Saving Us (16 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

BOOK: Saving Us
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I shook my head. There was no stopping this woman. She was going to pursue this with or without me.

“There ain’t no way I am drivin’ a van with flowers and wearing a ascot. I’m just tellin’ you that right now.”
Sure, it was meant to lighten the ill feeling I was having, but at least I got Amy to smile. We were in over our heads and I feared that the worst was yet to come.

“I guess that makes me the red head you have the hots for?” She finally giggled.

“Pretty much.”



Chapter 19



Conner and I loaded our bags into the truck and checked out of our room.  He wanted to get on the road and be close for when Heather called us back. We pulled into a parking lot near the diner. It had a couple of tractor trailers parked where I assumed the drivers were resting.

“I really hate that we are meeting that bitch.”

“I do too, but none of this would be happening if it wasn’t for my being married to Rick.”

“I’m goin’ to give her the number to a friend of mine. After that, we don’t have to deal with her anymore.
Why don’t you lay down in the backseat and try to get some sleep? I’m going to call my farmin’ buddy and let him know that he’s goin’ to have a guest. That bitch better be grateful for this. It’s the last favor she will ever get from my family.”

I watched Conner climb out of the truck and get on his phone. I could hear him talking to someone. He didn’t give the guy any real details involving us, just basically that he had a friend in trouble that needed a place to crash. I climbed over the front seat and into the back. Conner’s bag served as a good enough pillow and I used his
coat to cover myself up. I was over exhausted from everything that was happening and knew the baby needed me to take better care of myself. Maybe Conner had been right about things.

I didn’t fall asleep until after he had climbed back into the truck. He leaned against his window and put his hat over his face. Once I heard him snoring, it was easier for me to fall asleep. Somehow, the reminder of him being so close gave me the security to know it was okay to rest.

I wasn’t sure how long I had been asleep, but I woke up to Conner saying my name.

“Amy, wake up, darlin’.”

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “What time is it?”

Two in the morning.”

I looked around the parking lot. A few more trucks were parked. “She should have called us by now. What if something happened to her?”

“Maybe she realized that askin’ us for help was the wrong thing to do.”

I raised my eyebrow. “
We aren’t turning our backs on her. This isn’t about what she’s done to all of us. We are good people and we are going to do the right thing.”

He put his head on the steering wheel. “Damn, woman, did you have to play that card?”

“Obviously, I did.”

He looked around the parking lot. “Well, I ain’t waitin’ here any longer. If she calls, you can just give her my friend’s address. We need to get on the road and
get you a nice bed to sleep in.” I didn’t argue with him when he started his truck and pulled out of the parking lot.  I looked out the window, feeling guilty about leaving even Heather without helping her.

A couple hours later we were pulling up at the magnificent ranch. Conner drove us straight to his mother’s house and much to our surprise she wasn’t home. We went right in and got comfortable in his room.

“Are you worried about your mother?”

He climbed into bed next to me. “Nah, she spends the night at John’s sometimes. It’s probably better that she wasn’t home. She may have thought we were an intruder and tried to shoot our asses.”

I was sure the look on my face was priceless. “That would have just been an unbelievable story. Guy brings his pregnant girlfriend home and the mother shoots them.”

He put his arms behind his head and started laughing. “She’s a shitty shot. I’m sure it would only be flesh wounds.”

I rolled over and tried to ignore his crappy joke. There were some things that weren’t that funny. Being mistaken for breaking and entering wasn’t exactly something I made a habit of doing.

The next morning we were awaken
ed by Conner’s mother knocking on his bedroom door. I think she thought that we’d been fighting and he came home to get away from me. “Conner, what’s going on? What happened with Amy… you’re here…together?”

We both sat up and looked at each other and then back to his mother. “Of course she’s here with me. I wouldn’t come without her.”

She shook her head. “I didn’t mean to imply…I just assumed that since you must have come in the middle of the night, something had to be wrong.”
I wanted to explain myself, but Conner didn’t give me a chance to start. He stood up from the bed and grabbed his jeans. Apparently, he wasn’t bothered by his mother seeing him in his underwear. “Let’s go in the other room and let Amy sleep. I can explain everything in there.”

Conner leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “Go back to sleep, darlin’. You’re safe now.”

It was easy falling asleep and by the time that I woke up, I found Conner and his mother in the kitchen. They were sitting at the table with coffee cups and what was left of their breakfast in front of them. I could immediately smell the syrup, even before I saw the remnants on the plates. “Good morning. Would you like some pancakes, sweetheart?”

Conner’s mother was so sweet. Her voice was always so gentle. From the first time I met her, I knew why Conner and Miranda loved her so much. She was the kind of mother that anyone would want. The kind of mother that would never abandon her children.

I sat down at the table. “Yes, that would be perfect.”

Miss Karen got up and opened the microwave to reveal a large stack of pancakes. I could feel my mouth watering when I thought about just how good they were going to taste.
He handed me a plate with a fork and a knife. “I added bananas and nuts. Conner said you would like them.”

I smiled and started spreading the butter and syrup on them. “Oh, I will. Who doesn’t love pancakes?”

They let me take a couple bites of heaven before they started talking about our problems.

“So, Conner told me all about what was going on. How are you dealing with things?”

I shrugged and swallowed my food before answering. “I don’t even know. Conner’s being great.” I looked over at him and smiled. “It’s just that I hate how I’ve dragged him into this mess. All I wanted to do was get out of my marriage and now I am being hunted down by some crazy person that I lived with for years. How could I have not known that he was like that?”

She reached her hand
across the table and grabbed mine. “Here’s the thing. We never know when someone is going to lose their mind. After what Conner told me, that man has had a screw loose for a long time. No one blames you for wanting to leave a man that enjoys hurting women. I can’t imagine how petrified you were, Amy.”

I hated thinking about it anymore
. The details were still so familiar. I remember the way he smelled, the way his hands felt when they touched me and the way he looked at me like I was a piece of property. “If he wasn’t in control, he wasn’t happy. There were times when I feared for my life, but I never thought that he would ever try to hunt me down and intentionally commit murder. I think he’s capable of it. I know it sounds horrible, but I really do.”

She squeezed my hand again. “Conner did the right thing bringing you here. Not only does the main house have an excellent security system, but this house is tucked back behind everything else. A stranger would never be able to find this place. Even Conner’s friends could never find it on their own. That man won’t find you here.”

I smiled, but felt horrible. What kind of parent wants their only son hooked up with someone with this much baggage? “I’m so sorry about all of this.”

“Amy, I don’t blame you one bit. Listen, if it makes you feel any better, John and I are spending more time at his house. He keeps begging me to move in with him anyway. If I did that, then you
two could stay here and have the house all to yourselves. I don’t know how long you are planning on staying, but feel free to make Miranda’s old room a nursery for the baby. I’d love to help you do it.”

Conner had a big smile on face when I looked over at him. “Is this what you talked about while I was asleep?”


I looked back at his mother. “I would never want you to leave your home for us.”

“Are you kidding. John is going to be so happy. Hell, he will probably do anything that you ask him. That man has been begging me for this for too long.”

Conner stood up from the table and cleared their two plates. He knew not to touch mine
since I was devouring the pancakes. “I was thinkin’ that when you were done eatin’ we could take the golf cart over to Colt’s and let him know we’re back. He’s goin’ to have to rearrange some duties for me to be able to work full time here again. Van would probably enjoy seein’ you.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’m just warning you, I maybe a while. I’m thinking of getting seconds.”

He leaned over and kissed the side of my head. “You go on with your bad yourself. My boy needs to eat. I want his Momma to be fat and happy.”

I ended up eating five pancakes with extra butter and syrup. They tasted so delicious. Conner’s mother left shortly after breakfast, but not before hugging me and letting me know that she was glad Conner and I were there.

After getting cleaned up, we hopped on the golf cart and made our ways to Colt and Van’s place. Noah was outside playing with the dog. He ran toward us as we approached. “Hey. What are you guys doin’ here?”

I climbed off and gave him a hug. “Didn’t you miss us?”

He shrugged. “Is Bella here, too?”

Conner leaned down and slapped the little guy five. “
Not this time. Where’s your parents, bud? I need to talk to your dad.”

“They are in the

After having to explain the whole situation again to Colt, we sat there waiting for his response. “So you think this guy is goin’ to come here?”

“No. Even if he does come looking, he won’t find this place. He would search for Conner’s last name, not yours. Besides, he is in a lot of trouble. Rick isn’t an idiot. He will lay low for a while. The last thing he wants is to get caught.”

Colt looked over to Van. I could tell he wasn’t happy. “Here is the thing. A couple years back we doubted what someone was capable of. Savanna and I lost a child because of it. Now I know you’re pregnant and that you need to be safe. I’d never turn my back on my family, but I can’t have my wife and kids in any kind of danger.”

“I would never want that either. Would you rather us go somewhere else?” Conner gave me a dirty look. He wasn’t going to be happy if Colt said yes.

No, I don’t want you to leave. You and that baby are family now. Get yourselves settled. We can talk more about things later.”

Conner and Colt went outside to talk about work, while I stayed behind with Van. “I’m so sorry we had to come here. I feel like Colt hates me.”

Van picked up Christian and carried her away from the front door. She had followed the guys to the door when they walked outside. “He doesn’t hate you. This all just reminds us of a time that we don’t like to think about. I’m sure you know the story about Bella’s birth father.”

“My God, Van, I am so sorry. I didn’t even think about that.” I felt like such a piece of shit.

“Amy, it’s fine. This isn’t your fault. You and Conner have a baby on the way. You need to be safe and happy. It will be good that you’re here. I get lonely sometimes.”

Her words made me feel better. “Really? You are okay with it? Because, I really like it here. It’
s so beautiful and quiet.”

She pulled me in for a hug. “Everything is going to be fine. Worrying is bad for the baby. I guess I have a lot to teach you,” she teased.

I had been planning on getting all of my advice from Miranda. As much as I was happy to have a friend here, it made me miss my best friend. “That would be nice. I better go back to Conner’s to call Miranda and let her know we’re alright. I left my cell phone there.”

Van started chasing after Christian again. She was funny when she tried to move fast with her big belly. “I’ll just see you later then.”

“Yeah, I’ll stop by later.”

Maybe everything was going to be alright after all.


Chapter 20



There was something about being back home that made things easier. After talking to Colt, it was clear that he was a little leery about Amy and I bringing our problems to Kentucky. He didn’t tell us we had to leave, not that I was going to take no for an answer. My mother would have gone to his mother and they would have sided with me and Amy.

After a few days things started to go smoother. Amy kept in touch with Miranda every day. She spent her afternoons with Van, looking for ideas for the nursery. My mother pretty much moved in with John immediately. I think she just needed that push to make her finally do it.

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