Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 1)
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Dean was at my side, pulling me down the stairs towards the street. The cameras were all around me, their lenses in my face. I couldn’t move forward, the cameras all flashing and circling like sharks. They were calling my name, yelling questions and trying to get my attention. I clung to Dean, lost in a sea of cameras and shouting.

“How’s he fuck?” yelled one photographer, his camera close enough to make me shy away to avoid hitting it with my face. I felt my cheeks go hot. I turned to get away, but I was surrounded by cameras. I felt like I was in a lightning storm, the flashes making it hard to see. I tripped on one of the stone steps, and I would have crashed into the ground if Dean hadn’t reached out and caught my arm.

He pushed his way down the stairs, towing me behind in his wake. I was so overwhelmed I followed him blindly, unsure of what was going on. Nothing could have prepared me for the onslaught of flashes and questions.

The black SUV peeled up to the corner, and Dean practically tossed me inside, slamming the door behind me. The camera flashes glared off the window and I fell forward as the car accelerated away.

“Put your seat-belt on,” Dean growled as the driver darted around a taxi. “You okay?”

“What just happened?” My voice cracked. Adrenaline was pumping through my system and I couldn’t figure out if I wanted to run or cry.

“Someone tipped them off. They’ve been hungry for pictures of you since they found out you were in New York,” Dean said. His voice had lost the smiling quality. “They’re still following us.”

I looked back and could see several cabs jockeying for position behind us. I buckled my seat-belt, feeling the car accelerate underneath me, weaving in and out of the traffic. I was glad I wasn’t the one driving.

“But why now? I’ve been out in the city with Rachel every day and they haven’t done this.” I gripped the car door as we took a tight turn.

“Those were organized trips. We cleared them with the stores ahead of time. Didn’t you notice no one else was shopping?”

“I thought that was because the prices were so high. I didn’t realize it was for me.” I slouched in my seat. I felt like an idiot for not noticing earlier that every trip with Rachel had been carefully timed and organized.

Dean looked back at me, his eyes darting to look through the back window. “Rachel didn’t want to say anything because it was pretty obvious you already felt out of place here. But you should know now. The tabloids are clamoring for pictures. You are the hot topic right now and they want you. They’re offering some high prices for pictures and that means they are watching every move you make.”

“What do I do?” I asked. I felt helpless. This was way out of my comfort level.

“You don’t have to do anything. Just let me do my job,” Dean said. He smiled kindly at me. “Don’t you worry. We’ve lost them.”

“I guess that means my trip to the Met is off for the day. No mummies for me.”

“Unfortunately.” He sounded more disappointed than I did. “I can take you tomorrow though if you like. I’ll even get Ms. Weber to come have lunch with us.”

“You promise the best tour ever?”

Dean laughed, his demeanor back to the watchful yet relaxed status I was used to. “The best tour that museum has ever seen.”

“You have yourself a deal then,” I said with a nod. Dean turned back around and I leaned back in my seat.

I understood now why we had to schedule things. I didn’t like it, but I understood. Something about a schedule tickled at my brain. Perhaps I could get onto Jack’s schedule. An idea began to form. I pulled out my phone and opened a text message to Rachel.

Chapter 14

checked my reflection in the golden doors of the elevator, feeling nervous. The food cart behind me filled the elevator with delicious smells and my stomach grumbled. I had been too nervous to eat earlier, and now I was starving.

The doors opened with a ding and I pulled the cart with two dinners behind me into the big lobby on Jack's floor
Jeannette looked up and smiled as I approached her giant desk.

“You look lovely Emma. Jack has been looking forward to dinner all day, but don’t tell him I told you. He should be finishing up signing some papers, so you can go on in.” She gave me a wink as I headed towards the big office doors and said, “I’ll be leaving in a little bit so don’t you two worry about me out here.”

My mouth suddenly filled with dust and I licked my lips nervously as I reached the big doors. I hadn’t seen Jack since arriving in New York. It was still a dreamlike idea that I could be here, that any of this could be happening.  My brain was still having a hard time believing that he would still be interested in me, even though our vacation was over. My world had been turned upside down and I was still struggling to catch up. After my run-in with the paparazzi the day before, I wasn’t sure what to expect anymore.

With a deep breath, I knocked and pushed open the heavy doors. They swung inward easily, and I pulled the cart of food quietly behind me. Jack looked up from his desk, the mask of a businessman slipping away as soon as he saw me. The boyish glint I remembered from the beach shone in his eyes. He signed the last piece of paper on his desk in a hurry and stacked it neatly on the corner before coming around to greet me.

There was an awkward moment where neither one of us was sure what we were supposed to do. Did we hug? Did we kiss? Shake hands? I went for a hug and he kissed me softly on the cheek. My heart pounded in my chest, threatening to shake my entire body.

“Jeannette said you came by yesterday,” he said, breaking away from me. I wanted him to keep touching me, but I wasn’t sure my nerves could handle it. I felt like a girl meeting her crush behind the school for the first time.

“Yeah, I didn’t know you weren’t going to be here. I’m learning the importance of scheduling,” I replied. I played with the food tray, wheeling it back and forth.

“I’m sorry I missed you. I just realized that I haven’t seen you since you got here and that was a couple of days ago,” Jack said, leaning back against his desk.

“You’ve been busy, I get it. You’re important.”

“That isn’t a very good excuse,” he said, shaking his head. His hair gleamed in the soft light from his desk, and it took all my will power not to run my fingers through it. He shrugged and gestured to the food. “You hungry?”

“Starving actually,” I answered. He came beside me and pushed the cart towards a couch and coffee table in the corner of his office. As he took the cart, he brushed against me, sending shivers down my spine. My body ached to remember how he felt, the way he moved inside of me. The beginnings of a blush tried to sneak onto my face, but I tried to mimic Jack’s easy nonchalance and it seemed to keep the heat down lower.

He carefully placed each of the plates on the small table, motioning me to sit down. I sat gingerly on the leather sofa, my stomach doing flip flops. I couldn’t understand my anxiety; I had slept with the man, but now, now that we were going to actually have to get to know one another, I was nervous. Jack had met vacation me. Vacation me was bold and did crazy things like marrying strangers.

Unfortunately, vacation me lived in the Caribbean, not New York. Now I was New York me and I suspected New York me was pretty much the same as Iowa me. The cautious boring me that didn’t know how to have a boyfriend. I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to be near him.

"You brought hamburgers!" He grinned as he opened up the lid.

"Yup. They are fancier than any burger I've ever seen. Look, they even have fancy catsup. Notice how it's spelled with a C?" I pointed to the glass bottle.

Jack laughed and opened the bottle, pouring the red sauce onto his burger.  I quickly mimicked him and poured it on my burger as well.

I really liked Jack. I liked the way his smile was slightly crooked, but always genuine when he looked at me. I liked the way he smelled, the combination of cologne and man was intoxicating. I liked that he seemed to relax with me. His shoulders seemed to lower as I watched him pour sauce on his plate for the fries, like he was unwinding.

Jack sat down next to me, our knees barely inches from touching. A current of electricity ran between us and I knew if we touched, sparks would fly. A nervous giggle escaped and I tried to keep it under control. I wanted to be sophisticated and interesting, but I was pretty sure I was nervous and obviously attracted to him.

“Tell me about your day,” he said, lifting the lid to one of the entrees.

“You really want to know?” I asked, raising the lid to my own plate. It smelled divine. Jack nodded and took a bite of his dinner. “Well, Dean—my bodyguard—took me to the New York Museum of Art and gave me the tour he promised.”

“Dean knows art?” Jack asked, his mouth full of burger. The normalcy of it made me smile.

“Yeah, a lot about art in fact. I’ve never really understood what makes one painting better than another, but having him explain the paintings to me actually made it interesting.” I took a bite of my own food before asking, “What about you? How was your day?”

“Insane. We had a board meeting today and practically everything is behind or delayed. I don’t want to bore you with the details, but this is honestly the best part of my day today. Tell me more about the museum. I haven’t gone in years and never with a guide.”

“Like I said, I know almost nothing about art, but I did discover I have a favorite artist. Monet. His paintings make me feel like summer. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I’m happy when I look at them.” I blushed, feeling like I had revealed something.

“Monet... he did the water lilies painting, right?” Jack asked, his brows scrunched together as he tried to remember the artist.

“That’s one of the most famous ones. They had one there called, “View of Vétheuil”. It reminds me of summers at home. Here I took a picture.” I pulled out my ancient flip phone and began navigating through the menus to show him some of the pictures from the museum.

“How old is that phone?” Jack asked, looking askance at the archaic device. I shrugged.

“I’m not really sure. I ‘inherited’ it when I got my phone plan and I haven’t had the money to upgrade it. My plan isn’t up for renewal for a while yet.” I shrugged sheepishly.

“You are getting a new one. Whatever the top of the line one is right now, I am getting you one. No wonder half my texts to you don't go through,” he said, pulling out his own smart phone. He hit a button and held it up to his ear. “Rachel? Emma needs a new phone. All the bells and whistles. Yes. Thank you.”

“Thank you,” I said as he hung up. I was a little baffled. Despite all the shopping I had done with Rachel, the idea of spending money the way Jack did was still intimidating.

“You are most welcome. Let me see the picture.” He reached over and took my hand, pulling the phone screen to where he could see it. His hand was hot against mine and it sent sparks racing through my spine. I was a little sad when he let go. “It’s beautiful, like you. I can see why you like it.”

“Thank you.” I couldn’t help but smile at the compliment. I wondered if he was this charming to all the models he took to the social events from the tabloid pictures. I hoped it was only for me.

There was a long pause as neither of us knew what to say next. It had been so easy to talk to him on the beach, but now, I was tongue-tied and shy. I played with my food, trying desperately to think of something to say.

“So... , how are you liking New York?” Jack finally asked, breaking our awkward silence.

“It’s huge!” I blurted out. Jack laughed. “I mean, it is so much bigger than where I’m from. It’s been a little overwhelming.”

“Do you think you could get used to it?” There was more to the question than just the words and the implication made my heart speed up.

“If I keep getting to have dinners like this, then I think I could.” A smile flashed across Jack’s face. It reminded me of a time in high school when I said “Yes” to a boy who asked me for a date—excited and optimistic. It made my chest go tight and my knees loose.

“I’m glad then. I’m glad you’re here.” Jack set his empty plate on the table and reached over, placing his hand on my knee. A surge of heat splayed out from my belly at his touch. Even though my head wasn’t sure what Jack and I were doing, my body knew exactly what it wanted. He leaned forward and our lips hovered inches from one another. I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but something was stopping him. He pulled his mouth away from mine.


He leaned back, keeping his hand mercifully on my leg. It made it hard to think, but I would have gone crazy if I couldn’t have him touching me. My body sang out for more while my head begged for caution.

“I think we should take things slow,” he said. His words were controlled and even, but the tightness in his jaw told me that this wasn’t easy for him to say. “With the public eye on us, we can’t afford any more mistakes.”

mistakes?” my knee pulled away from his hand before I could stop it, and I instantly regretted it when he let me go. I wanted him to touch me and yet I was nervous of what it might lead to. I wasn’t sure where we were going. I wished my body would stop pushing for more and for my head to stop worrying.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” he said holding up his hands in defense. He sighed, “I am the image of my company and we can’t afford any bad press right now.” He placed my hand in his and he brought it to his lips. “I think you are beautiful and fascinating. I thought so the moment I met you. There is no mistake there, and now, since you’re here, I’d like to take the time to get to know you. I mean, really get to know you—not just random secrets and how your body reacts when you’re excited. We have time now.” His eyes glinted with memories of what I did when I was excited.

“Jack, how long
I going to be here?” I asked, looking up into his hazel eyes. They were greener today. A girl could happily drown in those green seas.

“As long as you’d like.”

My mouth went dry and I tried to swallow. I hadn’t thought about how long I was going to be in New York. It still felt like I was on vacation. None of this seemed like it could possibly be real life.
How long was I going to stay? Another week? A month? A year? Forever?
My breath caught at the idea of forever, though I wasn’t sure if I was apprehensive or excited. If we connected half as well in New York as we did on the island, forever might not be long enough.

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