Saturday (Timeless Series #6) (3 page)

BOOK: Saturday (Timeless Series #6)
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My date was really into me, judging the way she continued to rub my leg under the table. Her eyes were on me nearly the entire time, staring at my face and my broad shoulders.

But all I noticed was Rose.


We stood outside the restaurant together, the cars passing by on the street. It was a warm summer’s night and the breeze that drifted on the wind gave us some respite from the humidity.

My eyes moved to Rose’s legs more than once.

“Thank you for dinner.” Florence moved into my chest, taking up more space than I was prepared to give.

“You’re welcome.” I forced myself to stare into her face. “Thank you for spending the evening with me.”

“The pleasure was all mine. Maybe we can do it again sometime.”

Against my will, my eyes moved to Rose.

“Can I walk you home?” Will moved his arm around her waist.

Rose turned slightly, avoiding the affection without making it seem obvious. “That’s sweet but I can make it on my own.”

“Can I call you a taxi?” Will asked.

“No, I’ll just get an Uber or something.” She tucked her hair behind her ear and took another step back.

“I’d really love to go out again,” Will said. “There’s this new Mediterranean place I’ve been wanting to try.”

Her lips pressed tightly together, showing her distress. Her fingers were latched around her clutch tightly, squeezing it so tightly her knuckles were turning white. “Thank you for the offer but I’m pretty busy…”

“Oh…” Will couldn’t hide his disappointment. He rubbed the back of his neck then looked at the ground. “Uh, okay.”

Florence watched their interaction just the way I did. “Give us a moment.” She grabbed Rose by the arm and dragged her a few feet away. Her voice was low enough so neither one of us could hear what they were saying.

“I don’t get it,” Will said. “I was nothing but nice to her.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing personal.” Will was a good friend, but he didn’t deserve her. She needed to be with someone better—someone like me.

The girls came back, and Rose had the same look of unease on her face that she’d been wearing all night.

Florence finally released her arm. “Rose would love to go out with you again.”

“I don’t need you to talk for me,” Rose snapped.

Florence brushed off the outburst. “She’s free tomorrow night.”

“Awesome,” Will said. “How about I pick you up at seven?”

“I’ll just meet you there.” She pulled out her phone from her clutch and looked at the time. “Well, I really should get going. Thank you for dinner, Will.”


Rose turned to me to say goodbye. But instead of saying anything she just stared at me. Of everyone in that group, I was the only person she made eye contact with. Even though we hadn’t had a real conversation there was some connection there. “Good night, Kyle.”



All I could think about was Rose.

The way her hair fell around her face excited me in ways I couldn’t explain with words. The attraction was carnal and innate, like my body was unable to control its reaction to her features. I craved her endlessly, wanting her in so many ways.

When her eyes looked into mine there was more than just a look. Entire conversations happened in nanoseconds. My body felt hot and cold at the same time. Instantly, I would shiver then melt.

She was shorter than the women I usually dated, almost a foot shorter. Even in heels she was petite. But I loved her form and her size. She was perfect enough to sleep right on my chest.

Throughout the whole night I only said a few words to her. There wasn’t even enough exchange to make a general opinion about her. I really didn’t know her and I certainly didn’t understand her.

But I was obsessed.

Florence was a nice woman and she was pretty. She was forward and confident, something I found innately attractive. If Rose hadn’t been there at all, Florence and I probably would have hit it off.

But Rose was there.

Florence couldn’t keep my attention for more than a few seconds at any given point in time. I didn’t think about kissing her or feeling her body with my bare hands. If I invited her to my place at the end of the night she probably would have came along.

But I didn’t want that.

I was sitting in my office when Will called me.

“Hey, what’s up?” I put my feet on the desk and looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows.

“How’d it go with Florence?”

“What do you mean? You were there.”

“Did you take her back to your place?”

“No.” I couldn’t sleep with someone while thinking of someone else.

“Really? It seemed like she was into you.”

“Well, I wasn’t into her.” Why did Will have to get Rose? Why did he have to get the one woman I was unbelievably attracted to? I’d never stopped in my tracks because of a woman in my life. She floored me with just her presence. But then Will got her.

“Really?” he asked. “Florence is pretty cute.”

“Then why don’t you go out with her?” I was letting my jealousy get the best of me but I couldn’t help it.

“She’s my friend. It would be weird.”

I suspected Rose didn’t even like him. It sure didn’t seem like it.

“That’s too bad,” he said. “Rose said she wanted to go on another double date.”

That had my attention
. “Yeah?”

“I wanted it just to be she and I but she insisted on the two of you coming along.”

It sounded like she didn’t want to be alone with Will. Or she wanted to see me again.

“But if you don’t like Florence we’ll just have to make do without.”

“Whoa, hold on.” I wasn’t going to pass up an excuse to see Rose. I was already stuck with Florence and I couldn’t just ditch her for her friend, but I couldn’t help myself. Just being in her presence gave me a high I couldn’t describe. “Florence and I will be there.”

“I thought you said you didn’t like her?”

“I’ll give her another chance.”

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Absolutely.” Even if I didn’t get to talk to Rose directly I wanted to be in her presence. To feel that rush, that high, was something I longed for. Maybe our first interaction was purely physical infatuation. Maybe if I saw her again it would disappear.


I got there nearly thirty minutes early just in case Rose showed up before the others. I wanted an opportunity to speak to her without the other two around. When the four of us were at the dinner table I was forced to focus on Florence. But if the situation was different, I could focus on something else.

To my luck, Rose arrived fifteen minutes early. She wore denim shorts with a pink top. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, revealing all the beautiful curves of her face. Her eyes stood out the most, hypnotizing and alluring.

She spotted me standing outside, and she halted in her tracks. She watched me for a few seconds before she approached me, her eyes glued to my face. A loose strand of hair fell from her ponytail and trailed down the side of her cheek.

My hands were in my pockets, giving the impression that I was calm and collected. After our first encounter I suspected the second one to be more subdued. My heart would beat calmly and my body would remain relaxed.

But that’s not what happened

Just like last time my heart ached in pain. My muscles tensed uncomfortably and my breathing became irregular. My physiological response to her was unusual, something I’ve never experienced before. I was both nervous and eager at the same time.

Rose gripped her clutch with one hand, the same one she had last time we went out together. Instead of looking down at the ground or avoiding my look she stared at me straight on.

“Hi.” It took more energy than normal to get that word out. I was even a little breathless.

“Hey.” She took a deep breath once she finished.

Now I didn’t know what else to do. It wasn’t like me to be tongue-tied. Actually, I couldn’t shut up most of the time. This woman left me speechless. “How are you?”

“Good. You?”

“Great. Except the fact I’m missing the Warrior game right now.”

For the first time, she smiled. “I know. I was bummed too.”

“I’m recording it so don’t tell me the score.”

“I’m recording it too. I wanted to see every play and every shot.”

Now that we were in a conversation my body relaxed slightly. “What else do you like?”


“Pretty violent sport.”

She shrugged. “I guess I like the fact they don’t have as many rules. It can be ruthless and terrifying, but that’s what makes it so unique.”

“I know what you mean.”

“Do you like anything else?”

“Everything. Mainly baseball and football.”

She shook her head. “I don’t care too much for those.”

I kept my hands in my pockets so I wouldn’t fidget in place. She made me nervous but I didn’t want her to know what kind of effect she had on me. “Did you work today?”


“Where do you work?”

“I’m a freelancer,” she answered. “I work whenever I’m hired. I have a small office here in Manhattan but I get outsourced to do other jobs in different places.”

“Very cool. So, you’re your own boss.”


She and I were the same in that regard. “Do you like it?”

“I love it,” she said. “There’s nothing like making someone’s dream home. Or making a design that will survive hundreds of years after I’m gone. It’s an amazing feeling.”

“I can imagine.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, her clutch held tightly against her side. It was the first time she turned away, her eyes glued to the road.

“You like Will?” I suspected I already knew the answer but I asked anyway.

“He’s nice…”

My body wanted to close the gap between us and press my mouth to hers. My body was obsessed with hers to the point of insanity. And I didn’t just want her physically. I wanted to know everything underneath.

“You like Florence?”

I shrugged. “She’s nice…”

She nodded and still refused to meet my gaze.

“Dating isn’t really your thing?” I hated myself for asking a personal question I had no right asking. It just came out all on its own. I would never say something like that to any other stranger. For whatever reason, I thought it was okay to say it to her.

“No. Not really.” She looked at me again, her eyes bright and beautiful.

“Then why are you doing it?”

She shrugged. “It’ll make Florence happy. I have to try—for her.”

I wanted to know more. Actually, I want to know everything. “Did you just get out of a relationship?”

Before she could answer she spotted Florence and Will over my shoulder. “They’re here.”

I still wanted that answer.

“Hey.” Florence moved into my chest and hugged me. Before I knew what was going on she kissed me on the lips. “I’m so excited to see you.”

She caught me off guard and gave me the kind of affection I didn’t even want, but the damage was already done. “Hey.” I took a step back before she kissed me again. “Hungry?”


Will was immediately at her side. “I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”

“Me too,” Rose said quietly.

We went inside and took our seats near the window. Just like last time it was awkward. Rose tried to hide behind her menu and Florence was feeling me up under the table. If her hand could reach all the way across she’d probably be giving me a hand job right then and there.


By the end of the night Florence was all over me. “You should come to my place. I have a nice view of the park.”

“Uh, maybe.” I didn’t want to sleep with her, not when I was interested in Rose.

“Or maybe we can go to yours…” Her leg had practically rubbed my jeans off.

I knew I got myself into a deep hole. I’d led her on and now she wanted me—naked. It was stupid for me to agree to this date just to see Rose. I suspected this would blow up in my face very soon.

Will and I split the bill then left our table, the girls by our sides. Florence hooked her arm through mine and pressed her body against me. She whispered something in my ear. “You’re mine tonight.”


We walked outside then congregated off to the side away from the foot traffic. Rose still kept to herself, not showing Will any affection. She clung to her clutch like it was a lifeboat.

“Let’s head to my place.” Florence had become even more forward after a few drinks. I was attracted to confident women who knew exactly what they wanted, but it was a turn off when they were drunk—and bossy.

“Can I walk you home?” Will asked the same question as last time, and he would get the same answer.

“It’s okay.” Rose extended her hand to shake his. “I had a great time.”

He eyed her hand in disappointment. He hadn’t touched her once, besides her hand. “Me too…” I shook it with a grimace.

“Well, good night.” Rose walked away without saying goodbye to me. She fled the scene like she couldn’t get away fast enough. All she wanted was to please her friend, and now that she was done she was on her way.

Florence didn’t seem to notice because of all of her attention was on me. “Come on. Let’s go.” She yanked my arm aggressively.

Now I was getting tired of being dragged around like a dog. “Enough of that.” I pulled out of her grasp and put my hands in my pockets. “Where is your apartment?”

She smiled because she thought she was getting her way. “This way.”


I walked her to her door because she wouldn’t have made it there on her own.

She dropped her keys a few times before she got the door opened. “The highlight of the night…” She walked inside and immediately kicked her heels off.

I stayed on the other side of the door. “Good night, Florence.”

“What?” Her eyes were squinted in her drunken stupor, and her body was tense in hostility.

“Florence, this isn’t going to work out. But I wanted to walk you home to make sure you got here safely.”

“You aren’t coming inside?”

I shook my head.

“Why the hell not?” She put both hands on her hips, glaring at me violently.

“It’s not you,” I said calmly. “You’re a very attractive woman—”


But not very humble
. “But I’m just feeling it. I wish you the best of luck.”

“Are you gay or something?” she snapped.

I let the insult wash over me. She was drunk and not running at full capacity. “Definitely not.” I turned away and headed down the hall. “Good night, Florence.”

“Good night, asshole.”

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