Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew) (7 page)

BOOK: Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew)
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ip has
our small tote bags secured in the saddlebags on his motorcycle. He’s assured me the house is fully furnished even with toiletries so our packing was light. He’s in sexy black boots, loose blue jeans, and a tight black tank top. His snapback facing forwards and deep brown eyes hidden by his sunglasses.

It’s effortless when he hops on the motorcycle. His dad was less than amused with our plan, but he gave me the okay to take the sling off even though I haven’t had it on much. He also encouraged me to try and not nurse it as much. When I get back he’ll be changing the cast.

“Hold onto my shoulder,” Kip says.

I place my palm on the top of his shoulder and try not to clock him with my cast when I swing my leg and arm over his other side. I manage to get halfway on the back of the bike and just have to scoot the rest of the way on. He’d offered me a helmet and I know it’s probably the smart thing to do, but there’s something about the wind in my hair and the freedom I’m looking forward to. His dad warned us about the law, etc. But I guess we’re just being kids.

When I’m finally centered behind Kip with my feet on pegs, I let out a bated breath.

“You can hold onto me.”

“Swear you don’t bite?” I ask, feeling uncomfortable with the proximity. It’s really an absurd feeling considering we’ve been sharing a bed and our little make-out session. We haven’t come close to doing that again.


“Tell me if I’m doing something wrong.”

“Just hold on, Chloe.” He kicks the bike to life and I’m shocked by the roar and vibration. The humming of the engine is powerful and liberating.

His last words are meant for my safety on the back of the bike, but for some reason they mean so much more to me. Kip clearly loves to drive his bike and he speeds down the highway. I only remain glued to his back for the first few miles until I grow comfortable and even a bit daring.

I keep my arm with the cast wrapped around his front and resting on his thigh, but I keep my other one on my lap, adjusting my glasses every once in awhile. At each stop sign and light, Kip turns back to me making sure I’m okay. The last time he turned to me, I couldn’t help but kiss his cheek instead of answering with words.

On the back of his bike, I feel like an angel with wings that are ready to fly. I can already tell Kip was spot on with this idea. I was comfortable in the house and with my friends, but it was a daily reminder of my fragile state. Being out of there, I feel nearly normal again with the heavy cast as my only reminder.

“This is amazing,” I whisper holler into his ear as we zoom down the road.

He only responds with reaching back and squeezing the top of my thigh. Soon, salty ocean water fills the air and even loud crashing from the ocean wracking the beach can be heard over the roar of the engine. Kip pulls into a tiny beach town. It has ten shops lining a boardwalk with beach homes scattered about.

He pulls up in front of a place called Bennett’s and kills the engine.

“Best food in town,” he says, keeping the bike upright.

It takes me a minute to wedge myself to the side of the bike until the tip of my Cons touch the street and then I’m able to swing my leg off the back of the bike. I miss his head again by mere centimeters with my cast. My arm only pangs with tiny flashes of pain.

“I want one.” I sound like a little girl.

Kip shakes his head once standing. “Baby steps, tiger, baby steps.”

“That was amazing. Thank you, Kip.”

He swings his hat around backwards on his head, grabs my hand, and leads us up to the restaurant.

“We can order and then eat outside. Sound okay?”

“Perfect.” I give his hand an extra squeeze.

Holding hands in public is a tender display from loving couples. But this is different. It’s an act of safety and protection. It’s my shield and I like it.

Kip orders a crab salad and a hamburger. I go for the chicken tenders with a basket of fries. The restaurant is laid back and very packed. It pushes my comfort level of being around other people in such a small area. I grip Kip’s hand tighter and keep my cast to my chest.

He grabs most of the condiments and our table number then guides me out to the front deck. When the slight breeze hits the skin on my face the feeling of freedom hits me again. I’m happy and it’s weird.

Kip pulls out a chair for me, settles in his own, and begins drumming the table with his fingers.

“I love this place.” Kip relaxes back in his seat, pulling his glasses from his face.

“It’s gorgeous,” I reply.

“Dad bought it when I was ten. He’d bring me here a lot when I was little.”

“Your dad is awesome.”

“He is. My saving grace.”

I remember him telling me bits about his mom, but nothing solid. My gut tells me it’s a subject not to broach.

“Like you’re my saving grace.” I smile at him. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough, Kip.”

“There’s no need to.”

“I’m going to pick my nose if you don’t start accepting my thanks.”

“What if I think nose picking is sexy?”

I wrinkle my nose and wonder for a moment if that really is a fetish. “You’re gross.”

Kip doesn’t respond, so I do. “Thank you for everything.”

“Look.” He sits back up in his chair. “I’m a guarded person, but I haven’t been around you, since picking you up off the bedding on the floor in the shelter. I’m not sure what it is.”

“Why are you guarded?” I offer a half smile. “I mean you do know quite a bit about me and Kip, you’re a great person and need to accept gratitude.”

“I hold myself responsible for a lot of shit that’s happened in my life.”

“Your partner?” I put my hand over my mouth and shake my head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.”

Kip sticks his finger up his nose until he’s knuckle deep.

“Eeewww.” I cover my eyes. “I’m not sorry. I’m not sorry.”

I peek through my fingers to make sure Kip’s digit isn’t still knuckle deep. He laughs then excuses himself to the bathroom, where I can only guess he’s washing his hands. Our food arrives before he makes it back. I sneak a few pieces of the crab off his salad before he returns and I almost regret not ordering it.

“Hungry, Chloe?” Kip chuckles when he sits down.

“This is the best food ever,” I say around a mouth full of salty fries.

“Mmmm.” He readjusts his hat. “There’s usually more crab on the salad.”

I offer him a guilty smile and we finish our lunch in silence. I want to push him and ask him all sorts of questions. It’s a need deep down of wanting to help him. He’s been my rock so far.

“How far is the house?” I ask, while swinging my leg and cast over the bike.

“Just another five minutes.”

“Is there a long way?” I wrap both arms around his waist and prop my chin on the top of his shoulder.

“I could make a long way.”

“I’d love that, Kip.”

He kicks the motorcycle to life and the rumble from the engine excites me. I squeeze him tighter and inhale his scent. I feel the bonds of the living hell I’ve been trapped in loosen.


he grains
of sand shift around with the movement of my palm. I’ve been staring down at the blank notebook Kip handed me for a good hour now while the sounds of the ocean distract me. He told me to just write. When my face showed confusion, he again simply replied with just write.

The notebook flies to my side. The inside of the back cover flops open and I see handwriting all over it. I pick it up and study the masculine, capital letters. It’s a sexy handwriting with all caps. It could be a damn font.


Once upon a time I was sitting in the same spot as you right now. I was only ten years old, but my dad shoved a notebook in my hand and told me to write. I’ve seen the question in your eyes about why I’m here for you.

I don’t like to talk about it and keep shit to myself. My mother was beaten to death by my stepfather and I couldn’t stop him. It was all over her cooking lasagna for me. I killed my mother. It took years of built up guilt and hatred built in me to finally let it go. It was all released through my notebook.

Then the force shit went down and I had to watch my best friend get killed in front of me while I was left with a fucking material wound. More guilt and hate built up in me and I turned to my notebook. I finally found a place in the world at my dad’s house and bartending at the Blue Iron.

Then you came into my life. It opened up all the old wounds and I’ve relived how I felt in the past. I know you’re whispering you’re sorry right now and know my finger is in my nose, Chloe. There’s something about you that makes me want to be a better person and push my own boundaries in life. I’ve never looked forward to waking up and helping someone like I have with you. I don’t know what it is…I just know it’s something.

Write. Write about your future goals. Write about your beauty and self-confidence and for the love of God please write about your gorgeous smile. Okay, I may be going off track right now because I think you should write about your amazing ass, too. I’ve always been an ass man.

Chloe, you’re healing me as much I’m helping you. Thank you.


Tears stream down my face. I wipe them away, but they keep flowing. I flip open the first page of the notebook and write a letter to Kip. I write about how thankful I am and never use the word sorry. I write about my ass and my new hairstyle and even what I want out of the future. I tell him he’s given me the strength to want to divorce Zack and proceed with my future. I even tell him more things that I have to write so fast, so I don’t want to scribble away the words.

I’m not intending him to ever see the letter, but it feels good to tell him on paper how my heart hurts for him and how damn thankful I am for him. Then I flip the page and write more. My hand finally cramps and I’m exhausted beyond belief. Pages after pages of the abuse I endured fill the lines. I cry for the old Chloe who laid there and let Zack beat her.

By the time I close the notebook, I know the old Chloe is beginning to fade and the real one is learning how to live again. It’s a rejuvenating feeling and slightly addictive. I stand to my feet and brush the sand off of me. It’s a losing battle, so I do something I’d never do with Zack. I let it all go.

Kip’s beach house is secluded with the nearest house barely the size of a pea down the shore. My pants drop to the sand, then my panties, and the rest of my clothes until I’m bared to the setting sun. The water is freezing on the tip of my toes, but I keep walking further into the ocean. It wakes all my senses and sets me on fire to enjoy life again.

My cast remains high above my head. My chin bobs at the surface of the water and then I go under with eyes wide open. I say goodbye to the past and invite the future into my soul. The intense water swirling around me begins to wash away the shame and the bitter temperature of the water numbs my senses.

I clench my eyes shut and pray. The past is expelled from me. I’m baptizing the new person I want to be and will become. When my lungs are exhausted, I rise above the water and inhale a long deep gulp of air. The sun toasts warmth on my face sending joy through all my extremities. I continue to face the ball of fire while walking backwards out of the water until only the tops of my feet are in the water.

I sense Kip before he speaks or even moves near me, but I don’t turn to him. A warm and very cozy towel blankets my back and then is adjusted around my front. Kip keeps his hands on my front, securing the towel. I raise both hands and cover his, lacing our fingers together as much as my cast will allow. I let him hold me for long moments soaking everything in before I talk.

“You love my ass?” I remain facing the sun, letting it warm me through the towel.

“I love your fucking ass, Chloe,” he growls.

The back of my head relaxes back on his shoulder. “Thank you, Kip. That felt so good.”

He smiles on my cheek not saying a word and I decide to go for it. I tilt my head and find his lips. I kiss him like the new woman I am. His taste flows into my mouth and he opens up to me. I dart my tongue into his mouth letting him know exactly how grateful and how hard I’m falling for him and the new woman I’m becoming. His lips are encouraging meeting every single one of my actions. He pushes into my backside and I know we’re on the same level.

I pull back before I’m unable to stop and peer into his rich chocolate eyes. Those eyes are my security blanket in this terrifying journey. Our lips are so close I can still soak in his taste without kissing him.

“Kip, will you wait for me? You deserve all of me.”

“I’m not a patient man, Chloe.”

My heart freezes in my chest and for a moment I start to think I took his message in the notebook the wrong way. I close my eyes and want to cry.

“Open your eyes, baby.”

He waits for me to look back into his deep pools.

“You didn’t let me finish.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “I’ve never wanted to wait for something so badly in my life. I’m not going anywhere, Chloe. You’ve done something to me.”

I relax back onto him knowing he’ll always hold me up even if when waiting. My head lies on his shoulder. Kip nuzzles into the crook of my neck. We let the sounds of the ocean crashing into the shore sing to us.


er glorious body
rising from the ocean nearly choked me up. I’ve seen her naked several times, but something was different. When she asked me to wait for her my soul cracked, allowing Chloe to seep in. She’s bringing me back to life.

She’s also given me the worst case of blue balls known to man. I grab the base of my dick under the hot water and begin to slowly stroke it. My teeth sink into my bottom lip remembering her ass pushed back on my cock today. I couldn’t control his hunger for her and didn’t even have the desire to. I want her to know how fucking bad I want her.

My heart swelled when she asked me to wait for her. I’m so fucking proud of her wanting to heal before letting our desires finally have their way. I grip my dick tighter and pick up the speed, feeling the precum help coat my cock. I work the head over and over picturing Chloe when she’s ready for me. I’ll never be able to stop devouring her body.

Until then it’s showers and my hand. I growl when the first pulse of release threatens. My hand slows down enjoying the visual of Chloe riding me, being powerful and in charge. It’s the last fucking image that sends me over the edge. My release spills into the shower and is washed down the drain. I can’t control the growls escaping me as I milk every last fucking ounce out.

I dry off the passion and desire dripping from my body, throw on some loose gym shorts, and find Chloe painting her fingernails at the dining room table. I’d run to the store when she was out on the beach. I didn’t want to leave her, but also knew we needed groceries. Dad has his Jeep stored up here, which makes getting groceries a whole lot easier than on my motorcycle.

“Ready for dinner?” I ask her.

“Yeah, I’m starving. I threw together a garden salad while you were showering.”

Her sly smile makes me wonder if she knew what I was doing in there, but then I hear the soft music playing in the background and know I wasn’t that loud. Was I?

“I’ll fire up the grill. I bought some steaks for dinner tonight.”

“Medium rare, please.”

“Good taste.” I wink at her.

Bending over and grabbing the steak from the fridge, I wonder how in the hell I’m going to wait for her. I want to wrap her up in a hug, hold her tight to my body, and never fucking let go. I’m no angel that’s for sure; I’ve had plenty of one night stands and friends with benefits, but there’s never been a girl I’ve wanted to commit to. I want Chloe in my life every single day and it’s more than just a protective stance.

“I’m going to pour a glass of wine and join you. Would you like one?” she asks.

When I turn around, she’s standing right behind me. It takes everything not to reach out and bring her face to mine. Thank fuck my hand is full of red meat in this moment.

“Yeah,” I nod. “I’m typically a beer man, but wine sounds good.”

Chloe follows me out to the patio and curls up in a chair, sipping her wine while studying the ocean. I have no idea what it is about that powerful body of water that’s so healing, but it’s damn near magical. It centered my mind and soul with the many visits here.

When Chloe stands to get her steak and fix her plate, I sure in the hell don’t miss all the ass shots she sends my way. If I were a betting man, I’d bet she’s doing it on purpose. I’ve never been one to complain.

Chloe cuts her first piece of steak and moans when it melts in her mouth. Her actions do no good for my cock coming back to life in my shorts. My fucking palm is going to be raw.

“I love steak.” She smiles, cutting off another piece.

“We can have it for dinner every night if you’d like.”

“Yes, please.” She pauses, her tone turning into a serious one. “I talked to the girls while you were in the shower.”

“Yeah,” I offer, taking a bite.

“I’m filing for divorce. Darby found a lawyer. I’m also going to visit a counselor three times a week.”

I don’t know how to respond. I want to fucking fist pump the salty air and then scoop her up in my arms, but know it’s inappropriate.

“I don’t want anything from Tennessee besides my life back, so I’m hoping it won’t get too messy.”

“Don’t be afraid to take your life back, baby, and anything else you want. You deserve it.”

“I know.” She shrugs. “The thing is, none of that was really me. I don’t want it to taint my future, you know?”

“I totally get it.”

“I look at it like healing the past. If I cling to anything, it will be like just bringing that baggage with me.”

I smile brightly at her. “You’re so much stronger than I am, baby. It took me years and I still struggle.”

“Not brave, just ready to be set free.”

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