Savage Betrayal: Savage, Book 2 (16 page)

BOOK: Savage Betrayal: Savage, Book 2
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With a muffled curse, he strode forward and turned her to face him, before pulling her into his arms.

“It’s okay, you’re safe now.”

He expected her to jerk away and/or plant her fist into his belly, but instead her arms slipped around his waist and she pressed her head against his shoulder.

“You don’t need to be strong
the fucking time.”

“I’m not strong, I’ve just gotten really good at faking it,” she whispered raggedly. “And if you tell anyone about this—”

“This is between you and I, sugar.” He pulled her tighter against him, and smoothed a hand gently down her back. “But you gotta stop worrying about what others will think, they know you’re a good agent.”

Her body trembled in his arms and she sighed. “I don’t know about that.”

Irritation eased through him. Darrius pulled away just enough to catch her chin between his fingers and tilt it up so she had to look at him.

“I do.” His gaze locked with hers, and he could see the frustration there that likely had little to do with what had just happened.

Then the emotion shifted, her gaze darkened and her breathing grew heavier.

“You need to trust me.”

“I do,” she whispered. “Sometimes a little too much, and that scares me.”

Her words wrapped around his heart, raising the protective and possessive side of him. They also sparked the need to touch her—to taste her again.

Unable to stop himself, he lowered his head to brush a kiss across her mouth. It was supposed to be quick and comforting, but he should’ve known better. The moment his lips touched hers, the spark of need lit inside him and threatened to become a full-on bonfire.

Grace made a murmur of surprise that morphed into a sigh of pleasure. Her fingers slid up his chest and her mouth parted beneath his.

She was beginning to trust him, had just admitted it, and she no longer fought the attraction that was between them. The realization sent a rush of cold through Darrius.

When he’d first realized the chemistry between them, he’d written it off as a fluke that would maybe end up with them in bed together. But the sex hadn’t happened yet, and a foundation much stronger than friendship was building. Only he knew the foundation was an illusion that could quickly crumble. It could never support a relationship if she was looking for one.

Dammit, what the hell was wrong with him? Why was he even kissing her in the first place after she’d just been assaulted?

Garnering what little self-control he had left, Darrius lifted his head.

Get your mind back in the game, asshole.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

She gave a husky laugh and pressed her forehead against his. “Don’t be. It was probably the exact distraction I needed, and if we weren’t in a public bathroom, I’d probably be asking for a hell of a lot more.”

Her casual words had an immediate impact on his body. His cock tightened beneath his jeans and the air hissed out from between his teeth.

“Damn, sugar, you need to bite your tongue.”

“Or what? You’ll do it for me?”

Now he did laugh, and she joined him. But the break in tension was well needed.

“Not to bring the conversation back to the bad stuff, but what did they say to you? If they didn’t want you dead, they must’ve had a message.”

She stepped out of his arms and sighed. The wistfulness faded from her expression as she leaned against the wall, folding her arms across her chest.

“They told me to back off the Wilson case.”

He barked out a laugh of disbelief. “You’ve got to be shittin’ me. That’s pretty damn brazen.”

“Yeah that’s what I was thinking. And I’m willing to bet they work for Feloray.”

“But that would be so stupid. They’ve got to know we’ll suspect them first thing.”

“Oh, I’m sure they do. They sure weren’t trying to hide who sent them.” She hesitated. “And I think I know them. Or at least one.”

“Really? I think when Larson gets back we’ll file a report with the police—”

“No cops.” She gave a fierce shake of her head. “You know how risky it is involving humans with shifter business. Besides, we’d have to explain my lack of injuries.”

There was a sharp knock on the door before Sienna popped her head inside the bathroom.

“Grace? Oh my word, what on earth happened?” She strode in, eyes crinkled with distress. “Are you okay? I heard you were attacked.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t look fine. If you look this good now, I would’ve hated to see you five minutes ago.” Sienna looked around. “Is my husband hunting down the jerk who did this to you?”

“Jerks,” Darrius added. “I would’ve been out there with him, but—”

“Your first concern was Grace. Of course I understand.” Sienna’s gaze softened, became almost pensive as she looked between him and Grace. “It’s only natural.”

Only natural? Shit. Sienna was romanticizing this as if they were future mates. There was nothing between him and Grace besides a strong friendship and healthy dose of lust.

But even as he told himself that, the unease rode in on a cloud of doubt. What the hell? Grace couldn’t be his mate—he knew that, so what the hell was going on?

The sound of footsteps in the hall had them all turning to see the others return.

“They’re gone,” Larson said quietly as he strode into the bathroom. “Looks like they had a van running in the alley out back. We tried to follow it, but once they hit the main road it was over.”

Darrius gave a sharp nod. “You get a license?”

“No, it was deliberately covered, probably mud or some shit.”

“Wow, this place is becoming quite the little hangout.” Yorioka smirked, stepping inside. “Maybe we should take this outside the bathroom before it gets invaded by the gaggle of sorority girls that just showed up at the pub?”

Larson nodded. “Everyone back in the pub, we need to talk.”

Chapter Twelve

“Who’s after you, Masterson?”

Grace clenched her hands around her half-drunk beer, but knew she wouldn’t be taking another sip.

She couldn’t ignore Larson’s question, even if she wasn’t quite sure of the answer.

“I don’t really know, sir.”

“We’re outside of work, you can drop the formalities.” Larson flashed her a hard smile, but there was little warmth. “I should be hauling your ass over to the police station to file a report.”

“I think we all know that’s a bad idea,” she said mildly, basically repeating what she’d said to Darrius earlier. “We don’t want to involve human law enforcement in a shifter problem.”

“You think these two were shifter?”

“I’m certain of it. They know I am, and seemed to make an effort to cover their scent.”

“And yet you have an idea who they are.”

“Maybe, maybe not. There was something familiar, but I couldn’t pin it down for certain.”

Beneath the scrutiny of the alpha’s stare, she struggled not to squirm. Something about the guy made you feel like you were a kid getting chastised. He was fair, both as their alpha and their team leader, but he was intimidating. No one would deny that.

His fiancée sat next to him, watching her with sympathy in her eyes.

“You’re bleeding, sweetie. Do you want a bandage?” Alicia offered. “I have a first-aid kit in my purse.”

No she didn’t want a freaking bandage—though a shot of tequila was sounding pretty damn good right about now.

“I’ll be fine, thanks.”

Larson grunted. “I understand there was some kind of accident the other day as well.”

Her gaze snapped briefly to Darrius. Had he told the alpha about the near minivan hit? Or the tires being slashed? Either one she’d rather her alpha
have known about.

“I’ve had some bad luck lately, yes. It doesn’t mean I’m ready to chalk it up to someone trying to intimidate me.”

Donovan grunted from the end of the table where he sat quietly with Sienna. And when Grace glanced around, she noticed all the team members looked a bit skeptical. Yorioka included.

“You’re not stupid, Masterson,” Larson murmured. “You just had two people blatantly attack you in a public bathroom. How the hell does that leave any doubt in your mind?”

“Even if I accepted it, why me? Why not warn Darrius or Yorioka to back off the Wilson case? I’m not the only one investigating it.”

“But you were the only one who was convinced it wasn’t a suicide.”

True. Though now that they knew their POI’s prints were found in Wilson’s car, and he was connected to Jocelyn Feloray, people were starting to get on board with her theory. It was one of the reasons they were celebrating tonight, wasn’t it?

“And you are also one of the survivors from the experiments,” Donovan pointed out. “And if they really are targeting them, you’re going to be on their list.”

She shook her head. It just didn’t make any sense. “But they didn’t kill me.”

“I think you should come stay in the city. You’re too damn isolated outside of North Bend.” Larson scowled. “Hell, there’s not even a Starbucks in sight.”

Grace laughed. “Oh come on, there’s a Starbucks ten minutes from my house.”

“You can stay with Sienna and I,” Donovan offered.

Sienna nodded, her eyes lighting up. “Absolutely, in fact I was just about to say the same thing.”

“Look, you guys, I appreciate the offer, but there’s not a chance I’m leaving my home because a couple of dipshits have decided to threaten me.”

“Then I’ll stay with you.”

Darrius’s quiet statement had all heads turning in his direction. Grace could feel her face warming, but she didn’t reply, instead just waited for Larson to shoot down the idea. She knew he didn’t approve of the possibility of her and Darrius getting involved.

“I think that’s probably smart.”

Stunned, she glanced at their alpha. Had she heard that right? He wasn’t looking at her, though, but instead at Darrius.

“You guys just can’t just decide my future for me. This is my life—”

“Yes, and it’s under attack. You’ve got choices, Masterson. Either stay with the Donovans, take the protection that Hilliard is offering, or I’ll bring you into the agency and have you sequestered for your own protection.”

Her heart thudded and her mouth went dry. Sequestered. Jesus, he thought it was that serious? Of course he did, or he wouldn’t be threatening her with it.

She didn’t want to leave her home, especially to be babysat by Warrick or Sienna. She needed to be there for Aubree anyway, so like hell would she agree to being

Which left…

“Hilliard. He can stay with me.” Resigned to the idea, she didn’t hear anything else anyone said. She could only see her life spiraling out of her control.



“You tired?”

Grace jerked upright, not even realizing she’d nearly fallen asleep in the truck. She cast a glance over at Darrius, who was driving.

“Yeah. I’m a little tired,” she muttered, not bothering to hide the grumpiness from her tone.

It was almost ten at night and she’d been up since five thirty. After the bar, he’d followed her back to her house so she could drop off her car, but then insisted she hop in his truck so he could drive to his place and pick up some things so he’d be prepared to stay a while.

They were on their way back to her house again, but overall it had made for an unpleasantly long night.

“You’re a good sport, Grace.”

She just barely stopped the derisive snort. “I don’t have a choice. My alpha spoke and I had to listen.”

Darrius shrugged. “You could’ve been sequestered. Or stayed with the Donovans.”

“You know those aren’t really options.” She sighed. “I can’t give up my life, and besides, Aubree needs me. If I’m in hiding I’m pretty much leaving her without protection.”

“And does she need it? Protection, I mean.”

More than he knew. “She’s young and a little vulnerable. I’m really all she has.”

“She’s got your parents, right?”

Oh how she wished. “No. They’ve been dead for years now.”

He cast her a sharp look. “I didn’t know that. How did it happen, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“There was an accident when we were on a family camping trip. I was eight.” She glanced out the window into the darkness, trying as she had so many times before to remember that day. “We were up at Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Forest, hiking on one of the trails. And then…”

She shrugged. So much of that day was just gone, no doubt blocked for self-preservation. “I don’t really remember. From what I hear the ground was saturated from heavy rain, the cliff already crumbling and we got too close to the edge.”


“My parents, my sister and I. We all went over the ledge. My parents were killed instantly from broken necks.” Oh God, it never really got easier to say. “My sister’s leg got mangled, and I…was somehow absolutely fine.” The guilt that had always been a part of her surfaced again, gathering in her throat so she had difficulty swallowing.

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