Read Savaro's Honey Buns Online

Authors: Remmy Duchene

Tags: #General Fiction

Savaro's Honey Buns (6 page)

BOOK: Savaro's Honey Buns
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squeezing as he inched in for his lips. A low sound escaped Savaro's throat but Jamal didn't give up. Instead he deepened the kiss. Savaro moaned and Jamal squeezed harder, stroking him until Savaro wrenched his lips away.


"I want you to bend over that sofa," Jamal said with a smirk.

Something flashed through Savaro's eyes and Jamal released him and stepped back. He held up his hands in surrender. "Sorry. I didn't mean to seem like I was…"

He looked up then to see Savaro bent over the sofa's back with his delectable ass in the air. Jamal tilted his head, licked his lips and rooted himself to the spot he'd been standing on. "Savaro…"


"What do you want right now?"

Savaro swayed his ass from the left to the right then looked over his shoulder. "What do you think?"

Unable to stand, Jamal slipped to his knees then

pushed his jacket off his shoulders and hurled it behind him. Crawling forward, he caressed Savaro's left cheek while dropping light kisses on the other. He licked gently, inching ever closer to the hot core he knew the perfectly rounded cheeks hid. Smiling, he dragged his tongue along Savaro's crack before plunging his tongue in.


"Do you like that?"

"Hell yes!"

Jamal returned to his feasting, licking, sucking, nibbling to his heart's content. Savaro reached back, pushing his face forward, causing his tongue to dig deeper.

A growl left Savaro's throat and Jamal reached a hand around and grabbed his lover's dick. Stroking, he squeezed the head then watched in pleasure as Savaro's body arched beautifully. Gripping Savaro's hip, Jamal spun him around, braced him against the sofa and pulled the hard dick down his throat. Savaro gripped the back of his head, pushing him, forcing the swollen, throbbing penis farther. Jamal groaned, pulling back and slipping the mushroom head between his lips again.

"Suck on me…" Savaro demanded breathlessly.


Jamal dipped his head, taking Savaro deep then

used his lips to stroke him upward. Reaching a hand up, Jamal took one of Savaro's nipples and rolled it between his fingers as he continued to nurse on the delicious cock in his mouth. Pre-cum flowed against his tongue, hot and tangy.

Moaning, he added pressure to the nipple he was toying with then used his free hand to slide a finger into Savaro's hot hole.

"I need you," Savaro called tugging at Jamal's shoulder.

Standing, Jamal kissed Savaro roughly then took his hand. He led him through a set of large doors to the bedroom. He rummaged through his bag to find a condom and a tube of lube before turning to see Savaro on all fours on the bed. Smiling, he finished undressing before sticking the condom packet between his teeth and ripping. He added some lube to Savaro's hole then his already lubricated condom. Kneeling behind Savaro, Jamal gripped his hips and slid forward.

Savaro was hot, tight and purred as the dick slipped into his body. Jamal's eyes rolled into his head pulling an almost primal growl from his soul. He dragged his nails down Savaro's back, pulled back and slammed forward.

"Shit!" Savaro swore and his ass tightened around Jamal.

"You're going to squeeze me to death," Jamal grunted. "Do that again."

* * * *

Savaro had never taken anyone so big but he would

die if Jamal stopped. He was blissfully delirious and wanted it to go on. He reached back and slapped Jamal hard against the thigh. "Harder!" he demanded through gritted teeth. "Own it!"

Jamal pounded him just like he yearned for. It'd

been so long.

So damn long.

Letting his head fall, he rode back against Jamal, bracing himself against his elbows. A slow fire started in his toes but quickly spread throughout every vein in his body. He whispered Jamal's name, begging for more. He gripped the sheets in his fists, crushing them. When the urge to scream got to be too much, Savaro bowed his head further, biting the pillow to keep his cry of utter lust from escaping. But that didn't last long for Jamal pulled from him, flipped him to his back and impaled him again. This time Jamal lifted Savaro's legs to brace against his shoulder and reached in to pinch Savaro's nipples. He closed his eyes, arched his back and banged his fists into the bed while Jamal used his body savagely. Savaro's whimpers quickly turned into grunts, then moans, then a full-out yell of primal desire. But Jamal withdrew then.

"Damn it, Jamal. I want to come!" Savaro's chest heaved.

"Do you?" Jamal leant in and kissed him.

Their tongues fought, for Savaro was frustrated,

turned on. He wrapped his arms around Jamal's back causing their bodies to crush together. "Fuck me!" he demanded, biting Jamal's lower lip. "Make me come!"

"Take it!" Jamal slapped him against the shoulder.


"You want to come? Take control of your desires.

Make me make you come."

Savaro had never done anything like that before but his body craved release. Growling, he flipped Jamal to the bed like two wrestlers going at it. He braced a hand against Jamal's throat while his free hand guided Jamal's slippery cock to his ass. Smirking, he sat down, letting his head fall back in pleasure. Slowly, the large, chocolate pole slid deep within him and when he was ready, he locked eyes with Jamal and began his ride. He didn't release his catch but rolled his hips faster and faster. The sounds Jamal made were guttural and so damn sexy they heightened Savaro's building orgasm. When he finally exploded, sending spurts of spunk against Jamal's chest and the bed, Jamal's body arched and Savaro could feel it the moment Jamal started coming. It was like a restrained eruption inside his body, sending aftershocks through his already sensitive body.

"Jamal," he whispered, pulling his abused hole from Jamal and grabbing his own cock. He squeezed the base and to his shock, he was coming again. Gripping Jamal's thigh, his body jerked over and over. Letting his head fall back, he groaned. Jamal's mouth engulfed his nipple and Savaro smiled as his body twitched sweetly then slumped backwards onto the bed.

Jamal lay beside him, licking gently at his side and nipple before kissing his cheek. Savaro never felt so loved and satisfied; his eyes burnt. Pressing his eyes shut, he snuggled closer to Jamal and inhaled deeply. The room smelt of hot, raw, sinful sex. Smiling, he looked up at Jamal's chin then kissed it.

"No regrets?"

Savaro laughed. "Are you kidding me?"

"Is that a no?"

"That's a no—no regrets."

"Are you staying the night?" Jamal questioned, shifting slightly and pulling Savaro even closer.

"I couldn't walk if I wanted to. Damn Jamal you completely took me."

Jamal laughed, his body shaking beneath Savaro.

"You make it sound like you were a virgin."

"Not an actual virgin but damn—that was amazing."

"And we can do it for as long and as much as you want."

"I just may take you up on that." Savaro sighed sleepily.

Jamal dropped a kiss to his head making Savaro

smile again as his eyes drifted close. He was so sated, he couldn't have stayed awake even if he wanted to at that moment.


The sun shining in his eyes woke Savaro. He

groaned and rolled over to see Jamal asleep beside him.

Moaning at what he'd allowed to happen the night before, Savaro eased out of bed and entered the bathroom. After using it, he flushed and grabbed a towel. Wrapping it around his hips, he re-entered the bedroom and sat on the seat across from the bed. He glanced outside but turned his stare to the sleeping basketball player on the bed. Jamal's skin was flawless aside from a small scar against his right shoulder. He wondered what caused it. Slowly, he allowed his eyes to drift lower over the perfectly sculpted muscles of Jamal's arms and remembered the way those arms held him the night before. He'd slept in those perfect arms all night. If he were to be honest, Savaro knew that was the best night's sleep he'd had in years.

Their lovemaking was slow, hot and the most

amazing thing Savaro had ever experienced. Then why did he feel as if he'd let someone down? It sure wasn't his brothers, or his father. George Anatolis always told them if you have feelings for someone go after them, see where they lead. Smiling, he made a mental note to call George the moment he got a chance. Until then he had to stick around and speak with Jamal when he woke up.

He couldn't stop staring though. His eyes danced

over every muscle, every bit of naked skin. He mentally cursed the sheets draped across Jamal's ass but was quickly in a better mood for the sheets exposed Jamal's long, manly legs. Savaro moaned.

"Savaro? Come back to bed." Jamal's voice called through his hazy mind.

He blinked. "You're awake. Sorry, I didn't mean to stare."

"That's all right—you okay?" Jamal sat up.

Savaro took a deep breath and stepped away from

where he was sitting. He sat on the side of the bed, caressing a hand over Jamal's shoulder, across the scar.

"I'm fine… but I have to go."

He looked into Jamal's sleepy brown eyes and saw

sadness there.

"Is this the walk of shame, have to go, or the, I really have to go, go?" Jamal questioned.

Savaro laughed and kissed him. "I run a restaurant and my workers have to get paid today, go."

"I see. Can I see you tonight?"

"I was going to get together with Laird and a friend of ours. Think you're up for a little insanity? If not I have to take a rain check."

"You want me to meet your friend?"

Savaro tilted his head. There was surprise in Jamal's voice that he just didn't understand. He stuck a finger beneath Jamal's chin, lifting it.

"You're surprised. Why?"

Jamal eased closer. "You were terrified of kissing me, scared of having dinner with me and now you want me to meet your friends."

"I see." Savaro nodded. "One day I'll explain it to you. But right now, I really have to go." He hopped from the bed and grabbed his pants. He was shoving his feet in when he glanced back to see Jamal staring at him. "You're coming tonight. Right?"


Savaro stopped, walked back to the bed and bent

over it to caress Jamal's face. "Seriously, Jamal. I want you there tonight."

Jamal nodded and with a quick kiss, Savaro finished dressing, stole another kiss and was out the door. He was already in the elevator with the door closed when he remembered he hadn't driven the night before and palmed his forehead. Waiting until the elevator reached the lobby, he hit Jamal's floor then the button to close the doors.

Tapping his feet until the elevator stopped he rushed to the door and knocked. Jamal opened the door with a smile and his keys. Savaro grinned.

"Sorry—I haven't done this walk of shame thing before. Can you take me home?"

"I'd take you anywhere you want."


Jamal laughed, stopped to grab a medium sized case off his desk before closing the door behind him. "Come on."

* * * *

Jamal sat in the car and stared over at Savaro. The images going through his head had to be the most explicit he'd ever had for any other man. But Savaro Anatolis was deliciously sexy. Reaching over, he caressed down his lover's chest, and stopped at his belt buckle.


"I just want to taste you again."

"We can't, not here."

"Why not?" Even as Jamal asked the question, he was massaging Savaro's dick to life through his pants. He felt every level of hardness until Savaro's member was throbbing beneath his skilled fingers. "It's just you and me here, Savaro."

Savaro moaned.

Jamal undid the belt buckle, the button and zipper with one hand and reached into Savaro's black boxers for the rod he knew was there. When it stood before his eyes, naked and at attention, he licked his lips then met Savaro's eyes. Savaro said nothing—he simply reached over, gripped the back of Jamal's head and pulled him down so he could suck on him.

"What are you doing to me?" Savaro whispered.

Jamal's reply was a grunt and to add suction to the hard cock in his mouth. While Savaro caressed the back of his head, he sucked at Savaro, revelling in the hot, delicious pre-cum draining against his tongue. He listened to Savaro's breathing getting harder and quicker. Fondling Savaro's balls, he pulled him deeper into the back of his throat. His dick twitched in his pants and he desperately needed to release it. Moaning in disappointment, he pulled back, sucking only the head of Savaro's dick in.

"You're making me…"

Savaro didn't finish, because at that moment,

Jamal's mouth found his balls and it was over. When the first dropped of cum hit his cheek, it burnt Jamal sweetly and he sucked on Savaro's balls more and more. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sting of hot man-juice against his face. When he lifted his head, Savaro kissed him roughly before using his jacket to clean the cum from Jamal's skin.

"Good morning," Jamal said with a laugh. "Now, I'll take you home."

"Life with you would not be boring," Savaro replied breathily.

Jamal smiled, pulled his seatbelt on and started the car.

* * * *

Dropping Savaro off at home, Jamal handed him the case.

"Give this to Leroy," he said. "I did promise him a gift."

"But you already gave him something. I don't think he's looking for anything else."

"I know." Jamal kissed Savaro's nose then his lips.

"But that little boy is something special you know? I can see it. I feel if someone hadn't given me a Michael Jordan card when I was eighteen and told me anything was possible, who knows where I'd be right now. Well of course you know how special he is. Anyways, it's a signed jersey. I wore it in my last game. I fixed it up last night while you slept. I figured he'd like it."

"You know, all this time I've known Leroy I never knew he was a Jamal Kendricks fan? I didn't even know who you were until my brother told me and even then I didn't think he was right. But if Leroy is looking up to a celebrity—I'm happy it's you."

"Celebrity?" Jamal scoffed. "I hate that word."

BOOK: Savaro's Honey Buns
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