Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2) (31 page)

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Authors: T.A. Roth

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BOOK: Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2)
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With nothing to get back to but an empty loft, I stop at a pub I passed on my way out.

"What can I get you, luv?"

A tall redhead is manning the bar top, and I look around for a menu or something to help me out.

"Do you serve food?"

"First time in a pub?" she asks.

"Is it that obvious?"

"The accent gives you away," she says with a laugh. "We serve fish and chips, bangers and mash, and shepherd's pie."

"I'll take the fish and chips."

I vaguely remember what's in shepherd’s pie, but I'm too hungry to try something new.

"What will you have to drink?"

"Surprise me." She smiles as she walks away to fill my order.

I've just taken a seat on the barstool when she places a large glass in front of me.

"This is a pint of pale ale. Your fish and chips will be up in just a few minutes."

"Thank you."

Taking a sip of my beer, I turn my attention to one of the two flat-screen televisions playing soccer. The place is an English version of a sports bar. Large banners representing most of England's sports teams line the walls.

"Here you go." My eyes widen. "I assume you've never had fish and chips either." She chuckles.


Other than the fish sticks Nana use to serve me on Fridays during Lent, I've never had anything like this. Three large pieces of breaded fish the size of my palm sit on a pile of fries. My stomach rumbles and my mouth waters at the sight.

"Enjoy. I'm Olivia if you need anything else." She places a cup of vinegar for dipping and a stack of napkins leaving me to it.

Another glass of lager and an empty plate of food later, and I'm ready to go. Olivia gave me some insight on the neighborhood. She and her husband, Henry, grew up locally and have owned the small pub for ten years. They mentioned Friday nights being popular and invited me back.

I’m making my way into the loft when my phone rings with a call from Larry.

"Hey, kid, how was your flight?"

You mean besides wanting to eject myself out of my seat.


"Glad to hear it. So everything with the loft okay? Do you need anything?"

"Are you kidding? This place has everything and it's huge. It sure beats having to be stuck in a hotel room for a month. Thanks again."

"No problem. I'm glad you're getting settled. I know Taylor plans to keep you busy. Did you get a chance to sightsee today?"

"Yes, actually, I took one of those guided bus tours around the city. Didn't get off to do much walking but I got some sightseeing in."

"Okay, I'll let you get back to it. I just wanted to check in and make sure you got there okay. They're expecting you at the office tomorrow morning at eight. Have a good night."

"Thanks. You too."

It's still early evening and I realize I haven’t unpacked. Having more energy than I did this morning, I get to it. The closet can easily act as an extra bedroom because it’s that huge. It makes my small collection of suits look pathetic. I’m done a lot quicker than I expected and head back to the living room, parking myself in front of the TV.

I wake to the sound of my cell vibrating on the end table, my neck stiff from sleeping on the couch.


"Did I wake you up?" Ari's sweet voice comes through the line, and it takes a minute to realize it’s morning.
Shit. What time is it?

I look at the flat screen and a spunky blonde is giving me the weather. The time in the corner of the screen says 6:45

"Yeah, I fell asleep on the couch. Thank God you called me because I'm going to be late."

"Okay. I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier. I left my parents later than I expected and forgot about the time change."

"Don't worry about it, babe. I figured you were catching up with your cousin, and I didn't want to bug you."

"Okay. Hurry up and get ready. I don't want you to be late."

"All right. I'll give you a call later. Good night."

"This is so weird. My boyfriend lives in the future. Have a good day at work, Marty McFly."

"Bye, babe," I say with a laugh.


As I turn the corner toward my desk, I'm taken aback to find
Jalen Jeffrey leaning against it flirting with Natalie. She has that silly grin I'm sure every girl gets in his presence. Shoot, it was just a couple of weeks ago I was sporting the same one.

I'm about two hours late getting in this morning. Mr. Benton called me on my way in and asked me to stop at the old office to pick up a few files we had left behind. Hilda and I caught up on the latest; once you get that girl talking, it's almost impossible to get away.

Surprised to see Jalen, I rein in my inner fan girl and smile.

"Good morning."

Other than passing along a few messages he's left with the answering service, I haven't seen or spoken to him since our first meeting.

"Morning, Ari,” Natalie says with a huge grin.

"Good morning. Nice to see you again, luv."

A nervous giggle spills out, and I instantly want to slap myself. I try to play it off as a cough while he gives me a knowing smile.

"Ari, will you help me out here. I've asked your lovely co-worker to lunch, and she's wounded my fragile heart and declined."

He frowns at me with a hand placed on his chest.

"What are you doing here today?"

I blurt out the question as if I'm suffering from Tourette’s. It didn't sound as bitchy in my head, but I'm completely confused. He's not on the schedule, and Mr. Benton never mentioned a meeting. As a matter of fact, he said they would be out until the end of the day.

"Ouch," he says staggering a little. "You two are lethal together."

My face heats.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I just don't have you on the schedule and Mr. Benton and Mr. Warner won't be back until this afternoon."

He gives me that smoldering smile, and I feel my panties begin to disintegrate.

"Well, the kind gents asked for a progress report," he says holding a sheet of paper in front of me. "I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch in that lovely courtyard of yours and arrived early, so I decided to walk it over."

"You wanted me to be the third wheel on your lunch date," Natalie asks sounding offended.

He chuckles.

"No, luv, they've canceled. Now, I'm left to eat lunch all alone." He pouts, and on any other guy, I would roll my eyes. On Jalen, it works so well, the fangirl inside is ready to beg him to take me instead.
Natalie, you lucky bitch, let me live vicariously through you.

"Go ahead, Nat. I don't have that much going on today. I'll cover the desk."

She gives me a death glare, and I smile back.

"Fine, but I only have an hour."

"I'll take it,” he says happily.

She grabs her purse out of her drawer and is up and out of her chair. She's trying to play it aloof, but c'mon, he's a fricken rock star. There's no way she's unaffected.

"Thank you, luv. You're really becoming my good luck charm." Jalen winks, and yes, I swoon like a thirteen-year-old groupie.

"Have fun." Natalie looks over her shoulder at me, and I mouth a "you're welcome" to her.

I don't think they've even reached the door and I've already pulled out my cell to text Vonne. As I hit send, an incoming text from Letty pops up.

Letty: Hey, prima! Give me a call when you get a chance.

It's unusually quiet in the office today with everyone in court and Natalie off to lunch. Dialing Letty's number, I wait a few rings before she answers.

"That was quick."

"Everyone is gone, so I'm taking advantage. What's up?"

"I hate to ask, but is there any chance I can crash at your place for a few days? I completely understand if you say no. It's just . . .” She sighs.

"Of course."

Getting to sleep last night was hard without Ben around. I tossed and turned for at least an hour before I knocked out. It'll be nice to have someone around. I'm not completely convinced Amos isn't spying on me, and I'm creeped out at the thought.

"I was staying with my parents, but you know how that goes. They're driving me crazy."

My aunt and uncle have always been very strict. They don't care how old we are; they still treat all of us like little girls. The whole "my house, my rules" mentality.

"Are they enforcing their famous ‘nothing good happens after ten’ curfew on you?"

"How did you know?" she says with a laugh. "It's like they were never in their twenties. How are our moms even related? You wanna trade?"

I love my
, but she's right; my mom and hers are polar opposites.

"Nope, I'm good. So when are you moving in?"

"It's only for a couple days. I swear it's like you won't even know I'm there."

"Shut up, you can stay as long as you want. I'm excited to have you. I got used to having Ben around, so I don't know how to act being by myself again. You can help keep my mind off missing him."

"I'm not going to spoon you,
. That's where I draw the line."

"Idiot," I say with a laugh.

"What time are you off?" she asks laughing.

"If it stays quiet, I'll get out of here around five. With traffic, I get home around six thirty."

"Cool. Do you want to grab dinner somewhere?"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll meet you at the house and we'll go from there."

"Okay. Thanks again, Rely."

"No problem. I'll see you tonight."


I get into the lobby of the twenty-story building and all those familiar first-day jitters come flooding back. Just like before, I'm given a visitor’s pass and directed to the top floor.

"Good morning, how can I help you?"

The white-haired receptionist greets me with a smile. This office is a lot calmer than the chaos I experienced on my first day back in Los Angeles.

"Good morning. Benjamin Rodriguez here to see Mr. Rummel."

"I'll let him know you're here. Please take a seat."

I'm waiting in one of the large leather armchairs looking at my phone when a petite brunette approaches me.


"Yes," I say sliding my cell into my pocket.

"Hi, I'm Tamara. Mr. Rummel sent me to get you. He had a last-minute conference call, but I'll show you to your desk."

I'm shocked to hear an American accent; I don't know why I assumed the other interns would be from England. She leads the way, and I follow her into an open area of cubicles.

"Here you are. I'm right next door if you need anything. He shouldn't be too much longer."


Now, what?
I've refreshed Facebook at least six times before a man steps in front of the cubicle.

"Hi, Benjamin. I'm Mr. Rummel. I'm sorry about the wait. Come, follow me, and I'll introduce you."

He gives me a tour of the office and introduces me to at least twenty people whose names I've already forgotten. We step into a small conference room where Tamara and Jack, the other intern, are waiting. Mr. Rummel gives me an overview of the case they're currently working on. The table is scattered with files and books. Our client is being tried for murder—vehicular manslaughter, to be more specific. He was driving home from an all-night drinking binge and hit a car head-on, taking out an entire family. A married couple and their three small children.

"Okay. I'll let Jack and Tamara catch you up on what they've been working on. Thanks again for coming out."

With that, he walks out of the room and I'm left a little dumbfounded at the enormity of the case.

"I know that look. I had it when he told me what our client did. We're all entitled to a fair trial, right? That's what I keep telling myself."

I look down at the open file in front of Tamara and have to quickly look away. A group of pictures from the crash site lay spread across the table.

The day goes by in a flash, and I find out quick that I won't be without something to do. It's eight in the evening by the time I get back to the loft. I can't wait to talk to Ari; this time difference is a little tricky, and although I'd love to wait for her to be off work, there is no way I'll make it to one in the morning. I shoot her a quick text and change out of my work clothes while I wait for her response.

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