Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set (6 page)

Read Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set Online

Authors: Selena Bedford,Mia Perry

BOOK: Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set
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Chapter Seven


I know what’s on Leila’s
mind.   It’s the same concerns that I have as well.   There is only a slim
chance a further rescue would to be authorized.  We have had too many bloody

Many soldiers have died
fighting the enemies, leaving their parents, brothers and sisters, wives and children
behind.   Every battle is a tragedy, whether we had won or lost.

As the top warrior, the
commander of the troops, I’m responsible to lead my soldiers and to protect our
tribe.   We are ready to die for the tribe at any moment.

But this rescue has nothing to
do with protection.  It is one thing to go on reconnaissance, come back with the
girls.  But to take on the cannibals and win the girls back?  I’m having a hard
time convincing even myself now. 

The plain truth is that they
are girls from the Earth.  We can just buy them from the Puebjorians.  Sure, those
dumb aliens crashed their ship this time.  But I’m sure they will come again.
Business is business.

As for the captured girls…they
may suffer.   Some may become the sacrifices one day.  But what can we do?  It happens
every day on this planet. 


This is something the Earth
girls never understand.  They keep talking about the ‘great laws’ they have
back in a country, um…, some Unit State?  Something like that.

Fairness this and that.  Whenever
I hear it I can’t hold my laughter back. It sounds like a fairytale.

What they don’t understand is
that this is a planet with no fucking government. 

We are tribal.  And the tribe
chief is the law.  He can take a wife from a family and turn her into his
wife.  No one can say anything.   And he can do many other stupid things too.

But the tribe chief fights
his way to the top as a warrior.  Our chief Zapo was a warrior when he was

So, I have a fair chance
too.  I’m now the top warrior.  If I can remain on top by winning battles, and
IF I can live long enough, I may become the new chief when Zapo is dead.

Then what do I do?  Getting a
couple dozen wives too?  Heck, by the time I will be too old.  I won’t have the
energy to fuck them all.

Sure I will have many kids. 
But I won’t know how many are really mine.


Hell, what am I even thinking
about?  I have Leila already.  I love her. I want to mate her for life.  No
other woman.

That fucking chief is trying
to steal her from me.  But I will never give up.  I will make sure that she is
mine, receives my seed, and breeds with me and only me.


Oh, fuck, my cock is
hardening.  I wish I could fuck her now.   Maybe right after we’re back in my

Zapo’ll be furious when he
finds out. So what?  He can kill me.  But my seeds are in Leila’s body already,

Oh, fuck, this stupid coat is
too freaking hot for me.  I must have got too excited, huh?




I feel his cock poking at my
butt cheeks like a baseball bat.  He must be thinking dirty now.   Is he going
to bring me to bed tonight?  I will say
if he asks.

Or maybe he will just do it
to me without asking?  That’s rough and rude.  I mean the kind of exciting
rudeness.  I

The last twenty four hours have
been like a dream.  I turn from a city girl to a tribe woman, aching to mate with
a tribal warrior. 

What else can I do?  You can
tell me that this is too quick, too unrealistic, too damn silly, too whatever. 
And you can tell me that one day I might change my mind.

Yeah, you’re so fucking right. 
But for now, he is my hero.  I love him.  It’s that simple. 

I don’t worry about future. 
Do you think I have a future at all?  There is no way I can get back to the Earth
again.  So, if I have to stay on this remote planet, falling in love with a top
warrior is just fucking lucky, right?


Now we’re back in the
village, and I am totally exhausted.  Auzo dismisses the soldiers.  He carries
me off the horse, walking towards his tent with me in his arms.  His strong
arms are wrapping my body so tight that I can hardly breathe.

The tent is cozy and warm. 
“Sit down, Leila.  Let me prepare some good food for you.” 

He smiles at me.  But his
eyes keep dropping down to look at my crotch.

I know what he wants.  And I
want that too.  I take off the heavy coast and sit on that huge wooden chair,
feeling like a dwarf in a giant’s world.

He removes his coat, smiles
at me happily, and picks up a maul.  Soon, he splits a large piece of log into small
pieces.  He sits on the floor, puts the firewood into the fireplace carefully,
and then blows the fire with his mouth.  The flames dance up and down, going
higher and higher.  The air is heating up quickly.

“Oh, wow, this is great. 
Like camping.”

I look at him, smiling.  His
body is illuminated by the orange light. The harsh shadows across his face make
him look so manly and mysterious. 

“Like it?” he tosses his chin
towards the fire.


“We can do this every day.  Would
you like that?”


“You’re so beautiful, Leila,
be my mate, please,” he sits on his right knee, looking right into my eyes. 
“Look, I’m a tribe man, I’m not rich.  I have no school.  But I’ll protect you
for the rest of your life.   And I’ll do my best to give you a comfortable
life.  Will you be my mate, please?”

I blush all over.  My heart
is jumping out of my chest.   “Auzo, we’re from different worlds.  And we
barely know each other.  But you love me, and I love you.  That’s all I want.  Yes,
I want to be your mate and stay with you for the rest of my life.”

Auzo stands up and walks
towards me.  I slide down from the huge chair and look up at him.  He is so
tall that I have to raise my chin all the way up.

He picks up an old wooden box
beside me and opens it.  I see a pair of beautiful slip-on bangle jade

“My grandmother
gave me these.” 

I raise my
hand.  He puts a bracelet for me.  But it’s too big.  He laughs softly he’s so

“I like it,”
I spread my fingers to keep it on my hand.  “See, how beautiful it is?” I check
it carefully.  It’s all green; the color changes from light to dark when I turn
it a bit.  There is a small carving inside.  I look closer and see a pair of

“The bear is
the symbol of our tribe.  Remember the white bear monster you saw in the


“There are the
same bears, or Wunder Armodialloes, the protectors of our Holy Mountain.”

“Oh, wow,
this is wonderful.”

He looks down
into my eyes with intense gaze, “Leila, will you be my mate tonight?”

I nod.

He bends
down, holding my body tight and kissing me hard.

I kiss back.

He reaches
down to rub my butt cheeks.

I know he is
going to do it to me.

And I’m so
ready for it.

Chapter Eight


I can’t believe it.  She came
down from the sky to become my mate.  I’m the luckiest warrior in this whole

I can’t kiss her enough.  And
I want to strip her and fuck her hard now.

She is rubbing her tiny
crotch on my thick cock.  She’s so ready for me.  Her kisses are intense, her
breath being so heavy and short. 

I move my lips onto her
pretty cheek.  She tilts her head to give me the full exposure of her skin. 
It’s smoother than the silk, and so deliciously consumable. 

I kiss every inch of her. 
She gets excited, “Auzo, oh, Auzo, let’s do it.”

“Leila, my baby, the sun of
my world, are you ready for me?” I murmur.

“Yes, Auzo, I’m so ready for
you.  I want you, hard and deep,” she gasps harder, “Now!”

My kisses land on her lips
again.  Those lips, so sweet, soft, and irresistible.  

Soon, she opens her sexy
mouth, her tiny tongue sticking out, inviting and teasing me.

My tongue glides out to meet
hers.  They dance in unison.  Then her retreats, leading me into her mouth.

I explore her mouth inch by
inch.  Boy, this is so incredible. 

Suddenly she gasps, “Auzo,
please, do it to me,” she looks into my eyes, her gazing being so hungry and aching.

I carry her to my bed.  She
lies there, her shapely legs spread, waiting for me.

I sit down and put my hand on
her boobs.  They are firm and round.   I circle them lightly.  Her moaning
turns louder.  Her cheeks are all red.  Her sexy lips open in one moment, and
then close the next.

“Leila, you’re so beautiful
and sexy.  Are you really mine for tonight?” I feel like dreaming.

“Yes, I am.  Auzo, I’m yours. 
For tonight.  And every night.”

I try to remove her blouse. 
But my thick fingers are too freaking huge for those tiny buttons.  I really
want to snap them off.  But I don’t want to upset her.  I keep trying and
trying, it’s so embarrassing.

She looks at me with a tiny
smile.  After a few moments, she raises her hand and unbuttons the blouse in
just a second.  “Auzo, do you know how to remove a blouse?” she smiles at me, her
face warm.

“Um, yeah,” my cheeks are
still red hot from my embarrassment.  I hold one sleeve and pull.  She raises her
arm in cooperation.  The blouse slips off gracefully. 

I bend down to kiss her neck. 
She tilts her head to the other side, moaning softly. 

My kisses move to her
shoulder, and then down to her boob. 

She turns to me.  Her hot
breath is blowing right into my face.  It’s so teasing and arousing.  My cock
hardens even more.

“Auzo, please, strip me and
fuck me hard.  I want you now.”

“Yes, my beauty.”

I slide one hand under her
body, pulling her up a bit.  My other hand works in unison.  Soon, I manage to
remove her blouse.


I’m not sure if I can take
away her bra.  But I decide to give it a try.  I hold her body to my chest and
look carefully.  I see the hook.  Oops, it’s so fucking tiny.  

What am I going to do now?  This
is going to be harder than unbuttoning the blouse.  Heck, those stupid
designers, I’m sure they’ve never designed women’s clothes for their guys to
remove, not at least for a warrior.

I push the hook with my thumb
and index fingers, hoping that will work.

“Ouch, Auzo, don’t pinch me
that hard.”

Oops! No good.

“Auzo, you will have to use both
hands.  Do you need help?”


I grin, holding the straps
with both hands.  I push hard, it doesn’t unhook.  I move my hands closer
together and push again.  Boy, now it works.

The moment I pull away her
bra, I see two perfect, large globes right in front of me.

I push my mouth down hard,
sucking her nipple deep into my mouth.

I circle that tiny nipple
with my tongue, sending my little mate into high pitch screaming.

Then I hear “Auzo!”

Fuck, it’s that chief asshole

Chapter Nine


I’m surprised to hear the old,
gruff voice.  I know it’s the tribe chief. 

I’m more surprised to see
that the chief is actually in the tent, looking down at us.

I’m absolutely shocked. How
can he walk into Auzo’s tent without asking for his permission?   Is this how
the tribe works, that anyone can walk into any other’s tent at any moment?  Or is
it that only the chief can do that?

I have no time to find the
answer.   I cover my boobs with both hands and scream.

Auzo stands up and looks at
the chief for a few moments.  Then he says in a humble voice, “Yes, Zapo.”

“Meeting time,” he turns
around and walks out.

What the heck is going on?  I
rush to put my cloth on. “Auzo, why is this jerk so rude?”

Auzo smiles apologetically,
“Sorry, Leila, this is just how the tribe operates.  I hope you will get used
to it.”

“I don’t think I will but I accept
the fact.  What’s this meeting for?”

“Military action, I guess?  I
have to go now.  You should have something to eat and then have a good rest.” 

He fetches a few pieces of
large meat from an earth pot and put them on the fire.  “Turn them a few times,

“I’ll go with you,” I pull my
blouse straight and push my hair back a few times.

“What?” he stares at me.

“To the meeting.”

“No, this is a military
meeting for the high ranking officers.  You’re not invited.”    

“What if I insist?”


“Because they will talk about
the rescue for our girls, right?”

He thinks for a few moments
and then says, “Okay, come.”  He picks up the meats from the fire and puts them
on a big tray.

I walk outside and see
sunshine.  It’s a beautiful morning.  The sky is sparkle clean.  Every tree
branch is covered by snow.  Every once in a while a branch shakes a bit in the
breeze, a few snowflakes dropping off.

A huge dog strolls by,
sniffing my feet.  He raises his head, looking at me.  The look reminds me a
fierce wolf in a horror movie.

His tail drops on the snow, a
snarl curling around his lips.   Boy, he’s not treating me as a friend at all. 

“Auzo?” I’m so scared.

Auzo gives me a tiny smile
and then looks at the dog.  He step ahead and lowers his body, ready to kick. 
I’m sure his kick will send the dog high into the air.

The dog sniffs a few times
more.   Then he raises his tail, waggling it a few times.

He looks at me again, this
time his gaze turns mild and soft.

Auzo crosses his arms and
smiles, “Now he takes you as his friend.”

The dog strolls away,


Auzo leads the way. We walk
into a huge tent.

There are a couple warriors
in the tent.  I saw them all last night during the rescue.  “Morning guys,” I
smile at them.

They smile and nod.

“Auzo?” The chief stands up
and stares at Auzo.

“Um, see, Leila is here in the
event that we discuss the rescue of the Earth girls.  She can leave if you

“No, I don’t want to leave,”
I pipe up.

The chief looks at Auzo with
cold eyes.  Then he stares right into my eyes.  “You sure, Leila?”

I stare back, “Yes, I am
sure.  As long as you guys are going to talk about the rescue, I’m staying.”

“What if we don’t?” his voice
is ice old.

“Then I’ll ask you to.”

The chief looks at Auzo with
a tiny smirk, “Auzo, tell her the punishment for disobeying the chief.”

Auzo hesitates for a few
moments and then mumbles, “Death.”

“You hear that, Leila?” the
chief is staring harder.


“Now I give you one last
chance.  Leave, or die.”

leave.  The
girls may be dying.  I can’t leave them alone.” 


Honestly, I don’t want to
die.  Now I have Auzo, my hero and prince.  I want to live with him and enjoy
life.  But there is no way I will step back from the death threatening.  I
promised the girls that I would look for help for them.  I will have to keep my


The chief looks at me with a
tiny smile, “Don’t be silly, Leila.  The decision has been made.  And I’m not
going to change my mind.  Are you leaving?”

I shake my head.

“Then I will have to kill

I swallow hard.  Gosh, I
didn’t realize it would come so quick.   I thought that this mean chief would
at least give me a chance to talk about the rescue.

Auzo steps forward, “Zapo,

The chief stops Auzo right
away with a stern look. 

“Yes, chief,” Auzo lower his

The chief looks at me with a
weird grin, “Any final words?”

I can hardly stand now.  But
I try my best.  Auzo come over and wraps his strong arm around my body. 

“Thank you, Auzo,” I

I take a deep breath to calm
down a bit.  “Look, the girls are dying.  Can you please save them?”

“So you want to trade your
life for your friends’, huh?  Is that worthwhile?  You’re young and pretty. 
You should enjoy your life.”

My whole body is shaking.  It’s
so hard to stand.  I would have dropped to the floor without Auzo holding my

I blink my eyes hard but my
tears come out anyway.  They flow down my face like two tiny streams.  I don’t
want to show my fear of death to this mean chief.  But I just can’t help it.

“Yeah, I love my life.   And
I love my man Auzo, too.  But I will never betray my friends.  It’s a promise I
made.  And I won’t regret keeping my promise, even if it’s with the price of my

I know this sounds kind of
silly, but my heart is full of justice.  There is no way that I will beg this
most dreadful, mean, and stupid chief for his mercy.

“What if you die for
nothing?” the chief gives me a mean look.

“What?” I’m so shocked.  I
look at him for a long time and then murmur, “You’re not going to save the girls?”

“Why should I?  The
Galilatawrians are dangerous cannibals.  I can’t risk our men’s life for some
silly girls.”




I’m so surprised that the
fucking asshole said that.  What the fuck is he talking about?  Killing my mate
and letting the girls die?

What kind of chief is this?

I regret that I’ve come
without my sword.  I could have killed this asshole with one swing.

Yeah, I may die fighting the
other warriors in the tent.  But I die for my woman and for justice.  It’s a glorious
way for a warrior to die.

“Zapo?” I raise my fist.  I’m
determined to protect Leila with my life.

The chief asshole looks at
Leila with a tiny smile, “Any final words for your man?”

Leila looks at me, her tears
pouring down her pretty cheeks.  “I love you, Auzo.  I’m sorry I can’t be with
you.  Bye, Auzo.”

I kiss down hard and then
look into her eyes, “Leila. I will not let this bastard hurt a hair on your
body. If they want to touch you, they have to go through me.”

I raise my eyes, staring at
the chief, “I challenge you to send your best warriors in this room, one or
all.  And I challenge you to give me a sword.  I’ll fight until my last drop of
blood is drained.”


The chief bastard looks at me
with a tiny smile.  “Very good, Auzo. Listen,” his cold smile grows.

What the fuck is he going to
say, and do to me?



End of Book Two

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