Savage Chains: Shattered (#3) (Men in Chains) (2 page)

BOOK: Savage Chains: Shattered (#3) (Men in Chains)
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He withdrew his fingers, but his cock stiffened even more, and her own desire rose.

“On the table, slave.” If she was going to pull this off, she had to be tough. But she still kept herself positioned between Reyes and Sweet Dove.

“Yes, get on the table, Reyes.” Sweet Dove spoke over Angelica’s shoulder.

When Reyes started to move in response to Sweet Dove, Angelica got within inches of his face and all but shouted, “You are mine to command, not hers! You will obey only me! Do you understand, slave?”

His eyes widened slightly in surprise. To his mind she sent,
Follow my lead. I think I know a way out.

Aloud Reyes said, “Yes, mistress.”

Sweet Dove jerked Angelica’s shoulder, pulling her around to face her.

But Angelica lifted her chin and stared straight into her eyes. Instinctively she knew the only way this would work was if she faced up to the devil. “You’re not in charge, Sweet Dove. If you refuse to let me do this my way, Reyes and I will leave right now.”

“You don’t have that kind of say. You’re a slave.”

“Not wearing this outfit. Right now, I’m a dom and I call the shots.”

Again Sweet Dove’s power felt like a storm against Angelica’s body as she let Angelica feel that she could crush her with a thought. Yet she couldn’t back down.

When death didn’t follow and Sweet Dove didn’t lay a hand on her, Angelica turned toward the table. She threaded the flogger through one of the strips of leather on her thigh and passed by Sweet Dove toward the head of the table.

She reached down, ignoring the sickly odor, and slapped the wood platform, her gaze fixed on Reyes. “I want your head here, slave. Now. I’m going to chain you up and do things to you.”

Still in an aroused state, Reyes levitated while stretching out. He positioned himself on the table faceup.

Do you trust me?

Reyes closed his eyes.
Implicitly. I couldn’t do this otherwise.

I know.

Angelica took one of the shackles. Sweet Dove had infused the metal with a preternatural charge. Only at this moment, feeling the unearthly power of the chains, did Angelica hesitate. Reyes could bust out of a regular iron shackle, but not one charged like this. If her plan to keep standing up to Sweet Dove didn’t work, she and Reyes really would be in serious trouble.

But she’d already made her decision. Taking the shackle in hand, she clamped it around Reyes’s wrist. He winced as the preternatural charge took hold. The length of the chain stretched his arm a few inches above the table and at a right angle to his body.

She moved swiftly around the platform and clamped the other shackle to his right wrist. His eyes were slits, but she could see he watched her. She could also feel his pain and even a low level of fear at being bound again.

More than the discomfort, however, she felt his desire. His cock stood upright, and he tracked her as she crossed to the foot of the platform to shackle each ankle.

But once all four limbs were bound, Reyes arched his back and groaned. He was in pain.

She turned toward him, remembering how badly the charged shackles had hurt her once, the same night as the auction.
Are you okay?

He held her gaze.
I’m fine. Too many memories.

How bad is the pain?


Sweet Dove intruded once more, approaching the table and stroking Reyes’s thigh.

Angelica watched Reyes’s eyes widen with horror and panic. She couldn’t let this continue, and on instinct she opened herself up to his power, letting it flood her this time. Suddenly, and much to her surprise, Angelica levitated across the table and in a swift motion pushed Sweet Dove away.

Her momentum caught Sweet Dove hard in the chest, and the woman flew backward, hitting the old stone wall, then falling on her ass to the floor. Angelica felt her own hair flying around her face, having come completely undone from the tight Grecian rolls she’d worn for the masked ball.

Her voice resonated with a strange vibration as she shouted at Sweet Dove. “You’re not to touch him!”

Sweet Dove levitated to her feet, her eyes blazing with rage. “How dare you, slave! I’ll do as I please.”

“No, you won’t.” Angelica had never felt like this in her life, full of power and a fire of her own. She stared down the monster that had hurt Reyes. “You wanted a sex performance and I’ll give you one, but only if you keep your hands off and let me have my way. And I swear that if you come near him again, I’ll tear every red hair from your head before I let you touch him, my existence be damned.”

Sweet Dove froze, her eyes wide. After several long seconds her shoulders finally relaxed and a lascivious expression overtook her face. “Well, aren’t you a surprise? I knew you had potential, that you had the capacity to take a lot of pain, but now I’m seeing something else. You could become like me.”

“I don’t give a fuck if I could become like the god of the underworld, I just want you to back off and let me do my thing. You told me to dominate this man, and that’s what I intend to do.” Once more she drew Reyes’s power into her and let it flow, so that her hair moved around her shoulders.

Sweet Dove finally lifted both hands in surrender. “Please, do whatever it is you wish to do. I won’t attempt to intervene again.”

Though she could hardly trust Sweet Dove to keep her word, Angelica nodded once firmly, then turned toward Reyes. Glancing down at his hips, she was astonished to find he was still fully aroused. She met his gaze.
You liked this little standoff?

It’s you, Angelica. I’m hard for you.

A shiver of pure desire ran through Angelica.
You’re hard for me?

Only for you.

She resisted smiling and instead withdrew the flogger from the strip of leather on her thigh. She slapped it against her hand.
Will this hurt? I mean, how much of this can you take?

Bring it. I’ve had a thousand times worse. Slap me hard for effect. Trust me. I’m a vampire, remember?

Angelica knew that if she didn’t make this good, make it a real show, the bitch wouldn’t buy it.
Forgive me,
she sent. She lifted her arm and brought the flogger down hard once on his left pec, then his right.

Like a butterfly wing,
Reyes responded.
Can’t you do any better?

She met his gaze, wanting to know the truth, but his eyes were at half-mast and his cock twitched.
You’re enjoying this.

I’m enjoying you.

Another shiver traveled through her. She couldn’t believe her harmless attempt at flirtation all those weeks ago at the Ocean Club had led her here.

She forced herself to forget about Sweet Dove and instead to savor the body she’d come to know so thoroughly over the past week.

For the next several minutes Angelica used the flogger on Reyes, slapping his arms and chest, building a rhythm into the calculated series of strikes. His body reddened, but the whole time Reyes writhed and his arousal stiffened.

She stroked his cock with the flogger and watched the tip weep, then she went to work on his legs.

By the time she reached his feet most of his body had a red hue, but he writhed and was breathing hard, his eyes closed. She had no doubt he was in a profound state of arousal.

She secured the flogger once more between strips of leather, then moved to the side of the platform. She dragged a finger up his body, digging in slightly with her fingernail, and took a long moment to look at him. She slid her palm over the muscular contours of his arms, his pecs, his chest.

She leaned close and kissed him on the lips, then sucked his nipples in turn. Her body was already heated up; still she took her time to explore him with her lips and tongue. She started biting him hard, which caused grunts to leave his throat. She came close many times to drawing blood, but he kept encouraging her to make a show of it.

Reyes, you’re magnificent.

And I love what you’re doing to me, that you have control of me. I didn’t think it could be like this, so erotic. But it’s all because of you.

His words, the beauty of his body, the taste of his skin as she bit him, had built an inferno of desire within her.

I need you, Reyes.

Then take me.

She climbed up on the platform to straddle him, guiding her wet body over his thick cock. She moaned as she eased down on him, then arched her back and ground her hips. She savored all that he was, the size and feel of him.

Angelica, my God.

She opened her eyes and met his gaze.

His lids low, he pushed up with his hips, letting her feel him.
Oh, Reyes, I want more, but you’d better stop.
Aloud she said, “You don’t move unless I tell you to move, slave.”

“Yes, mistress.”

She leaned over him and kissed him on the lips.
Open for me.

Yes, mistress.
He sounded teasing.

Don’t do that, not in my head, or you’ll have me laughing.
She worked him with her hips, setting a steady rhythm.

Reyes parted his lips and she drove her tongue inside. He groaned.

After a moment she rose up, flexing her hips. Meeting his gaze, she said, “Take over, slave, and make it good. Make me come.”

The chains jangled as Reyes started to pump into her, lifting his hips in quick, pleasurable jabs. She cried out, the sensation deep and hitting her just right.

I’m close.
She trembled.

Scream if you can. The louder the better.

No problem.

He moved vampire fast, which brought her orgasm flowing in a stream of intense pleasure. She screamed long and loud, as the ecstasy flowed up her well and abdomen, gripping her stomach and tightening her breasts. She rocked her hips against what was still so hard, taking the last of her pleasure.

She leaned over him, breathing hard, her hands on the wood platform.

“You haven’t lost your touch, Reyes.” Sweet Dove’s voice sent a sudden jolt of fear through Angelica. She’d forgotten the woman was even there.

But with his cock buried inside her, Angelica was in a vulnerable place. She started to rise up, to place herself in a more powerful position physically, but Sweet Dove’s hand was on her shoulder. The woman let her power flow in a hot, painful arc. Angelica groaned, her body twisting, trying to get away. But Sweet Dove had her pinned in place with just the pressure of her hand.

“Sweet Dove, stop this right now,” Reyes shouted. “We’ve done what you wanted.”

“Even though your slave performed adequately, she has misbehaved and needs to be disciplined.”

* * *

This was just what Reyes had feared, that Sweet Dove would take charge and he’d be unable to protect Angelica. “You’ve gotten what you wanted. Now release us both.”

“Don’t be a fool. We’re just getting started.”

“I’m not your slave anymore.” He took his cue from Angelica’s earlier attitude toward Sweet Dove and matched the woman’s haughtiness with his own. “You owned me for a century, but those days are gone. I like being a slaver. You taught me extremely well.”

Tears now flowed down Angelica’s cheeks.

Sweet Dove released Angelica’s shoulder and transferred the same flow of power to Reyes’s chest. He barely held back a serious shout of pain, but the last thing he wanted was for Sweet Dove to gain even a moment of pleasure from hurting him.

Reyes, fight her. I have a feeling you can break free right now.

What do you mean?

I don’t know. But I sense something within you, something I’ve never felt before. I think it might be your Ancestral power.

He felt it as well, that Angelica fed him in ways he didn’t understand and made him want to be more than he was.

Ignoring the pulses of pain that radiated through his chest because of Sweet Dove’s hold on him, he shifted his gaze to Angelica. His Ancestral power rose in response, calling to him, begging for release.

Reyes, the sensations have grown stronger. Can you tap into your power? Maybe you can even break free of these bonds.

I feel them, I do, but I’m not sure.
Despite his current predicament, Reyes held back. He’d fought becoming like Sweet Dove for so long, always rejecting even the idea of embracing his Ancestral power.

Reyes, please listen to me. I can tell that Sweet Dove won’t let us go. You have to do something. I feel her vile intentions like a fire on my skin.

He knew Angelica was right, but he had to try a different tack first. Shifting his gaze to Sweet Dove, his body now trembling with pain, he said, “Let us go. You’ve accomplished what you’d hoped for. You made me in your image. So let me continue on my slaver path, Sweet Dove. You owe me this.”

“I owe you?” She trilled her laughter. “I owe you nothing, Reyes. You owe me. You are my slave, now and forever.”

Angelica’s voice punched through his mind.
Find that power, Reyes. Do it now. She’s gearing up.

Angelica was right. Sweet Dove had never intended to let him go. But how the hell could he break free?

The only way he’d have the smallest chance would be to use his latent Ancestral ability. He knew that a double blood-chain would gain him instant access to his Ancestral power, but there was another way. Before the blood-chains were invented to speed up the process, those with latent Ancestral DNA could connect with the power, usually in times of great stress, and bring the ability to life.

And even Angelica sensed he could do it.

Sweet Dove began slowly increasing her power. His body shook now with pain, but he held back.

Closing his eyes, he grew very still. He dove deep within himself, focusing on his Ancestral power. He’d never considered the possibility before of having anything to do with this power since so many of the Ancestrals were heavily corrupt, like both Engles and Sweet Dove.

But right now, his life as well as Angelica’s depended on him finding the strength to break free of the preternatural chains.

As though coming from far away, he heard Sweet Dove’s voice as she issued command after command. “Obey me, Reyes. Submit to me.” But he ignored her.

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