Saving Grace (15 page)

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Authors: Kimberly McKay

BOOK: Saving Grace
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Earlier in the morning, he received a phone call from his boss and friend, Chet.  Chet and his wife were set to return home tomorrow, and wanted to go sailing as soon as they returned.  It was his job to make this happen, and he happily did so as Chet saved him after his sudden split from his ex-wife.

As he pulled up to the Kaneohe Yacht Club, his mind flew back to his ex-wife and her betrayal.  It didn’t take him very long to find out how far his wife had gone emotionally and mentally, once he left his sister in law’s house in Minnesota. 


After the ten-minute drive to Jake Saunder’s home, he sat across the street trying to get the guts to storm inside.  He saw his wife’s car sitting in the drive, and wondered how long she’d been living there.

Though the front blinds were drawn, due to the cold weather, he could see shadows moving inside.  They were definitely home.

Burke killed his engine, slipped on his gloves, and jogged across the street.  The walkway was covered in ice. 

What kind of person doesn’t shovel his own house out from the ice and snow? 
He condemned his so-called friend.

He stomped through snow-laced yard, to make better time and pounded on the door, hoping his sister-in-law hadn’t called them in advance.

“Open up, Jake!”  He screamed, as his lungs burned from the cold air.  He hated this place because of the cold winters, but always stayed because Melanie thought it home.

When no one came to the door, he pounded once more.

“Jake, open it up or I swear I’ll knock it down!  And you know I will!”  He yelled once more.  Next to him, he saw the blinds open slightly, and stared down whoever was hiding behind them.

Melanie sucked in a deep breath. Even though she’d made her choice to leave him, her heart burned at the sight of him.  And although, she wasn’t sure she’d ever get over him, she knew she needed something more than a part time husband.

“Let him in, Jake.”  She whispered a little too softly. 

Jake nodded, sadly unbolting the lock.  Once he

opened the door, he knew it would be the start of his own

demise.  And, as much as he deserved this, getting a beat down from Nathan Burkette was going to hurt.

Melanie quickly rushed upstairs, not wanting Burke to see her in her condition.  It would just add more salt to his wounds.

He saw the knob turning and pushed his way in, almost knocking Jake to the ground.  He reached in, and grabbed his thick sweater drawing him within an inch.

“Come on, Burke.  At least close the door.  The neighbors don’t have to see this.”  Jake winced, preparing himself.

He narrowed his eyes and shoved his foot backwards to shut the door behind him, all the while never letting go of Jake. 

“How could you?”  He shoved Jake, sending him flying against the stairwell, where Melanie was perched atop, out of sight. 

Melanie covered her mouth to muffle a tiny yelp, and started praying that Burke and Jake could peacefully resolve this.

“I’m s-sorry man.” Jake stammered, regaining his footing.  He held his hands up, and took a few steps away.  “It wasn’t planned.  I’m a horrible friend, but I can’t help that we fell in love.  You were gone…” Jake’s voice trailed. 

He saw Burke’s hands ball up in tight fists.  His excuses weren’t doing anything but stirring his friend up.

“I was away serving my country.  I didn’t leave my wife!”  He yelled and then hollered out for anyone else to hear, “Melanie, come out.  We need to talk.  We can fix this!”

“You didn’t leave her?” Jake half-laughed.  “What a joke.  You may have been off serving your country, but you definitely left your wife.” 

That was the last straw.  He lunged across the entryway at Jake, tackling him to the floor with such power that the air was knocked from his lungs.

As Jake tried to catch his breath, he lifted his arms in defense, unable to fight off his friend’s pummeling fists.  Each punch seemed to land with more force than the first, and as they knocked him from side to side, he knew he didn’t have a right to defend himself.  This was why Jake provoked him with such a cheap shot.  He had this coming.

Melanie stood, listening to the noises coming from below.  The only sounds were from Jake as he grunted after every blow.  It didn’t sound like a fair fight, and as much as she loved both men – she couldn’t let either fight over her.  She wasn’t worth it.

She grabbed the wooden banister and ran downstairs as quickly as her body would let her.  What she saw was more horrific than she’d imagined.  Burke was hunched over Jake, like a madman-throwing blow after blow.

Desperate, she screamed to snap Burke out of his frenzy before he beat her boyfriend to death. 

“Burke!  Stop!”

After the first punch, Burke’s instincts kicked in.  This wasn’t a fight – it was a war and Jake was the enemy.  He was a trained killer, and his anger bubbled over taking control.  But, when Melanie’s screams pierced his conscience he quickly realized he’d gone too far.

He looked down to Jake; whose face was now beaten so badly his eye was swollen shut.  Then he slowly released him and turned to face his wife.

Jake whimpered and quickly scooted away from Burke’s grasp.  He knew once Burke saw Melanie; he’d be in for round two.  Jake was beaten up pretty badly, but would mend.  However, another round of Burke’s anger would put him in the hospital.

Melanie held her breath as she stood to face her husband, from behind the banister.  She stood above him by three steps, which almost gave her a height advantage … almost.  However, she’d take any advantage she could today.

Burke never thought he’d have to face his wife under these circumstances, let alone turn to see her expectant with child, especially knowing it wasn’t his.

“Burke.”  She whispered, as a tear ran down her cheek.  Her eyes glanced to Jake, who gave her a short nod.  Once she knew Jake was okay, she brought her attention back to her husband.

Burke didn’t move a muscle.  His brain was in overdrive trying to do the math, but Melanie did it for him.

“I’m seven months along.”  She bit her lip and continued to cry.  “I didn’t mean for this to happen.  You were gone.”

Burke felt tears escaping down his face.  He reached up to wipe one side away and heard his voice croak, “I was away … I didn’t leave you.  I love you.”

“I love you too.”  She cried.

“We can still make this work.  We’ve always wanted kids, but…”

“But with you gone all the time – we decided to wait.”  She closed her eyes in agony, and whispered, “I hope you can forgive me someday.”

“It’s okay.  We can still do this, Mel.”  His jaw twitched.  He didn’t like the idea of raising another man’s child, but he would.  He loved his wife.

“No, we can’t … I can’t.”  She laid a hand on her round belly, and said, “This is Jake’s and I owe it to him to raise our child with him.  He’s been there for me.  And you … well, you deserve better.”

Melanie’s face was wet with tears, but she didn’t bother wiping any away.  She dropped her eyes, and took the last three steps down to meet him head on.

He looked down to her, still thinking she was the prettiest girl he knew.  His heart ached for the kids they’d never have.  This was supposed to be their plan.  He was supposed to come home to his wife and start a family.  But it was easy to see that his plan was now too far out of his reach - never to be recovered.

“Go home, Burke.  I’m staying here.” Melanie knew she had been weak, but had to be strong for him now.  “I don’t deserve you.”

“And he does?  This will make you happy, Melanie?  Will this finally make you happy?” 

Burke had spent his entire youth and married life, striving to please her, who undoubtedly always found a melancholy path.  He always felt like a failure as he never truly felt she was happy.  It hit hard in that moment, that maybe she never really loved him.

Melanie looked to Jake in the corner, who had finally drawn up on his own strength to land in a chair.  He looked pitiful, but he needed her.  Burke never needed her. 

It dawned on her that Jake, although without fireworks and grandeur, made her happy because he relied on her.

“Yes.”  She smiled sadly up into Burke’s eyes.  “He does.”

“Okay, Mel.”  His heart was breaking in two.  “Have a nice life.”  He grabbed her and pulled her in for a gentle hug. 

As her belly pushed into his frame, he almost came undone.  He didn’t know how he was going to move on without her, while she’d already started a life with someone else.  He quickly let go, not being able to bear the thought of the child inside her, which wasn’t his

Burke spun around, glaring at Jake.  “You take care of her, or next time I’ll kill you.  You hear me?”  He growled, quickly getting the answer he needed …

It was easy to see the fear in Jake’s eyes as he nodded in return.

Burke walked out the door, and left to do the only thing he knew how to – pack.  Within a week, his house was on the market, he’d stored or sold off his belongings and reached out to anyone he knew to see what kind of work he could find.

That’s when Chet gave him a job opportunity he couldn’t turn down.  So in seven short days, he found himself on a beach on Oahu, licking his wounds and working as essentially a property manager.  It was a no-brainer.

So now here he was only a few of years later and finally feeling free of his past.  He realized that living on the island gave him a fresh start, but Grace was the one that showed him how far he’d come.  When he looked into his heart, he didn’t feel the pain he once had from Melanie’s betrayal.  He felt hope.  Grace had given him that gift.

Burke smiled at the thought, as he left the galley of Chet’s boat.  After stocking the small refrigerator in the sailboat’s kitchen, he sent a quick text to his friend, letting him know it was complete.

Chet and Burke served together early in their careers.  After Chet got out, he started a surfboard company on Oahu, and married his wife, who was a local.  Their business took them all over the world, which is why he needed someone like Burke to keep an eye on his property.

Earlier today, Chet left him a message with a detailed list of errands he needed him to perform. Before leaving the house, he gave Grace the option to come along for the ride or to stay and enjoy the beach. 

Although he would have loved to have her by his side today, he wasn’t surprised when she chose to stay behind.  If it were up to him, he’d rather be on the beach with her rather than running errands too.

The thought of Grace lying under the sun, in her new bikini, had his mind going places it shouldn’t.  As he slung himself inside his tiny car, he smiled at the thought of going home.


With the entire day to herself, Grace donned her new suit and was tempted to text a picture of herself to Burke - but held back.  They weren’t there yet, and she didn’t need to be that overt.

Before lying down, she evened out the sand, so that she could lay her towel out flat.  One of her biggest pet peeves was finding the perfect spot on the beach, only to lean back against hard clumps of sand, however, this shoreline was smooth. 

              Once down, Grace pulled her floppy hat over her face, and clutched her cell phone.  After what happened last time on this beach, it was the only thing she brought with her.

This is nice,
she thought, breathing in the salty air.

Although Grace had an olive complexion, she needed to get that warm glow back from basking under the Hawaiian sun.  And while this solitude should have brought her peace, within seconds her mind wandered to her sister. 

In a simple moment like this, she would have given anything to simply lie next to her Anne, creating a special moment with her.  A moment of remembering the times they’d shared as a family on the beach … enjoying the sounds of the ocean.

She’d missed out on so many of the simple things in life without her sister. In her mind, she could picture turning her head and smiling to Anne, who would know how she felt in this moment. 

Or would she?  Had it been so long that they’d no longer be on the same wavelength? 

              Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the buzz from her phone.  She didn’t have to lift her phone to know who it was.  Only two people had her number … Burke Mercy.  And Burke was running errands.

              Grace quickly wiped her hands free of sand and answered.

              “Hey.”  Grace waited, but couldn’t hear Mercy through the high winds that were rolling off the ocean.  “Hold on.  I can’t hear you out here … give me a minute.”  

Grace grabbed her towel, and ran up the winding path to the lanai.  Winded, she plopped down in the overstuffed patio chair and propped up her feet. 

“There.” She paused.  “Can you hear me?”
              “Yes.”  Mercy laughed.

“Sorry, I’ve been meaning to call you.” 

              “Liar.  You’ve been enjoying your time on a romantic island with a sexy man.”

              “I never said he was sexy.”  Grace smiled.

“You didn’t have to.  You’re still staying there aren’t you?”

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