Save Me (Elk Creek) (5 page)

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Authors: Crystal Lee

BOOK: Save Me (Elk Creek)
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Carter slid in opposite me, with Matt beside him, and Blaine scooted over a chair to put at the end of the table. I felt surrounded, and seriously it was taking everything I had to not start screaming. I kept my shaky hands beneath the table, and fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. I tried to keep all outward appearances of distress hidden. I wasn’t sure how effective this was, but I was hoping at least a little bit.

Ethan grasped one of my hands under the table and started rubbing his thumb against my palm. I started to feel a sliver of the calm, and internally grabbed onto it. After a few minutes of talking to myself, and concentrating on my breathing, I decided that I needed to engage myself a little. If I didn’t, this whole thing would be a wasted effort, and I couldn’t afford for that to happen. 

As I was prepping myself to say something, I felt a light tap to the side of my foot, and ignored it. I felt it again, a little harder this time. Deciding that I needed to acknowledge whomever was interfering with my calm, I looked up and I think my heart actually seized. In front of me were the most beautiful eyes staring back at me. 




Chapter 3- Carter


              Holy shit, she was beautiful. Staring wide eyed from across the table at me was the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. Her wide, emerald-green eyes felt like they were piercing me straight to my soul. Her light blonde hair was put up, with some curls framing her oval face. She had a pert nose, and those lips, good God, I would have dreams about those lips. 

I could tell that all the guys were staring at us, but I couldn’t stop looking at her. It was like she had me chained to her with her eyes alone. When Matt told me we were coming to the diner for dinner and meeting Ethan and his sister, I did not expect to see such a beautiful woman.  Honestly, I was picturing the little pain-in-the-ass princess who put crickets in my soda can, only to break out in hysterics when one of the little bastards crawled out and scared the shit out of me. 

When she first came in, I couldn’t get a good look at her with Blaine blocking the way.  Then before I even realized she moved, she was already sitting down. I was intrigued, so I slid in across from her with the hope of seeing more. I knew something was off, because she just looked at her lap. Her body was as rigid as a bow string.

When I saw her visibly relax some, after Ethan took her hand, I thought she would look up at least. When she didn’t, I wanted to do something to make her. I wanted to see her. I tapped her foot with my boot, and the little vixen ignored it. Again, I tapped her harder, and saw her head begin to rise. I felt a little triumphant, then I was completely blown away when her eyes met mine. Seriously, I think a fucking bomb could have gone off, and I wouldn’t have given a shit.

Ethan growling my name brought me back to the here and now. I let her gaze go, and looked over to her brother, who was scowling at me. What the hell? What pissed him off?

He looked down at Taryn, and his face softened dramatically. “Tare, this is Carter.” He looked to me, “Carter this is my

Okay, I saw maybe with my open ogling of his sister why he might be pissed. Tread lightly, Belmont, I thought to myself.

“Hi, Taryn, it’s nice to see you all grown up.” Jesus, did I really just say that? What the fuck was wrong with me? Seeing the murderous look Ethan gave me, he didn’t like that comment either. Fuck!

Looking at me, she said, “Hi.” She had a sweet voice, like warm syrup. That thought brought some seriously inappropriate images to mind. I gave myself a mental shake down, and tried to bring my thoughts back to PG territory before I said another thing.

“Yeah, so… who’s eating what?” Matt asked everyone, and once again my thoughts were back to sex. I let out a groan, which unfortunately brought everyone’s attention back to me. I thought it might be safe if I just didn’t talk about or to her for a while. So I turned to Ethan, who was now looking at me warily. What did he think, I was gonna just jump his sister?

I cleared my throat, “So Ethan, Matt told me you are an engineer?” I said, trying to shift the conversation to him, hoping this might be safe territory, and I wouldn’t get any more ugly stares.

“Yeah, I am,” was all he said. All righty then, I needed salvation right now. Someone, please.

“Carter, you should see the bitch of a Camaro he’s rebuilding, it’s fucking awesome!”  Matt said as Taryn’s entire body went board stiff, and she clenched Ethan’s hand tightly enough that her knuckles turned white. What the hell?

Blaine smacked Matt upside the head and muttered “idiot,” as Ethan grabbed Taryn by the shoulders, pulled her into his chest, and whispered something in her ear. 

“What did I do?” Matt whined while rubbing his head. 

Ethan whipped his head in Matt’s direction, and with a great deal of menace ground out, “Don’t swear in front of my sister again.” He turned back and continued whispering to Taryn, leaving the three of us, well at least Matt and I, completely baffled. Blaine seemed to understand what was happening. I was gonna have to talk to him later.

“Man, I’m sorry. You’re right, that was completely disrespectful of me. Uh, Taryn no offense. I didn’t even realize I said it. Really, I’ll watch it from now on,” Matt rambled. I could tell he was actually worried, and a little distraught that he caused this kind of reaction.             

I look
ed over to Taryn in Ethan’s arms and I had this overwhelming urge to pull her away from him and hold her; to take her the hell out of here, to make her happy. Where the hell were these thoughts coming from? I think her stare might have had some Medusa-like powers, only instead of turning me to stone, she was turning me into a damn schmuck.

I saw her body lose some of its tension, and she pushed up from Ethan. She looked at Matt, and gave a tremulous smile.

“Matt, um it’s okay, and… ah, it’s not your fault. I’m sorry,” she said so quietly, almost as a whisper, but I heard her. Seriously, I think I loved her voice. I could listen to it and never have a need for music again.

Matt gave her his charming smile, but didn’t say anything. He was probably afraid to say anything. Who could blame him? I was as nervous as hell, and honestly terrified to open my mouth. 

“I think Tare and I are gonna head out,” Ethan told all of us.

              I tried to think of something to say to stall, or make them stay. I needed more time.

“Ethan, I want to stay and eat if it’s okay… with everyone. I didn’t mean to ruin anyone’s supper,” Taryn said, again almost as a whisper. God, she sounded so sweet, and if I was honest with myself, she was breaking my heart. I was turning into a pansy.

“Are you sure?” Ethan asked her. “We can pick something up on the way home. The guys don’t mind either way, right guys?” Ethan looked at all of us, daring one of us say we minded.

“No, I would be happy if you stayed,” I said quickly, maybe too quickly. She looked over at me and gave me a small smile. Shit, I wanted to see her smile again.

“I think it would be a huge bummer if you left, hell—I mean, heck—I would be really happy if you stayed,” Matt said nervously.

“Taryn, you are a part of us, dinner would suck if you left,” Blaine said to her, then glanced over to Ethan. They shared a look, and damn if I didn’t want in on whatever they were sharing.

“Okay, we’ll stay then, okay?” Ethan asked Taryn, who nodded in acceptance. She glanced back at me but quickly looked down, opening her sticky plastic menu and reading its contents. I wanted to be in Ethan’s place, but I was starting to understand that there was far more going on than what I could have ever suspected. I didn’t understand this draw I had to her, and the effect she had on me. It made no damn sense, but damn if I didn’t want to explore it.

The waitress, who I think suspected something was up and held back, made an appearance to take our orders. After everyone ordered and received their drinks, the mood seemed somber, with everyone quiet. I decided to take the plunge.

“Ethan, how long have you been working on the Camaro?” I asked, hoping to stir up conversation.

“About two years,” he replied after taking a gulp of his Coke. “It’s taking longer than I thought, but I have been pretty particular about what I put in it.”

chimed in and started to talk about his Mustang, and they compared everything from engines to exhaust pipes. From that, the discussion changed to the fight last night, then again to colleges, and of course, girls. I remained quiet for the most part, listening, and subtly studying Taryn. I was pleased when I caught her eyeing me several times—I just wasn’t sure what to say to her.

After everyone had finished eating, I saw Taryn putting her purse over her shoulder and whispering to Ethan. 

“Blaine, you still want to ride back with us and get your truck?” Ethan asked Blaine.

“Yeah, if that’s all right?”

“No problem, if you’re ready, we’ll go ahead and head home now,” Ethan said as he started to stand up and move off the bench. With Blaine, Matt and Taryn following behind, I got up and pulled out enough money to cover everyone’s dinner and the tip. I put the money on the table, when everyone started to talk at once about me not paying for them. I just shrugged, and left it anyway. 

I walked up to Ethan and held out my hand. As he clasped it, I leaned in and quietly, so no one else could hear, told him, “I’m sorry, man. I was just shocked when I saw her. I didn’t mean any disrespect.” I started to back away, when he pulled my hand and leaned in to me. 

“She has some issues, and I can’t have her hurt for anything, ever,” he said. 

I gave him a nod in understanding, and we pulled away from each other. I held my hand out to Taryn. “Taryn, it was great to see you again, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.” She tentatively took my hand, and I drew in a sharp breath as I heard her gasp at the contact. 

“Thank you, I’m glad I got to see you, also,” she said, and quickly let go of my hand. Oddly, I missed her hand there, and wanted to grab it again, but I stepped back and started to head for the door. Soon after I climbed in the truck, Matt climbed in the passenger side.

“Dude, what was that shit?” he asked.

“I’m not sure, but I think there are things that Blaine needs to let us in on,” I said in answer.

I started to steer out of the parking lot when I saw Ethan lifting Taryn up into his truck and climbing in behind her. I continued driving toward my house. Since Matt’s car was there, I didn’t have to take him home.

“Hey, text Blaine and ask him to stop by on his way home,” I told Matt.

When we get across town, Matt said, “He says he’ll text when he leaves.”

“Good, I think he knows what is wrong with Taryn, or at least why she reacted the way she did.”

“I know he and Ethan have hung out quite a bit, I mean I’ve hung out with them too, but yeah… I think you’re right. If I would have known swearing would make her freeze up like that… I mean what causes that? I like her, but I’m scared shitless to say anything to her, you know what I mean?” he rambled.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. I like her too, and I want to know why she did that.”

Matt let out a snort. “No shit? You like her? Fuck, man we could all tell that when the two of you were just staring at each other. It was kind of nuts. I think that’s why Ethan was ready to UFC your ass,” he said, and I decided not to respond. There wasn’t anything I could change at this point, and honestly I didn’t know that I could have reacted any differently to Taryn.

About an hour later, Matt and I were sitting in the front room watching ESPN, or rather Matt was watching and I was stewing. I was surprised I could remain seated, I felt like pacing, but I didn’t want to draw more attention to myself. Matt’s phone beeped, and it was all I could do not to snatch his phone from him to see if it was Blaine.

“He’s on his way,” Matt said nonchalantly and continued watching the T.V.

I think something was seriously wrong with me. Why did I give a shit what was wrong with her? It wasn’t like I really knew her. For whatever reason, she was glued to my brain—her face, her hair, that blank stare—they were all flashing through my mind. 

I heard the front door shut. I couldn’t sit anymore, so I stood up to wait for Blaine to make it to the front room. He stepped in, saw me and gave an audible sigh.

“I know what you’re wanting, Carter, but I don’t know what I can give you,” he said a little reluctantly.

“What are you talking about? We just want to know what the fuck happened,” I demanded, trying not to let my temper show.

“Blaine, that was messed up. I don’t want to see that girl do that again, and the fact that I caused it from swearing of all things, really fucking bites,” Matt chimed in. He had shut off the T.V. and was sitting on the edge of the couch, staring down Blaine.

“I know, man. I don’t really know that much, that’s what I’m trying to say,” Blaine replied, looking defeated.

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