Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners) (10 page)

BOOK: Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners)
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“No, she’s sicker,
but in a charming, sexy way. No one compares to her. She’s the most incredible
person I’ve ever known, a pure joy—”

“I don’t want to hear
about her. Just tell me the rules of the damn game.”

“Watch how you speak
to me, Sasha. Again, you can only push so far before something snaps.”

“These might be my
last words, so I won’t waste them on talking about someone I hate even more
than you.”

The Black Russian
shook his head. “For the first time I wish it was you who died instead of

Sasha closed his eyes
for a moment, the grief of losing his baby brother still searing his soul. “I
wish that too.”

The Black Russian
frowned. “He didn’t deserve to be shot down like that. You were supposed to
protect him.”

Sasha exhaled slowly,
willing himself not to show how much the Black Russian’s words hurt him,
because they were true. Even though he and his brother had been outnumbered, he
still should’ve done something, anything to have stopped Yuri from being killed.
There hadn’t been a day since his brother’s death that he hadn’t gone over
those last moments of Yuri’s life, trying to find a way he could’ve saved him.

“You feel guilt,
don’t you, Sasha?”

Sasha dropped his

“Looks like you do,
and you should. He was only there because he wanted to be with you.”

Sasha remained
silent, again wishing he’d been killed instead of Yuri, his brother having been
a much better person than him. The Black Russian tapped the microphone, making
him look up at the man, his expression also pained. Without a doubt, the Black
Russian had loved Yuri, but then again, everyone in the palace had, his baby
brother’s nature so sweet.

“Enough talk about
what we both lost,” the Black Russian said, his voice thick with emotion. “We
can’t change the past, only the future. So, put the gun to your head like what was
done to Yuri and pull the trigger,
kiss Andriena on the lips.”

Without hesitating,
Sasha moved the gun to his forehead and pulled the trigger. The gun clicked, the
empty chamber making him yell out, death his preference.

The Black Russian frowned.
“Is the pain so deep that you would rather die than kiss a beautiful woman?”

“Death is more
welcome than the touch of a woman’s lips.”

“Life has more to
offer, even after tragedy.”

“Not for me.”

“Then, I’m going to
change the rules of the game since you’re not playing the way it was intended.”

“Why? You gave me a
choice and I chose to pull the trigger.”

The Black Russian
shook his head. “Again, you shouldn’t choose to kill yourself over kissing a
beautiful woman.”

“When I kissed my ex
you punished me severely for it.”

“You did way more
than kiss that Viper, and again, I’m not here to talk about the past. I’m here
to be entertained and to entertain others. As you would’ve noticed, there are
cameras filming everything you do. So, play the game
way, lover.”

lover,” Sasha spat.

“Everyone is my
lover, just in varying degrees. In case you haven’t noticed, if I want someone
I get them, like I’ve had you. You were one of my favorites, the cream of the
crop, yet you disappointed me so much when you ran. I thought it wasn’t true at
first. I couldn’t believe that my precious Sasha would do such a thing, but I
couldn’t deny it when I saw you try to escape before my eyes, screaming you
would rather die than return to me. It pained me more than you can ever know, especially
since I don’t give many people my love—”

“You don’t love me;
you love no one, other than your sick sister, who’s even worse than you.” Sasha
sneered. “And if you want her to remain safe, you should kill me now, because
if I ever get free I’m going to kill that
. I’d tie her up and place
a gun to where her heart should be, telling her that you ordered me to execute
her. She would say I was lying, then I would smile at her, asking her if she
was sure of that. And as soon as a flicker of self-doubt forms in her eye, I’ll
pull the trigger, killing the evil
while she questions your love
for her.”

The Black Russian’s
face turned vicious. “You’re delusional if you think you can fuck with my mind,
am the manipulator, while you’re the manipulated. So, give that
gun to Andriena or see the flesh stripped from her bones.” He bared his teeth.
“Which you know I would do,
with pleasure

Believing him, Sasha slid
the gun across the table to Andriena. Fear colored her expression, looking like
she didn’t want to leave this earth as readily as he did. Her hands were fixed firmly
at her side, the slight shake to her head telling him she wasn’t going to pick
up the gun.

The Black Russian’s
voice came over the intercom again: “Place the gun to your head, Andriena.”

The shaking of her
head picked up.

A piercing,
screeching sound split the air. Both Sasha and Andriena covered their ears.
Sasha looked over at the viewing-window, seeing the Black Russian running the
tip of a knife down the glass.

“I wonder whether
you’d screech in the same way when I cut the flesh from your bones, Andriena.” The
Black Russian lifted the knife to his mouth and licked along the blade.

Andriena started

“There’s no need to
cry,” the Black Russian said. “I won’t do it ...
you don’t put
that gun to your head.”

With a trembling
hand, she lifted the gun to her head.

“Why aren’t you
giving her a choice?” Sasha asked.

“I like you better.”

“You have no reason
to, she’s a much nicer person than me, and you should still give her a choice.”

The Black Russian
stared at him, not saying a word, making it hard to hold his gaze, the
awkwardness growing with every second. But Sasha didn’t look away, knowing he
couldn’t back down on this, Andriena’s life at stake.

“Okay,” the Black
Russian finally said. His cold gaze moved to Andriena. “Pull the trigger or
kiss Sasha.”

Without hesitation, she
placed the gun on the table and went to Sasha. “
Grazie mille
,” she
whispered, thanking him a lot.

He pushed out of his
chair, the woman so much shorter than him. She stared up at him with a
gratitude he didn’t feel comfortable with. His appeal to the Black Russian had probably
only added a few more minutes to her life, the game far from over.

He leaned his face
down, making it easier for her to kiss him. She raised her hands, which were
still trembling. Taking hold of his face, she pulled it closer, giving him a
soft kiss, her full lips stealing his breath away. For a moment, he forgot
where he was, the contact a respite from his cruel life. But like always, the
pleasure was fleeting, an ephemeral whisper upon his lips. She let go and
stared up at him, her earlier animosity now completely gone. He didn’t know how
they could go between fighting and wanting to fuck each other, constantly switching
between the two. Her personality infuriated him, but her touch ... her body ...
it lit him up more than he cared to admit.

The Black Russian
growled, “What a pathetic kiss, nothing like the one I saw on the video.”

Sasha looked over at
him, wanting to say that there was nothing wrong with the kiss, that it was
pure and beautiful, but instead he remained silent, the look on the Black
Russian’s face telling him his master knew it too. He wondered whether the
bastard was jealous, which was probably why he was treating Andriena so poorly.

“Kiss again and make
it last a while,” the Black Russian said, causing Sasha to reconsider his thoughts.
Maybe his master didn’t like the tenderness he saw, the psychopath knowing
nothing about being gentle.

Andriena took hold of
Sasha’s face again and pressed her lips against his, this kiss more mechanical,
filled with fear rather than tenderness.

“Return the kiss,
Sasha,” the Black Russian said.

Sasha broke the kiss
and looked over at him, now questioning the man’s motives. “Promise on your
sister’s life that you won’t change your mind and punish me afterwards,” he
said, knowing it was the only way to make the bastard keep his word.

“I promise on my
beloved’s life I won’t harm you in any way for kissing Andriena.”

I’m going to make you
regret saying that.
Sasha sat
down and grabbed Andriena’s arm, yanking her onto his lap, causing her to squeal.
He placed a hand at the back of her head and smashed his lips against hers, cutting
off the sound. She tried to jerk away, but he wrapped his other arm around her,
locking her in place. He continued to kiss her, enjoying her soft lips as well
as giving the Black Russian more than he’d anticipated.

Within seconds, Andriena
relaxed in his arms and returned his kiss. He loosened his grip, allowing her
to swing her leg over his lap so she could straddle him. She pressed against
his already swelling cock, making him gasp into her kiss, his cock starved of

“Enough!” the Black
Russian boomed, making him jolt.

Sasha broke the kiss
unwillingly, but also with satisfaction, knowing he’d fucked the bastard off. But
instead of looking at the Black Russian, his gaze was drawn to Andriena, her
expression capturing his full attention. Fear, arousal, and a deep longing were
battling across her face, making her eyes big, her cheeks flushed, and her lips
quiver. She looked like she thought she was going to die, but wanted to fuck
him into the afterlife.

“Return to your seat,
Andriena,” the Black Russian barked.

Without replying, she
climbed off Sasha and sat back down in her chair, her eyes only leaving him for
a second.

“Sasha,” the Black
Russian said. “Take the gun and place it to Andriena’s head—”

Andriena shot out of
her seat. “But I did what you asked!”

“I didn’t ask you to
grind against him!” the Black Russian roared.

“Is that why you’re
punishing her?” Sasha cut in. “Because she took what you wanted?”

The Black Russian
lifted the knife. “I can take your cock anytime I want.”

Sasha snapped his
mouth shut.

“Now, my dear boy,”
the Black Russian said, picking his nails with the tip of the blade, “the
reason why I asked you to place the gun to her head wasn’t due to her giving
you an impromptu lap dance; it’s due to you not valuing your life. So, this
time round I’m giving you different choices to make: place the gun to her head
and pull the trigger
remove her bra.”

Sasha pushed out of
his chair and walked over to Andriena. Springing to her feet, she backed up,
her expression now panicked.

“No use in fighting
it, Andriena,” he said, “you know it needs to be done.”

“I know, just let me
do it myself.” She moved her hands to her bra strap.

“No!” the Black
Russian barked. “Sasha must take it off.”

Looking defeated, she
let go of the strap and turned around, placing her hands against the wall as
though he was pointing a gun at her. He took hold of the bra strap, fumbling
with the clasp, his inexperience at undressing women hindering him.

“Having trouble?” the
Black Russian asked, his tone now amused.

“No, I’m fine,” Sasha
lied, the clasp not relenting.

“Then, why can’t you
undo a simple bra strap?”

“The clasp’s stuck.”

“Or you’re just
inexperienced when it comes to women. It gives me hope that you still have some
innocence left in you.”

“You destroyed my
innocence, and I’ve made love to a woman before.” The clasp finally gave way,
undoing the back of her bra.

“Fucking your ex a
few times doesn’t equate to being experienced.”

Sasha went to walk
back to his seat.

“Stay where you are,
Sasha,” the Black Russian said. “You still have to take off her bra.” His cold
blue gaze moved to Andriena. “Turn around, woman, so Sasha can remove it.”

She turned around,
her scared eyes locking onto Sasha’s. He lowered his gaze to her lace-covered
chest, feeling both nervous and aroused, with a touch of fear, what he was
going to do wrong, yet desired.

“Your nervousness is
delicious, Sasha,” the Black Russian said.

Ignoring him, Sasha
lifted his hands to Andriena’s bra, only wanting to focus on her. She was
breathing heavily, making her breasts shake. To his shame, it was arousing him
even more—despite the knowledge they were being watched.

He took hold of the
straps, stilling for a moment as his fingers came in contact with her skin. It
was so smooth, not a blemish in sight. It made him want to run his hands all
over her body, the softness acting like a balm for his rough hands.

He lowered the straps
down her arms, exhaling as he removed the bra completely, her breasts making
his mouth water. They were large, with tight, dark nipples, framed by slightly
lighter areolae. He wanted to lick and suckle on them, or even better, to push
his cock in between the luscious mounds. His cock twitched, agreeing with him.

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