SAW 1: Stars at War (24 page)

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Lee Guo


About Lee Guo

Lee Guo writes sci fi space battles with a lot of
characterization. As long as he writes, he will always put a ton of action in
his stories, whether it's through space battles or marine combat. Where did
this gung-ho adrenaline pumped desire come from?

Well, it can be traced back to the first stories he read
about alien invasions. Lee will always remember John Dalmas's
and David Weber's
Armageddon Troll
, and, of course, the Hudathans from
William C Dietz's
Legion of the Damned

Besides that, he loves the experience of fighting in a
battle, whether it's taking on the role of a fleet admiral, or a soldier on the
ground… he's attached to the experience, to being there, in the shoes of a
battlefield thrill.

Be sure to stay alert as he pumps out future stories full of
sci fi action!

Future Books (In Progress as of 5-15-2014)

Superdreadnaught's Fury

What if Terminator
had been set in space?

The year is 2200.

Humanity has settled
the stars.

A time portal opens
up. Out comes an alien battleship from the future comes with one single
mission: to wipe out humanity before it becomes a dominant galactic empire.

A novel about an
empire's survival.

A story about
technological change and war time strategy against a small but vastly
technologically superior force.

It's Terminator in


The Last Doomstar

Set in the far
future, humans no longer lives on the surface of planets, but on vast mobile
cities called world ships.

There are eight world
ships in existence, each containing seven million civilians. Each world ship --
comprising humanity's remaining fleet -- is hunted by aliens for their raw

Humanity must survive
in a hostile galaxy against alien marauders, vast alien empires, and even
conflicted humans whose interests are against society.

With protagonists
ranging from the leader of the human race down to the lowly grub in the slums
of a worldship, The Last Doomstar portrays a truly unique and terrifying
futuristic reality of human attempts at survival.


Connect with Lee Guo

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with Lee Guo! Writing is lonely and you will discover he's the nicest guy
around! Who knows, maybe you can learn something about the art of writing (or
you can teach him something)


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