Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew) (16 page)

BOOK: Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew)
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.” I rush after the man dressed in black with those piercing and familiar eyes.

My whole body is exhausted just pulling a long week of shifts back on the force. Being a cop and low man on the totem pole, I get stuck with shit shifts and lots of busy work. It feels good to be back on the force and doing something with my life instead of slinging drinks or shaking my hips. I save all the sexy moves for my girl only behind closed doors.

The man stops dead in his tracks and turns to me. I wish I was still wearing my badge and could really get some information from this guy. When he faces me I know beyond a shadow of doubt it’s the man from the gas station and the beach house. The hair on the back of my neck rises. Something isn’t right about this motherfucker.

My fists clench at my sides. I have to force myself to unclench them and straighten out my fingers. I’ll do anything to protect my girl.

“What gives?” I nod my head towards him.

He runs his hand behind his head, dragging his fingers through his hair. The man easily towers over me and is a modern day Hulk. He’s not your average fool.

“Kip.” His voice is deep and intimidating, pairing perfectly with his looks.

I raise an eyebrow in question and cross my arms over my chest, taking a defensive stance. Recognition dawns on me. It’s Cruz Felix, the reigning world champion MMA fighter.

“You have time to sit down and talk.” The words rumble from his chest.

“Fuck yes.” I won’t back down from him. “You’ve been tailing my girl and have some fucking explaining to do.”

He nods.

“Bar or coffee shop?” I ask, feeling like a pussy-whipped fool even including coffee shop.


“Blue Iron. Three blocks down. I’ll meet you there in five.”

We turn and head in different directions. I bolt back to my truck and mentally note to pick up roses and pizza for Chloe after this is settled. I think about texting Rhett or Zane for backup, but the guy seems legit for now and we are heading into my old stomping grounds.

I beat him there and settle at the corner table. Had enough time to give Ross and the bouncers on the clock a heads up. When Cruz enters the door, the man fucking towers the bouncers at the door. I may be fucked either way, but I’ll go down swinging.

I take a long gulp from my double Crown Royal and Coke. Cruz wastes no time finding me in the damn near empty club. He takes a seat and pass him a drink.

“Hope you like Crown Royal.”

“Thanks, but I don’t drink while training.”

“What the fuck are you doing following Chloe?”

He growls in frustration, not appreciating my words.

“It’s complicated.”

“I don’t care that you’re a world champion and fucking brute of a man. She’s mine and I’ll bury your fucking ass if you touch her.”

“Have I touched her?” He raises an eyebrow in my direction.

I shake my head side to side. “You’ve followed her.”

“I yelled your fucking name when that asshole Zack sent that man for her.”

“You working for him?”

A deep roar of laughter rolls off him. “I thought you were a good man and then you go throwing that shit around.”

“Who the fuck are you and what do you want?”

“I’m Chloe’s half brother.”

My jaw drops, literally falls on the table.

“Say what?” I blink rapidly. “Come again?”

“I grew up in Dallas, Texas, placed in foster care after my father died.”

My head swims trying to keep up with him. I’m not following him one bit and he must sense it on my face.

“We have the same mother. Her and my father fell madly in love in college. She refused to keep the baby and he begged her to. She went away to Europe courtesy of her parents and came back with a flat belly. My father was paid off to keep it all a secret. He died of cancer when I was fourteen. I was turned over to foster care and bounced around for years. Fighting became my survival.”

“The eyes. You have Chloe’s eyes.”

He ignores my comment and continues spilling his story.

“I found a letter in a box of my dad’s old shit after winning the champion belt. It was a letter to me about the fucking truth. I was livid and went for answers, but when I did, I found so much more.”

He pauses for a moment and goes for his drink, downing it in one whole gulp.

“This shit is way too intense and you may want to kick my ass after this. Consider this your advantage.” He points to his drink. “You might have a chance if I’m a bit tipsy, but probably not; alcohol fuels my rage typically. This shit is too intense to not drink.”

“If you touched Chloe, I will kill you,” I spit out.

“After research, I learned I had at least one sibling. I figured that she’d be my best bet to get answers. I saw it all. Zack’s abuse and her hurt state.”

“You fucking watched him hit her?” I blow up from my seat and flip the table in the air. “You fucking asshole.”

Ross is at my side and holding me back.

“No,” Cruz roars. “I came in on the tail end of it. Watched her pass out from sheer pain in her front yard. She had her arm in a sling. I scooped her up from her front yard and took her to the bus stop. I got her on a bus and sat back a few rows. She was confused when she woke up and I assisted her and encouraged her to call a friend. I followed her when the woman from the shelter picked her up and then followed you guys back here.”

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He continues talking.

“I’ve wanted to talk to Chloe for months, but could see she needed to heal and I respected that. I have no desire to meet my mother after watching everything play out, but I do want to meet my sister.”

It takes several minutes for everything to soak in and find two words falling off my lips.

“Thank you.”

“I swear to God I’m here for good reason. If you let me in then I’ll only protect Chloe. She’s blood and that means something to me.”

“Have you been stalking her this whole time?”

He shakes his head. “I’m not a fucking creep. I’ve been in Dallas training for my next fight. Just got back in town. Look man, I have people you can call to verify shit.”

I reach my hand out, knowing he’s solid. His large palm makes me feel like a nine-year-old boy.

“Let’s go meet your sister.” I grip his hand tight. “After I make those calls and check shit out.”

“Respectable enough.” He nods.

Ross lets me invade his office and after an hour of making calls from his desk phone, searching the web, and calling into the department, he checks out. Can’t say I’m exactly comfortable with the man quite yet and that’s why I’ll be escorting him to Chloe.

The top of his head brushes the fucking ceiling of my truck and his legs are cramped in the floorboard. I forgo the pizza and flowers and head straight home. I also decide against calling or texting Chloe. I’ve been walking on glass trying not to stress her out since her body is fostering our two babies.

The ride grows uncomfortable with the silence between us. I’m not sure how to talk to Cruz, so I keep my mouth shut. I take a right and go for a back road, which will cut an easy five minutes off the drive. Only a mile up the road, I spot a wreck. It’s fresh with no officers on the scene. I reach for my phone and slow down a bit.

“No fucking way,” I say out loud when I recognize the car. “It can’t be.”

“What?” Cruz growls.

I study the mangled car I’m nearing, hoping like hell it’s not Darby. But when I come to a complete stop it’s definitely her car. “My Girl Unlove” logo sticker covers the back window. I slide my phone open and Chloe’s text pops up.

Chloe: I’m taking Darby’s car to get the oil changed and we’ll swap cars when Dane is done with therapy. Love your sweet and adorable knocked up wife

My heart fucking quits beating. I toss the phone to Cruz.

“Call for help now.”

I race from my truck and head for the car. It’s fucking mangled with the majority of the damage on the driver’s side.

“Chloe,” I scream and panic. All of my officer training forgotten.

She looks up to me with blood running down her face.

“Kip,” she sobs. “I can’t get out.”

“I’m here, baby.”

Cruz throws the phone after calling for help and begins bellowing at someone. I look up long enough to see fucking Zack dragging himself from the truck. Cruz stomps on his head, sending it into the asphalt.


I’ve never heard her cry so hard. I grab the door and try to pull it open, but it’s impossible.

“Don’t move, baby, help is on the way.”

I reach inside the car and grab her phone to get help here faster, even though I know that’s not possible.

“Kip,” she screams.

I freeze and hold her face to me. I can feel shards of glass cutting through my shirt and piercing my skin. I look down to her and watch her look down in horror. There’s a pool of blood between her legs. She clings to my arm and drops her head.

“My babies,” she cries and shakes.

I squeeze my eyes shut and cry with her. The sound of a skull cracking fills the air and then a door slam. Cruz is at my side and Zack is lifeless on his truck.

“Move,” he growls.

“Don’t let go of me, Kip.”

“Shhhh, baby, he’s going to help.”

And by damn the fuel raged Hulk rips the door from her car.

“Don’t move, baby.” I’m kneeling at her side and holding on to her.

I turn and look up to Cruz. “Thank you.”

When the ambulance and officers finally arrive, there’s no need for the Jaws of Life or wasting any time getting Chloe from the car.

“I’m going.”

“No, you’re not. There’s not enough room.”

Cruz grabs me and forces me back. “Let them do their job, man. I’ll drive you.”

Zane and Rhett are at the hospital doors when I rip out of the truck and rush in. My dad catches me by the shoulders.

“Calm the fuck down, son,” he whispers, shaking me. “They won’t let you back there in this state.”

“Listen.” Rhett grips my arm.

Their serious tone only sends more fear through me.

“Where is she? I need her now.”

“We’ll let go of you once you calm the fuck down.” Zane has my other arm.

My dad remains in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. “She’s fine. Chloe is going to be just fine.”

Some fear dissolves, but I need to be with my girl. She’s scared to fucking death.

“I’m not taking you to her until you calm down. They’re worried about the babies right now and she needs you to be fucking calm.”

My head drops and I cry like a fucking broken man. “She was bleeding bad.”

“I’ve never lied to you, son. It’s not looking good.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head. “The best OB doctor is on call. She’s in good hands.”

“Who hit her?” Rhett asks.

“Zack.” It’s like poison dancing on my tongue speaking that one fucking word.

“You won’t have to worry about him any longer,” the deep voice of Cruz rumbles between us.

Everyone takes a step back from me. “He’s a good guy.”

These are the only words I can manage to get out. It takes several more minutes for me to calm down before I can go to Chloe. My dad walks me through swinging doors and I hold his hand just like I did on my first day of school. The sterile smell makes me sick, but it’s not until we enter the ER room Chloe’s in that I want to vomit. The metallic smell of blood assaults me. There’s a nurse cleaning up her forehead tending to the wound and another nurse fiddling with monitors. A doctor in a white coat runs a wand over her belly.

I wedge my way into her side and run my hand down her cheek. “Baby.”

“Kip.” She sobs.

“It’s okay. We’ll be okay.”

“He took my babies,” she wails.

“Hey, hey, now. You’re here with me. We got this.”

My dad takes her hand on the other side. “Chloe, don’t drown in this. We’re here for you.”

She looks up at the ceiling and cries. She’s beating herself up for everything. Her fucking past seems to be intent on destroying her. A sinking feeling in my gut screams at me that it’s finally succeeded.

She doesn’t pay attention to the doctor when he explains it’s a touch and go game from here on out. Both babies have heartbeats, but have experienced a lot of trauma. Honestly, I tune most of the shit out as well. My dad keeps up for both of us.

“Bernie.” We both look down to Chloe’s face after the doctor and nurses leave. “Don’t lie to me please.”

My dad scrubs his face with watery eyes and just shakes his head. “Not looking good, sweetie. But Chloe you never know.”

“I want to die,” she whispers.


arby and Ava
are at my side and Kip has never left me. Bernie made sure I was in a personal room on floor four. It’s a waiting game. There’s nothing anyone can say to dull the ache in my heart.

“Hey sweetie, here to check vitals.” A new nurse enters the room and quickly surveys all the faces. “Sorry, guys we have a strict minimum of four visitors.”

Bernie clears his throat, glances over his glasses from the corner chair. “I have approval.”

He taps his name badge. She’s clearly not impressed but jots down numbers from the monitors. I’m assuming she’s checking my vitals and not the babies. I haven’t been able to look Kip in the eye due to the massive weight of guilt crushing my chest. I’ve done nothing, but bring him pain. I tore old scabs from him making him relive his past, he’s lost hours of sleep from worrying about me, and now this.

I just want to die.

The blank ceiling holds my attention. There’s no desire to indulge in my friends’ empathy and support because all I’ve brought is pain to everyone surrounding me. They did nothing to deserve any of it. It was all me. For days and months, I’ve woken up hating myself but have figured out how to find the positives in all of it. I was a fucking fool for trying to believe any of it.

I deserve all this. I brought it on myself.

My voice cracks and is full of venom. “I don’t want anyone in here. Leave.”

Even though I remain staring up at the ceiling, I can feel their faces on me.

“LEAVE!” I scream this time. “Fucking leave me alone.”

“Chloe,” Kip’s voice cracks.

My head flies up from the bed. “Out, all of you. Get the fuck out. I deserve this. I’ve brought nothing but pain and heartbreak to everyone. OUT!”


I sit up in the bed and come face to face with Kip. “Please leave me now. Leave me forever.”

I notice Ava, Darby, and the rest make their way for the door and I don’t stop.

“Kip, I said get the fuck out. You can’t love me. I want to die.”

He cups my face with tears welling up in his eyes. “No.”

I clench a fist next to my thigh, hungry to fucking punch something or someone.

“Stop, you’re breaking my heart, baby.” He runs his thumbs over my cheeks.

“I hate myself.”

There’s a crack then a break and I crumple. Sobs wrack my whole body and I cry and keep crying. I feel the deaths inside me and everything float away from me. I crumple forward screaming and crying. Kip never leaves me. He remains on the bed holding me, letting me scream horrible things about myself. I tell him he can’t love me and I need to die over and over.

He doesn’t say a word until my energy is gone and I remain a vacant shell of a body. Kip’s large palm runs circles on my back as I stay hunched over with my eyes shut.

“I’m hurting, too, baby.” His voice cracks. “I love you. I’m losing here too you know and if you run from me, it will be the end of me.”

I open my eyes and see the dark pool of blood between my legs and slowly sit up to face Kip.

“They’re gone.”

There’s no reassuring smile streaming from him. I watch my rock crack into a sobbing mess of agony. He drags me to him, lays me back in the bed, and we cry together for our loss together. I’m numb in his arms. Devastated and broken all over again.

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