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Authors: Kristyn Kusek Lewis

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  1. The epigraph at the beginning of the novel is a quote from Nora Ephron: “You can never know the truth of anyone’s marriage, including your own.” Do you agree?
  2. How much do you think that Owen and Daphne’s similar careers helped or hurt them? Do you think that Owen and Daphne would have fallen in love if they hadn’t shared a childhood history?
  3. Daphne bristles when her dad tells her that she’s “always been so good at figuring things out.” Why do you think this upsets her? Is her carefully controlled nature ultimately a positive or a negative trait?
  4. Do you believe that Owen would have wanted his marriage back, as he claimed to, had Bridget lived?
  5. When Daphne is grappling with whether to take Owen back, she remembers the traditional marriage vows she made at her wedding:
    For better or worse, till death do us part
    . Do you believe that the vow is an absolute or are there exceptions? Do you believe that an affair should always end a relationship? If you were in Daphne’s shoes, could you have forgiven him?
  6. After an appointment with Mary Elizabeth, Daphne reflects that she irrationally envies her patient’s ability to act without thinking of the consequences. When, if ever, is that an admirable quality?
  7. Was Annie’s reaction to Daphne’s situation appropriate? Was she simply a concerned friend or do you think she let her personal history affect her opinions about what Daphne should do? What advice would you have given her?
  8. When considering the possibilities with Andrew, Daphne says that she can’t just jump from one relationship to the next. Could you? If you received a postcard like the one that Daphne receives at the end of the story, would you go?
  9. At the end of the novel, Lucy tells Daphne that she thinks marriage should be the part of a person’s life that’s “easy and fun,” where you go to receive comfort from the rest of the world. Do you agree?
  10. Where do you see Daphne, Andrew, and Owen five years from now?

I am so grateful to have had the pleasure to work on another book with the expert help of my agent, Katherine Fausset, who provided valuable insight from the story’s earliest stages, and my editor, Emily Griffin, whose astute feedback and judgment was essential to making the book everything it could be. Thanks to both of you for once again making this work so enjoyable.

Thanks to my go-to medical experts, Dr. Matthew Crowley and Lindsay Wojciechowski, FNP-C, who provided the behind-the-curtain info I needed to understand how medical practices work and also helped me devise plausible ailments for my characters. Tremendous thanks also to everyone at Grand Central, particularly Claire Brown, who designed the gorgeous cover.

I simply could not do my job without the help of women like Ana Bray, Lili Wang, and Tiffany Yellock, who kept my kids happy and entertained while I wrote. I am so lucky to have the endless support of my parents and my brother, whose enthusiastic emails make this whole thing more fun.

Finally, allow me to clarify that the man I married bears zero responsibility for inspiring the poor husband behavior in this story. To Jay and the girls: Words can’t express how grateful I am for the gift of our family, and Jay, for your friendship, encouragement, and tireless optimism. Thanks for making each day all roses and stems.

is the author of
How Lucky You Are
(Grand Central, 2012). A former magazine editor, her writing has appeared in many publications including the
New York Times
O: The Oprah Magazine
Real Simple
, and
. She is a graduate of the MFA program at the Vermont College of Fine Arts and lives in North Carolina with her family.

“A nuanced, heartfelt debut,
How Lucky You Are
artfully honors the importance of dear old friends. I can’t wait to read more from Kristyn Kusek Lewis.”

—Allie Larkin, author of
Why Can’t I Be You

“[A] strong debut.”

Publishers Weekly

“In this wise and compulsively readable debut, Lewis follows three thirtysomething female friends and tackles even the heaviest of subjects with a restrained and self-assured hand, avoiding sentimentality while displaying an impressive emotional range. I could smell the doughnut muffins, taste the margaritas, and feel each high and low right along with the delightful characters. If you’ve ever had a best friend or been a best friend, this is a book for you.”

—Meg Mitchell Moore, author of
The Arrivals
So Far Away

How Lucky You Are
is a moving, thoughtful story about what happens when friends become family and stay close despite all odds. It’s an honest, empathetic novel of love, commitment, and female friendship with characters I didn’t want to let go.”

—Meredith Goldstein, author of
The Singles
Love Letters columnist at the
Boston Globe

“A compelling, insightful, and moving tale of the ever-shifting terrain of female friendship and the secrets we keep even from those who love us most.”

—Meg Donohue, author of
How to Eat a Cupcake

“Charming and achingly real,
How Lucky You Are
is an endearing story about finding your way amid the many intricacies of friendship. I’m certain it will become a book club favorite.”

—Sarah Jio, author of
The Violets of March
The Bungalow

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Kristyn Kusek Lewis
Art direction by Claire Brown
Type design by Kathleen Lynch
Photography by Gemma Comas
Cover copyright © 2014 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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Grand Central Publishing
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First ebook edition: December 2014

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ISBN 978-1-4555-7222-9  


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