Savage: a Fighter Erotic Romance Novella (5 page)

BOOK: Savage: a Fighter Erotic Romance Novella
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Eventually his hips slowed, and I felt them buck against me as he came.  Once he was done and had pulled out, I began to sit up, but he pushed me down again.  His strong hands pinned me to the bed.  I looked down at him, confused.

I raised an eyebrow.

“No,” he said roughly.  “Stay there and open your legs again.  I want to make you come.”

“I already came,” I laughed, batting him away.

He locked eyes with me, his gaze on fire.

 “I know,” he growled.

I looked up at him with wide, confused eyes, my heartbeat picking up again.  He grinned wolfishly and leaned down, biting my earlobe.  He moved his lips to my ear and growled:

“I still want to eat that pretty pussy.”

My lips parted in a moan I couldn’t suppress. 

His mouth returned to my pussy, no longer gentle and slow but fierce and fast.  His tongue whipped against my clit as he ate me out, drawing me back to that orgasmic edge again.  Every once in a while, his tongue would travel further down, probing my insides and making me shake harder.  And then he would return to my clit, whipping it mercilessly and making me moan.

Eventually it became too much, and I came again, trembling and moaning from the overwhelming pleasure of it.  My body shook with the sensation, every single nerve on fire and every cell burning.  I clutched the sheets in my fists and moaned, unable to think of anything other than how much I wanted Luke and how good he made me feel.

Once I had recovered, I tried desperately to catch my breath.  I felt a tear drop from my eye and caught it with a fingertip, confused.

“Y-you made me cum so hard I cried,” I mumbled as he watched me proudly.  “I didn’t even know that could happen.”

He just laughed and held out his arms.  I crawled into them gratefully, my legs weak and trembling.

I laid in his arms, my body shaking from the occasional aftershocks.  I had never been so thoroughly and wonderfully fucked in my life.  I felt like he had taken me apart and replaced me with something new and wonderful and different.  I was sure I would never be satisfied with sex again—there was nothing that could beat that.  Absolutely nothing.

“Go to sleep, Anna,” he whispered into my ear.  He kissed my cheek tenderly, his lips so soft and warm against my naked skin.  I rolled over, burying my face against his chest.  “Go to sleep, and everything will be better in the morning.  I promise.”

“Nothing could be better than this,” I mumbled as I drifted off into the blackness.  His chest rumbled with a chuckle.


☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

In the morning, Luke was already up before me making a pot of coffee in the small kitchenette of the motel room.  I yawned and rolled over in bed.  The coffee smelled heavenly, and my body ached in all sorts of delicious ways.

“You awake, darlin’?” Luke called.

“Mm hmm,” I mumbled into my pillow.  God it felt good being in his bed.  It just felt right.  I could stay there forever if he’d let me.

“Well tell me when you’re ready to get up,” he said, bringing over a coffee mug.  He set it down on the bedside table, and the thick smell of fresh coffee coaxed me out of my slump.  I sat up, propping myself up against the headboard, and took the mug in my hand.  It was warm and the aroma filled the room.

“We’ve got some important things to talk about,” Luke said, sipping his cup.  He returned to his place in the kitchenette, pulling out a wallet he had hidden in one of the cabinets.

“Important things?” I asked, sitting up.  He nodded.

“Very important.  But not until you’re awake and ready to handle it.  You’re going to need all the strength you can get, I suspect.”

My curiosity got the better of me.  I pulled myself up, slipped on a robe from the closet, and hobbled over to the table while wiping the sleep out of my eyes. 

I took a sip of the coffee as he worked around the kitchen.  There was a pleasant ache between my legs that made me grin like an idiot while I watched him.  He passed me a piece of toast that I ate with gratitude, glad that I was finally getting some steady meals, even if it was only under these bizarre circumstances.

That reminded me.

“Alright,” I said when he sat down.  “Spill.  What is it that’s so important and mysterious?  What do you have to tell me and why do need my strength for it?”

He frowned, tapping his fingers on his coffee mug.  “You’re not taking this very seriously, Anna.  This is important.”

I sobered my expression.  “Alright, now I’m serious.  So what?”

He sighed and looked down into the mug in his hands.

“I had plans,” he said.  “Before you showed up, I was planning to do something very, very dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” I asked, perking my head up.  As much as Luke tried to pretend he was dangerous, I could never see it in him.  He may have been forced to be violent since he was a child, but he didn’t want to be.  I could see it in those pure green eyes.  “And what was that?”

He looked into my eyes.  “I was planning on running away.”

“From this town?”  I frowned.  “I’m not sure I understand.”

“No, not from this town.  From this life.”  He ran a hand through his hair.  “You already know how much I hate it—being forced to fight.  And you know how much I hate my handlers, especially Vera.  So of course I’ve thought about it a lot….”

“Running away from them?”

“Yes.  All of them.   And the life that comes with them.”

I sipped my coffee, thinking about that.  Of course it didn’t surprise me that a slave would want to escape his abusive master, and it didn’t surprise me either that a fighter might want to leave such a brutal job.  But I was still confused.

“And that’s dangerous?”

He gave me an incredulous look.  “Of course it’s dangerous.  You don’t think more people would run away if it wasn’t?”

I nodded.  It made sense.  “The plan, I meant,” I said.  “Why is your plan dangerous?  Haven’t you thought about it enough?”

“Every day,” he said in a soft voice.  “Every single day of my life.”

There was such pain in his voice I couldn’t handle it.  I reached over to touch his hand, and he took my hand in his, squeezing it like it was a lifesaver.

“But that was what I
doing,” he said, forcing himself to go on through the pain.  “That is, before I met you.  Before I took you in, before we ….”

“Fucked each other?” I said helpfully.

He looked at me.  Then he laughed, a deep rough sound that made my heart flutter.

“Yes, that, darlin’.  But then those things happened, and that leaves me with a hell of a problem.”  He frowned deeply, looking me over again.  “And we’ve got to sort that out.”

“Go on.”

“What I was doing,” he said, “was planning to run off.  But then I met you, and they saw me with you.  I don’t want to cause you trouble.  I don’t want them to come after you as a way of tracking down me.”

I snorted.  “As if they could find me.”

“That’s true,” he said thoughtfully.  “You are awful clever.  I could trust you with that.”

“You’re so quick to get rid of me,” I teased.  “You pull this on all the girls?”

His expression shifted as fast as a lightning strike.

“I want to stay with you, Anna,” he said tenderly, reaching over to touch my cheek.  “I really do.  But God, this is my first chance—and maybe my last one—to save myself.  To live the rest of my life knowing that I may have given up the one chance I had at freedom … at a normal life … at escaping this hell….”

I nodded as I looked into his eyes, feeling his pain myself.  It was too much to bear, the idea that freedom could be so close but so far away.  Or that he would have to give up so much and risk so much just to live a normal life.  I hated it for him.

“You need to go,” I said.

He just frowned, as if he wanted to argue with me but knew I was right.

“I don’t know,” he said.  “I just don’t know anything anymore.”

“You’re still planning to run?” I asked.


“And you think you’ll make it out alive?”

“No, of course not.”  He gazed into my eyes, pained.  “But I have to try.”

I nodded as I thought about it.

“I’m coming with you,” I said simply.

He was silent as he stared at me like I was a crazy person.  His mouth opened for a moment, then closed, as he struggled to think of something to say.  His expression settled in a pursed frown and a disapproving glare.

“No, Anna.”

“Yes, Luke.”

“You cannot be serious.”

“And yet I am.”  I crossed my arms and gave him an even look.

“Anna, you are not coming, and I’m not hearing any more about this.”  He glared at me and got up, marching away from me to the bed where a suitcase was already opened.  “It’s hard enough for me to decide to leave and risk everything—everything—to do it.  I am not putting your life in that same danger.”

“As if that’s your decision,” I snorted. 

“It is my decision.”

“I’m a big girl.  I can handle myself.  And I can make decisions for myself.”

“Really?  How old are you?” he asked.  “Twenty two?  Three, at the most?”

“None of your business,” I mumbled, looking the other way and twirling my hair.

“Anna,” he said sternly.

I gave an overdramatic stage sigh.  “I’m nineteen.  And seven months, so it shouldn’t even be counted as nineteen because you can round up to twenty.”

He stared at me.  “

“Look, it’s not even that big of a deal—”

“For Christ’s sake, Anna, you’re nineteen!  You’ve got your whole life ahead of you and you want to throw it all away to be with a man you just met?  You can’t be serious.”

“Why not?”

“You’re young.  You’ve got every chance possible to make something of yourself.  Don’t throw it all away like it means nothing.  You have no idea how much I would give up to allow myself to be in your position.  To have a

I crossed my arms.

“Look,” I said, making my voice as hard and immovable as possible.  “Before I met you, I had no life.  I’m a teenage runaway, Luke.  I was abused at home, I had terrible grades in school, and it’s not like I could get a job without a college degree.  I had nothing.”

“That doesn’t mean—”

“And then I met you,” I said, steamrolling over him.  “And I finally found a place to belong, even if we’ve just met.  And so what if we’ve just met?  That doesn’t mean we can’t help each other.  I mean, Jesus.  You’re a slave who wants to escape a life of pain and fighting for a mob boss.  I’m a teenage runaway who eats out of garbage bins and sleeps in empty warehouses during the night.  We’re both total fuckups.  I think we need all the help we can get.”

He gave me that disapproving-father look again.

“You’re really not going to give this up, are you?” he groaned.

“Nope,” I said, popping my lips on the p.

He stared at me a little more, then threw his hands up.  “I swear to God, darlin’, if you weren’t four foot nothing and about as heavy as a paper bag, I’d think you were a fighter too.  Damn do you never give up.”

“Thank you,” I said overly sweetly.

He rolled his eyes at me.

“Wait here,” he said, fishing in his pocket for the motel room’s key.  He turned his back to me and began walking to the door.  “I’ll be right back.”

“Oh please,” I scoffed.  “Do you really think I’m going to fall for that?  You’re just going to leave the second I’m out of eyesight.”

He cracked a smile.  “You’re clever, darlin’, don’t let anybody tell you any different.  But I’m not going to run.  Cross my heart, hope to die.”

“And you really think I believe that?”

“Listen, darlin’,” he sighed.  “If we’re really going to do this, we’re going to have to learn to trust each other.  I’m trusting you with the secret that I’m running away from my slaver, and you’re going to have to trust me on this.  If you can’t trust me now, how are we going to trust each other later when our lives are in danger?”

I wavered for a moment, stuck between the pull to trust him and the voice in the back of my head that was screaming I was an idiot.  After a moment, I nodded.

“Alright,” I said.  “But I swear to God, if you don’t come back, I will hunt you down and kill you myself.  Understand?”

He chuckled again and nodded.  Then he was out the door, leaving me alone in the room.

I sat down on the bed, my head whirling with everything that had happened in the last few days.  I could hardly believe half of it, but then again, I had to.  I was about to take a leap of faith and run off with Luke, wasn’t I?  That’s really what it was.  I had to have faith in him, and he had to have faith in me.  We couldn’t believe in anything except each other.

As the minutes crept past on the digital alarm clock.

“Where did you go?” I asked.

“To turn in this room’s key, and to knock out the manager so he couldn’t warn Vera about what was happening.”

“A little much, don’t you think?” I said gruffly.

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