Saturday Night Special (12 page)

BOOK: Saturday Night Special
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She leaned closer to him. “I’m horny.”

Aaron’s smoldering gaze let her know he was sharing her pain. “Let’s see if we can find the manager and ask about Bella.” He glanced at his watch. “I have every intention of having you naked, your ass filled with that butt plug and chained to the hotel bed while I fuck you raw within the hour.”

Riley swallowed heavily, her panties soaked with the sticky juices his sexy promise produced. “Make that within half an hour,” she said, her voice huskily betraying her need.

He nodded. “Deal.”

Bubbles followed them as they stood and walked to the bar. The woman was hell-bent on trying to get a job at the club. While Riley appreciated the fact she wanted to give up prostituting herself, she wished Bubbles would branch out to an entirely different line of work. Maybe one that let her remain dressed.

Aaron asked the bartender about the manager and the man directed them to a small door near the restrooms. They knocked on the door and were bid to enter. The manager was seated behind the desk and Riley was shocked by his appearance. She’d anticipated a swarthy guy who walked with a swagger and wore his shirt unbuttoned to show off all his bling. This man looked like her sister-in-law Lily’s dad, the straight-laced 94

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government employee. The manager was a short, slight man with reading glasses and a bad comb-over.

Aaron introduced himself and briefly explained why they were looking for Bella.

Riley was getting bored with the story simply because of the number of times they’d been forced to retell it.

The manager, Louis, nodded as Aaron finished his recitation.

“She called in and quit.”

“When?” Aaron asked.

“Late last night. Saturday’s her night off anyway. Tonight’s a different story. I’m totally pissed off. There was no way I could find a pony girl in one day. She’s my main act.” Louis glanced at the clock on his wall. “In about thirty minutes, I’m going to have to take that stage and tell those horny drunks that the star attraction isn’t here.” Louis picked up a glass of milky-looking water from his desk and chugged it down. Riley figured he was dosing himself on a little plop, plop, fizz, fizz. “My fucking gut is killing me too. Do you know what this is gonna do to business until I can find a damn replacement?”

“I can be your pony girl.” Bubbles had been remarkably quiet the entire time they were in the office, standing by the door. For a moment, Riley had forgotten about her.

An amazing feat, considering Bubbles was pretty hard to ignore.

Louis looked up and grimaced. He obviously hadn’t been aware of her presence either. “Jesus, Bubbles. Are we gonna have to go through this again? You know I’m not gonna let you be the pony girl.”

“Why not?” Riley asked. Regardless of Bubbles’ rather outlandish outfits, she couldn’t help but think the crowd she’d just been a part of would love seeing Bubbles’


Louis rolled his eyes. “Why not? I’ll tell you why not. Because she can’t dance.

Woman has two left feet.”


Mari Carr

“But I been practicing,” Bubbles insisted.

Louis snorted with impatience. “You said that last time and you fell off the stage and broke a table. Why don’t you just accept the fact that not everybody’s cut out to be a stripper and you happen to be in that group?”

“But I’m just saying, if you’ll give me another chance, let the crowd see me. I know they’d—”

“You want me to put you onstage
? In front of witnesses? Jesus, you’d hurt somebody.”

“Surely you have women working here who aren’t onstage. What about a hostess job? Or a lap-dance lady?” Riley suggested.

“I don’t need any hostesses and the performers do the lap dances too. There’s no distinction.”

Riley walked over, taking Bubbles’ hand and dragging her closer to Louis. His lack of height put him almost at eye level with the hooker’s most profitable asset. “But Bubbles could be your
lap-dance lady. Do you know how much money men would pay to have these beauties thrust in their face?”

The manager’s face took on a greedy, thoughtful look.

“How much would
pay, Aaron?” Riley prompted, throwing him an
answer right
or pay later

“Oh damn,” Aaron said. “At least fifty.” Riley’s eyes narrowed. “A hundred dollars. I’d slap down a hundred bucks without even giving it a second thought.”

“Really?” Louis asked.

Riley got a sense she was close to victory, but Louis didn’t concede as easily as she’d hoped.

“She still can’t dance. Even lap dances require a bit of rhythm. She has none.”

“I’ll teach her.”

From the corner of her eye, she saw Aaron’s head jerk toward her. “What?”


Saturday Night Special

Riley looked at her husband. “I’m going to teach Bubbles how to give the world’s greatest lap dance. You have an empty room?”

She thought she heard Aaron mutter “Jesus” but she wasn’t sure if it was said as a curse or a prayer.

“You can use my office,” Louis offered. “You’ve got fifteen minutes, at which time I’m coming back. If she doesn’t give me the sexiest lap dance on earth then she has to promise me she’ll never come back here looking for a job again. Deal?”

Riley wasn’t completely satisfied with the bargain. “If she
give you a great lap dance, you hire her and make her your main attraction and give her,” Riley paused, wondering what the split was for exotic dancers, “fifty percent of her take.”

Louis laughed and shook his head. “I’ll give her thirty percent.”

Riley opened her mouth to dicker some more. She loved squeezing blood from a turnip, but damn Bubbles yelled out “Deal!” before she could demand forty.

“If she manages to get me off, I’ll introduce her tonight. Might distract the wolves enough that they won’t mind Bella’s absence. Fifteen minutes.”

Louis closed the door behind him and Riley walked behind the desk, pulling his chair around to the middle of the room. “We’re going to need some room to move.”

Glancing around, she found an iPod docked with some small speakers. “Perfect.

Bubbles, you try to find a sexy song on Louis’ play list and Aaron, you sit here.”

He dug in his heels, refusing to move. “Me?”

Riley gestured at the chair, annoyed by his reticence. “Um, hello? Lap dance. We sort of need a lap.”

“You’re going to have Bubbles give me a lap dance?”

“Oh for God’s sake, Aaron. I’m going to show her how first and then I thought she could try out a few moves. It’s not like I’m hiring you a prostitute. I’m teaching her how to dance.”

“And what makes you an expert on lap dances?”


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She rolled her eyes, impatient with his stalling. “I took that pole-dancing class at the community center a couple years ago, remember? We’ve only got fifteen minutes. Sit down.”

Aaron sat on the chair with a scowl. “You’re gonna owe me for this, Riley. Big time.”

“Fine,” she replied hastily. “I’ll give you a
get off however you want
card. Now hush.”

Bubbles pushed play and the sultry sounds of a jazz tune filled the air. Riley indicated that Bubbles should stand behind Aaron, but slightly to the right so she would be able to see everything clearly.

Swaying her hips, Riley let the music filter through her body as she moved closer to him.

Aaron swallowed heavily when Riley’s arm brushed up against his. His cock had gone on full alert the second she told him to sit down. There was no way he was going to be able to withstand Riley giving him a sexy lap dance for fifteen whole minutes.

He’d been seconds away from dragging her into Swingers Too after her face flushed with excitement when the stripper took the ruler to the other woman’s ass.

He couldn’t hold back a groan when Riley threw one leg over his lap, her body swaying and hovering over his. God, she was amazing. Throughout her dance she spoke softly to Bubbles, giving her directions, advice, but the words couldn’t penetrate Aaron’s lust-filled mind. All he could see, all he could feel was Riley’s body as it gyrated, tantalizing him with the need for more.

He raised his hands to engulf her waist, to pull her down on his covered cock. He felt like a randy boy, ready and willing to settle for a dry hump if that was all she’d allow. He’d beg for it too.

She smacked his hands away. “You can look, but no touching.”


Saturday Night Special

He reached down and placed his hands on the seat of the chair, tightening his grip, certain there was no way he could keep his hands away from her generous, perky breasts. She was cupping them from underneath, pushing them up and leaning forward until he thought for a moment he’d felt her nipple brush his chin.

He licked his lips, fighting the impulse to move toward her, to capture that juicy nipple with his teeth. Every motion of her body screamed sex and he was reminded of the image of her in the throes of orgasm earlier in the night.

“Please, Riley…enough,” he murmured, his knuckles white with the effort of not touching her. She looked at his face, her hand caressing his cheek. Smiling sweetly, she lowered herself, the vee of her legs perfectly aligned against his erection. She rubbed deeply enough that the heat of her pussy reached his cock through the denim of his jeans. Fuck. He had no doubt if she continued, he’d come in his pants.

“You want me,” she whispered in his ear, her teeth biting his earlobe.

His breathing was harsh, his lungs expanding and contracting at too fast a pace as he tried to fight down the part of him that was about to give Bubbles an education in a lap dance gone too far.

“You’re about to get fucked, Mrs. Young. There
such a thing as teasing a man beyond his breaking point.”

His words seemed to soak in and he realized she’d been as swept away by desire as he was.

“Shit,” she muttered. She blinked quickly and tried to compose herself. Hell, he thought she’d been teasing, but it was obvious she’d been as turned-on as he was. He grinned. He was a lucky man. His new wife had one helluva libido and he was going to make sure she never geared down out of overdrive.

“That was so hot,” Bubbles said, reminding them both that they had a witness.

Aaron grimaced with pain as Riley stood up and stepped away. How the hell was he supposed to get back to the hotel with a hard-on?


Mari Carr

“So…” Riley cleared her throat. “The idea is to just sway. The beauty of the lap dance is you don’t have to be a great dancer to achieve it. Just use those, um, gifts God gave you and have fun.”

Bubbles approached and for a moment, he feared Riley was still going to let the hooker try out a few of those suggested moves on him. He was a second away from blowing his load. A strong wind would send him over the edge, but he wasn’t sure his new wife would understand him coming in his pants while another woman danced around him.

“Um, Riley,” he started, but she winked.

“I think you’re going to have to fly solo for the first time with Louis. Aaron and I really,
need to head back to the hotel. I’m sort of tired.”

Bubbles laughed, clearly not fooled by Riley’s sudden need for sleep. “I’m sure you are,
. Looks to me like this man could keep a girl tired for a lifetime.”

Riley laughed as he rose slowly. His cock was still stiff as a pike so he pulled his untucked shirt lower and prayed it would be enough to cover him on the street. He figured every guy in the bar was sporting a woody, so it wouldn’t be a big deal until they left Lustville and rejoined the land of the gamblers.

“Break a leg, Bubbles. I really hope—”

A knock on the door interrupted Riley’s comments and Louis walked back in.

“Time’s up. You ready, Bubbles?”

Bubbles nodded and waved as they left the office.

The cab ride back to the hotel seemed to last an eternity. Looking out the window, Aaron never ceased to be amazed by the crowds on the streets. It was pushing three a.m. and the sidewalks were still abuzz with activity.

As they entered the hotel room, he pushed Riley back against the door.

“Again?” she teased. “You’re gonna have to find a new move, sugar.”


Saturday Night Special

“Take off your clothes.” He’d already pulled his T-shirt over his head and was working his jeans over his hips as he spoke. She followed suit and he was impressed to see she could strip down to total nakedness in less than sixty seconds.

“Very good,” he murmured when the last piece of clothing, her bra, hit the floor.

There were no preliminaries, no foreplay as he grasped her ass, lifted her and impaled himself to the hilt in one hard thrust. Riley threw her head back against the door as she wrapped her legs around his waist and met his pummeling with some hard thrusts of her own. Obviously, the dance had triggered powerful needs in her as well.

“Harder,” she cried and Aaron doubled his efforts, moved into her until he felt lightheaded from the fact all the blood in his body appeared to have defected to his cock.

“God,” she yelled. “Yes, yes!” She came in a rush, her pussy muscles pumping hard against him, clenching him tighter than he’d ever dared to grip himself in masturbation.

He forced his way deeper and felt her come again. His balls filled, the come exploding from the tip of his cock almost painfully. When the last drop fell, he withdrew and slowly went to his knees, her back sliding against the door until her ass reached the floor.

“Holy shit,” he mumbled. “That was so fucking good.” He kissed her then. Kissed her hard, kissed her soft. Long kisses and short ones. All he knew was he wanted the air he breathed to be hers.

“I love you, Riley. I love you so much.”

“Aaron,” she whispered. He opened his eyes, looked into hers and found his response. She was as overwhelmed by the power of the moment as he was.

Pressing his lips to hers once more, he drank her answer down in a flurry of deep, wet, sweeter-than-chocolate kisses. When they finally parted, she smiled almost shyly—

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