Saira - TI5 (6 page)

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Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Supernatural

BOOK: Saira - TI5
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Mari tossed the small red capsules into her mouth and washed them down with water.


Maopa led her back to the bed and pushed her down on the mattress. "Yah lie back, and I'll get yah somethin' ta wear. Them pills oughta be makin' yah feel better in a bit."


Chuckling to herself, Maopa searched through the drawers and closet for anything big enough to fit Mari in Yemaya's long body. Finding nothing, she scowled.


"Gall darn it." She glanced around the room. Two large leather boxes sat on a chair in the corner. She opened one and saw several jeans and shirts folded and packed in clear plastic bags.


"Yoh daughter shore do like ta keep thangs neat."


She pulled out a pair of old jeans and a tee shirt, placed them next to Mari, and patted her shoulder sympathetically.


"Yah just lie thar, and I'll find yah some undies."


She opened a dresser drawer and found piles of colorful underwear. After pulling a few out, she held them up and chuckled.


"Dang. Not much to them. And I ain't never seed so many deleekits in my life, all neat and orderly like. Some must be Dakota's. I useta have ta go without, most times. Tweren't nothing to it and it felt kinda liberatin'."


"It would be a little hard to hold this pad in place without them." Mari was unable to work up any interest in what kind of underwear Dakota wore.


"Yeah. Guess that be why they has so many here."


Choosing a bright red pair, she held it up to the light and pulled on the sides a few times. "I figger they be fittin yah fine the way they stretches. Yah put these on and them thar garments, and I be taken a quick shower. Be back in a jiffy."


Ten minutes later, she returned, dressed in worn jeans and a tank top. Mari was still stretched out partially naked on the bed, one hand on her stomach and her other arm flung over her eyes to block the light.


"Yah be okay, darlin'?" Maopa whispered, leaning down to caress her spirit lover's cheek with her fingertips.


Mari sat up and blinked a few times, surprised that she actually did feel okay. Smiling, she clasped Maopa's hand and drew it to her lips. "A lot better, thanks. Is this normal?"


Standing, she quickly pulled on the jeans and tee shirt. She wrapped her arms around Maopa, pulled her close, and held her for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth and softness of the woman in her embrace.


"Normal fer most," Maopa said, her voice muffled against the firm breasts. It had been a long time since she had felt so human, and she now realized how much she had missed the physical touch of another person.


"Adjusting to the spirit world must have been hard for you," Mari said, sensing her lover's thoughts. "I can see why humans enjoy embracing each other."


"Tain't nothing like it. Although they be some thangs a lot more enjoyable."


"Then I look forward to you showing me."


The grin Mari gave Maopa sent a warm tingle straight to her groin, causing her to groan.


"You okay?" Mari bent her knees slightly to make eye contact. "I hope this 'curse' isn't contagious."


"Oh, it be catchin', alrighty, but no, I ain't havin' my monthly yet. If'n I'm right though, it'll be comin' on soon."


"I should have taken more interest in women's evolution." Mari mentally kicked herself for neglecting her responsibilities. "I'd have made men have these things too."


"Too late fer that, but it probably woulda made them a little wiser... or a whole lot moah whiney."


"It's never too late for some things. One way or another, I'm going to make sure men get to experience —" Mari was interrupted by a ringing sound.


"Now what?"


"That be the teleephone. I seed my grandchil' using these thangs." Maopa walked over to the device and picked it up. "Howdy. This be Mao... ummm... Miz Devereaux's place."


"Dakota? Is that you?" a male voice asked.


"Shore nuff."


"You don't sound like yourself. This is Sonny."


"Must be this here cold," Maopa said, faking a cough.


"Sorry to hear that. You really need to do something about it. Take some Nyquil. That'll make you feel better."




"Damn Dakota. You're either on some good meds or you're sicker than you realize. Is Yemaya in? I'll give her a list of everything you'll need to take care of that cold. Can't let one of my favorite gals suffer, now can I?"


"No, sir... I mean... oh, don't mind me. Yemaya's right here."


Covering the mouthpiece, Maopa pushed it toward Mari. "It be Yemaya's agent, Sonny."


"Shit." Taking the phone, Mari stared at it as if it were alive and then put it cautiously to her ear. "Sonny?"


"Hey, Yemaya. You really need to do something about Dak. She sounds awful."


"I'm taking good care of her, Sonny. What can I do for you?"


"As always, straight to the point. I heard your show was a great success. Congratulations."




"Never one for words, are you? Anyway, I wanted to see if you've given any more thought to the European tour. I know you keep talking about retirement, but you're on a roll, and several people are clamoring for a commitment."


"How about I get back with you in a week or two? I've just finished this show and don't feel like making a decision right now. Dakota and I are going to take some time off before committing to anything."


"That's cool. No use doing something you'll regret. The others can wait. Like they have any say in the matter. Besides, if we play things right, I'm sure they'll up their offers," Sonny said. "Speaking of which, I need to go over some of your finances, but there's another call coming through from Hong Kong and I have to take it. I'll phone you in a day or two. Tell Dakota to take care of that cold. Bye."


Before Mari could reply, Sonny had hung up. She turned to look at Maopa. "You know, I'm not so sure this was such a good idea after all. I haven't a clue what Yemaya has in mind for her future."


"Well, sugah, I guess we jest gonna have ta fakes it like we done before. Don't yah worry none. We'll just keep low for the next few weeks."


"Good idea." Mari placed the phone in its receptacle. "Still, I don't want to play hermit. After all, this is a completely new experience for me. I'd like to take advantage of the opportunity to do a few things before we go back."


"Ya jest name it, and by golly we'll do it." Maopa figured it would be a hoot seeing how Mari handled being human.


"Do you think we could go to a movie?" Mari said. "I think I'd like to see one. You know, enjoy the whole experience — Coke, candy, popcorn."


"Why, tarnation, I was thinkin the same thang. I ain't never seed one. It'll be a real kick in the pants. We kin eat all that thar junk food. I heerd movies be nighttime thangs."


*  *  *


Giggling with an almost girlish anticipation, they checked out the neighborhood while there was daylight so they could familiarize themselves with the area. Several hours and five hotdogs later, they returned to the apartment, tired but happy. Mari quickly adapted to monitoring her sanitary napkins and was anxious to see her first movie.


"That Willie fella shore was generous with his wieners once he knowed who yah was."


"It was nice of him to give us some, especially since we didn't have any money. We'd better figure out where Yemaya and Dakota keep some if we're going to do things around here."


"Fer shore. From what I recollects, most folk keeps it in small leather thangs... wallets they calls them. I seed one on Dakota's table next to the bed this mornin'."


Maopa walked into the bedroom and quickly returned waving a small leather object. "This here be a wallet, I'm thankin'."


"Good. Now what movie should we see?"


"Willie says they puts a list of them shows in the paper under entertainin'. He shore gave me a funny look when I asked 'bout it. Let's look and see what be playin'."


Glancing at the movie listings, Maopa ran her finger past several titles until she came across one with three Xs.


"This'un must be reeel good. They has three Xs by it. I'm a guessin' that means extra special like."


"That would make sense. We can call one of those cabs to take us. Did you find any money in that wallet? I doubt if the cab or movie people will be as nice as Willie."


"Yep. Well, he shore is gonna have somethin' to tell his missus, ain't he? Givin' the Illusionist freebies cuz she ain't got no money."


"I just hope Yemaya doesn't hear about it. I don't think she'd like finding out she's on a handout list. Anyway, let's go. It says the movie begins in an hour."


*  *  *


Maopa opened Dakota's wallet, and both peered at the money inside, let out simultaneous whoops, and smiled happily at each other. Within moments, they were out the door and flagging down a taxi. When the cabbie asked them their destination, they showed him the advertisement. Maopa pointed at the address.


"We wants ta go thar."


The slight widening of his eyes would have been a giveaway to most people. Coughing slightly, the cabbie blushed. "You ladies must be new to Baltimore. You sure that's where you want to go?"


"Shore nuff. This be an XXX movie, ain't it?"


"It's that alright."


"Then we wants to go see it."


"It's your money, ladies."


Twenty minutes later, he dropped them in front of an old dilapidated building. Three large posters showing two semi-nude women in intimate poses hung on the dirty windows. Below the titles was the phrase, "Woman on Woman Action! Two Babes Battle Interstellar Aliens Trying to Take Over Planet Earth!"


"A sci-fi," Mari exclaimed, enthusiastically. "I've always wanted to see one of those."


"Me too."


Two hours later, they emerged and strode toward the main boulevard.


"Well, if'n that be a good movie, I ain't in no hurry to see a bad un."


"Neither am I. Those aliens looked damn ridiculous, and the acting wasn't even believable."


"Fer shore. That were the most piteeful thang I ever seed. Now who'd go believin them Marshuns had three peckers like that, let alone wantun folks to thank women folk would be havin' somethin' to do with anythang like that. Pfffft. Only good thang was that popcorn stuff and the babe on babe ackshown. Them gals shore knows how to make whoopee. Why some of them thar pohsitions looked downright painful. Ain't no way I coulda done that when I had the rumatiz."


"How about before you had it?" Mari said in a teasing voice.


Wiggling her eyebrows, Maopa grinned but said nothing.


"I thought as much." Mari chuckled. "Still, they were interesting, don't you think?"


"Yep. Can't wait to try them out. How's about we go find another one of them XXX's tomorrow and see if'n thar's somethin else they can larn us."


"Works for me. Right now, I think another shower and a long sleep sounds wonderful. I never knew what feeling dirty and tired meant until now. I'm not so sure I like it."


"Tain't nothing to like or dislike, sugah. It just be the way it be."


Later, after eating a few more hotdogs with all the toppings, they returned to the apartment, showered, crawled into bed, and fell instantly asleep. The 'babe on babe ackshown' would have to wait until another day.









AIRA APPEARED next to the bed and stared at the sleeping women. At first, she thought she was back with the Illusionist, but something was different. The mental energies belonged to someone else. Saira realized the difference was what had pulled her back to this woman. Searching the human's thoughts, she found that Yemaya's essence no longer inhabited her body. Instead, a spirit named Mari had taken control of it. Recognizing her as one of the First Born, Saira was pleased. This one had been more elusive than the others she had sought, mostly because she was so reclusive. Switching her attention to Mari's partner, Saira was satisfied the other person was also human, or at least part of her was. She too was inhabited by a spirit, but one less mysterious than the Earth Mother. Still, the essences of both spirits were irreversibly intertwined, making them unique.

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