Saved By A Siren: Spencers in Love Book One (21 page)

BOOK: Saved By A Siren: Spencers in Love Book One
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Chapter 36


            Shortly before nine of the clock, Gilles entered
the ballroom gallery and was relieved to see that everything was ready. The
Tibbets had arrived, including Mrs. Tibbet's sister. Mr. Tibbet waited in the
center on the room while his wife and sister were exiled to a back corner. The
rest of the staff stood waiting, whispering excitedly until Elise arrived.

            Alastair and Lucien stood next to Gilles.
Alastair was absorbed with his thoughts, staring unseeing across the room.
Lucien seemed more anxious than the groom, pacing and staring at the door.
Gilles' mother and sister were with his intended, he assumed. 

            Gilles clasped Lucien on the shoulder.

            "I'm the one getting married, you
know?" Gilles teased.

            Lucien smiled anxiously and raked a hand through
his hair.

            "This will be me, soon enough." He
gestured around the room. "You found your perfect bride and you'll be
happy. What if I choose the wrong woman, Gilles? What if I don't have what you
have?" Lucien looked like a trapped animal.

            Gilles placed his hands on Lucien's shoulders.

            "You marry when you're ready, Mercutio.
Don't do it because I did or because Madeline is pushing. No matter what she
says, she wants you to be happy. Find the right woman and your wedding day will
feel like a blessing and a relief. Otherwise, don't do it." Lucien nodded
and his shoulders sagged as the tension gripping him eased. Gilles felt
Alastair's eyes on him and knew his thoughts.

What about Mirabelle
? Gilles heard the
question in his own mind. He knew he had to wait and see what time revealed. He
wanted both to be happy, no matter what that meant.

            At the thought, the ballroom doors opened and
Holderson appeared with Elise on his arm. Gilles felt tears sting his eyes and
his vision blurred. Her hair was piled high, a riot of curls, ribbons and
pearls. A gown of pale silver silk and lace with a wide neckline and short
train hugged her from breast to knee. She was like a goddess rising from the
sea. A soft, sensual smile hung about her lips as she walked confidently
towards him. Gilles had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.
Forgetting where he was, he took a step towards Elise. Alastair grabbed his arm
and pulled him back.

            Despite the fact that he was in full dress,
including silk breeches and stockings, the most ornately folded cravat and a
priceless sapphire pin, Gilles felt unworthy to receive Elise. Like a poor
mortal staring upon the face of divinity, he trembled. If he had been told to
kneel before her, he wouldn't have hesitated. Gilles wanted to worship her, to
beg her favor.

            After an eternity, Elise's hands were placed in
his and Gilles promised to worship and protect her, to endow all his worldly
goods upon her. Elise promised to have and to hold and pledged her troth.
Gilles knew that no one in the room doubted that much deeper vows were being
exchanged. Aside from the Tibbets, all eyes were filled with tears and all
breaths were held until Gilles was finally able to pull Elise into his embrace
and brush his lips against hers. He lingered too long and the room erupted into
applause. Once they did part, Gilles rested his forehead against Elise's.

            "Hello, Elise Spencer." He whispered.

            "Hello, husband." She giggled in

            Gilles smiled and cherished her face.

            "Thank you." He said softly as he
brushed his lips against hers.

            As soon as the registry was signed, the Tibbets
were all but thrown out of Longwood. Everyone present lifted a glass of
champagne and saluted the new couple before the family made their way to the
garden for a wedding breakfast picnic.

            No one could ask more of the weather. The sun
shone and a soft breeze wrapped the gentle fragrance of the garden around the
party. Cook and the kitchen staff had laid a feast suitable for any royalty.
The cake, a masterpiece of sponge and buttercream was such perfection, Elise
allowed Gilles to feed her two pieces. Afterwords, everyone lounged and laughed
as morning gave way to afternoon and empty bottles of champagne began to
collect on the grass. Mirabelle convinced Elise to stand and began teaching her
how to waltz. Unable to hum and count the steps, Mirabelle allowed Gilles to
step in and replace her.

            Comfortable in Gilles' arms and rhythmically
inclined, Elise picked up the steps easily. Delighted to be doing yet another
thing she had long ago accepted she wouldn't, Elise glowed with joy and
laughed. Once again, Gilles was grateful to have stumbled upon another
priceless gift he could give her. It was fulfilling and humbling to be able to
see such simple things bring so much joy. He was fully aware that he could just
as easily found himself part of another ton marriage where the bride had
accepted the groom for the rank and financial security he could provide. Such a
wife would not be wooed by horseback rides and garden waltzes. Gilles could
imagine no man luckier than him. He decided to let his happiness carry him away,
he swung Elise in the air and took her lips in a kiss that pressed upon her all
the emotion he felt within him.

            Mirabelle rolled her eyes and suggested they
save such displays for a more private setting while Celine sighed with
contentedness to see her son so in love. Alastair and Lucien shrugged and
reclined on the grass, averting their gazes. Deciding to take mercy on his
family, Gilles announced that he was taking his wife "for a walk".
Elise seemed only mildly shocked to find that their walk led back to the house
and eventually to Gilles' bedroom.

            Gilles led Elise into the room. As he looked
around, he marveled that it was the same room he'd woken in hours before.
Bright light streamed in and every surface was covered with flowers and
candles. The candles were unlit but someone clearly understood that they would
be necessary later. Chilled champagne and glasses stood on a table with fresh
fruit. Feeling mildly nervous, Gilles turned Elise to face him.

            "May I attend to you, my lady? Or would you
rather have Anna?" He held his breath, humbled by how badly he wanted her
to choose him. Elise's response was a smile so knowing and seductive that
Gilles wondered if he'd have the patience to undress her. She turned her back
to him.

            "The buttons, please." She commanded.

            Gilles stepped up close behind her.

            "As you wish, my lady." He whispered
against her ear. As he looked at her, his hands began to shake. Gilles wasn't
sure if it was the army of buttons that marched down her back that he'd have to
battle or finally removing Elise's gown. She was a vision and he had been
conscious of the fact that she, including everything contained in that silver
fantasy of a gown, was completely his in the eyes of the world. Not acting on
that the moment they finished saying their vows had taken effort on Gilles'

            Deciding that there was nothing for it but to
get to work, Gilles set his hands to the top button and prayed that he'd get
Elise out of her dress without ripping it. Once his fingers got the hang of it,
he made quick progress. As the back gaped and he could see more of her skin,
Gilles started feeling more urgent. Every time his knuckles caressed her silken
skin, he bit his lip. His erection strained against his breeches and he felt
like he'd combust if he didn't get his own clothing off soon. He'd reached
Elise's derrière and the cleft peeked. He failed to stifle a groan and hoped
that a few more would allow him to slide the dress from her. When the back of
his hand brushed the perfect, firm swells of her bottom, Elise released a
breathy moan and shivered. Gilles tugged the dress downward and felt
lightheaded when it fell to the floor with a soft swishing sound.

            Gilles turned Elise and helped her step out of
the gown. He tossed it to a chair and took in the sight of her. The cut of the
dress hadn't allowed a chemise but she wore a light corset and stockings. For a
moment, he was immobile, his chest felt too tight to breathe. Her breasts sat
high and proud, threatening to spill from the short stays. Part of Elise's
stomach was uncovered and his eyes traveled lower to the exposed curls. Just
lower, silk stockings and garters hugged her thighs. Still wearing heeled, silk
slippers, Elise looked more provocative than the most skilled courtesan.

            "The corset, please?" She whispered,
lifting her arms and resting them seductively on top of her head.

            Gilles tried to speak but his voice cracked. He
cleared his throat and set his fingers to the corset.

            "If it pleases you." The smell of her
drove him wild. He quickly flicked the bow apart and pulled at the laces.
Because she was so small, Elise hadn't required boning or to be tied in tight.
Gilles was relieved to see that her skin hadn't been marked. Creamy, silken
perfection met his eyes as the garment fell away.

            Elise placed her hand on Gilles' shoulder and
pushed him towards the ground.

            "It would please me if you removed my
stockings." She purred as she rested a foot on Gilles' thigh. He was
Who was this siren
? His control was slipping through his fingers
and Elise was unknowingly playing to his most secret fantasies. Gilles made
quick work of the garter and rolled the stocking down, letting his fingers
glide along the smooth skin of her leg. He leaned forward and kissed the inside
of her thigh before squeezing the other, signaling for her to switch. Elise
lifted her other leg and Gilles repeated the exercise with the other stocking.
He sent his hands skimming up her legs until they reached the firm globes of
her bottom. He looked up and groaned. Naked, with her hair still arranged high
on her head, Elise was sensuality personified. Venus, come to claim him. Gilles
leaned forward to press his lips to her curls, to pay homage and feast upon
her. She stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

            "You're overdressed, my lord." She
smiled down at him.

            Gilles jumped to his feet and began pulling at
his coat. It was cut to fit him like a second skin, usually requiring his valet
to remove it. He turned in circles as he tugged and stretched. Elise probably
would have laughed if she could see him. As it was, her head had fallen to one
side, her brows were pulled together and she chewed her lip, trying to make
sense of all the movement. Finally, Gilles swore and with one final pull, he
was free. In disgust, he flung the coat against the wall and grabbed his
waistcoat. He attempted the first few buttons and gave up, pulling it open,
causing buttons to rip from the fabric or pull loose. Elise pressed her hand to
her mouth to keep from laughing.

            "May I help?" She offered.

            Gilles nearly choked himself, pulling his cravat
tighter in his haste. He whipped it off and tossed it on the floor.

            "I'll be done in just a minute. Don't
move." He pulled at the collar of his shirt, letting the buttons tear off
and fly across the room. He pulled it over his head and attacked the falls of
his breeches. More buttons came loose as he swore and toed out of his shoes
then kicked them away. Gilles cursed Matheson for insisting on two sets of
stockings as he hopped from foot to foot, peeling them off. Once he'd tugged
the last one from his foot, Gilles stood upright.

            "Ha!" He declared, his hands on his
thighs and his breathing labored, he felt much less victorious than he sounded.
Elise giggled. He nodded his head and pointed in her direction.
"Right." He prowled towards her and scooped her into his arms.
more of this nonsense
, Gilles thought. He lowered his lips to hers and
claimed her mouth, stroking boldly with his tongue. Elise sighed, seeming to
revel in the feel of his naked skin against hers.

            Gilles tossed her upon the bed, causing her to
gasp. She recovered and rose on her elbows. Her hair started to unravel and
strands began to spill around her shoulders. He let his eyes roam her from head
to toe. In the bright afternoon light, naked on his bed, Elise was the most
erotic thing Gilles had ever beheld. His cock twitched, demanding he continue.
She extended an arm towards him, beckoning.

            Gilles stepped to the bed and wrapped his hand
around her ankle. He caressed her foot lovingly before he gave it a swift tug.
Elise squealed as she was flat on her back and sliding towards him. He raised
her foot to his lips and kissed the inside of her arch. Gilles' lips traveled
up to her ankle and then the inside of her calf. He laved at the back of her
knee, the sensual torture of it causing Elise to giggle and gasp. Gilles knelt
to the floor, wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her to the edge of
the bed. Elise's arms stretched above her, gripping at the bedclothes, she
thought she was falling off. Gilles laughed as he buried his face in her curls.

            "You're not going anywhere, madam." He
growled as his lips kissed her delicate flesh. He licked up the length of her
womanhood and Elise smothered a scream.

            "Don't you dare silence yourself. I want to
hear every sound. Your mine now, if you want to sing an aria when you come, I
want to hear it." He parted her folds and set his tongue to her core,
swirling the tip of it against her.

            "Gilles!" Elise gasped as she pushed
her hands into his hair.

            "Mmmm... louder, my love." He murmured
against her and penetrated her with his tongue, mimicking the way his cock
would thrust into her. She moaned as her shoulders came off the bed. Gilles
withdrew his tongue and slid two fingers into her clinging heat. He set his
lips to the delicate knot of flesh and drew her in, suckling as he stroked in
and out of her.

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