Authors: Eve LaPlante
Some judicious and learned Divines have conjectured that America is prophesied of in the thirty seventh of Ezekiel, under the denomination of a Valley. Certainly, no part of the habitable World, can shew more Bones; or bones more dry, than these vast Regions do. Mr. Downam thinks that Mr. Eliot’s taking his Text from thence when he first preached to the Indians, has its weight. His Appendix to the Letters from New England, is well worth the reading. The Prophet is said to be carried out in the spirit: and for ought I know, he might be carried beyond the limits of the then known World.
Dan. 11:45. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy Mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
The complexion of this portion of Scripture is such, as constrains me to imagin, that the place designed by the Holy Spirit, is no other than America. Every word almost, has an emphasis carrying in it, to me, the perswasion of this sence. They who remove from one Land to another, there to dwell; that settlement of theirs is call’d a Plantation. Especially, when a Land, before rude and unfurnish’d, is by the New-comers replenished with usefull Arts, Vegetables, Animals. Thus when in the year 1492 Christopher Columbus had opened the way, the Spaniards planted themselves in the spatious Regions of America; and, too much, planted Antichristianisme in the room of Heathenisme….
Upon all, or some of these Considerations, it seems to me probable that Five of the Vials are already poured out. Not but that they hold on their course still; and will do so, until the Confluence of them all do with irresistible Force in gulf Antichristianisme in utter Ruine. The truth is, all the Vials may in some sence be said to have been poured out together at the beginning of this Period of Rome’s gradual Decay…. And the Sixth Angel seems now to stand ready with his Vial, waiting only for the Word to be given for the pouring of it out. The pouring out of this vial will dry up the Antichristian Interests in the New World: and thereby prepare the way for the Kings of the East….
What Concernment hath America in these Things? America is not any part of the Apocalyptical Stage. The Promise of preaching the Gospel to the whole World, is to be understood of the Roman Empire only, according to the extent of it in John’s time: As it is said Augustus made a decree that all the world should be taxed. The Roman Empire contained about a third part of the Old World: and this Triental only was to be concern’d with the Apocalypse. The Prophesies of the Revelation extend but to such Kingdoms or Monarchies of the World, where the Church in all Ages still was: therefore not to the West-Indians, nor Tartarians, nor Chinese, nor East-Indians.
But what shall we say, if the Stone which these Builders have refused, should be made the Head of the Corner? Lo, we heard of Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood. Or if it be not made a
Corner-stone: that it should be quite thrown by, and not be at all laid in the Building: is more than can be proved from the Scriptures. I suppose there is nec vola, nec vestigium of any such thing to be found there….
1492. Christopher Columbus found out the New World for Castile and Leon. And altho the New World was not yet made ready for the Entertainment of the ejected Jews; or else the Jews were not yet fit to dwell in a place of their Own: Yet considering the Synchronicisme of this Banishment, and Discovery; with the marvelous Perplexity the distressed Outcasts were in, not knowing whither to go: As also the great Gain that this Navigation afforded; the hopes some might conceive of managing themselves more safely with their feigned Religion, which they had not proved, in a remote Place, than at home: Considering also the mixture those Nations by Inter Marriages; and that the great and best part of America is peopled by Spaniards, and Portugals: It is not improbable, but many Jews may reside there, tho covered with a Spanish Vail. Manasseh-Ben-Israel, Downam, Thorowgood, Eliot, and others were of Opinion that America was first peopled by the Ten Tribes. God’s removing Israel out of his sight, is no less than three times mentioned (2 Kings 17), which may insinuate the Remoteness of that Land, into which God by his Providence intended to call them. And none was so remote, and so much out of sight, as America. Mr. Greenbil thinks it is no Heresie to say, Christ meant the Ten Tribes, John, 10:16, alluding to Ezek. 37:22, 24. If it be no Heresie to say, the Ten Tribes are the Sheep: Why should it be accounted Heresie to say, America is the distinct Fold, there implied? For Christ doth not affirm that there shall be one Fold; but that there shall be ONE FLOCK, ONE SHEPHERD!
But however it might be when Mr. Mede writ, Now it is manifest to all, that very considerable Numbers of Jews are seated in the New World; where they merchandize, have their Synagogues, and places of Burial. At Spikes in Barbados there is a Street called Jews Street; tho most live at the Bridge; and there is the Burying Place for both Towns. At Jamaica there are a great many; and Port-Royal also hath its Jews Street; by the same Token, that the Formidable Earthquake left that standing; tho their Synagogue, which stood in another Street, was thrown down by it. This Earthquake happened upon the Third day of
the Week, about a Quarter of an hour before Noon; being the Seventh of June, 1692…. There are several Families of them at New York; and New England is seldom without them….
Probably, these Jews will be converted, before any great Numbers of the Indians, shall I say, or Israelites be brought in. That that ancient Prophesie may be fulfilled, Zech. 12: 7. The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah First, that the glory of the house of David, and the glory of the Inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnifie themselves against Judah. To be for some time defrauded and deprived of her Husband, was Rachel’s disgrace and grief; which was renewed and multiplied by Barrrenness after her enjoyment of him. Gen. 30: 1. And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister. But when the Times of Refreshing by the New Jerusalem, shall come, Joseph shall take away his Mothers Reproach, and her Children shall be more & mightier than her Sisters. Insomuch that there will be need of the forementioned Expedient, to keep the balance. Isa. 11:13. The envie also of Ephraim shall depart, and the Adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envie Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim. Isa. 54:1. Sing, 0 barren, thou that didst not bear: Break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate, than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD. That America hath been desolate and unmarried for innumerable Ages, is a most sad and awfull Truth: That she may now receive Jesus Christ as her Husband; will be the desire and Prayer of all that favour the dust of Zion….
What a Pity it is, that because the American Mulbery trees are not so early in putting forth as some other: therefore they must all presently be condemned to the Fire! Seeing the First Resurrection is near at hand; it were better to wait a little, and see what God will do for them therein. For we are certain that if they have a part given them in the first Resurrection; they will not be obnoxious to the mentioned Judgment. In orbis nostri meditullio sitae. The situation of Jerusalem is not so Central; but that a Voyage may be made from London, to Mexico, in as little time, as from London, to Jerusalem. In that respect, If the New World should be made the seat of New Jerusalem; if the City of the Great KING should be set on the Northern side of it: Englishmen would meet with no Inconvenience thereby; and they would
find this Convenience; that they might visit the Citizens of New Jerusalem and their Countrymen, all under one. As they go thether, Barbados stands advanced three hundred Leagues Eastward, ready to meet them with a Welcome to the New World. And Jamaica is posted just in the way, to invite them thether, or to salute them in their passing by, and to pilot them to St Juan de Ulva, if there be occasion. When homeward bound, Providence will firstly take care of them; and after that, they will have their Countrymen to friend all along shoar. Solitary Bermuda will be overjoyd, if they happen to touch there. And if in that Latitude, any Captain shall command, Helm a-Starboard, on purpose to visit our New English Tirzab; they will be met with answerable Respect; & mutual kindness shall render the Congress happy. Yea, if the Spending of a Mast, or springing of a Leak, do oblige them to such a Diversion, the Pleasantness of the Effect, in bringing good Company together, shall help to qualifie the bitterness of the Cause. Ad cujus minimum fines, Regnum Christi portentum ire, testantur Prophetarum oracula. This word Minimum contains in it the most Light for America, of any one in the whole Chapter. The worthy Author seems here to begin to relent. By this means being fairly got without the Invisible walls of the Imperial Prison, and expatiating as far as Japan, and the Cape of Good Hope; I know nothing should hinder, but that we may from thence take Shipping for the New World. As for Psalm 72:8 and Isa. 49:6 they are summoned to speak on our side. And there are no less than Six times Three very Credible Witneses, who have given their Affidavit, that the Conversion of American Indians is an Accomplishment of those glorious Prophesies. Their Testimony is to be seen at large in their Epistle set before a Book Published at London in the Year 1652 entitled, Strength Out of Weakness. Or a Glorious MANIFESTATION of the further Progress of the GOSPEL AMONGST THE INDIANS IN NEW ENGLAND. &c…
As for the Dearness of the Gospel in New England; being Forewarnd we ought to be Forearmed, that we may not be outbid. Truth is a Kind of Gold that cannot be bought too dear…. My honoured Pastor, the Reverend Mr Samuel Willard, a person eminent for Soundness of Judgment, and clearness of Expression; lately preached and printed some Excellent Sermons, the Text & Title whereof is Buy the Truth, and Sell it not…. If we consult the memorable Epistle of Mr.
Shepard of Cambridge, and Mr. Allin of Dedham, before their Answer to the Nine Positions; Or, if we inquire of the Learned and Judicious Mr. Jonathan Mitchel, and Mr. Urian Oakes; we shall finde, they reckoned that the Planters had a good Bargain. And this Amiable Quaternion were all born in England, but chose to have their Graves here at our Cambridge and Dedham.
…Upon the Resettlement of Virginia by the Lord la Ware, June, 9. 1610. there is this remark; This was the Arm of the Lord of Hosts, who would have his People pass the Red Sea & Wilderness; and then to possesse the Land of Canaan. Altho there were not Ten to One, yet there were Ten to Two of those who went to search the Land of Canaan; who reported A Land that eateth up the Inhabitants thereof! Num. 13.32. And some pious honest man, being surrounded with Difficulties at his first coming hither; might Unadvisedly write a discouraging Letter: Unto which, his never Returning to England, and the flourishing circumstances of his Grandson at this day in New England, are a very desirable and pleasant Contradiction. Capt. John Smith in his History published Anno 1624 affirms that he found New England well inhabited by a goodly, strong, and well proportioned People. And the Proverb is, Show me the Man, and not the Meat. And if men can be contented with the Food and Raiment intended in 1 Tim. 6:8 they need not fear subsisting where Ash, Chesnut, Hazel, Oak & Walnut do naturally and plentifully grow. But for this, let Mr. Morden be consoled, to whom N.E. is beholden for the fair character given them in his Geographie. It is remarkable, that Mr. Parker, who was a successful schoolmaster at Newbury in Barkshire, in the happy days of Dr. Twisse; was much about this time preaching and Proving at Ipswich in Essex, That the Passengers came over upon good Grounds, and that GOD would multiply them as He did the Children of Israel. His Text was Exod. 1:7. As Mr. Nicholas Noyes, who was an Auditor, and is yet living, lately informed me. Mr. Parker was at this time; 1634 principally concerned in beginning Newbury, where the Learned & Ingenious Mr. Benjamin Woodbridge, Dr. Twisse’s Successor, had part of his Education under his Unckle Parker. Mary Brown (now Godfry) the first-born of Newbury, is yet alive; and is become the Mother and Grandmother of many children. And so many have been born after her in the Town, that they make three or
four large Assemblies, wherein GOD is solemnly worshipped every Sabbath Day. And As long as Plum Island shall faithfully keep the commanded Post; Notwithstanding all the hectoring Words, and hard Blows of the proud and boisterous Ocean; As long as any Salmon, or Sturgeon shall swim in the streams of Merrimack; or any Perch, or Pickeril, in Crane-Pond; As long as the Sea-Fowl shall know the Time of their coming, and not neglect seasonably to visit the Places of their Acquaintance; As long as any Cattel shall be fed with the Grass growing in the Medows, which do humbly bow down themselves before Turkie-Hill; As long as any Sheep shall walk upon Old Town Hills, and shall from thence pleasantly look down upon the River Parker, and the fruitful Marishes lying beneath; As long as any free & harmless Doves shall find a White Oak, or other Tree within the Township, to perch, or feed, or build a careless Nest upon; and shall voluntarily present themselves to perform the office of Gleaners after Barley-Harvest; As long as Nature shall not grow Old and dote; but shall constantly remember to give the rows of Indian Corn their education, by Pairs: So long shall Christians be born there; and being first made meet, shall from thence be Translated, to be made partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. Now, seeing the Inhabitants of Newbury, and of New England, upon the due Observance of their Tenure, may expect that their Rich and Gracious LORD will continue & confirm them in the Possession of these invaluable Privileges: Let us have Grace, whereby we may serve GOD acceptably with Reverence and godly Fear, For our GOD is a consuming Fire. Heb. 12:28–29.
The mention of Mary Brown brings to mind an idle Whimsey, as if Persons born in New-England would be short liv’d, Whereas the Natives live long. And a Judgment concerning English men cannot well be made till Twenty or Thirty years hence. Capt. Peregrine White born Novemb. 1620 is yet alive, and like to live. Major William Bradford (whose honorable Father Governour Bradford married here) is more than 73 years old; and hath worn a Bullet in his Flesh above 20 of them. Elizabeth Alden (now Paybody), Capt. John Alden her brother, Alexander Standish, and John Howland have lived more than Seventy years.