Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father (7 page)

BOOK: Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father
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“Oh shit! Oh shit!”
She slammed one foot on the vanity as she looked down between their bodies, watching his fat rod disappear inside of her. He grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head as he dipped in and out of her. “Mmmm, feels so good!”

“Mmmm, it sure does, baby. Look at it. Keep watching me
thrust my dick in and out of your pussy, baby.” He kept his voice even and calm, getting off on her loud cries, sweet whimpers and sensual words.

Her breasts jiggled as she grinded against him, meeting him churn for churn.

He closed his eyes as he pushed each of them to the limit. “Give it to me, baby.” He reached between them, keeping one arm above her head while he took his free hand and strummed her clit.

“Uh! Yes!”
She bucked against his body over and over again.

“What are you doing? Huh?”
he asked politely, a naughty smile on his face. “You tryna cum on me, baby, huh?” He kept running his finger along her clit in slow circular motions. “Wet ass pussy…mmmm!”

“Uhhhh!” She bucked harder and faster, her hips moving like a belly dancer.

“Yeah, those are the type of moves I’m used to seeing, baby. Dance on that fuckin’ dick…hump the shit out that cock!”

She moved faster and faster, the slapping sound between their frames heightened as well as the
communal lust until soon, she was trembling in his grasp, shaking and streaming hard on his rod. “Ohhhh!” she moaned helplessly, like a little child in trouble. It was the sound of unadulterated bliss. “Ohhhh! Ohhhh God!” She kept shaking as he thrust harder and harder inside of her, his finger staying on her clit as he hit that perfect spot.

“I know you’ve got some more, baby
. I know you’ve got some more for me. Don’t be stingy.” He gripped the back of her hair, forcing her face upward to land an urgent kiss against her gaping, wet mouth. Xenia’s cream coated his cock, making him lose his mothafuckin’ mind.

Uhhhh!” He pounded inside of her. “There you go, there you go, baby. Look at this mess you made on my damn dick… It’s a sight of beauty!” He pumped harder, grasping her body into his arms and bringing her flush against his crushing pelvis. “Take that dick, baby! Come on, now!” He stared into her eyes, pumping as hard and fast as he could, gritting his teeth as she clawed helplessly at his back.

“Uhhhhh! Oh shit, baby!”

“Cum for me, baby.” She reached around his neck, pulling him even closer and curled her legs around his upper back.

“Uhhhh! Xenia, baby,
your pussy is squeezing my cock so good. Shit!” Her pussy compressed, grabbed his flesh and ran with a spanking new orgasm, sending him into a tailspin of carnal delight. He looked intensely into her face, then grabbed her jaw and turned her face forward as he drove in and out of her. “Uhhhhhhhh! I’m about to cum so hard in you, baby!”

In a flash,
he felt his dick detonate inside of her. His orgasm made him see stars as he pawed at her body, trying to keep his balance. The sticky cream kept coming, slicking his rod as he continued to pump with due diligence.

“Ahhhhh!” He looked down between their bodies, retreated and pushed back inside of her, eliciting an airy moan.

“Uhhhh, goddamn!” He shook uncontrollably, then after a short spell, grinned and fell to his knees. Lying on the closet floor, trying to catch his breath, he caressed her leg, then glanced between his legs. “Shit. I don’t know what part of this is you, and what part of this is me.” He smiled affectionately at her. “That was some good shit, baby. I don’t think, I don’t think we’ve fucked in here in probably, shit,
,” he said, looking around as if it were his first visit.

She hit him playfully and leaned listlessly back against the wall.

“You might be right.” She grinned. He got to his feet and scooped her up in his arms, leading her back into the bedroom. He placed her on her stomach, then laid down on top of her, bumping her legs apart with his knee.

“Mmmm, another go round?” She turned her
head; her black curls sprawled across the gold-pillow case.

.” He grabbed the base of his dick, his new erection strong and proud. “I like to call this little dance, ‘The Board Room.’”

Xenia laughed as she grabbed a fistful of sheet
in preparation. She knew him well. “And why is that?”

“Because I will leave
no room
for you to move, only enough space to accept this grand fuckin’ I’m about to dispense.”

“But…what does that have to with a board room?” She looked over her shoulder, a smirk on her face.

“Because you better grab that pillow as I’m doing it, or your head will surely go through the fuckin’ head

Unceremoniously wrapping
his arm swiftly under her stomach, he brought her ass up toward his pelvis, pushed swiftly and deeply inside of her, and he delivered the first of many long, heart-pounding strokes before the sun had a chance to rise and say a warm hello…





Xenia clasped the folded paper in her hand as she paced the stage. The hot lights caused her skin to glisten as if it had been freshly lotioned. The gorgeous, perfectly applied make-up job was certainly going to waste. She touched her cheek and winced at the gooey, orange-tinted foundation on her fingertip.

“I have no idea why they have to bake us in here. I guess I may as well get used to it
,” she mumbled under her breath as she made her way over to the side of the studio floor. She navigated through the small crew of stage workers and videographers, out of the camera’s eye, and grasped a box of tissues. As her hand landed to retrieve it, another hand covered hers… one much larger, darker—one that was all too familiar.

She knew those hands, they’d touched her a time or two...okay, more,
more, but that was so long ago. The memories were faded with time, but not forgotten.


he casually glanced over her shoulder and back at the man, who stood there as if expecting her to leap into his Hugo Boss pinstripe-covered arms.

She heard him repeat her name
from between his curved lips—a deep, earthy and rich sound. “So good to see you, baby.”

She sighed, pulled her hand away and wiped her
fingers as she turned her back to him. She ambled between two partitions, farther out of the attention of wandering eyes, hoping on a slither of a prayer that he’d fall back. To her dismay, she heard his footsteps close behind her, then felt him gently take her elbow, and turn her to stare into gleaming green eyes.

Hello Sinclair,” she said as she looked down and worked the tissue over her palm, then dabbed it lightly over her face. “I heard within the last hour that you were here. This is crazy.” She smiled, uncomfortable, not knowing quite what to do. She’d seen the man’s name written at the top of her script during a practice run that morning and it turned her blood into sludge. The bulge in her throat made her gasp for air, so she’d settled for a bottle of chilled water to try to push it down to no avail. Her stomach had knotted when she read the declaration. Her high hopes seemed dashed, or at the very least, knocked down a grade or two.

“I had no idea
that you were part of the show.” She moaned. “Had I known, I would not have even interviewed for this.” She exhaled loudly and tossed the used tissue in a nearby trashcan. “I feel duped and I’m waiting for a call back from my—”

“No need
.” He laughed lightly as he casually leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. “This was new. It just happened. I was brought on at the last minute.” He cocked his head to the side and ran a slow, perverted glance up her body, starting from her black Mary Jane heels all the way to her breasts, tightly enclosed in her form-fitting black suit jacket. He lingered there for a moment too long, causing Xenia to cross her arms over her bosom and loudly clear her throat. His expression was gritty and his wide grin brazen, chock full of audacity. He continued to openly ogle her, tasting her with his corrupt glances, sizing her up with those damned eyes—staring at her intensely. “There have been some managerial changes. I know you’ve heard about that.” He ran his hands together, as if a great feast were about to be served.

,” Xenia snapped, avoiding his gaze as she unscrewed the bottle cap to her nearby water and chugged it right down, unladylike, and not giving a damn. “But beforehand, I knew the people involved. No one said Sinclair Grayson would be the new producer until the last minute. Of course, no one knew our previous affiliation to give me a heads up, either.”

He shrugged, pretending to
be clueless. But she knew the man like the back of her hand. Sinclair would stop at nothing to manipulate a situation in his favor. He was a master producer, but an even more acclaimed bull-shitter.

“Look, what
can I say?” His kinked grin broadened across his face. “Liz gave me a call and said, ‘Come on board, man!’ No one tells Liz ‘no’.”

Xenia scoffed and rolled her eyes, her lips twisted
, then shot him a look of disbelief. She was disgusted and felt ambushed. Trying to hide it would be an uphill battle she wasn’t prepared to have.

How in the hell can I work with this man?

“Really, Xenia.” He leaned closer to her, his arm blocking her path as his hand rested by her head. She picked up the scent of vanilla coffee on his breath, mingling with his overpowering musky cologne. It tickled her nose, causing her to hold back a sneeze. “I should be the one uncomfortable. After all,” he glanced down at her breasts then back up at her face, “you are the one that left
remember? Broke my damn heart...”

Xenia sighed
. “I knew that if I ever saw you again, this conversation was going to rear its ugly head. This is not the time or place for this.”

But you never gave me an explanation,” he said pitifully.

Look, I’m not here to talk about our on and off again mess. This is my job now, Sinclair, and for the record,” she shot sporadic glances around, double-checking to see who was looking, “yes, I
tell you why. I didn’t even have to call and tell you a damn thing.”

“Now, that’s not fair, Xenia.”

“Fine, you want to talk about it? Let’s talk about it!” She slammed her bottle down. “You
my man! I can’t leave anything that
existed. You were not invested in our so-called relationship.” She put her fingers up in quotation marks. “You were chasing your career, and that was your prerogative. You only wanted to be around me out in public so you could rub shoulders with celebrities when your career was just getting started,” she scoffed. “Otherwise, it was only about sex. You knew I wasn’t about that. You knew what type of woman I was and what I wanted.”

“You never gave us a chance.”

“We were back and forth for over a year! That was plenty of time for you to get your shit together. I told you I wanted to get married and have kids, while you just strung me along.  You didn’t take the relationship seriously, not even when it was over. I had the decency to call and tell you I was seeing someone else. And as I said before, I didn’t even owe you
much, quite frankly, Sinclair.”

“...And that you were marrying a man you’d just met.
You left that part out. I had to hear it on television. That stung, Xenia.” He patted his chest over a heart she knew wasn’t actually beating for her. “And you’ve got it all wrong, baby...” He dragged out the word, ‘baby’, dyed it with hints of faux melancholy to make it more vibrant to the ear. The drama turned up to a volume that insulted her intelligence and hurt her delicate hearing. Xenia scratched her cheek and turned away, wishing she had a genie and could wish this motherfucker right out of her face. Better yet, out of her life once and for all.

“Now, we can put the past behind us,
baby and—”

“I’m not your baby so stop saying it.
That’s like the third or fourth time. What are you? Like a skipping record? Don’t call me that again.”

Sinclair paused. He
seemed to study her, then continued as if he hadn’t heard a damn thing she’d said.

“As I was saying, we can put it behind us
. Just because I’m your new boss doesn’t mean we can’t also be friends. We can.” He traced her chin with his index finger and flicked his tongue, laughing. Xenia snatched his finger and twisted it around, squeezed it with all of her might. Anger drove her and she put more pressure, as if she were smashing a bloated water bug. She ignored his hollers of pain as the skin twisted and rolled over the bone in unnatural ways.

“Ahhhh! Shit, goddamn it!” He
jerked his hand away, stumbling back as he broke free and tossed her a death glare. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“Don’t you
touch me again, Sinclair, do you hear me?!” She pointed in his face, taking two steps closer to him. “Don’t you
put your damned hands on me again.” She pushed him, forcing him farther back so she could retreat. As she turned to walk away, she heard his quick footsteps behind her. Xenia gritted her teeth as she caught the attention they’d attracted.

“Everything okay?” a deep voice called out, one of the cameramen.

“Yes.” Sinclair threw on his award-winning deceitful smile, waved, and turned back to Xenia.

sir, I was asking the lady.”

Sinclair rolled his eyes
when Xenia shot him a look of satisfaction.

.” she smirked as she stared at Sinclair and placed her hand on her hip. “Everything is just peachy.”

“Listen to me, Ms. Donnellson, you
—” Sinclair began.


, I don’t want anything from you but a good working relationship. I thought we were both adults here, and could talk about the past—put it behind us. You must have a guilty conscience for acting out, becoming aggressive. This isn’t the Xenia I knew...”

“The Xenia you knew is dead. Leave her there.” She looked at him coldly
, showing her desire to land a hard smack across his smug face.  “You know what?” She crossed her arms. “My husband encouraged me to take this job. Now, I will have to go home and tell him ‘oh, by the way, the new producer is my ex, goodnight.’ That isn’t going to fly! I know my husband very well, Mr. Grayson, and he wouldn’t like this, especially the shit you just pulled.”

“I didn’t pull
. I tried to have a conversation with you, and you blew up!”

I know you did this shit on purpose, Sinclair. I can’t prove it, but I

And since you brought your spouse up, am I supposed to have respect for the man that stole my girlfriend from me? The husband that seems to chase controversy and causes mayhem wherever he steps foot?” Sinclair smirked and ran a hand over his shoulder, dusting himself off as if he were fine china. “He is a loose canyon, Xenia. I can’t even believe you are with someone like him.”

“He is more manly
and well put together in his baby finger than you are in your entire damn body.”

inclair looked away, possibly biting his tongue at the intentionally cruel words Xenia uttered.

I can’t blame, Saint, however. He saw a good thing and took advantage of the situation. I wasn’t up on my game, I will admit that. I should’ve known after that interview you had with him all those years ago, something was up. You called me, passionate.” He rolled his eyes. “I had never seen you like that before. I should’ve known you were attracted to him; he was all you talked about. Saying he was a jerk, he was sexist, an asshole. I believe you even said he was an arrogant son of a bitch. Yes.” He smiled. “I remember the entire situation now. Then before I knew it,” he shrugged his shoulders, “you were doing another interview and told me you and he were going out to eat, but it was strictly business. My gut told me—”

“I’m not discussing this with you
anymore. Let it go! Move the fuck on!” Xenia spat between clenched teeth.

“No, I am going to say
this, Xenia, then you’ll never hear about it again, okay?”

Xenia rolled her eye
s but remained quiet as she crossed her arms, indignant.

“My gut told me he was after my woman
. A man knows these things. I should’ve trusted my instincts. The man had a reputation as a womanizer. He saw something he wanted, and I should have known it wouldn’t stop there. And you know I don’t give a damn about you two being an interracial couple, that wasn’t my problem.”

“Like you’d have room to care, with all the white and Asian women you’ve dated
and taken to bed. Who cares, anyway?!” Xenia threw up her hands. “Your opinion about my marriage means zilch to me. I have shit to do. Is this conversation over now because if isn’t, I am going to make it so.”

You thought I wasn’t paying attention to you, just using you for fame? I wasn’t.” His eyes pleaded with her, but she knew they were the eyes of a viper. “I loved you, Xenia and I knew deep down, something wasn’t right. Then, I got the call after I couldn’t reach you all that weekend. He’d put you up somewhere, must’ve fucked you ten ways to Sunday...”

Okay, you just went entirely too far now.” She put up her hand in his face and turned to walk away. Sinclair grabbed her arm, keeping her at his side.

“He laid it on you so good that
the woman I knew lost her mind— married him, just like that. I didn’t even get an invitation to the wedding.” He grinned, a dark smile dripping with simmering fury. Not because he ever loved her, but because his pride had been crushed. “I could have given you a
life, without all of that drama, Xenia. Yeah, he has money, a lot of it. You at least married up in that regard. I would’ve been offended if he were some average thug.”

Xenia snatched her arm away and just stared at him. She sighed, resolving that Sinclair was determined to tell her all about her husband, marriage
, and his psychotic woes.

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