Santorini (25 page)

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Authors: Alistair MacLean

BOOK: Santorini
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'Would you kindly present my compliments to the captain and say I would like to talk to him.'

'That is better.' Aristotle rose, crossed to the short flight of steps leading up to the wheelhouse and said something in Greek. Andropulos appeared almost at once. He, too, was needlessly armed. There was a relaxed and confident, even cheerful, air about him.

'When you were aboard my ship,' Talbot said, 'we catered for your every desire. Whatever you wanted, you had but to ask. J, wish I could say the same for Greek hospitality. Well, your version of it.'

'I think I take your point. It can't be easy for you to lie there and watch Aristotle steadily lowering the level in a bottle of retsina. You are thirsty?'


'That's easily remedied.'

In very short order, Aristotle had their bonds quickly and skilfully re-arranged, with Talbot's left wrist and Van Gelder's right loosely but securely attached to each other. Their free hands now held a glass apiece.

'I am becoming suspicious, Captain,' Andropulos said. He neither looked nor sounded suspicious. 'You seem totally unconcerned as to the immediate past and the immediate future. I find it very curious indeed."

'There's nothing curious about it. It's your behaviour that I find extraordinarily curious although I have to admit that that is based entirely on my complete ignorance of what is going on. I fail to understand why you, a very wealthy and, I assume, highly respected businessman, should suddenly decide to put yourself outside the bounds of law. I don't have to tell you that, by hijacking the Angelina, you have done just that. I can't even begin to understand why you should jeopardize your career, perhaps even risk a prison sentence, although I have no doubt that with the kind of money you must possess you wouldn't have too much trouble in bending the law in your direction. Most of all, I don't understand how you can possibly hope to get away with it. By six o'clock, possibly seven, tomorrow morning every ship and plane in NATO will be looking for you and you must know that it will take very little time to locate you.'

'You have this famous Royal Navy signal, locate, engage and destroy. Locate, yes. Destroy, no.' Andropulos was quite undisturbed. 'Not with the kind of cargo and very select group of hostages I have on board. As for jeopardizing my career, well, I think the time comes in many people's lives when they should abandon the old ways and strike out in a fresh direction. Don't you, Captain?'

'Not where I'm concerned. And perhaps, where you are concerned, it's not a choice but a necessity. You appear to have taken a fresh step along the road to crime. It's just possible - it's difficult to imagine but it is possible - that many of your past steps have led along that same road and that your past is catching up with you. But that's just empty speculation. I really don't know and, to be honest, I no longer care. Could I have some more wine?'

'What are you going to do with us?' Irene Charial was trying to keep her voice steady but the undercurrent of strain was there. 'What is going to happen to us?'

'Don't be ridiculous, my dear. Nothing is going to happen to you. You heard me saying that to Commander Talbot when we came aboard. Unthinkable that you should come to any harm at my hands.'

'Where are you taking us?'

'I'm not taking you anywhere. Oh dear, that does sound ominous. To what will probably be my lifelong regret, I shall be parting company with you. Dear, dear, that doesn't sound much better. Within a very short time I shall be transferring you aboard the Ariadne's launch and bidding you farewell.'

'And the two officers here? Do you shoot them or just tie their hands up again and throw them overboard?'

'I must protest, Irene,' Van Gelder said. 'Don't go around putting ideas into the man's head.'

'I had looked for more intelligence from my niece,' Andropulos said. 'If it had been my intention to dispose of them, I should have done so immediately we came aboard.'

'What's to stop them from coming after you? You know they can call for help.'

'The Lord help us,' Van Gelder said. 'One shudders to think of the minimal levels of university entrance these days.'

'I'm afraid I have to agree with both Van Gelder and your uncle,' Talbot said. 'You are naive.' He cocked his fingers, pistol fashion. 'Poof! Exit engine. Poof! Exit radio.'

Andropulos smiled. 'As you say, a double poof should do it nicely.'

Denholm looked out at the light flickering from the north. 'What does the Angelina say, Myers?'

'"Stop two miles south-east of us and cut engines." How shall I answer, sir?'

'We don't have any option. "Wilco."' He waited until Myers had triggered the reply, then said: 'What's the latest news about the Taormina?' The Ariadne had been monitoring the radio traffic between the Angelina and the Taormina for almost three hours and had the position of the Taormina  --  and themselves - pinpointed to within a few hundred yards.

'Just ten miles north of Avgo Island and moving, pretty slowly, north.'

'Proceeding, in what one might say in happier circumstances, with admirable caution.' The Ariadne had picked up Andropulos's warning to the Taormina of the danger of their coming together too soon. 'How long before they make contact?'

'Three hours, give or take. A bit longer, I should think, if the Angelina stops off alongside for a bit.'

'Do you think,' Wotherspoon said, 'that they might have in mind to sink us, Lieutenant?'

'I would be grateful, Professor, if you didn't even think of such things.'

Under the watchful eyes of three men with three guns McKenzie and Brown took and secured the ropes of the Angelina as it came alongside. First aboard was Andropulos himself, followed by Angelina Wotherspoon, who immediately seemed bent on strangling the Professor, then the two girls, Talbot and Van Gelder with their hands still bound behind their backs and finally Alexander and Aristotle, the last carrying a bag.

'We will not stay long,' Andropulos said. 'One or two small things to attend to first, then we shall be on our way.'

'May one ask what is in that bag?' Wotherspoon said. 'A delayed action bomb?'

'Mankind has so little trust in one another these days,' Andropulos said. He shook the bag gently and a slight tinkling noise resulted. 'To while away the time while you await rescue. Commander Talbot's idea, really. After all, it's your liquor, Wotherspoon. This, I take it, is the radio.'

'Do me a last favour,' Talbot said. 'A favour to all of Us. Don't blow it apart with a bullet. Just tap it gently with the butt of your revolver. Similarly with the engine. It requires very little effort to destroy the distributor and the plugs.' He nodded towards the armed mine lying in its cradle. 'I'm not at all sure how our friend here would react to the explosive crack of a pistol shot.'

'A well taken point,' Andropulos said. 'We just don't know how temperamental that mine is.' He reversed his grip on the pistol, levered open the face-plate of the radio and swept the butt across the transistors. It took him scarcely more time to attend to the engine. He next turned his attention to the signalling lamp, smashed it thoroughly and turned to Myers. 'Is there a spare?'

Myers swore at him softly, and Andropulos raised his gun. Talbot said: 'Don't be a fool, Myers. Give it to him.'

Myers, tight-lipped, handed over a small hand-signalling lamp. Andropulos broke the face and threw it into the water.

He then turned his attention to a small metal box attached to the deck just outside the wheelhouse and jerked his gun in McKenzie's direction. 'The distress flares there. Over the side with them, if you please.' He was silent for a moment, as if considering. 'Engine, radio, signalling lamps, distress flares. No, I don't think there's any other way you can communicate with anyone. Not that there's anyone around to communicate with. I trust you do not have too long and uncomfortable a wait before you are picked up." He turned to Irene Charial. 'Well, then, my dear, I will say goodbye.'

She did not answer him, did not even look at him. Andropulos shrugged, stepped across the gunwales and disappeared inside the Angelina's wheelhouse. Alexander and Aristotle followed him aboard, retrieved the lines that had secured them to the launch and pushed off with boat-hooks. The Angelina got slowly under way and headed off once more towards the south-east.

McKenzie used his seaman's knife to slice through the ropes that bound the wrists of Talbot and Van Gelder. 'Someone,' he said, 'certainly used a lot of enthusiasm to tie those knots.'

'That they did.' Talbot flexed painful and swollen wrists and hands and looked at the bag Aristotle had brought aboard. 'However, using two hands, I might just be able to hold something in them.'

Irene Charial looked at him. 'Is that all you have to say?'

'Make it a generous measure.'

She stared some more at him, looked away and reached for the bag. Wotherspoon said: 'Are you sure you're all right, Captain? How can you be so abnormally calm? You've lost out, haven't you? Lost out all along the line.'

'That's one way of putting it.' The wind was fresh, the sky cloudless and the full moon, abnormally large and bright, laid a golden bar across the Sea of Crete. Even at the distance of half a mile every detail of the Angelina was startlingly clear. 'The world, of course, will say that Andropulos has lost out. Andropulos and his two murderous friends.' Irene was still staring at him, her expression blank and uncomprehending. 'Things never quite work out the way you want them to.'

'I'm sure you know what you're talking about.' Wotherspoon's tone of voice left no doubt that he was quite sure that Talbot didn't know what he was talking about. 'And you took a hell of a chance there, if I may say so, Captain. He could have killed you and Van Gelder.'

'He could have tried. Then he would have died himself. Himself, Alexander and Aristotle.'

'You had your hands tied behind your back. And Van Gelder.' Wotherspoon was openly incredulous. 'How could you-'

'Chief Petty Officer McKenzie and Marine Sergeant Brown are highly trained and highly qualified marksmen. The only two on the Ariadne. With hand-guns, they are quite deadly. That is why they are along. Andropulos and his friends would have died without knowing what had hit them. Show the Professor, Chief.'

McKenzie reached under the small chart table, brought out two Navy Colts and handed them without a word to Wotherspoon. Quite some seconds passed in silence, then he looked up from the guns and said in a quiet voice: 'You knew those guns were there.'

'I put them there.'

'You put them there.' He shook his head as if in disbelief. 'You could have used those guns.'

'Killed them, you mean?'

'Well, no. That wouldn't have been necessary. Wounded them, perhaps. Or just taken them prisoner.'

'What were your orders, Chief?'

'Shoot to kill.'

'Shoot to kill.' It was a night for silences. 'But you didn't, did you?'

'I elected not to.'

Irene Charial clutched her arms and shivered, as if a sudden chill had*, fallen on the evening air. Nor was she alone in sensing the sudden and almost tangible drop in temperature. Both Eugenia and Angela Wotherspoon were staring at him, their eyes wide with uncertainty, then with fear and then with a sudden sick foreknowledge. Talbot's words still hung in the air, the fading echo of a sentence of execution.

Talbot said to Myers: 'The radio, if you would, Chief.'

'Two minutes, sir.' Myers moved aft, returned with a hammer and chisel and began to attack the floorboards of the wheelhouse. He pulled up a creaking plank, reached under and brought out a small compact radio with speaker attached. 'You talk in here, sir. Reply comes from the box. After, that is, you've cranked the handle.' Talbot nodded and spun the handle.

'HMS Ariadne here.' The voice was very distinct, very clear and unquestionably the voice of Admiral Hawkins.

'Talbot, sir. The three ladies, Van Gelder and I have been returned to the launch. Well and unharmed. Andropulos and his two friends are on their way again, moving south-east.'

'Well, thank God for that, anyway. Damn your eyes, Talbot, you've guessed right again. You've made up your mind what to do?'

'I have, sir.'

'For the record, do you want a direct order?'

'Off or on the record, no order will be necessary. But thank you. Do you have an estimate of their meeting time, sir.'

'Yes, I do. At their current speeds  --  the Taormina is still drifting along  --  and on their converging courses, about two hours. Three-thirty.'

'Thank you, sir. I'll call again in one hour.'

'The Taormina?' Wotherspoon said. 'Who or what the hell is the Taormina?'

'A diving ship, in which Andropulos has an interest. By interest, I mean that he probably owns the damn thing.'

'Commander Talbot?' Irene Charial's voice was very low.


'Admiral Hawkins said "you've guessed right again". What did he mean by that?'

'Just what he meant, I suppose.'

'Please.' She essayed a smile but gave up. 'You all seem to think that I'm not very bright, but I don't deserve that.'

'I'm sorry.'

'I'm beginning to think that you're not much given to guessing.' She looked at the two guns. 'You didn't guess that those were here. I don't think you guessed, I think you knew, that my uncle and the other two were armed.'

'I knew.'


'Jenkins, our wardroom steward, had been writing a letter to his family. For some reason, maybe he'd forgotten something, he went back up to the wardroom. He came across your uncle, or his associates, opening up a box in the passageway outside the wardroom. That box  --  it's a standard fitting on most naval ships  --  contained Colt .445. So they killed Jenkins and threw him over the side. I am sorry, Irene, really and truly sorry. I know how terrible all this must be for you.'

This time she did manage a smile although it was a pretty wan attempt.

'Terrible, yes, but not as terrible as I thought it might be. Did you guess that my uncle would try to hijack the Angelina?'


'And take the two of you hostages?'

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