Salvation (6 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

BOOK: Salvation
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She’s coming. I need—harder. More,” Zander begged.

Rock didn’t let them down. He slapped Zander’s thigh and rode the man hard.

“I can’t—I can’t. Please. Oh god. Oh god. Can’t—” Se hung her head and panted.

“You can. Take it, Se. Take it,” Zander encouraged her. “She feels so good, Rock. Her pussy is clamping down on my cock.
So good.”

It was Rock’s turn to come. Zander’s words gave him the final push he needed. He filled Zander with his cum. It was almost too much for his sensitive dick when Zander came.

The trio collapsed on the bed. Zander rolled to the side and Se scooted over so they would all fit. Good thing he had a big bed.

Someone’s stomach rumbled. Rock chuckled. It had been a while since their last meal. The workout had made him hungry too. They were burning a lot of energy. The only time they got up was to eat or relieve

“Shower, then food.
Get to it, guys.”

“Why are you so damn
? I can’t move and you’re like a puppy who just found his tail,” Se grumbled.

“I’m energised. Now get moving. I’m hungry.” Rock tapped Se on the ass and walked towards the bathing area in his quarters.

“What the fuck is it with you and this slapping thing you’ve got going on?” Se rubbed her backside, but she did get out of the bed.

Zander chuckled.

“What’s so funny, geek boy?” Rock raised a brow, enjoying their light banter.

“You two.
Do you ever stop bickering?” Zander waved his hand between Rock and Se.

“Sexual tension.”
Rock winked.

“Asshole tendencies.”
Se grinned.

“Hey!” Rock turned as if to tackle her.

“Enough, you two.
Shower and food were mentioned and I’m hungry too.” As if to back up his statement, Zander’s stomach rumbled. His face went bright red and he collapsed back to the bed.

Se laughed and took Zander’s hand, tugging him off the bed and leading him to Rock’s shower.

“Will we all fit in there?” Se bit her lip and looked a little concerned.

“It will be tight, but we can do it. Good thing my shower at home is bigger. When we get there, we’ll have to play. I like the idea of you two wet and ready for me.” Rock sauntered to the controls.

“Cocky, isn’t he?” Zander said to Se.

Rock turned on the water and got in, gesturing to the others to follow his lead. He liked how comfortable Zander seemed with them, but he guessed that a few days in bed could do that to a guy.

He wanted them both in his house in the worst way. He might never want them to leave. But that was a thought for another day. They weren’t ready to go there, yet. He just hoped they didn’t take long to realise how much they already meant to him. Rock didn’t think his heart could take it if they left.

He tuned back in to the conversation to hear
response to Zander.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Rock plastered his body against
, his cock already half-hard and ready for another round.

“Hungry guy, here.” Zander gave them both a quick kiss then washed his body. Rock paused to just watch the man in motion. All the blood rushed to his dick when Zander’s hands roamed over his own body. He’d have to ask the man to jack off in front of him. He’d love to see Zander pleasure
maybe have him come all over

He looked over to see that Se was watching the show as well. They were both goners. Now they had to figure out who wanted to hurt the beautiful man in front of him. That was enough to deflate his cock. Whoever they were, they meant business. Well, they couldn’t have Zander. He was Rock’s now and he aimed to protect his man.

Rock rushed through the rest of his shower and grabbed towels for all of them. There would be time to worry once they got to Cooper. For now, they would enjoy their time together and maybe play a little more before things turned serious. And he wanted them to get serious.
Like in the forever way.

“Race you to the galley.” Rock used the towel to flick Zander on the ass before he sprinted through his room and headed for food, Zander and Se right behind him. He smiled at the feeling of home he got being with the two of them. They clicked. Could it be too good to be true? He hoped not. And if he had his way it wouldn’t be.

Chapter Four




“Status report, Mr Roberts?”
was growing bored. Zander should already be his. He wasn’t going to let an unknown take that away from him. Delicious thoughts of what he would do when Zander was in his possession only distracted him for so long. Maybe he needed a stand-in. That might wile away the hours.

He took a second to look around the room. Someone there had to look enough like the man to help ease his tension. There. The boy in the corner would do just fine. He was so lost in his plans he almost didn’t hear Roberts’ report.

“We were able to identify the craft that rescued Dr
. It is called the
. Its home port is Cooper Prime and the captain’s name is Rockwell Loy, sir.”

“Very good, Mr Roberts.
Keep up the good work. Set a course for Cooper Prime. Let me know when we arrive.
Yes, you in the corner. Follow me, please.” He waved the redheaded boy closer, his cock already hard.


“What is it, Roberts?” He let his annoyance show in his tone.

“Sorry, sir, but I thought you would want to know that Loy is a friend of a couple of ex-Alliance officers. That could pose a problem. It looks like they left in good standing.”

“Duly noted.
Carry on.” As if he cared about the Alliance. He was untouchable and they could kiss his ass. He could buy and sell them all, or his dad would do it for him.

The young man had finally reached his side.
He was timid.
needed to reassure him if he wanted to have fun.

“What is your name?”
asked briskly. His cock was getting harder.

The guy looked over his shoulder at the other men, but there would be no support from them.
paid well. Not that these lousy schmucks would get to enjoy any of the money, but their families would reap the rewards. He wasn’t all bad.

Nice name, but from now on I’m going to call you Zander and you will respond to that. Understood?” His tone brooked no arguments. Not that he expected any.

He took ‘Zander’s’ hand and moved towards his quarters. Not his office this time. He would woo this one before things got violent. He wanted to ease all of his stress, so by the time the real Zander was his, he would be prepared to go slowly and enjoy himself. He didn’t want anything to spoil his moments with Zander, and being over-eager could do that.

None of this would be happening if he’d had his shot at Zander to begin with. The man was too distracted with his science. That was why he’d lured him out to the middle of nowhere with a bogus pox. Zander’s disappearance would have been attributed to a pirate attack and
could have had years to play with and savour the handsome man.

It was the fact that Zander had turned down his overtures to begin with that irked him.
father had taught him to take what he wanted, damn the consequences. They had more money than God, and everyone had a price.
But not Zander.
Nothing he’d done had got the man’s attention. He’d tried politeness, stayed in the background and got Reginald to do most of the talking. He’d handled the doctor with kid gloves, and got the brush-off. No one ignored
Walker. Not and lived to tell about it. It was a good thing Zander was cute and hit all his hot buttons.

Fake Zander would do for now. Let the wooing begin.

When they got to his quarters, the young man was shivering.
couldn’t have that. It wasn’t time for fear. Not yet. That would come later, after he’d had his fill of the young man’s ass.

okay, my pretty boy.” He ran a finger down ‘Zander’s’ cheek and pushed him against the door.

placed his hands on either side of ‘Zander’s’ head and tilted his hips to rub their cocks together. He wanted a taste of the cherry-red lips. He went slowly and grazed his lips over ‘Zander’s’, back and forth in time with the thrust of his pelvis. ‘Zander’s’ lips parted and
pressed his advantage, letting his tongue explore the dark crevice of his partner’s mouth.

‘Zander’ relaxed and
smiled against the moist mouth under his. He shifted away from the wall and led the other man to his bed.

“Sir?” the man sounded confused.

“You can call me
, my pet.” He grinned in encouragement and pulled on the arm he held. They both tumbled onto the bed.

‘Zander’ nodded.

“You want me, don’t you, ‘Zander’? You want my cock so far up your ass you can taste it.
Tell me. Tell me what you want, what you crave.”

I want your cock up my ass.” ‘Zander’s’ voice started out hesitant, but grew stronger.

started to settle between ‘Zander’s’ legs, but changed his mind. This one’s face wasn’t right. The body was good, so he would take him from behind. He’d leave the face-to-face stuff for the real Zander. He positioned him with his ass in the air. That was good. But they had too many clothes on for this to work.

“Don’t move. Stay like that.”
walked to his dresser to grab one of his smaller knives. His clothes littered the floor on the way back. His new pet wouldn’t need clothes any longer. “Close your eyes and hold on to the bars in front of you.” He smacked ‘Zander’s’ ass. The other man hurried to obey. He was an eager one. That made this all the better.
couldn’t wait for his first taste. “Good, pet. Very good,” he soothed as he cut away ‘Zander’s’ uniform.

The first slice of the knife had the young man turning around. He couldn’t have that. It ruined the fantasy.

“I said, don’t move.”
pressed in a little deeper and the knife nicked ‘Zander’. Nothing too bad, a scratch really, but it made the man obey. Good. That was good. He showed his appreciation with a kiss against the scratch. It didn’t even bleed.
Just a nice line of red.
He was right, the sight was one to behold on such white skin.

‘Zander’ trembled.
removed the tattered clothing and threw it behind him. The man in his bed was a strapping fellow. All toned muscles. He couldn’t wait to be inside him. Now it was time for the cuffs. Or maybe he should use ropes. Either way, his marks would look lovely.

opened the bedside drawer and pulled out the cuffs. He bypassed the lube. He wanted ‘Zander’ to burn for him. Once ‘Zander’ was positioned how he wanted,
reached around to grip his cock. It was full and thick. Maybe he would taste it later. ‘Zander’ thrust into his fist.
Such an eager thing.
He would be rewarded.
squeezed tight on the dick and pumped a couple of times.


Yes, he was begging. He loved hearing his name on ‘Zander’s’ lips. For that he would use a little spit to ease his way inside. Not much.
Just a little.
spat in his hand and worked a finger into ‘Zander’s’ hole.

, that
—oh, oh,
.” ‘Zander’ stopped talking when
pegged his gland.

That would be enough prep work. He wanted to get inside that hot opening. Swift and sure, he drove inside. ‘Zander’s’ cock wilted a little at the pain, but
wasn’t really interested in ‘Zander’s’ pleasure. This was all about him. He pulled out to the tip and slammed back in. ‘Zander’ screamed and
liked it.

“That’s it, ‘Zander’. Scream for me. Make it good. Scream my name.” He hit ‘Zander’s’ ass and rocked against him again and again.

! Fuck, ouch, fuck.”

Yes, that was what he needed. Over and over he pounded. He needed something else. The knife was still on the bed beside him, but that seemed too impersonal. He used his nails and scraped them hard down ‘Zander’s’ back until red marks appeared. ‘Zander’s’ ass clenched hard on his cock and semen flowed over the hand that still held ‘Zander’s’ cock. That was all it took.
came hard, shouting ‘Zander’s’ name.


* * * *

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