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Authors: J. Woods

Savage Scheme (11 page)

BOOK: Savage Scheme
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Chapter Sixteen


Max walked through the door to the most perfect sounds - his sons happy squeal followed by his wife's laughter.

“Honey, I’m home!” he called.

“Yay, Daddy’s home!” Brie’s voice carried down the hallway before she emerged from the nursery, Jacob on her hip.

“Hey baby,” he greeted, bending down and stealing a kiss. Even just the sight of her, just being around her, the light clean scent that carried on her skin made his cock tighten in anticipation.

“Hey.” Her smile was his everything. He reached down and took his perfect son from her arms, blowing a raspberry into his neck eliciting a scream of excitement.

He watched Brie fall into the chair, throwing her legs over the armrest. “How was your day?” she asked lightly. He clenched his jaw. He could see the dark circles forming under her eyes, the spark he loved so much dimming just slightly. And he knew it was his fault.

“I’m sorry, my love.”

“For what?” she asked, a cute frown forming between her eyebrows.

“For forcing you to stay in this house.” It was his fear, his paranoia that drove him and his brothers. They hadn't been able to locate Vasquez and it was because they had effectively threatened then confined his wife to their home that Brie was becoming a little stir crazy.

“I love this house. It’s the fact that I’m not allowed to step two feet from my front door without a babysitter that I don’t love,” she told him. He knew that. His wife was an independent wild child at heart. She needed her freedom, her chance to explore and live life. But he wasn't willing to risk Brie or his son. So if that meant Brie was anything but happy, he would bear the burden because he would do anything to keep her safe, including imprison her in their home. Vasquez almost took Brie from him once, he wasn't going to allow it to happen again. “Are we anywhere near the end?” she asked quietly.

“I don’t know yet,” he answered solemnly. She nodded her head. They’d had the conversation a handful of times, how Max, who was the intended target, got to come and go while Brie was essentially unable to go anywhere. What she was having a hard time with understandably was the fact that Max was trained for Vasquez. He wanted to take that bastard out and being without the protection of a secluded space, they were hoping to draw him from his hibernation.

Jacob yawned and with a small sigh, rested his head against Max’s shoulder. Closing his eyes he pressed his cheek to his son’s, relishing in the way his skin held that baby smell. “I’ll go put him down.”

“Okay,” Brie said, watching them almost as if in awe.

Max placed the baby in his crib, his eyes immediately closing as he lay down. If anyone had doubted Brie was pregnant with his son, they were sorely misinformed when Jacob was born. He was Max’s twin in every way carrying his black hair and blue eyes. With a small chuckle, he placed a kiss on his forehead and moved to the window to ensure it was securely locked before closing the blinds. The dim light from the lamp in the room caught on his wedding ring. He still couldn’t believe that his life had been turned around so perfectly by one little wisp of a blonde. He needed his wife now, just like he needed her every day and would for the rest of his life. The thought of anything happening to her made him sick. He knew a life without Brie would be dull and meaningless and he wondered at times when his fear got the best of him if he would be able to go on without her. She was his, an extension of him, the sole purpose for the beat of his heart. She was his home and she gave him magical gifts like the one snoring softly beside him. Even knowing she was in the other room waiting for him, he needed to feel her, to make sure she was still his.          

“What are we doing?” she asked, giggling as Max pulled her to her feet.

“We’re going to make another baby,” he growled into her neck.

“No, we’re not.”

“What?” He pulled back, his eyebrows drawing together.

Brie reached up and smoothed away the fierce frown. “We are not making another baby until my sexy ass can leave this house.” He felt his face fall at her statement. Her hands moved to the hem of his shirt, her fingers slipping underneath as her nails raked along his stomach. Her small hum of pleasure tightened every part of his body. “But we can have fun practising.” He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, her squeal causing his hand to crack over her ass. God, he loved his wife.


Brie leaned over resting her head on her husband’s chest. It was her favourite place, the beat of his heart against her cheek as his arms encircled her in a cocoon of security. She glanced at the clock on Max’s side table and sighed at the same time her stomach grumbled.

“Hungry?” he mumbled sleepily.

“Starving,” she admitted, smiling. “You wear me out. Now it’s time for you to feed me.”

“For you, baby, anything.”

“Why don’t you grab something to bring home from Pete’s while you’re there.”

“Sounds good.” Brie moved to get dressed but was pulled back for a soul-stealing kiss, her tongue tangling with his as she felt her skin heating, every part of her becoming only sensation. It always amazed her, the effect Max still had on her. His ability to make her feel giddy, excited every time he touched her.

“I love you,” she murmured.

“Brie, I love you and Jacob more than anything in this world. You’re my heart, baby.” He pulled her leg over his waist as he quietly slipped inside her. Her nails creating half moons into his chest as she threw her head back and allowed ultimate pleasure to take over.  


Chapter Seventeen


“Hey, little brother! Wasn’t expecting to see you here. This must be your
mom was talking about. I’m Max.” Nate watched as Libby stared at Max’s outstretched hand for a moment before returning the gesture. He frowned, wondering if he was imagining the emotions that flashed through her eyes, now cooled by a smile.

“Libby.” Reaching for her drink she took a healthy sip, emptying her glass. “Please Max, why don’t you join us.”

“Thanks. I can’t stay long, came to pick up dinner for me and Brie.”

“How is Brie?” Nate asked. He didn’t know why but an unease settled like a dead weight in his gut. Pushing away his sudden discomfort, he excused the cloud of tension that hung over their table as Libby’s apparent apprehension. He knew she was on edge, hell he was too after reading the email from her father. He remembered her words from earlier, in a moment of exact truth, her life was about running. He remembered the scars that adorned her skin and the anger he felt knowing she had to endure whatever level of hell by herself. Running, scared. He wanted to be there, not to protect her, it was clear she could do that on her own but to fight beside her, to take on some of her demons. Even now, he didn’t want to be sitting across from her, he wanted to be sitting beside her, having her pressed up against him while they went a date, a real date. He knew he agreed to have Max meet Libby under the guise that he just happened to be in the bar at the same time they were, but he was now resenting that idea. He didn’t want his brother there, intruding on their time. He selfishly wanted her all to himself. Looking up, he tried to catch her eye but she purposely ignored his attempts, listening as Max answered his question.

“She’s amazing,” Max gushed. If his brother was one thing, it was that he was madly in love with his wife and their son. Two of his brothers had been hooked by incredible women, two he proudly called sisters and he couldn’t help but feel that he would forever be in their debt. Zoe was strong and vibrant, and she gave his brother light. Logan had been living in darkness for so long he wasn’t sure if he would ever get his brother back. Brie was funny and independent and she gave Max life. He’d been aimlessly running from one bed to another always looking for the blonde haired girl who’d owned his heart from the first time he’d laid eyes on her. He’d always told himself he was happy for his brothers, but that life, that love wasn’t for him. Staring at the beauty across from him he realized how wrong he was. He wanted it, all of it. And he wanted it with her.

“So you’re the one who has been commandeering all of my brother’s time,” Max started, smiling at Libby.

“Or maybe it’s just that I’m more fun than you,” she teased back.

“This may be true,” Max agreed with a chuckle. “So tell me, what does someone who is inherently more fun than I am, do for a living?”

“Administration.” Nate could tell by the one-word answer, his brother would get no more information than he had. Libby was well versed in one-word answers and redirecting the conversation. “You’re married?” she asked then and Nate knew it was because she had picked up on Max’s pride in his wife. 

“Absolutely,” he told her with a grin. “I heard you’re only here for a short visit,” he continued. Nate wanted to roll his eyes, the battle of one-word answers ensuing.

“I am.”

“Where are you coming from?” Nate had to admit, his brother was a damn good actor, wondering if some of his curiosity was real.

Libby stared at him for a long moment before answering, and he knew she was trying to get a read on his brother. “Toronto,” she answered finally.

“Beautiful city. I’ve been there a couple times.”

“Really?” she asked, almost sounding skeptical.

“Yes, I loved it. Thinking of taking the family there.” Libby pursed her lips and nodded her head slowly in acknowledgment. “Are you heading back home after your trip here?”


“Ah, a traveller. Where are you off to next?”

“Haven’t decided that far ahead.” Turning to Nate, she forced a smile prompting him to reach across the table and grab her fingers. He knew making her uncomfortable was necessary, but it didn’t mean he had to like it. He hated the fact that a part of him was still uncertain, he wanted access to the information she had from when she was a child. He wanted those memories because he knew there was information they could use, even if she didn’t know she possessed it. And he was lying to himself. He wanted it because he wanted her. All of her - her dreams and her nightmares. And if that led them to her father, that was a bonus. It was understandable that the email from her father spooked her, hell, it spooked him too. Her father was a dangerous man. But it was turning out Libby was a dangerous woman, one who kept secrets.

“Is your family all in Toronto, Libby?”

“No.” Nate watched closely and could see the slight clench of her jaw. “No family, it’s just me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Max said somberly, and Nate could tell his brother was just as affected by her emotionless tone. 

“Excuse me,” Libby said, pushing her way out of the booth.

“Okay?” Nate asked, concern making the back of his neck tingle.

“Of course, just going to the bathroom. Will you order me another drink?” she asked, leaning in and pressing a lingering kiss against his cheek. He grabbed her hand as she moved to walk away, pulling her in for a kiss not caring whose eyes were on them. Her return wasn’t the heated response he was expecting, rather stiff and distant. Almost as if realizing her reaction she cupped his face with both hands, slanted her lips over his and he felt himself burning from the inside out. “I’ll be right back,” she murmured. Nate grinned as he watched her purposefully sashay toward the hallway leading to the bathroom.  

“What are you thinking?” Nate asked his brother who had his head cocked, staring at him in silence, an odd expression on his face.

“God damn, you’re fucked.” He found himself scowling as Max chuckled to himself.

“And why do you say that?”

“You know exactly why.” Max blew out a rough breath, taking a sip of the beer Pete had brought him. “She’s quiet, reserved. She watches and sees everything, that’s obvious. If she’s hiding something, she’s a damn good actress.”

Out of his peripheral, Nate could see Mark approaching their table. 

“How do you know her?” Nate asked the big man as he leaned his elbows on the table. They didn’t have time for small talk, Libby would be back any minute and he damn sure didn’t want to bear the wrath of a woman who had a gun in her purse and a knife strapped to her thigh.

“I don’t really. I met her once, kind of hard to forget the girl. Let’s say we had a mutual friend.”

Nate raised an eyebrow at Mark’s use of the past tense. “Who?”

“You know I can’t tell you that, Nate,” Mark said, looking back toward the washroom. His cautious movements put Nate on edge, knowing he was watching for Libby. “What are you doing with the girl?”

“You know I can’t tell
that, Mark.”

He nodded his head in quiet understanding. “Listen, I don’t know what it is you are doing or who you think that girl is, but I’m telling you right now, be careful. That girl is a flight risk and she’s damn dangerous. She has more training than the three of us put together - she’s a god damn deadly weapon and that’s no joke. She is the best shot I have ever seen - with a glock, a sniper, a fucking fork, you name it. She can disappear and blend in - anywhere. You throw that girl in the middle of the god damn Sahara desert and you will never find her if she doesn’t want you to.” Each word was emphasized to ensure clear understanding. He didn’t think he’d ever seen Mark so serious, even when they were in the middle of a jungle surrounded by snipers.

“I hear you. I’m just wondering how and why you know so much.” Mark stared at him for a long moment, some unspoken message hanging between them. He looked across the table to Max whose brows were drawn together in curiosity. He wasn’t sure who it was that Mark was involved with. He had a strong military past and the guy was built like a machine. Tattoos covered every inch of bared skin and the man had a mean mug until he smiled his pearly whites. But who he was working for now? Nate had no idea.

“She’s as good hearted as she is dangerous. Just... be careful.” For some reason, that last warning didn’t seem to hold the edge of concern his previous statements held. If he hadn’t known better, he would have thought Mark cared about Libby. He couldn’t blame him, she was easy to care for. “If you hurt her, I’ll have to hurt you. It was a promise I made to an old friend a long time ago. I don’t want to do that man.” Nate squared his shoulders and stared at the big man, daring him to try anything. No one would threaten him, especially when it came to his woman.

“Thanks, Mark,” Max interrupted. “She’ll be back any second, and if we’re to believe anything you’re saying, she probably won't be too happy to find you here talking about her.” With a sharp nod, Mark stalked away, his shoulders heavy with what seemed like a new burden that surrounded one very dangerous woman. Nate looked back at the empty hallway she’d disappeared down minutes before, wondering, in confusion, one thing - who the hell was Libby West?  


BOOK: Savage Scheme
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