Read Savage Splendor (Savage Lagonda 2) Online

Authors: Constance O'Banyon

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Fiction, #19th Century, #American West, #Native Americans, #Indian, #Wife, #Disappeared, #Beloved, #Continuation, #Reuniting, #Lagonda Tribe, #Marriage, #Husband, #Queen, #King, #Night & Day, #White People, #True Love

Savage Splendor (Savage Lagonda 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Savage Splendor (Savage Lagonda 2)
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He took her lips in a burning, savage kiss, ravishing her tender lips.

She knew what his intentions were, they were no different from hers. His lips and his body were stamping his ownership on hers, and for the moment she was his, body and soul, to do with as he wished.

Her fingers entwined in his soft, ebony hair, as his lips blazed a trail of kisses down her throat to her breasts.

Mara cried out as his male hardness entered her body, filling her with its warmth. The pain and the beauty of it was so intense that she felt tears on her cheeks.

He began to fade as she seemed to be lifted into the air. With all her strength, she tried to stay with him.

"Do not leave me, beloved," the Indian cried out in an agonized voice.

"I cannot stay. I am lost," she answered him.

Mara could no longer feel the cool grass beneath her, but she felt instead the roughness of the blanket she lay upon in the loft bedroom. She was breathing hard and she did not know if it was from fear or desire. What had happened to her? Did the medallion have some strange magical power? Tiny whimpers escaped her lips and she clasped her hand over her mouth to stifle them.

"Oh no!" she cried out as she realized her body was wet. Turning her head she buried it in the blanket. Was her body wet from perspiration, or from being in the pond?

"It cannot be," she whimpered.

"Have no fear," a soft voice said to her from the dark shadows of the loft. "Sleep now, be at peace with yourself."

Mara knew it was the voice of the old Indian man. She also realized he spoke to her in some strange language, and she had understood him. The beautiful Indian had also spoken in that language, and she had answered him in kind. She felt herself drifting off as the shadowy form of the old man knelt down beside her.

"Sleep, sleep," he told her. And she did.


Tajarez awoke from his dream and sat up quickly. He had dreamed he had been with Mara in their Eden. The dream had been so real it seemed he could almost smell the sweet scent she always wore. As she had begun to fade he had tried to hold on to her, but the dream had ended with his begging her not to leave him.

It reminded him of the dream he had had before he had ever met Mara. In those dreams he had also begged her not to leave him. He felt real fear in his heart. Was it an omen, a warning? Was Mara in danger?

Standing up he walked over to the balcony and stared out into the night. He wished Sagas would return, then he could tell him about the dream. He shook his head and looked up at the stars that were just beginning to fade, with the first fingers of daylight touching the eastern sky.

He was being foolish, Mara was with her brother David now, and any day she would be on her way home.





Why can I not see, why do I not know?

Whom do I seek, when the cold winds blow?


Tajarez crossed the huge anteroom and placed his hand on Jeffery's shoulder. Seeing the worried frown on his brother-in-law's face, he felt inclined to comfort him.

"Vista tells me that your child is being born." Jeffery's face was an ashen color. "Yes, Sasha's pains started last night. I summoned the medicine man. I had no idea having a baby would be so painful. Sasha was very brave, but I could tell she was in agony."

"You are concerned that it is taking too long?"

Jeffery turned back to the window and stared down at the city below without really seeing it. "I am frightened. Sasha is so frail I cannot bear to think of her being in pain."

Tajarez wanted to comfort his brother-in-law, but did not know what to say to him. He loved and respected the golden-haired man as if he were the brother he had never had. Tajarez had made Jeffery the leader of his royal guards, and he had never had cause to regret putting a white man in charge of the fierce Lagonda warriors. Jeffery's even temperament and patience had won him the respect of all of the Lagonda tribe, who had accepted him as one of their own.

"Come sit with me, Jeffery. We shall wait together for the birth of your child."

Jeffery followed Tajarez across the room and they both sat down on cushions.

"Did the medicine man tell you how long it would be before the child would be born?"

"No. He was unsure," Jeffery replied, looking up at the stairs to see if there was any sign of Tabo, the medicine man.

"I wish Mara were here, Jeffery, she would have the words to comfort you, while I do not. Since I was not with her when Hamez and Tamera were born, I do not know how long it should take."

Jeffery glanced at Tajarez. He felt closer to him than to his own brother, David. He thought if Tajarez were not king, he would still be an outstanding man whom other men would follow willingly. He was born to lead, and Jeffery was proud to call him his friend, as well as his king. At times he would be in awe of his powerful brother-in-law, for when he was acting the king, he could be very commanding. Jeffery smiled to himself. There was a very human side to Tajarez that others did not see. It was always apparent when he was with Mara or the twins.

His thoughts were transferred to his own wife, Sasha, who was now in labor and about to give birth to their child. He wished he could be with her, but he knew she would not welcome him. No Lagonda woman would allow her husband to see her in pain.

"It seems like I have been waiting forever, Tajarez," Jeffery said leaning back and closing his eyes.

“I am sure that wait is all but over. It cannot be much longer," Tajarez assured him.

Both Tajarez and Jeffery stood up slowly as they watched Tabo descent the stairs. The medicine man approached them smiling. Jeffery waited for the man to speak while Tajarez gave him a reassuring glance. When Jeffery had first come to the hidden valley he had scoffed at the Indian who had called himself medicine man, having heard tales of the medicine men who chanted and waved sticks about, claiming to cure sicknesses. He had soon discovered that Tabo had knowledge that would surpass that of many doctors of the white world.

"How is my wife? Has she had the baby yet?" he asked nervously.

"She is doing well. At this time she is holding your newborn infant. She asked that I send you to her."

"Is the child a son or a daughter?" Tajarez asked.

"The child is a son, my king. A bit on the small side, but nonetheless healthy, and perfectly formed."

Tajarez grinned broadly at Jeffery and clapped him on the back. "It is good, Jeffery, you are the father of a son."

Jeffery shook his head, and then smiled widely. "I am a father," he said, letting the words sink in.

Jeffery had started toward the stairs when there was a commotion at the main entrance of the anteroom. He paused, as his gaze followed Tajarez's to the door.

Tajarez's eyes narrowed, and he felt as if he could not breathe. His mind could not accept the haggard look he saw on Palomas's face. Where was Mara? Oh no, Great Father, I cannot bear this, he cried on the inside. He knew by the look on Palomas's face that something had happened to Mara. He silently waited for Palomas to approach him, fearing to hear, yet needing to know about his beloved Mara.

Tajarez felt Jeffery beside him. He was aware that Tabo had withdrawn.

Jeffery saw his own fear mirrored in Tajarez's eyes. It was too soon for Mara to have returned, and Palomas would never return alone unless something had happened to her.

"Where is your queen? Why do you stand before me without her?" Tajarez demanded.

Palomas lowered his head, unable to meet Tajarez's piercing gaze. He dropped to his knees as silence descended on the room. The only sound that could be heard was Tajarez's heavy breathing. Slowly Palomas raised his head to look into the face of his king, and he knew he would rather be walking in the spirit world than relay the news about Mara to the king.

"My king, it pains me to tell you that the queen is missing," Palomas said, choosing his words with care.

Tajarez grabbed Palomas by the shoulders and hauled him to his feet. "What do you mean?" Tajarez's voice was spoken with the sharpness of a whiplash.

Palomas could feel the painful grip on his shoulders, but it in no way matched the pain in his heart. Tajarez released him and Palomas sank down on his knees, while he told the king all that had happened, starting with the river crossing and ending with his being shot by the two white men.

Tajarez did not speak immediately. His eyes moved across Palomas's chest, viewing the angry red scar left by the bullet that had entered his body. When he finally spoke his voice was harsh, laced with disbelief and anger.

"If you have not found Mara, why are you here? If she is dead why are you not dead as well? Your one purpose in life was to keep her safe for me. Why have you not done so?"

"I will gladly forfeit my life, my king. It is no more than I deserve," Palomas said, expecting to hear his death was imminent.

Tajarez's hands moved to Palomas's throat. Palomas did not flinch or look away as his king applied pressure.

Jeffery rushed forward and pried Tajarez's hands free of Palomas's throat, and Palomas fell to the floor. "My God, Tajarez, it was not his fault. Can you not see he is as devastated over Mara's disappearance as you and I are?" Jeffery said, trying to mask his own fear for the moment.

Palomas and Jeffery watched as Tajarez raised his face upward, and a savage yell issued from between his lips, a yell that echoed around the high ceilings of the anteroom.

"Mara, beloved! Great Father, I can not bear the pain!"

Jeffery motioned for Palomas to withdraw, then he turned to Tajarez who still had his face turned upward and his fists tightly clenched at his side.

"Tajarez, we have to think Mara is all right, and we will find her."

"No, Jeffery, Mara is dead. I had a dream about her, and in that dream she told me she could not stay with me. Never have I felt such hopelessness. How will I live without her?"

Jeffery gripped Tajarez by the shoulders and felt the tremor that shook his body. Tajarez tried to turn away, but Jeffery did not miss seeing the tears that shone in the depth of Tajarez's dark eyes.

"I will not live one day longer than it takes to find her dead body, Jeffery. This I swear."

Jeffery had never seen Tajarez in such a state before. His own fears for his sister's safety were pushed aside. He knew that he would have to be strong. Tajarez would need him.

"Tajarez, I do not feel Mara is dead. It seems to me that if she was taken by the two trappers, they would not harm her. We shall return to the place where she was last seen and make a wide, sweeping search of the surrounding countryside. I have never known you to give up so easily."

Hope flickered to life in Tajarez's eyes, but it soon faded. "Palomas would never have returned unless he had made a thorough search. He must believe Mara is dead," Tajarez said, hardly above a whisper.

"You can stay here if you want to, believing the worst. As for myself, I am going to look for my sister!"

Tajarez pushed his grief aside and raised his head. "Select ten of your best warriors, Jeffery. We leave before first light in the morning. Stand beside me, my friend. I will need your strength," Tajarez admitted.

Later Tajarez climbed the stairs to the nursery. When he entered the room, Vista was just putting Tamera in bed for the night. Tajarez lifted his daughter in his arms and held her soft little body against him.

"Leave me, Vista," he said harshly.

Vista blinked her eyes, wondering why the king had spoken so gruffly to her, but it was not for her to question. She walked quickly to the door, but before she could leave his voice stopped her.

"Your brother Palomas has returned. He has been badly wounded. You might want to see him. Tell him we leave in the morning, and to be ready to travel."

Vista's mouth gaped open, and she had many questions that went unanswered as he dismissed her with a curt nod.

When Vista had gone Tajarez hugged Tamera tightly. The tears from his eyes fell on her tiny head as she curled up in his arms. His throat was working convulsively as he tried to speak. "I have lost your mother. If it were not for you and your brother ..." his voice trailed off.

Tamera, not understanding her father's words nor his grief, patted his cheek and jabbered to him in baby talk.

Hamez pulled at his father's tunic, trying to get his attention, so Tajarez sat down on the floor so he could hold both of his offspring in his lap.

Moments passed as he hugged his children in silence. Finally he spoke, hoping he could make them understand that he must go away. "I am going to be away from you for a while. I do not like leaving you since your mother ... is also away. I promise you that I will find your mother. This I swear. I want each of you to be good and patient while I am away. If the Great Father wills it that your mother is lost to us forever, I shall return to you." Tajarez knew he was talking irrationally and that the twins could not possibly understand all of his words. It did not matter, he felt the words needed to be said.

"I will return to you because your mother would expect it of me," he said more to himself than to his children.

Tajarez had no idea how long he sat there on the floor holding the children, talking soothingly to them. But he did not leave until the tears on his face had dried, and the twins had both fallen asleep. His kissed each of them and then placed them in their beds. Walking quietly across the room he closed the door softly behind him.


Jeffery paused beside the bed and looked down at Sasha. The afternoon sunlight filtered into the room and cast his face into the shadows. Sasha leaned forward so she could see him more clearly. Seeing the look on his face, which he did not try to hide, she frowned.

"Did not Tabo tell you that the baby and I are well?" she asked.

He sat down beside her and moved the blanket aside so he could see his son.

The infant's head was covered with soft brown hair. He was sleeping, so Jeffery could not see his son's eyes. His skin color was lighter than his father's, since Jeffery was tanned from the sun.

"Yes," I was told that the both of you are in good health," he said as he examined a tiny hand, amazed at the smallness of it. Jeffery felt love and pride in his new son, but it was overshadowed by his fear for Mara's safety.

Looking up at his wife he tried to smile, but did not quite succeed. Instead his face creased into a painful grimace. His green gaze swept Sasha's lovely face to rest on her soft brown eyes. He saw puzzlement in her returned gaze.

"What has happened, Jeffery? I can see that something is wrong," she asked fearing to hear the reason he appeared so upset.

Sasha loved Mara, and he dreaded telling her what had occurred, but he knew he must, and there was no way to soften the blow.

"I have to go away in the morning. I cannot tell you how long I will be gone."

Sasha, who knew her husband well, read the pain in his eyes. "It is Mara, is it not? Has something happened to her?"

Jeffery nodded, and then told her all that Palomas had said to him and Tajarez. Afterwards he held Sasha in his arms, giving and seeking comfort. They held each other, each trying to be strong for the sake of the other.

There was a knock on the door and Jeffery arose-to answer it.  He was surprised to see Tajarez.

Stepping back he allowed him to enter the room. Jeffery tried to read Tajarez's thoughts, but by this time Tajarez was in command of himself, and his face was a mask.

"I have come to see your son, Jeffery," he said crossing to the bed where Sasha uncovered her baby so her cousin could admire him. She was teary-eyed as Tajarez bent over the infant.

"May I hold him, Sasha?"

Sasha nodded. "Yes, my king."

Tajarez lifted the tiny baby in his arms and smiled slightly. "He is a fine son, Jeffery. Mara would be so proud. I wish she were here to see this child."

BOOK: Savage Splendor (Savage Lagonda 2)
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