Saved By Sex (SinSity Stories) (6 page)

BOOK: Saved By Sex (SinSity Stories)
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hours later, a weary looking Jett approached them. His hair was mussed as if
he’d been running his hands through it repeatedly and his t-shirt must have
been torn in the scuffle. Grace had to clamp her arms around her waist to
prevent herself from flinging her arms around him in relief.

came to her feet, grimacing as the blood rushed back into her bottom after too
many hours of sitting on a hard airport bench. She glanced over at Beth who was
busy playing on one of the kid’s computer terminals, totally unperturbed by
events. She shook her head. If only she could be so easily assured. A few
cuddles and Beth was completely over her experience.

few cuddles from Jett would probably sort her out too, if she was honest. The
man had risked being shot to rescue her daughter. What an idiot she was. He was
so unlike Greg, it was ridiculous. Why had she even compared them? But did he
even want anything more to do with her? Jett Olsen could have any woman he
wanted. Why would he want someone who’d turned him down once already?

she reached out and touched his stomach, as if the feel of those hard muscles would
reassure her he was fine. “Is everything okay?”

nodded, expression unreadable. “Yeah. All sorted.”

you, Jett. I don’t know what I would have done if it wasn’t for you.”

shrugged. “I’m just sorry that had to happen. I obviously didn’t make enough
threats. Lesson learned, I guess. Let’s just say, if I see him again, he’ll be
lucky to get away with a broken nose.”

released a small smile. “I owe you so much.”

don’t owe me anything, Gracie. One night remember?”

smile dropped, her heart an aching chasm. “I remember.” Beth came to her side
and stared up at Jett as Grace wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Hey,
sweetie, this is…uh… mummy’s friend, Jett.”

fixed her dark eyes on him. “You’re tall.”

frowned and stared back. “And you’re small.”

seemed to satisfy Beth and Grace fought the urge to burst into hysterical
laughter as she watched their exchange. Jett always said he liked honesty and
there was no one more honest than a child, especially her child.

I’m hungry.”

me too,“ Jett agreed. He glanced around. “Fancy some pancakes?”

nodded eagerly. “And a milkshake?”

a milkshake.”

laughed in disbelief. Somehow Beth had the man wrapped around her little finger
already. Jett offered her his hand and she took it gratefully as he tugged her
to his side. “Would mummy like some breakfast?”


mummy like some breakfast just with me?” he murmured in her ear as they joined
the queue for food.

do you mean?”

like another night. Or two. Or three. Or as many as you’ll give me.”

gulped down her surprise and hoped it didn’t show on her face. “Really?”

I’m not done with you yet, Gracie. Sound like a good proposition?”

spark of delight thread its way through her. He wanted more of her. This sexy,
honest, very commanding man wanted her. She’d be a fool to say no.



Months Later

rubbed a hand across her face as she trekked across the car park and delved in
her handbag for her car keys. Where were the damned things? She glanced up and
slowed her pace as she approached her car.

are you doing here?”

pushed away from the car and shook his head. “Is that anyway to greet your
husband to be?”

laughed and gave up her hunt for her keys as he closed the gap between them and
wrapped his arms around her, deliberately pressing his hips against hers. Heat
and hardness greeted her sending a whirlwind of desire through her veins.

She tried to gather her thoughts as he cupped her arse, “we agreed to spend
tomorrow apart. Especially seeing as I won’t get anything done with you

needs doing?” He swept a light kiss over her lips. “All you need to do is chuck
on a dress and get to the church on time.”

is much more to a wedding than that and you know it.”

should just tie you up and take you back to our place. Have my way with you. I
bet you won’t be protesting when I’m fucking you until you scream.” He nipped
at her ear.

suppressed a shudder. How would she be able to bear even one night away from
him? She was staying at her mother’s tonight with Beth and she wouldn’t see
Jett until tomorrow. When she married him. An uncontrollable grin spread across
her face. She was going to marry Jett Olsen. Who could believe it?

was your last shift?” he asked as he eased her bag from her shoulder and
instantly found her car keys.

fine. Would have been better if you’d been there.”

you can put on your own show for me tomorrow.”

nodded as he pressed the keys into her palm with a sly grin and claimed her
mouth with a punishing kiss before stepping back and allowing her to open the
car door. She slid into the car and grinned. He hadn’t insisted she leave
SinSity but she was grateful to be finished there. The club had been good to
her but she wanted more from life than that. And Jett had given her that. Now
he was adamant she go to art college and pursue her dreams. What he didn’t
realise was that, as much as she loved painting, she could forgo it. As long as
she had Jett.

I’ll make you mine,” he told her as he shut the car door.

man who tested her, pushed her, treasured her, protected her… loved her. And
her daughter.

he mouthed to her.

could want anything more?


J.A. on

titles by J.A Bailey


for Sex (SinSity Stories)

The Dancer and the Dom







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