Same/Difference (The Depth of Emotion #4) (8 page)

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Authors: D.D. Lorenzo

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Teen & Young Adult, #Action & Adventure, #Women's Adventure, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Psychological, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Same/Difference (The Depth of Emotion #4)
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Jorge made the turn into New York, New York. Just as he pulled the car up to the front, Paige breezed through the revolving door. As always, she was impeccably styled. The black dress she wore hugged her curves and he appreciated that it was short enough to show off her toned legs. She was more conservative than most, but in the sexiest way. Most women in Vegas exposed as much skin as they could, but that was what made her stand out. She wasn’t the norm and it was refreshing.

Jorge came around the car and opened the door. Falcon stepped out to greet her.

“You look gorgeous—emphasis on the gorgeous.”

She was obviously pleased by the compliment, and a pink glow flushed her cheeks.

“Thank you. You look very handsome yourself.”

“No, sweetheart, thank you. I thought this would be a boring trip but you’re making it anything but.”

She got into the backseat and slid all the way to the other side. As she did he noticed the back of the dress. It was sheer across the shoulders, just a hint of sexy.

Unbuttoning his jacket, he entered after her. She turned toward him and smiled, giving him a glimpse of her dimples.
was the smile that slayed him. He hadn’t realized how much he wanted to see her until that moment. It was much more than he expected.

“Have you ever been to Gordon Ramsey’s?”

“No, but I’m looking forward to it. Elizabeth told me it was very nice.”

“She’s right. It’s a very nice restaurant, but there are many in Vegas.”

“I was just thinking that,” she agreed. “I come here several times a year, but I can count on one hand the number of five star restaurants I’ve been to. Usually, we go somewhere for a late dinner that has a club nearby.”

“Then you should go more often. I’m not too much for the club scene but I enjoy a great meal.” His tone grew more suggestive. “I could name a few for you, but then I’d rather take you to them.”

Her eyes sparkled.

“Vegas wouldn’t be my first choice for vacation, but I can tell by the look in your eyes that you see it differently than I do.”

She turned away from the window to look at him.

“It’s the lights. They get to me. Reminds me of Christmas, only here you get to see it every night.” Her expression softened. “Have you ever flown into Vegas at night?”

“I don’t recall,” he answered, shaking his head. “If I have, I was probably sleeping.”

She rolled her eyes, a smirk on her lips.

“You really should make an effort to fly at night, even if it’s one time. Stay awake and look out the window as you land. The lights in the dessert look magical from above. It’s really one of the most beautiful sights Vegas has to offer.”

The corners of his mouth rose with a smile and he gave her a sultry look. “I don’t know about that. I think I’m looking at one of the most beautiful sights Vegas has to offer.”

She blushed again like a schoolgirl. The compliment made her squirm in her seat. “I’m not going to be able to eat if you keep this up.”

His brows pulled together. “Why, because I think you’re beautiful? I thought most women loved compliments.”

“I’m not most women.” She shrugged.

Regaining her composure, she deflected and changed the subject to focus on him.

“So, how did your meeting go?”

“The one today? It was good. Two new contracts.” He was surprised she remembered.

“I thought it was just the three of you; Carter, Marcus, and you. How do you keep up with all of it?”

“We’ve just expanded, as a matter of fact. In addition to the three of us we’ve hired seven people. If we continue to grow, I’m sure we’ll add to that number.”

Her eyes widened. “Wow! I thought the business was just a few months old.”

“A little shy of the one-year mark, actually, although we planned for expansion six months ago. We knew we had something to build on, but we had no idea how quickly the business would take off. Needless to say, we’re pleasantly surprised.”

Jorge pulled up in front of Paris, Las Vegas.

“We’re here.”

Falcon got out of the car and buttoned his jacket. He held out his hand to her and she slid her fingers into it. The proprietary feeling seared into him as her hand fit into his. It was one he wasn’t familiar with, but could easily get used to.

Jorge stood outside the car awaiting Falcon’s instructions.

“Thanks, Jorge. I’ll call when we’re finished.”

“Yes, sir. Just let me know when you need me.”

Paige giggled.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“Forgive me,” her voice was low and sexy, “but I don’t think of you as a ‘sir’.”

“No?” He looked down at her and placed his other hand at the small of her back. I’d be offended, but I’m happy to know that you think of me at all.”

He led her through the lobby of Paris, Las Vegas, and then to the restaurant area. Once he gave the hostess his name, they followed her inside. They were directed to a table in the corner. Their hostess held out a chair for Paige while Falcon seated himself.

The delicious aromas mingled, caressing their senses. For such a busy restaurant, the location of their table seemed rather private. Paige’s approval shone on her face confirming he’d made the right choice for a first date. From the neon British flag on the ceiling to the rich, dark wood, the entire restaurant oozed indulgence. He ordered a cocktail for Paige and a beer for himself, and then watched her expression as she scanned the menu.

“Everything on here sounds delicious.” She peeked at him over the top of the menu.

He was starving, having only eaten breakfast.

“I recommend the steak. It’s excellent.”

Their server appeared at the table. She took Falcon’s advice and ordered the steak, but when she said that she wanted it cooked "so well done it was charcoaled," it earned her a horrified look from them both. It took a few minutes of convincing to get her to try it
but he argued that her way killed the flavor. When she finally deferred to his judgment, he relished the small victory. She didn’t give in easily though, giving him a small taste of her determination.

“I’ll be right back,” she said, excusing herself.

He stood when she rose from her chair and noted her smile as he did so. Apparently, gentlemanly behavior was something she liked.
Mom would be proud.

She’d only walked a few feet away from the table when she double-backed. As she reached him, she raised a questioning brow. One of the wait staff was folding the napkin she’d just placed on the table. Falcon took her hand and pulled her low enough so he could whisper in her ear.

“When you leave the table, they service your seat.”

Her mouth formed a little “o” and she nodded. She picked up her handbag. “Forgot this,” she said then walked toward the restroom. Falcon watched as the waiter refilled their water glasses.

“Beautiful lady.”

“Yes she is,” he agreed.

When she returned a few minutes later, he leaned in, reaching for her hand across the table and taking it into his.

“Tell me about yourself.”

She leaned in as well, closing the distance. “Hmm. There isn’t much to tell, really. It hasn’t changed since I last saw you. I’m still listing and selling properties. The shore area is always prime real estate.”

He drew circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. “I know what you do for a living. I’d like to know more about you.”

“There isn’t too much to tell. Like Aria and Declan, I have a house on the ocean, which I love. The work I do means that people constantly surround me so, believe it or not, I don’t go out much because I enjoy my time alone. When I do go out it’s with our small group—you met most of them at Carter and Aimee’s party. They were all part of the package when Aria married Declan. So, what about you? I’m sure your story is much more interesting than mine.”

“You’re good at that, you know?” He gave her a knowing look.

“Good at what?” She removed her hand from his and took a sip from her drink.

“Deflecting.” His expression said that he was on to her. “You’re very smooth. I want to know more about you and you somehow get me talking about me.”

“I’m not deflecting,” she said with a lighthearted chuckle. “I live a pretty boring life.”

“Yeah. I call bullshit on that—and don’t try to pull that one on me again. Interrogation was one of my specialties.” He winked and gave her a half grin. She returned a wry smile and laid her hands her lap.

“Okay, Mr. Interrogator. Fire away”

He cocked his head. “Tell me about your family. Do they live in Rehoboth?”

“No, but not too far away. They’re all in Maryland. My mom and dad are retired. They’re on Kent Island. They always loved the eastern shore, and still do. When I was little we lived in Baltimore, but vacationed in Ocean City. My brother, Rick, lives in Maryland too. He has a waterfront on the Magothy and spends most of the summer on his boat. I almost have him convinced to move to the beach with me. Every time he visits he falls more in love with the ocean. We have lots of great memories from our vacations when we were kids. As a matter of fact, that’s when I met Aria.” She paused for a moment. “The rest of the details are boring. I love to cook, but never have enough time.” She gave him flippant look. “So, do I pass the test or do you wish you hadn’t asked?”

His laugh was a deep chuckle. He kind of liked her cheeky attitude.

“It sounds like you have a great family. Not everyone can say that.”

He could see that she wanted him to elaborate, but their food had arrived. She wasn’t like a pampered princess, either. She enjoyed her food and it showed. It was a pleasure to watch her expressions. When she tasted the steak, she closed her eyes as she savored it.

“Mmmm. This
really good.”

“Told you.” He winked.

She didn’t say another word and concentrated on her meal. He could tell she wasn’t disappointed about the way her steak was prepared. He loved a victory, even one as small as that.

Once they finished their meal, the waiter brought coffee. Falcon ordered a chocolate dessert for her and now she was insisting he take a bite.

“This is delicious! You have to try it.”

He raised his hand to decline. “No, sweetheart. It’s all yours.”

Undeterred, she frowned and lifted a forkful to his mouth. “Just one bite? Come on; you don’t know what you’re missing.”

He cocked his eyebrow. Humoring her, he let her put the bite in his mouth. It was much better than he expected. “I’m not a chocolate fan but this is pretty good.”

She glowed. “See? You educated me about steak, and I educated you on chocolate.”

By the satisfied look on her face, it appeared that she also enjoyed a victory.

Their conversation was an easy one. They talked as the staff removed the last of the food and they lingered over coffee. He enjoyed the sound of her voice. Her tone was soft and her words were crisp and succinct. He could imagine her charming potential buyers because she was certainly doing it to him. She talked a little more about her family. They sounded like good people. Very supportive of her. He casually asked about what schools she attended. Her posture changed when she answered. It was obvious to him that she skimmed the details quickly and he knew it was a topic she avoided. She said just enough of the facts to answer the question. No more, no less, but still, he knew much more now than he did before.

He decided not to mention Blake, Manny, or Marisol. The opportunity didn’t present itself. Marisol never seemed to be a good topic for anyone, and from the history Carter had given him, Paige was no exception. If she knew they were in town she didn’t mention it, and he didn’t want to be the one to bring it up and possibly ruin the evening.

Abandoning his thoughts, he watched her expressions. He enjoyed her company and he enjoyed looking at her. She had a beautiful face—especially her lips. They were full and plump with just the right amount of lipstick, elegant not clownish. The dark red color complimented her fair skin. And her eyes were very expressive. Deep pools of chocolate. For a moment, he was lost in them.

“…never grows old when you have such a beautiful view. I wouldn’t have expected it.” She stopped talking and gave him a puzzled look. “Fal?”

He was startled from his distractive thoughts, and was embarrassed for diverting them. “Sorry.”

She looked down into her lap. “I think I should be the one who’s sorry. I was rambling.”

“No, no.” He reached out for her hand to assure her. “I was just lost in thought.”

She looked up at him. “A good thought, I hope?”

He brushed his fingers against her palm. “I was wondering how I’d get you to go out to dinner with me again.”

“Oh…” she whispered.

“So… how
I get you to go out with me again?” His voice was a mixture of pleasure and hesitancy.

She spoke in a hushed tone. “I suppose you could ask. That’s always a good place to start.”

He gave her a suggestive look. “So…I’m asking.”

Amused, she shook her head in disbelief and laughed. “I guess.”

Warmth filled his expression. “You tell me when and I’ll tell you where.”



alcon was so close I could feel his breath fall on my shoulder. And he smelled so good! I wanted to nuzzle him just to inhale his fragrance. It was a bracing scent with hints of cloves and pine. He walked me to my room. Once we arrived at my door, I retrieved the card key from the clutch.

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