
. Bad.

Damn he looks good enough to eat.

Opening his
he looked right at her. Her body wanted him but she wasn’t sure if
wanted her.
She opened her mouth, but still contemplated what she would

It didn’t matter. Adam
reached out and grabbed her fore
pulling her in and
before she could even
is mouth was on hers in a way that was al
most violent. Grabbing her hair
, he released the band that held it, letting it fall freely under the running water. He paused long enough to pull her shirt up over her head before he resumed kissing her.

Adam’s mouth moved
down her jaw
nd when he spoke, his voice sent a chill over her.

“I want you,” he hissed.

Her breaths came hard and were very short as she unbuttoned her
shorts while his hands moved across her breasts
and then to her

“Ah!” Eve felt overwhelmed. The rush of blood through her body left her reeling from his touch.

“Damn, you’re beautiful,” he growled.
Eve whimpered wh
en Adam dragged his fingers across
her skin while he pushed her shorts down her legs. Then as if her body wasn’t already hot enough for him, he ran one long finger over her cleft.

She cried out as he teased her
Her body throbbed for him as they finally touched,
skin to skin
. T
he hot water heightened the sensations.
Even his mouth felt hotter as he parted her lips with his. Tracing her mouth with his
she panted sending her body into a tremble. He moved his lips to her cheek and then down her throat. She had to
to breath. 

“I don’t have any condoms,
” he said in a husky tone. Eve looked up
at him through her wet lashes
. She wanted him inside her.
She had
wanted nothing else but this for days.

“You know
I haven’t been with anyone and I can’t get pregnant.
” Eve waited. She didn’t know what he might be thinking and the thought worried her.
She needed this more than air. She would beg if she had to.

“Please fuck me,” she whispered. The words sounded strange coming from her own voice, but that’s how she felt. She needed him to satisfy her body.

His body hardened as
his shaft
pressing against her stomach.
Adam slid his hands up and down her body arousing every nerve inside her
while she kissed his face and neck.

Before she could
e stopped
as if she had done something wrong and when he shut off the
she thought that this moment of passion might be over.
Had he changed his mind?

“Wrap your legs around me,” he said and lifted her.
Any doubt of his intentions fled her mind.

The tip of his erection
rubbed agai
nst her core as he carried her across to the stateroom.
The urgent
es slowed to a more rhythmic and sensual
Adam laid her down on the bed
. Never moving away from her, he
climbed on top of
slid himself inside
of her
She gasped as he filled her, inch by inch.

BOOK: Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels)
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