Read Satisfaction Guaranteed Online

Authors: Tuesday Morrigan

Tags: #Contemporary Multicultural

Satisfaction Guaranteed (20 page)

BOOK: Satisfaction Guaranteed
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sipping from her mouth.

Pulse pounding in his ears from the power of the kiss"s new direction, Rome

moved one arm between them and cupped one of Sela"s lace-clad breasts. She

shivered when he brushed his thumb over her swollen nipple.

Her nails scraped along his scalp when her fingers further tightened in his

hair. The slight bite of pain spurred Rome on, increasing his arousal.

He rolled them over until he was lying above her. He found them breast to

chest and groin to groin. Unable to ignore the allure, Rome rocked his hips against

hers, delighting in the pleasure gained from the act.

“Shit,” Sela cursed softly as she broke off the kiss. “I need more. I need more

now,” she cried out as she moved against him.

Rome moved his hands to her back and deftly unsnapped her bra. She

shimmied out of the lace. He moved down her torso just as she threw the bra aside.

Sela groaned his name when he pressed a hot openmouthed kiss to her belly. Using

his tongue, teeth, and lips, he teased the area between rib cage and pelvis until Sela

was begging him. Then and only then did he lift his head and capture the bud of one

breast and suckle it.

“Oh God, Rome,” she sighed as she ran her hands over his shoulders.

He released her nipple to lave the other bud with the same amorous attention.

“Hmmm,” she moaned and clung to Rome, telling him without words how much she

enjoyed his ministrations. Knowing he needed to give her more, give her something

to erase the pain he knew he had caused her, Rome kissed his way back down her

stomach until he reached her panties. He grabbed the edges of the lace and pulled

them down. Then Rome grasped her plump thighs and parted them until she was

fully revealed to his gaze. He lowered his head and ran his tongue down the full

length of her slick slit.

“Oh my God,” Sela moaned.

Rome braced his shoulder against her left thigh and used his free hand to part

the lips of her sex. He placed a soft kiss directly to her clitoris. She groaned his

name and tried to roll her hips, whether it was closer or rather away from his

teasing mouth, Rome wasn"t sure.

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He carefully slid a single digit into her and damn near cursed at the feel of her

sheath surrounding him. She was so hot, wet, and tight, he could barely wait to get

inside her.

“More. More, Rome,” Sela sighed.

Determined to give her what she needed, Rome lowered his head and flicked

his tongue over her clit. “You taste so damned good,” he groaned. Her fingers

tightened in his hair when he wrapped his lips around her clitoris. Rome didn"t stop

suckling her clitoris until Sela was shaking beneath him, crying out her pleasure.

With the taste of her pleasure on his tongue, he lifted his head and kissed her


Sela pressed her lips harder against his and opened her mouth for him. Rome

thrust his tongue, determined and uninhibited, and swept it through her mouth,

touching, caressing, and teasing the inner recesses of her mouth until his lungs

burned with the need to take in air. Then and only then did he pull back from Sela.

The softly rounded curve of Sela"s stomach pressed against the thick length of

his manhood. For just one moment he reveled in it, in the fire that streaked through

his every limb at the feel of her body pressed against his cock.

“Now, Rome. I need you now,” Sela growled softly. Her fingers slipped through

his hair, teased his nape, before digging into the tense muscles of his corded


The rough, throaty sound of her unrepentant desire turned him on.

“Fuck me.” She ran her fingers over the tight muscles of his chest, stomach,

and lower pelvis. As the sensation of being explored sluiced through him, settling in

his balls, Rome"s belly jumped at Sela"s simple touch. He captured her hand before

she could caress his cock. He wasn"t quite sure he could handle her touch on his

dick. Desire was riding him hard. It felt like it had been forever since he had been

with a woman. He couldn"t wait any longer.

He reached across the bed and opened the bedside table"s first drawer. Joy

pounded through him when his fingers closed around a small foil package. He was

that much closer to being inside Sela.

Rome quickly sheathed himself and placed himself at her entrance.

“God, yes,” Sela moaned and shifted her hips. The tiny movement forced his

cock to caress the slick, swollen lips of her sex and her clitoris. They groaned in

unison at the contact.

“Damn, that felt good.”

“This will feel even better,” he promised before surging into her with one fluid

thrust. Rome couldn"t help wondering if his heart stopped. The pleasure of being

inside her was so powerful he felt like a marathon runner who had crossed the

finish line first.

“God, you feel—”

“Perfect,” Rome supplied. He lowered his head and looked into Sela"s soulful

brown eyes. There was so much he wanted to say. So many things he felt that


Tuesday Morrigan

needed to be expressed, but he held back. They had only been together for a short

amount of time. The things he was feeling were too deep, frighteningly so when one

considered how little time they"d spent together. She"d only just let him back into

her life. The last thing he wanted to do was run her off.

“Rome?” Sela"s gaze searched his as her hand lifted to caress his face.

“I"m not going to fuck you.”

“No?” she said with a soft smile. She didn"t need to say the words. Her

thoughts were written across her expressive face.
What is he talking about
? He was

fully inside her. They were already having sex.

“No,” he replied. “We may go all night, but not once am I going to fuck you.”

She flicked her tongue against her top lip and lowered her lashes. For a

moment Rome feared she didn"t understand what he was trying to tell her, and then

she lifted her gaze. Her already soft smile became even more tender. “Okay, Rome.

No fucking.”

“None.” He would make love to her for as long as his body could handle the

pleasure. Tonight was about more than just physical desire.

He lifted Sela"s legs and wrapped them around his waist. He immediately

surged deeper into her sheath. His lips parted with a deep gasp. She felt so good, so

damned right. Until this moment he felt as though he"d been lost, and only now did

he find his way home.

“Rome.” Sela breathed his name in the softest whisper.

He lowered his head to gaze at her. Her mouth was open, her chest heaving,

and her eyes were closed, but it was the look of utter satisfaction on her face that

held him mesmerized. He wanted to see that every time he bedded her. He wanted

to be the only man who made her feel that way.

Rome pulled out of her sheath until only the head of his erection was wrapped

in her warmth. She gave him loud sigh, similar to a moan, but more animalistic. It

made his heart race and his blood pound. He thrust into her, eliciting a gasp of

pleasure from her.

Yes. Fuck yes, that was what he wanted. He initiated a steady push-and-pull

rhythm that kept them breathless with erotic bliss. He took her hard, determined to

burn the image of his touch into her mind. No matter how far she went, she would

never forget how good he loved her.

“Yes. Oh God, yes.” Sela"s words ended on a high note as her pussy tightened

around him.

He groaned and stilled for a few moments, determined to reign in the orgasm

he could feel just around the corner. He was trying so hard to compose himself that

Sela"s throaty voice caught him by surprise. “Sorry?”

She laughed. “I want on top.”

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He stared at her in surprise before smiling. Oh yeah, he could get down with

that. He rolled them over so she was riding him. Looking up at her he couldn"t help

himself. “Now, that"s one hell of a view,” he said.

She didn"t reply, at least not with words. Instead Sela gave him a sultry smile

and lifted her hips only to drop them down seconds later. “Fuck!” Rome"s breath

escaped his lips in a deep gasp. She had not only surprised him, she damn near

curled his toes with that move. Somehow she managed to keep her pussy tight,

almost suffocatingly so, on both the lift and drop.

He"d never felt anything better.

“Just lie back and enjoy.” He looked up to find her smiling smugly at him. He

figured she deserved it, being able to do something that wicked in bed.


He thought back to her words. “I can do that.” Fingers curled into the sheets,

Rome tried to do as Sela asked, but she made it difficult. Watching her ride him was

almost painful, she was so beautiful in the throes of her sensual power. With every

rise her breasts bounced, and with every descent she rolled her hips. The sight and

feel of her was too much pleasure to ignore. He grasped her hips and gave her extra

leverage for her blissful ride.

“Christ, you"re gorgeous,” he growled as he tightened his grip on her hips.

She leaned forward and placed her hands on his chest. Looking into his eyes,

Sela asked. “Do you really believe that?”

He felt the answer lodge in his throat. He couldn"t understand how she had

gone so long without understanding that she was absolutely breathtaking. “You are

the most beautiful woman I"ve ever seen.”

Her lashes fluttered shut with the weight of his admission. “Oh God,” she

moaned and lifted her hips. Her lashes opened on her descent. “That"s the way I feel

about you.” She moved a little closer and rocked her hips. The act pushed him

deeper within her. He groaned at the fully enclosed feeling.

“Every time I look at you, I wonder why you see anything in me.”

“Shit. Sela…” Words failed Rome. There was nothing he could think of saying

to describe how he felt about her. So he did the next best thing—he told her with his

actions. He grasped her head and pulled her hard against him. His lips crushed

hers. Sela"s mouth moved over his, nipping, skirting, teasing without giving him the

chance to penetrate. And then she opened her mouth. His tongue thrust past her

parted lips to stroke inside.

He kept his pace, lifting his hips to meet hers as he deepened their kiss. She

moved into his mouth. The sound echoed between them, a beautiful amorous

melody to their desire.

She pulled back, breaking their torrid kiss. Sela lowered her head to his

shoulder and wrapped her arms around his chest. “I"m close, Rome. I"m going to…”

She breathed against his throat.


Tuesday Morrigan

He understood all too well exactly what she was feeling. He was so darned

close to coming too. He tilted his head to look at her face. “Together,” he murmured.

“Yes. Yes,” she agreed with a sigh just before her eyelashes fluttered close.

Rome slipped his hands between their gyrating bodies to caress Sela"s slick

clitoris. Two strokes and she clenched tightly around him, four thrusts, and felt her

pussy orgasm around his dick, forcing him to join her in release.

He came and he came hard, gasping her name against her nape as he clutched

her shivering body to his.

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Chapter Fourteen

Standing outside of the Brushwood Middle School building, Sela took a

moment to simply let all the memories from another time creep into her brain, flood

her senses. She had been driving through the town all morning, and the sights were

starting to blur. Unwilling to face her family and the apology she knew was waiting

there, Sela had spent the night in Rosa"s hotel room, telling the redhead everything

that had happened between her and Rome. Including what she had learned


Like a good friend Rosa had let her cry her eyes out without giving her any

advice. She had promised Sela that no matter what decision Sela made, she would

be there for her. At the moment that was all Sela needed to hear. She would have

liked advice but knew it wouldn"t have done her any good. She and Rome needed to

figure things out on their own.

Yet there she stood in front of her middle school looking for answers to

questions she couldn"t name. At that moment a young woman walked out. A child

barely twelve reluctantly trailed her. Sela smiled at the boy, knowing that look.

Judging by the time she"d say the kid had spent the last few hours in detention.

Suddenly the past didn"t feel like it was miles away.

She walked forward and slipped past the slowly closing doors.

The moment the doors closed behind her, Sela knew that this was where she

needed to be. It was a start to finding out the answers to the questions her soul

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