Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels) (31 page)

BOOK: Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels)
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Even better, now we just have one to deal with. Sanders can wait.

Edwards grabbed her by the arm and jerked her
up out of the chair.
her hands locked behind herself
with the knife securely in them.

“Since we’re alone now I think I will get myself a little something extra out of th
is,” he said as he pulled her
toward a table.
kept telling herself
to wait for the right moment, but she wanted to gut him.

“Here honey why don’t you lie down, you’ll be more comfortable,” he cackled. He was one sick piece of work. He forced
down on the table.
Eve kept her
hands be
hind her
back still, with the blade of the knife sideways.

Edwards unbuttoned his pants and exposed himself to
. Grabbing himself he smirk
ed. “You are going to love this.

He grabbed her leg and pulled her
to the edge of the table.

Eve’s dress slid up.

“What the . . .” he said. He had discovered the sheath strapped to
leg, but it was empty of course.

Seizing the opportunity
swung the knife at his face, slicing the skin from his ear down to his mouth. It wasn’t a lethal wound but it mad
him jump back. Before he could respond
kicked him in the chest as hard as
she could which sent him staggering back a good ten feet.

jumped up from the table and thrust the knife a
s deep as she
physically could into the inside of his thigh, in the gro
in area. He let out a yell but she
n’t release the knife, instead she
forced the knife further through his le
g. Blood poured from the wound and over her hands.

“You bitch!” he yelled as he grabbed at the wo
und. He started to laugh and she
didn’t understand.

“You missed!” he cackled again.

“No, I don’t believe I did.

Eve panted as she
took a defensive stance with the knife ready to lunge again. 

“You must have not paid much attention to science in school. I cut your femoral artery you idiot. You’ll start feeling dizzy any moment and then within the next few min
utes, you’ll bleed to death,” she
could see in his eyes the fear that
had felt each time that
thought that
she and Adam
were going to die.
approached him as his knees buckled and he fell to the floor.

“Don’t worry. The pain won’t last much longer. It will only be a matter of moments before you pass
out. You sick piece of shit!” She
shouted and kicked him again, knocking him completely to the ground.

don’t think you’ll need this.” She
grabbed his gun from the holster under his arm.
stood there with the knife in one
hand and the gun in the other. She wiped the blood off
the knife onto his clothes and put it back into the sheath.

stared at him lying there
on the cold, dirty floor
as his breathing slowed.
He was all but dead.
Then like a slap to the face,

“Adam!” she
exclaimed as
ran to him. “Adam, wake up. Please wake up,”
she lifted his head gently in her
kissed his cheek and his
eye and his lips as
talked to him.

“Please come back to me.

Justifiably, she felt concerned that too many blows to the head w
ould induce a coma or hemorrhaging.

there was a small moan and then his eyes fluttered.

It took a
more long minutes
but Adam came around and when he did
, he was raging mad.

“Are you all right? How bad did he hurt you?”
Before she
could answer
he continued
his rant
. “Where is that fuc
ker? He’s dead for touching you.

as he struggled to stand up.

“He’s dead, Adam. He’s dead.” Eve whispered the words, almost unable to speak as the shock of the moment caught up with her.

Eve let him lean on her as he tried to walk,
but again before
could answer he stopped.

“Damn woman! Remind me to never piss you off!” he exclaimed looking down at the body.

Eve shrugged her shoulders and just held on to Adam.

e’s Sanders?”

“He’s got a ten minute head start but he won’t get to
o far. Let’s go, I’ll drive,” she
told him. As
walked down the hall, Adam seemed to regain some
of his strength as he moved. Suddenly,
he stopped and grabbed
arm turning
to face him.

asked as he looked at

“You’re pregnant?”

“Looks that way, I don’t know how
but those tests are pretty accurate especially
when it’s a positive result,” she answered. Now she
was worried, would he want this?

“You knew you were pregnant and still came here to save me?” he asked.

“Well yes. Why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know if that’s crazy or just, just heroic,” h
e replied. His lips were on hers
, his hands in
knotted in her
face to his.

gasped f
or air when he did. Releasing her
hair, he slid one hand down
ip and twisted it in front of her
so that it rested on

“So I’m going to be a daddy and you’re going to be a mommy?” he whispered in

“Looks that
way, are you okay with that?” she
asked quietly.
had visions of Adam holding a baby.

“I couldn’t think of anything that I could want more than a baby, now that I have the perfect wife,” he replied
Again his lips brushed against hers

“Adam, we have to go. Remember Sanders?”
said to him.

left the warehouse and got into the car. Adam didn’t argue as
helped him into the passenger side so that
could drive. 
threw Edwards’ gun into the glove box just for extra security.
It was just after five o’clock, she noticed as they drove
areas of Acapulco that she
wasn’t familiar wi
th. Luckily the GPS, directed her toward the airport.

“Adam, I forgot. I called Sam and he said that he was trying to get in touch with a friend of yours to help us out. Who would that be?”

“Oh wow, you just keep ‘em coming. That would be Charlie Perez. Do y
ou have your phone?” he asked. She handed him the phone.

Apparently, t
he only flight that Sam could get on had a layover in Mexico City. He was awaiting his final takeoff, so Adam actually got an answer when he called Sam.

id you get Charlie on the phone?” The conversation went back and forth for a few minutes before he hung up.

“Sam is going to have Charlie meet us at the airport. He’ll call us when he gets there. Why don’t you stop here and get us some clean clothes and stuff to clean my face up with. We’ve got some time as the next flight
doesn’t leave for a few more hours and they confirmed that Sanders is booked on it,” Adam stated.

pulled into the parking lot of a gas station.
She had a little blood on her
dress, but
not enough to raise suspicion. Even so, she
was prepared to blame it on a bloody nose.
went in and bought some baby wipes, Tylenol, butterfly bandages and several roles of their thickest medical tape. Luckily
it had a lot of tourist type stuff so there w
as a good selection of clothing. She was able to get
a t-shirt and
Adam and a dress for herself,
too. As
she checked out, she
grabbed some Twinkies and milk.

returned to the car with the two bags. There was an outside ba
throom at the gas station, so she
pulled the car up by the bathroom door, grabbed the bags and
ran around to help Adam out. She
could tell that he was moving better, but he was going to hurt
for days. That’s okay because she
would baby him.

Inside the
small single toilet bathroom
, she
went to work on his face.

“These things smell funny. We’re going to have to use them a lot aren’t we?” he inquired as
used the baby wipes to clean his face.

Eve just smiled as she
continued. Once his face was clean
used the butterfly bandages to close the cut above his eye, it wasn’t as bad as
she feared
it would be
. I
t only took three
but it was definitely going to leave a huge scar. As for the other eye, it would heal in a week or so,
the busted blood vessels would have to mend themselves.

“You’re going to have to take off your shirt so I can tape up your ribs
. It will help a little and I grabbed
Tylenol too.”
tugged at his shirt and let him slowly pull his arms out. Once his shirt was off
just stared. His ribs and abdomen were marred by patch after patch of bruises.

Eve sighed as she
lightly touched one of them. “I’m sorry,”
said quietl
y. Adam placed his hand under her
chin and tilted
head up swiftly
but gently.

“I’ve told you before not to be sorry. I’ll live, I’ve had worse trust me,” he demanded.

“’Kay.” She
was doing a good job at
keeping the tears back since she
work to do, but it was hard.
After he was taped up
handed him a bag with his clothes in it.

took the other with the dress in it.
peeled off the bloodied dress and stood there with nothing on but
rwear and a knife strapped to her

“Well damn,” Adam stated.

” she asked as she
bit off the tags from the new sundress.

“You, I’m sorry if you think I’m crazy but I think that’s one sexy look for you. Like I said though
remind me to never piss you off.

He laughed, but he coughed and it
turned to pain as his ribs reminded him that they were mending.

slipped over to him still undressed
and helped him with his pants, undoing t
he button and zipper slowly as she
kissed his bruises.

“So y
ou were saying this was sexy?” She
whispered as
continued to kiss his abdomen.

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