Savage Hunger (Project Nemesis) (13 page)

BOOK: Savage Hunger (Project Nemesis)
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“I can help you with that.  I know it’s hard to shave your head on your own.  Especially since we don’t exactly have a mirror out here.”

He eyed her suspiciously.  “I don’t know.  You sure?”

“Yeah.  You’d be better off if I did it, don’t you think?  A cut in this environment could kill you if it got infected.”

He laughed and handed her the razor and shaving cream and a bowl of water fashioned from a section of bamboo.  “If you knew how many times we’d been shot and sliced open, only to miraculously heal back into shape, you wouldn’t think stuff like that.”

“I almost forgot about that,” she said quietly, watching him flick creepy crawlies off an old stump and take a seat.

“Yeah.  We look and act so normal.”

“You do.  It’s easy for me to forget.”

“Not for us.  Especially not when they’d been trying to figure out how to dispose of us permanently without having to worry about us coming back to life.”

She blanched and spread cream over his head.  “And did they?”

He shrugged then held still when she pressed the blade to the front of his head.  “Don’t know.  Maybe.  Some of us didn’t make it out of there and I never saw them again.  I assumed they figured out how to replicate it and how to eradicate its existence.  We weren’t about to sit still and let them dispose of us as trash.  Even though we’re not the same as we were, it doesn’t mean we want to give up and die.  Well, not all the time….”

Jasmine pulled a long swath and rinsed the blade, moving to do another section.  “I don’t blame you there.  I couldn’t willingly give up my life for anyone or anything.”

“You took a chance screwing with Lucas.  You knew we were infectious.  None of us knew how far it went.”

She sighed.  “Yeah, I know.  Pretty stupid of me, huh?”

He grunted.  “I guess we all do stupid shit once in a while.”

She chuckled.  “Well, I keep thinking I’ll stop one of these days, but I haven’t managed to quit doing it yet.  I just keep right on making stupid mistakes that I never learn from.  Hindsight is great if you can remember it when you need it.”

Jasmine moved around the side of him for a better position.  From there, she could see his beautifully carved face and full, kissable lips.

“It spoke to me, when you said your extended family had turned its back on you.  I know how it feels to be abandoned by people that are supposed to love and support you.”

Jasmine studied his solemn expression.  “You do?”

“I never knew my father.  I guess it’s pretty typical of men to abandon their children and never try to get to know them or see them.”

She thought about it for a minute.  She’d always considered herself lucky to have both of her parents happily raising her, but they’d gone through hell to stay together.  They’d been together in a day when mixed couples had been hugely frowned upon.  It was still like that in many areas of the south.  “I know it happens a lot, but I don’t know I’d say it’s common.  Some men are just emotional babies and can’t handle any responsibility.”

“Doesn’t make it any easier growing up.”

“I’m sure it doesn’t,” she said, feeling sorry for the little boy inside who still wanted a daddy.  It was a shame that so many men didn’t feel connected to their children the way that they should.

“I’m sorry about your dad.  At least you had a good mama.  Some people don’t have either parent, or they end up with total monsters.  You still turned out good, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I guess so.  It screws with you, you know.  Messes with your head if you start thinking about it too much.  Most of the time, I promise myself that I’ll never do that to any child of mine, even if I do have problems with the mother.  It’s no reason to let a kid suffer.”

She nodded, liking the way he thought.  It echoed her sentiments exactly.  Children were too easy to screw up by half.  Having loving parents, even if they weren’t together, had to be better than not having them.

Jasmine finished up with his head and moved to his face, watching what she was doing closely.  Dante kept his eyes on her steadily, making her feel heated inside with his attention.  Maybe there was something wrong with her, but she couldn’t help feeling like these three men needed her to heal them.  It was desperately empowering to be wanted by them, needed by them, and desired.

She enjoyed it, perhaps too much.

“You’re going to wear yourself out trying to keep us all satisfied, baby,” he said when she’d cleaned his jaw enough he dared talk.  He seemed to read her mind.

“Hmmm?  What do you mean?”

He caught her hand, bringing her wrist up to his mouth to kiss the fragile pulse there.  “You know what I mean.  You think I can’t smell that you want me?”

She flushed all over, hoping she wasn’t that obvious, but they had supernatural senses she couldn’t begin to fathom.  “I’m a big girl.  I can handle myself.”

“That’s not what I meant.  Your perfume tempts me.  I want to eat you, fuck you right now, but I know you have to be jammed up inside from all of us having a go at you.  I don’t want to hurt you.”

He nibbled her wrist, moving up to her fingers, nibbling the pads of her fingers while she watched and felt heat spread up from the digits into her core.  His sexy eyes and thick lashes made her melt.

“I like being …hurt … when it feels this good,” she whispered.

He groaned and snatched her pants down wordlessly, pulling her across his lap.  She moaned and arched her back, gratified to feel his trapped erection rubbing against her sensitive flesh.

Dante cupped the back of her neck, bringing her down for his kiss.  The moment those full lips touched hers, she felt desire race through her blood.  He was an expert, had probably kissed many women if the precise movements of his mouth and tongue were any indication.

And his hands roamed the expanse of her back, pushing under her shirt to scratch up and down her skin, eliciting little moans from her throat as he devoured her mouth.

“Why can’t I seem to get enough,” she said, breathlessly, excited and hungry for more.  “I…feel like…there’s something wrong with me.”

“Nothing I can’t fix,” he said huskily, kissing her urgently.  His hot breath teased her.  His tongue made her moan.

She ground against him, feeling herself get wetter with each passing moment, each stroke of his hot tongue in her mouth.  He cupped her backside, his fingers fondling the curve of her buttocks.

She slipped a hand down his chest, reveling in the play of strong, lean muscles, tight nipples that urged her onward.  She flicked his nipples, feeling them tighten, then made a path down his tight belly.

The muscles of his stomach jerked at her touch.  She could feel his pulse quicken, sense the tension tightening his body.  When her hand touched the waist of his jeans to fumble with his fly, he broke the kiss on a ragged breath.

“Are you sure you want to do this?  I know you’re hurting,” he said, pressing his forehead against her as she unzipped his fly.

“I can’t help but want you,” she whispered, freeing his massive black cock.  She hadn’t gotten a good look at it before, but it was thick and veiny, sculpted perfection.  The darkness of it didn’t surprise her.  She’d always had a soft spot for men of her own race, though she liked all flavors of men.

Dante was particularly sexy and delicious, and his cock was so thick, she could barely get her hand around the shaft.  No wonder she’d been so stretched the night before.  She marveled that he’d managed to wedge himself inside her, or that her body had accepted the two them at once.

Thinking about what they’d done only served to increase her desire.

She rose up with his help, holding his cock and guiding it to her slick passage.  The moment he stretched her tiny hole and entered her body, he grabbed her hips in a possessive hold and dragged her down, impaling her to the hilt.

There was nothing slow and gentle about his love-making.  He couldn’t seem to get enough of her, could stroke her hard or fast enough.

She arched her back, gripping his shoulders for support as she undulated her body on his massive dick, reaching sensitive places inside her that set off a chain reaction of pleasure.

Her pussy clamped down on him, greedily devouring his thick, black length.  She ground her cunt against him, riding him like a stallion.  He guided her hips in a rhythm that had her gritting her teeth with exquisite pleasure.

“You feel so right inside me,” she said on a moan.

He nipped her nipples through her shirt.  She jerked, riding him harder, coming up almost completely off of his cock before plunging hard down on him again.

If she could walk after this ride, it would be a miracle.

He moved a hand to rub her little clit until it swelled under his thumb.  The warring sensations were too much for her to handle.  She felt the wave cresting within her.  She tightened against it, fighting the ecstasy so soon, but she could no more resist the orgasm ringing through her core than she could cease breathing.

Dante groaned and stroked short and fast, her orgasm and spasming channel making him come with her.

It ended too soon for her, but she knew it was for the best.  Slowly, her breathing and heart rate returned to a level she could speak without choking up.

“Damn, baby,” he murmured, kissing her temple and rubbing her back.  “You know how to ride a dick.”

“Mmmm.  Thanks,” she said, moving off of him and feeling every muscle scream in agony.  Well, she’d done it.  She’d fucked herself silly and sore.  “Uh.  I might need your help getting back to camp.  I haven’t even had breakfast yet.”

He grinned.  “We need to keep your strength up, girl.”

She swatted him playfully.  “Yeah.  We do.”


“We saved you some of this smoked pork, Jasmine,” Zach said when she and Dante came walking up.

“Hair looks good.  Well, shave looks good.  Think there’s enough life on the blade for me to shave?”

Dante handed the gear to Zach.  “Should.  It felt new when we started.”

Zach took the razor and cream and went to the river.

Jasmine sat down near the smoldering campfire, dining on wild smoked boar.  It was deliciously smoky.  “Mmmm.  It’s good.  I can’t tell you how glad I am not to be eating canned food.  I gave that shit up years ago and never looked back.  It’s bad for you, you know.”

Lucas looked up from his task.  “Comes in handy in a time like this though.  Like what I’ve been doing?”

Jasmine watched him lash together bamboo.  Beyond him, she saw he’d been hard at work and had already completed one of the bamboo beds, complete with leaves woven through lashing.  “Wow!  A bed?  A real bed?  How do you know how to do this?”

He looked at his accomplishment proudly.  “We’ve all had survivalist training.  And if we’re going to stay here for a while, we can’t sleep on the ground.  We could get eaten alive, not to mention this will be more comfortable for actually getting some sleep.  I don’t know about you, but even after all the missions I’ve been through, it never gets easy to sleep on the ground.  Especially in the jungle.”

“Bugs give me the willies,” she said with a laugh.

“Want me to show you how this is done?” Lucas asked.

“Sure.  I’d like to help out instead of just watching y’all do everything.  Makes me feel useful.”

Lucas handed her a long trunk.  “See this?  It’s a pliable wood that the locals use to make lashing when out in the jungle.  It strips easily.”  He pulled a thin strip off in demonstration.

Jasmine looked at it dubiously, wondering how something that thin would be of any help.

Seeing her doubt him, he wrapped both ends around each hand and pulled in opposite directions.  “It’s strong.  An eighth of an inch thick and no matter how hard I pull, it won’t break.”

“That’s amazing,” she admitted.

“Mother nature provides us with what we need.  Now, we take our strips and braid them together, giving us a thin rope we can use for just about anything.  I can make snares, a bed, a net for fishing—you name it.  Zach already made himself a small fishing net.  He must’ve taken it with him or I’d show it to you.  Think you can braid these strips while I work on weaving a bed?”

Jasmine nodded, gratified to have something to do.  Now that they weren’t exhausting themselves running through the jungle, boredom could set in.  And she had no business taking their minds off important tasks like shelter and food with something as silly as sex.  She was pretty sure everyone had had enough to satisfy their carnal urges, at least for now.

Jasmine shifted on a log, feeling her bottom ache from the abuse she’d put it through.  It’d been fun, however.  Way too much fun.

They worked together, building a small bed for each of them.  While she and Lucas worked on that, Dante went out and brought back palm fronds to put walls around the sides of their shelter.

The shelter was fast becoming a tidy little home for them in the jungle.

Jasmine brushed the floor of the “hut” clean to make sure there were no hiding places for snakes or spiders.  She had no interest in coming up on something like that at bedtime when it got so dark in the jungle and they had no portable light.

They left a wide door and a window to allow air flow when it got too humid, and they could build a fire in the front if it got too cold.

Jasmine looked at the temporary home and felt a thrill at how comfortable they’d managed to make it with nothing but the jungle to supply them with materials.

Jasmine and the three men admired their handiwork.  It wouldn’t be so horrible waiting until a safe time to head back into civilization now.  She didn’t want to ask when that time would be, since she felt sure they’d mention it to her when their internal alarm clocks went off.

For now, she was strangely happy.

It was nearing dusk by the time they finished everything, and Jasmine wanted to clean up before it got too dark.

It was near the river that she had her first horrible experience with the local wild life.





Chapter Nine


Despite Zach’s fears of infecting Jasmine, when nothing happened after rolling around with each of them in turn, some of his fears were laid to rest.

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