Saving Avery (26 page)

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Authors: Angela Snyder

BOOK: Saving Avery
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We clean up in the adjoining bathroom and start to sort through our scattered clothes around the room. I'm completely dressed by the time she's slipping back into her gown. I watch as she pushes the material down over her curves until it molds to her body. She is so beautiful she takes my breath away.

I push her long hair to her right shoulder and carefully zip the dress. I allow my fingers to touch her skin while I do it, and I feel her shiver beneath my touch. I stare at her reflection in the vanity mirror. She looks sad again, and I know it's because she's thinking the same thing I am. In a few minutes, we'll leave this room, and she'll go back to Nathan, and I'll go back to being alone. But if she agrees to the plan that my mom and I concocted, then she doesn't have to stay with Nathan for very much longer.






Max tells me about the farm and Diane and how she's willing to let me live there to get away from Nathan. I can barely contain my excitement as he goes through every last detail. I can't believe that after all this time I'll finally be free. This could work. No. This
work. It has to.

"He'll never even think to look for you there. He'll never find you, Avery. You can put everything into motion --- the protection order, the divorce papers, just like you planned. You can finally be free of him. This is your chance. Our chance," he says with an eager expression. "Say yes."

My entire body shakes as excitement and happiness floods through me. Free. I'll finally be free. I run across the room and jump into Max's arms. "Yes," I whisper into his ear. He picks me up and spins us around. I squeal in delight and press a million kisses to his face. When he puts me down, I stare up at him. "Thank you, Max. I don't know what I would do without you."

He stares down at me with pure adoration. "We need to pick a day to leave. I was thinking this weekend. That way I could drive you up to the farm, stay with you and come back to work Monday."

I think about this week's schedule. "Nathan has a business meeting Friday night. He had marked it on the calendar. That should take hours."

Max nods. "That will give us a good head start." He squeezes me tight before letting me go. "We better get back to the party before he starts wondering where you are."

I nod in agreement, but I don't want to leave Max's side. I want to stay with him always. After Friday, it won't be so tough to be together. "Will you come and visit me?" I ask as I open the bedroom door.

"Every weekend," he promises. "And then when the divorce is final, we can talk about our future together. Maybe find a place of our own in another state where Nathan will never find you again."

I close my eyes and sigh happily. "I can't believe this is really happening," I say, bursting with excitement.

"Believe it," he says. He gives me a soft, lingering kiss before saying, "You go first. I'll wait several minutes before I come down."

"Okay." I make my way down the hall and look back at him one last time before walking down the stairs. I didn't tell Max that I love him, but I know that I do. And when I step foot on Diane's farm and actually feel safe, I will tell him how I truly feel. I'm always expecting the rug to get ripped out from underneath me, but I know Max would never hurt me. I just need that sense of security before I can release my true feelings.

I step outside of the house, and my eyes rest upon Nathan and Allison dancing together. I have no idea what's going on with my sister as of late. First she rats me out to Nathan, and now she's cozying up to him on the dance floor. Nathan's hands are resting low on her back, and Allison looks like she's on cloud nine. Her eyes glitter in the light as she looks up at him with a huge smile on her face. Something is going on between them. I just wish I knew what.

My father makes his way onto the porch, and his face lights up when he sees me. His smile slowly fades, however, when I don't return the cheerful expression. "You don't look happy, sweetheart," he says.

"That's because I'm not," I blurt out.

He raises a brow. "What's wrong?"

I sigh heavily. "I already tried to talk to you once about this, Dad."

"About the divorce?" he asks in a hushed whisper.

I nod.

"Oh, Avery, let's not talk about that here with so many Masons traipsing about." He gives me a peck on the forehead and says, "Go and find Nathan. Talk, dance, drink some champagne." He smiles. "Have some fun."

I wonder when my father will finally open his eyes and see the truth. I'm starting to think that day will never come. "Dad, there's something I need to tell you." I need to tell my father about what's going to happen this weekend. I'm not going to tell him where I'm going or any of the specifics, but I want to make sure he knows that I'll be okay when I suddenly disappear. I don't want him thinking the worst and wondering if I'm okay or not. But before I can utter a single word of my plans, I see Nathan walking towards us. I mutter a curse under my breath. Turning to my father, I quickly say, "Can we meet for lunch before Friday, Dad? I really need to talk to you."

He gives me a puzzled look, but then nods and says, "Sure, sweetheart. I'll call you as soon as I get a chance to check my schedule and let you know which day works best for me."

I want to tell him how sick I am of being penciled in, but all words escape me when Nathan climbs the steps of the porch. "Dance with me," he says with a devilish grin, holding out his hand. I tentatively put my hand in his, and he escorts me to the dance floor.

My dad grins. "Save one for me, darling!" he calls after us.

"Try to pretend you're having a good time at least, Avery," Nathan whispers as he pulls me close to him. "I know how much you hate these parties."

I don't hate the parties. I hate having to pretend for hours at a time that I'm in a happy marriage. It's utterly exhausting. I put on a brave face and an artificial smile as Nathan moves me around the dance floor. He's a good dancer. Always has been. It's just one more of the deceiving qualities about him.

After a few minutes, I say, "I saw you were dancing with Allison. You two seemed pretty close."

Nathan stares me down. "What are you trying to imply, Avery?" he asks through gritted teeth.

"Nothing. I was just ---."

"You were just what?" he snaps quietly. His mouth is at my ear as he hisses, "I will drag you out of here by your hair if you keep this shit up."

I can feel his fingernails digging into my back, and I try to control the emotion on my face. I try to pretend that he's not hurting me.

My eyes catch a glimpse of Max walking towards us. He looks upset, and I don't doubt that he was watching us and witnessed Nathan's mood swing. I think of the pool man that Nathan put in a coma just for winking at me. What would he do to Max if he comes over here? What if Max tries cutting in? My eyes widen with fear as I look over Nathan's shoulder at Max. Max stops walking and just stands there, staring at me. I shake my head infinitesimally and breathe a sigh of relief when he reluctantly walks away. I don't want Max to get hurt. And anyone who tries to come between Nathan and I always gets hurt.




I watch her dance with Nathan. If I didn't know her, I would say she looked happy. But I can see right through the mask she's wearing. The big smile with the perfect amount of teeth as she gazes up at her darling husband. Any onlooker would think what a great couple they make. But I know better. Her eyes tell me everything I need to know. Her smile doesn't touch them, and she looks like a doll posed for perfection.

I squeeze my eyes shut, and the memory of the moment we just shared not even half an hour ago fills my mind. Her beautiful, naked body trembling as we made love. The expression on her face as she let go and came apart in my arms. I would never be able to get my fill of her. Once she's mine, I'll treasure every single moment I have with her and make her feel loved and cherished like she deserves.

My hands curl into fists at my sides as I watch Nathan twirl her around the dance floor. Avery says something to him, and then the look on his face turns from kind to murderous. He holds her tightly, a little too tightly. He pulls her close and whispers something in her ear. I can see Avery's entire body tense as his fingernails bite into the bare skin of her back. Her fake smile falters, and she grimaces in pain.

I can't stand it any longer. I walk towards them with the intent of cutting in. His back is towards me, and he doesn't even see me coming. But the look in Avery's eyes halts my steps. She's silently pleading with me to not come any closer. Her eyebrows rise up and then dip as she gives a slight shake of her head.

I stare at her for a fraction more before turning and walking the other way. Would he punish her for dancing with someone else? I don't need her to answer that question. Yes, he would. That is why he has kept tight tabs on her all night. He is allowed to dance with other women, but it would simply be out of the question for her. I saw him dancing with Avery's sister. He was joking and laughing with her. Obviously he's not mean with every woman he comes across, so why Avery? Why hurt Avery, one of the kindest and sweetest girls on the planet?

Fuming, I walk around one of the tents in the darkness. Wanting to scream but not wanting to draw attention to myself, I instead breathe out a heavy sigh through my clenched jaw. I need to focus on Friday. Friday is the end of this very dark, depressing tunnel. After Friday, her life and my life will change for the better. I told myself I would keep on the down low until we can get her away from him, but I have this overwhelming need to protect her. Soon I'll be able to keep her safe from him. Never again will she know what it's like to live in fear.






The song ends, and I have every intention of going to find Max when an older man approaches us. My stomach drops when I recognize him. William. He and his wife Barbara were in the karaoke bar when I was there with Max Saturday night.

"Nathan and Avery," he says with a big grin.

My breathing picks up, and I try to hold myself together. I slowly start to relax when William starts talking about the upcoming elections. My eyes dart around, but I don't see his wife anywhere. I don't want to be here when she decides to show up in case she attempts to bring up that night. I slink back from Nathan in an attempt to escape the conversation, but he reaches out and grasps my arm. He smiles down at me sweetly and says, "We'll go soon. I promise." Then he turns his attention back to William.

I nod and plaster a fake grin on my face.

After several minutes, I finally feel calm. No sight of Barbara. Perhaps she didn't show tonight. Hoping that Nathan will relinquish his hold on me, I ask, "Why don't I go get us a glass of champagne?"

Before he can answer, a shrill voice yells my name. I turn, and my heart stops. Barbara is waving her hand in the air and coming towards us. I try to pull away from Nathan, but he keeps a steady grip. His eyes narrow as he stares down at me. "What's wrong, Avery? You seem a little jumpy," he says quietly.

Barbara rushes over and pants, clearly out of breath from practically running across the lawn. "Oh, Avery, I'm so glad I got to see you tonight. We didn't really get a chance to talk much on Saturday night."

Nathan stills beside me, listening intently. I try once again to pull away from him, but his grip is locked tight on my arm. His fingers dig into my skin as Barbara continued to talk.

"I wanted to tell you what a lovely voice you have. You should sing more often. William and I just adored watching you that night."

I stare at the woman with wide eyes. I can feel Nathan's glare on me. The muscle in his jaw ticks as his teeth clamp down in anger. Then he turns his attention to Barbara. "What night was that again?"

"Saturday night. William and I were so bored that we stopped at a bar for some drinks. We were all the way in the back." She smiles wide and looks at me. "We haven't been to a bar in ages! Of all places to run into you and your brother ---."

"Brother?" Nathan interrupts.

"Oh, yes. Avery introduced us to her brother. He's just as charming as your wife here, Nathan," she says with a wink.

I can feel the anger radiating off of Nathan in waves. His hand clamps down on my arm, and it takes everything in me to not cry out in pain. "Well, I hate to cut this short," he says, "but Avery and I really must be going."

"Oh, so soon?" Barbara calls after us.

Nathan practically pulls me towards the valet. He fishes his ticket out of his pocket and hands it to the young attendant. Once the kid disappears into the field of parked cars, Nathan grabs my arm and turns me to face him. He glares at me with a bitterly cold stare, and an icy terror quickly spreads through my veins. "All these years and you've never introduced me to your
," he says, emphasizing the last word, because he knows I was lying. "I guess I now know why you didn't answer your phone when I was gone this weekend." He shakes his head slowly.

"Nathan, please, I ---."

He growls at me, and I instantly clamp my mouth shut.

The BMW pulls up the curb, and Nathan barely gives the valet a chance to put it in park before he heaves the door open and pushes me into the backseat. I fall onto the seat and quickly scramble to the door handle. But Nathan is in and locking the doors before I even have a chance to escape. He glares at me in the rearview mirror. "You lying, fucking whore," he spits before putting the car in drive and pressing on the gas. The tires spin, kicking up gravel as we speed off into the night.






I'm in the middle of a conversation with someone, but my thoughts and eyes constantly stray to Avery. Nathan and her are talking with another couple. I recognize the couple from somewhere, but I can't seem to place them.

The next time I look up, I see Nathan leading Avery towards the exit. His expression is murderous, and Avery looks panicked and terrified. "Excuse me one moment," I tell the man beside me.

I walk quickly, my eyes staying on Avery. I can tell by her body language that something is definitely wrong. I push past other guests as I try to catch up with them. They are waiting for their car by the valet. I wonder why they're leaving already.

When the vehicle stops in front of them and the attendant gets out, I watch Nathan grab Avery and roughly push her inside. My feet are moving before I can even think, and I run through the yard towards the car. Before I can reach them, the car takes off down the driveway. "Avery!" I call. The car vanishes into the night within a matter of seconds. I'm too late. I'm too late.

I push my hands through my hair, pulling at the ends in frustration. I do a full turn, looking for help. Someone. Anyone. No witnesses. No one is around.

Walking back to the lawn, I spot the couple that they were just talking to and walk up to them. The woman immediately grins when she sees me. "We were just talking about you," she says. "I was telling Avery's husband about how lovely her voice is."

I stare at the woman with a puzzled expression.

She chuckles. "You must not remember me. My husband and I were at the bar Saturday night when Avery was singing. Aren't you her brother?"

I nod and swallow nervously. That's why I recognized them.

"I thought so," she says with a smirk.

"Did you tell Nathan that you saw me there too?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

She nods. "I told him that you are just as charming as your sister," she remarks.

Nathan knows. He fucking knows.

"Excuse me," I murmur, making my way past the couple. I return to the heart of the party and pace the lawn, looking for a cop or security. But then I think back to what Avery said. Nathan's dad is the chief of police. What would he do if I went to him for help? Would he lock me up if I accused his son of being a wife beater? If I get arrested, I wouldn't be able to help Avery at all. I could go to her father, but he's surrounded by people, strangers. How do I know I can trust any of them? Can I even really trust her father? Her sister Allison was dancing with Nathan earlier, so how do I know that she would help me and not turn around and tell Nathan everything?

I scream in my head.

I collapse into a chair and put my head in my hands. I can't go to her family or the cops. Who else is left? Who would even believe me considering the reputation and power that the Mason family has? The realization of how dire the situation is hits me like a thousand bricks. Now I know exactly how Avery feels --- completely alone and vulnerable with no one to turn to.

Standing, I make my way to the valet. At least now she does have one person she can count on. She has me.






I've been terrified before. I've been terrified to the point where I've been so scared that my heart feels like it's going to seize up and stop beating. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I am so frightened that I can barely move, barely breathe and barely even blink. I am completely paralyzed with fear, and I feel like I'm going out of my mind. I know what's coming, and my brain is kicking into fight or flee mode. I don't know what's going to happen, but it's going to be bad…really bad.

Nathan shuts off the engine to the car. We're parked in the driveway of one of Nathan's vacation properties. It's a modern two-story log cabin secluded in the woods and overlooking a lake. It took us a half an hour to get here, and I had been trembling with fear with every passing second.

His shoulders raise and lower with each deep breath he takes as we sit in silence. I know he's trying to rein in his anger, but it doesn't seem to be working. Will he kill me? I shudder at the notion that he possibly could kill me tonight. Why else would he bring me to this cabin that's in the middle of nowhere?

His hands are wrapped around the steering wheel in a white-knuckle grip. He slowly twists his hands, making an awful screeching sound against the leather. "Who is he?" he asks in an eerily calm tone.

I'd rather die than say Max's name. "It was just some guy who bought me a drink."

"Did you leave with him?"

"No," I lie.

"Did you sleep with him?"

"No," I whisper.

"YOU…FUCKING…LIAR!" he roars, turning around in his seat to glare at me.

I don't even have time to flinch before his fist connects with my face. Bright stars swirl in my vision as I slump against the backseat. The world is spinning on its axis as I fumble for the lock and then the door handle. I manage to open the door and fall out. Gravel digs into my knees as I crawl away from the car as fast I can.

A piercing scream emits from my mouth as I call out for help. I know there are no houses within miles, but maybe somebody is boating on the lake or taking a late night stroll. That is the only shred of hope that I have, and I cling to it with every ounce of strength I have left.

I try to stand, but my legs suddenly forget how to work. I have no doubt in my mind that he's hell-bent on hurting me to the fullest extent right now. I think about what happened after the pool man flirted with me. He broke my arm, and I hadn't even done anything then. This time he thinks that I cheated on him. The punishment will be worse than anything I have ever been through before, and mentally I don't think I can handle that.

I can hear his footsteps behind me. Tears stream down my face as I continue to scream. "Somebody please help me!"

"No one is going to help you, Avery. No one is going to save you. And no one can fucking hear you." He plants his shoe on my back, pushing and holding me to the ground. The gravel digs into my skin, and I struggle to catch my breath. "Do you really think I would let you scream if I thought someone could hear you? How stupid do you think I am?" He scoffs and shakes his head. "Well, you must think I'm pretty stupid actually, because you've been sneaking around and fucking someone else behind my back."

"It was just a guy at the bar who bought me a drink!" I say again, continuing to lie.

His hand fists into my hair as he hauls me up to face him. "You will tell me the truth even if I have to beat it out of you," he says through clenched teeth. Pain tears through my scalp as he drags me towards the cabin. I can feel chunks of hair being ripped out by the roots, but I continue to struggle against him. "No!" I scream. If we go inside the cabin, he'll be able to do whatever he wants for as long as he wants. I can't let that happen. Reaching up, my fingernails dig into his wrist, drawing blood.

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