Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude) (13 page)

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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“True.” Plopping down in his chair, he shook the mouse, and a few moments later pulled up a local airline site. “But tell me, wouldn’t you rather get paid for helping out a friend than getting your pound of revenge from me?”


She studied him until he wouldn’t be surprised if she could recite exactly what he was wearing. “What are you talking about?”


“I have a job in Alabama, I’d like to send you on as a favor to Jude. It seems the trail leads to a woman in Birmingham who arranged the party where Micah’s attacker got her pass to
Bête à Bon Dieu.
I need a person to liaison with a freelancer down there. Can I count on you?”


“Time and half and all expenses paid?” Her request wasn’t unexpected. Knowing she was helping support a younger sister who was on bed rest with a difficult pregnancy, he had no problem with paying her overtime to go out of town – especially if it kept her bed empty.


“Of course. I’ll schedule you on the next flight.” When she opened her mouth to protest, he interrupted her. “Look, I know you were on a date, but this is of the utmost importance. Jude, Olivia and Micah are holed up in a safe house outside of New Orleans to avoid this crazy ass Domme who’s on an insane power trip. We need to resolve this fast, before she finds them.”


“Of course.” She gritted her teeth. “Will there be anything else?”


Jackson made sure every inch of the need this woman inspired was on his face when he replied. “We’ll be talking when you return, Rena. This hot and cold act of yours is going to come to an end.”


She licked her lips as her eyes glazed over. She shook her head as if trying to break free from the spell his words had caused. “Whatever, white boy. Text me the info about my flight. I’ve got to go pack.” Without another word, she whirled around and left the office.


Satisfaction filled him as he leaned back to complete her flight reservations and send an email to Ike with the details about the whole mess.


“Do you realize what you just did?” Caelan asked as he dropped back into his chair.


“Yeah, I just sent Rena to be Ike’s liaison. It’ll work out great this way. Neither you nor I will have to deal with Ike personally now. Plus it keeps whatever Romeo who was trying to worm his way into my Rena’s bed out of it.”


Caelan groaned. “Not that, you fool. You just sent a pissed-off sub to a woman who knows not only some of your darkest secrets, but who also has a bone to pick with you about what happened during our demonstration with her little Hannah. What do you think is gonna happen when they get together?”


Jackson groaned as he thought about the possible trouble Rena and Ike could cause. He was so fucked.




Chapter Eleven


Oh, fuck. She’s getting tighter, Jude!” Micah croaked. He could feel every inch of Jude’s cock through the thin wall separating their Mistress’s pussy and ass. Clenching his fingers around her hips, he couldn’t help the involuntary lift of his hips to follow her tight pussy when his friend separated Olivia’s and Micah’s chest in one smooth move. Jude groaned and held her upright despite her bucking. Olivia screamed, her eyes rounding. He could see the raw sexual pleasure in their depths.


Oh, my fucking god…fuck me!” She jerked as both of the men obeyed without thought. The command in her voice immediately threw Micah back into the submissive role he’d been born for, instead of the dominating role both he and Jude had assumed to give their mistress the night off. The overwhelming need to fuck and please his mistress had him by the balls. The sound of flesh smacking flesh as the three moved against each other grew louder. As if tired of waiting for their mistress to climax, Jude forced the issue by reaching between Micah’s and her body to rub at her clit. The consequences of his action were devastating. Olivia threw her head back as her body arched with pleasure. Micah hissed and reached up to squeeze Olivia’s breasts and Jude grunted in effort to keep his cock buried inside of his Mistress.


Feeling the tingling in his balls, knowing he would spill deep inside his Mistress at the same time as both of his lovers, he fought to hang on…then the scene suddenly shifted. Both Olivia and Jude were gone. A taller version of Olivia replaced his Mistress. Instead of the grey eyes filled with caring dominance, he found cold black eyes full of malice staring down at him.


What…no…I don’t want…this…” As if it had happened a million times instead of just once, he knew what was going to happen next. He sickened with dread as she slowly lifted her pussy from his semi-erect cock, before rolling off the bed.


That was good, boy. You’ve pleased me well.” Instead of filling him with genuine contentment for a job well done, he felt like he was going to throw up. Now that she’d gotten what she wanted, he knew she was going to give him to Leland to pleasure. Even though he hadn’t minded pleasuring Jude in the past, there was a difference between giving his friend a hand job or even using an anal plug on him than what the hulking idiot smiling at the foot of the bed wanted. He wanted to brutalize Micah’s ass and Micah knew it.


If I pleased you, Mistress….then why are you doing this?”


Doing this?” She stood next to the bed naked, her slim body so similar to Olivia’s he ached. It’d been the one reason he’d gone home with her and her sub. Despite everything, he’d wanted to recapture just a bit of the connection he’d felt with Olivia and Jude.


Because, silly boy, I can.” She took the robe from Leland’s hands.


Please let me go…don’t do this…” he begged, already fighting the restraints she’d used to tie him to the bed as she slipped the robe on. She gave her sub a soft smile. “Leland, he’s yours now. Have fun.” She lifted her dark hair out from under the fabric.


Thank you, Mistress.” The sub licked his thick lips as he stared down at Micah’s bare body.


You’re quite welcome and I have surprise for you…” She lifted a crop from the bedside table. “You may use this – but on his back only, Leland.” The man reached for it and Micah struggled harder. The woman held it out off his reach. “Do more than that and you’ll be punished. There’ll be no repeat of last time.”


Leland nodded frantically. “Yes, Mistress - I understand.”


She gave the man a smile, patting his cheek after giving him the crop. “That’s my boy. I’m going to go take a shower. Have fun with him – but don’t break him.” She moved towards the door. “I’ll check back on you later.” The door shut with a click and Micah nearly pissed himself.


You and I are gonna have some fun, little boy.” His hand moved down to his crotch and gave it a grotesque squeeze. “And I’ve got just the stick here to make you scream like a bitch in heat.”


Crimson!” He screamed, tears running down his face as Leland just laughed.


She can’t hear you boy…” Leland gloated. “…and you’re all mine…”


* * * *


Olivia sat up with a jerk. She’d been curled up on the bed with a dozing Jude, reading a book on her e-reader when an agonizing scream shattered the quiet. Beside her, Jude jerked awake his eyes groggy from the drug he’d taken earlier.


“Micah!” Scrambling off the bed, she headed in the direction of the screams. She cussed a blue streak when she jerked the door open, unable to believe her own stupidity at letting Micah sleep in his own room.
Dammit, I should have insisted he take a nap with Jude and me
. Behind her, she could hear the grunts and hisses of pain as Jude tried to leave the bed.


“For the love of God, pet, get your ass back in bed before you hurt yourself. I’ll find out…”


“Get back in your room, woman!” Ethan ordered before slamming the door shut. She could hear him running down the short hall to Micah’s room. She went to follow him


“I’m going with you!” she yelled after him through the door.


“Like hell you are! You’re keeping your butt in here with me or I’m going to paddle your ass, Mistress or not. Let Ethan take care of it - I trust him with my life,” Jude told her. Glancing over her shoulder, she swore when she saw him limping towards her. She heard the thump of a door opening down the hall.


“Like fuck I am!” She grabbed the knob but before she could twist it open, Jude’s arms wrapped around her from behind. Just like the other men in this house, he hadn’t listened to a word she’d said.


“I said no.” He backed away from the door – half carrying, half dragging her towards the bed. “Let him do his job…he’s good at it.” Jude slurred in her ear, tugging her back against his chest.


“But…” She protested, pulling at the arms holding her more tightly than she thought a drugged man capable of. Even under the influence of diazepam and hurting, her lover was strong enough to keep her from hurting herself.


“No…buts…” He turned her in his arms, one arm holding her tightly while the other found the cheek of her ass. “Unless, we’re talking about this one, Mistress?” He squeezed it with one palm. “I know I’d love to explore it…”


A knock on the door had her flushing. “Olivia, I need you to come with me. You too Jude, if you’re up to it.” Ethan’s voice was worried. “He had a bad dream…and it’s not pretty, he managed to pull some stitches free. I’m probably going to need you both to doctor him back up.”


Pulling free easily now that Jude had loosened his hold, she agreed. “Of course. Let me get the medical supplies.” She was glad Jude had insisted on picking up extra when they’d stopped for groceries. Evidently being prepared wasn’t just a Boy Scout motto when it came to Jude Larson. It was a way of life for him. Finding the bag next to the dresser, she grabbed it, sack and all. She followed Ethan down the hall.


Stepping into Micah’s room, she wasn’t surprised when Jude entered first. Favoring his bad leg, he shuffled over to the bed where Micah was sitting with his legs dangling over the side. The defeated slump of his now bleeding back had her heart crying out for her sub. He looked so forlorn.


“Micah?” She moved closer to the bed, setting the sack down next to him while she saw Jude ease his body down on the other side. Micah flinched. She didn’t have to look at Jude to know he’d be frowning at the reaction.


what have you done?” Sorrow shadowed her tone, but she couldn’t help the raw melancholy filling her at the sight of his reopened wounds.

“It’s nothing.” Micah didn’t even bother to look up at her. “I’ll be fine.”
“I have to clean these up or they’ll get infected.” She reached for the sack but he knocked it off the bed.
His head flew up. “I said, leave it alone!”

She gasped when she saw the fury in his eyes. Even at the height of his brattiness, Micah hadn’t looked like this. She dropped to her knees between his splayed legs, touching the darker skin of his inner thighs. “I can’t leave it alone, Micah. Your back needs medical attention.”


His hands clenched into fists on top of his thighs mere inches from her fingers.


“I…it’s…fuck.” Frustration laced his tone, before he uncurled one hand to lightly touch her cheek. “I can’t let you touch me, Olivia.” He swallowed roughly. “I’m afraid of what I’ll do.”


She arched an eyebrow at him. “And what do you think you’re going to do to me,
Hurt me?” Shaking her head, she nodded towards Jude to draw Micah’s attention to the man sitting next to him. “He won’t let you hurt me, but I don’t think you will. I’m not the woman who hurt you.”


“She didn’t hurt me…she let him do it.” A shudder racked his dark frame, sweat beading on his torso.


Olivia’s breath caught in her throat as hope soared. It was the first time he’d actually spoken about what happened the night he’d been attacked. “Explain it to me. Tell me why you think the gentle man I know would even think about raising his hand against me.” She gave his legs a reassuring squeeze.


“I…I shouldn’t have gone home with them. I was so…” He struggled with the words. “I was soooo angry. Sampson, Mistress B.B, you and Jude. It all built up and…” He growled. “It seems everyone knew what was best for me, but no one bothered to ask me what I wanted. Sampson found me at the Bombay Club again because his Mistress was fed up with my refusal to go to the club.” A bitter laugh spilled out of him. “Said I was refusing to see to my
needs – like I don’t know exactly what I need? I tried. I honestly did. I went to the club but it wasn’t the same. It felt wrong to let another Mistress touch me – so I quit going. But did they understand it?” He shook his head. “Nope, they kept pressing, telling me how I needed to find someone to take care of my submissive needs, and you know what – I let them. I went into
Bête à Bon Dieu
and found a Mistress who reminded me enough of you. I went home with her and her sub – hoping she’d be able to give me the same thing you had.”


A lone tear tracked down his cheek.


“Did she?” She didn’t know why she was torturing herself this way.

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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