Scandalous Heroes Box Set (38 page)

Read Scandalous Heroes Box Set Online

Authors: Latrivia Nelson,Tianna Laveen,Bridget Midway,Yvette Hines,Serenity King,Pepper Pace,Aliyah Burke,Erosa Knowles

BOOK: Scandalous Heroes Box Set
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“Maybe this is something ya should be thinking on. Go home, figure it out.”

That got him to open his eyes again. “Trying to get rid of me?”

“Nae. I like having you here, Reeve Leighton.” She pressed a kiss upon his clavicle. “A lot.”

Another kiss was followed by another and another, until she reached his mouth. She loved his mouth, built perfectly for kissing. Something he did extremely well in her opinion.

Lying as she was, her hair draped around them partially blocking out the morning light. He didn’t move, merely continued to watch her. Dear Lord, she knew she was more than a little bit in love with him. Sure, it may not make sense but when had love ever done such a thing?

He was a completely different man beneath the cold, autocratic shell he donned daily to show the world. Like last night, at the pub. That was the Reeve she knew and enjoyed being with. He had a wicked sense of humor, and at times, she saw a sensitive side to him.

Like when he offered to be a shoulder for her to lean on after her ordeal over in Australia. She tensed and fought to shake the unpleasant feeling. Now was not the time for disturbing memories of Miles or what happened. Not when Reeve lay beneath her. So she returned her focus to him.

“Where’d you go?” His voice flowed over her, all dark and sensual.

“What do you mean?”

His hands cupped the sides of her face. “Just now. You were somewhere else.” Fingers threaded through the hair near them. “Where did you go?”

“Sidetracked for a moment.”


“What do you mean?”

“You have a tell, Affrica O’Shea, and it’s a big one. You lose your accent when you’re trying not to show you’re upset.” He tugged her down closer, nose to nose, and mouth to mouth. “When you’re mad and don’t care who knows it, your accent gets thicker. Kind of like it does when you’re babbling as I’m thrusting my cock deep inside you.”

Her pussy clenched with longing as the erection he spoke of rubbed against her.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she said, barely managing to get the words out.

“Answer me, and we’ll move on.”

She closed her eyes and exhaled. He wouldn’t let it go, she knew this now. “Bad thoughts about what happened in Australia.”

His expression sobered even more. “I am so sorry you went through that. I wish there was something I could do to take away those memories.” His thumbs stroked her cheeks as his fingertips lightly massaged the back of her neck.

“Let me stop thinking about it and give me something else to focus on.”

His grin sent her pulse into overdrive. “That I can do.”

He rolled them over so she lay beneath him on the bed. She widened her legs and moaned softly as his thickness pressed against her damp curls. He rocked slightly, and she responded with another moan. The feel of his shaft sliding against her slit made everything else fade from her mind.

Reeve licked along her lips until she opened then he sank his tongue in. She welcomed him with a stroke, and soon, they danced with one another. Fire exploded from within her, warming her, heating her, and she shifted again, desperately seeking him inside her.

He refused her silent request. Instead, he continued to rub along her as their kisses continued. She curled her hands into his muscles, and she loved the sound of his sharp breath when her nails dug in.

“In…now…” The words were demanded around his thrusting tongue.

“Slow,” he responded, ending the kiss. “I want you slow, Affrica. I want to lick every inch of your soft, succulent skin.” She shuddered. “Nip it, suck it until it bears my mark.”

“Reeve.” She was panting now. Belly aquiver. Nerves sparking and responsive to every breath she took, which rubbed his body hair on her skin. He didn’t have tons, but he wasn’t shaved down like a swimmer.

“Oh no, I’m not done yet. After I finish that, I’m going to settle myself between your thighs and eat your pussy. Stab my tongue in deep and lap your cream. Feel the muscles you have as they clench around my fingers while I use them to fuck you. And once you’ve come enough times that I’m content, then and only then, am I going to sink my cock inside you and start all over again. Until we’re both sweaty and too exhausted to do anything but collapse. Then, we sleep and start it all over again.”

Goodness, she was ready to come just from his words alone. Her nipples were tight and pebbled, her breasts felt heavy and she wanted his hands on them. His mouth. Anything.

“We can’t stay in bed all day.”

He brushed kisses all over her forehead. “Shh, I’m busy.”

“Reeve,” she protested. A short protest for he closed a hand over her breast, his fingers tugging on the turgid nipple, yanking a gasp from her throat as her back arched.

“Busy, sweetcheeks, I’m busy.”

He slithered down her body, between her spread legs, and she cried out to the room as his tongue pierced her core. Her fingers gripped his hair, holding him in place.

Oh yeah, he was busy.

* * * *

Reeve lay on his side, head propped up on one arm and watched Affrica as she slept. Even here and now, he reacted to her on a physical level. She slumbered completely, and he was exhausted as well, yet he refrained from sleeping more. It was like he was worried she would slip away and he’d wake alone.

Her thick lashes curled against her cheeks. She lay on her back, the sheet barely covering her breasts. Full lips were parted as she breathed low and smoothly.

Using his index finger, he trailed lightly over her features. He knew he had it bad. He couldn’t get this woman out of his mind. She was imbedded so deep he didn’t believe he’d ever get her out of him. Not that he wanted her gone.

When he looked at Affrica, he saw what Scott had obtained for himself. Children. Diapers and playpens. Vehicles with carseats in them.

His stomach clenched with a feeling he didn’t truly understand, but one he didn’t want to lose. However, right there, he knew as he was now, he wouldn’t be able to keep her.

He closed his eyes and found hers upon him when he opened them. They were sleepy and content. Reeve gave a small smile and trailed his fingers down her cheek.

“Yer watching me sleep?”

One fingertip touched the tip of her nose. “I like watching you.”

“Mmm. Come on, I have things to do. If you are staying here, you need to get your things from the hotel.”

“You’re okay with me staying?”

She stretched, and the sheet slid down a bit, exposing her nipples. He bit back a moan.

“Aye.” Turning her head, she sighed. “Need to go.” She slid from the bed and walked, completely nude, without shame, toward the bathroom.

He tracked her every movement with a hungry gaze. His cock, hard and rigid, throbbed with desire. The shower started, and he flopped back on the bed with a groan.

“Are ya joining me?”

He opened his eyes and moaned. She stood by the bed, still naked, with a hand out. He took it without hesitation and allowed her to help him to his feet. Their bodies brushed along one another, and he grinned at her sharp intake of breath.

“Yes, ma’am.”

He swept her up and carried her to the bathroom where they got a lot more dirty before getting clean.

By eight that evening, Reeve was exhausted. He’d spent the day shadowing Affrica. There had been no clue to him how hard she truly worked.

For supper, she’d taken him to her parents’ house, which was where they currently were. Truth be told, he’d been nervous and a bit scared to meet them. Now, he knew there had been no reason for him to worry. She’d introduced him, and when she mentioned Harrier was his brother—while they’d been kind before—it had been even more so.

“Can I get you anything?”

He glanced up at the sound of Affrica’s lyrical voice and smiled. “No.”

She sat beside him, a mug of tea in her hands. “When do you return to the States?”

“You sure you’re not trying to get rid of me? That’s the second time today you’ve asked.”

“Had you answered, I wouldna hae to again.”

“Four days left.”

She was silent before resting her head against his shoulder. A feeling he liked.

“I have something for Jayde, could you take it for her so I dinna need to mail it?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you.” She brushed a kiss along his jaw. “Come on, time for dessert.”

He tugged her back close and captured her lips. “You sure about doing that here?”

“I’ll make sure to ask me da.”

She jumped and headed for the house. He hurried after her, not needing to tell them anything. Her soft laughter had him smiling as well.

That smile remained as he disembarked back at the airport in Virginia. He stowed the item for Jayde in the passenger seat and his bag in the trunk then headed home to defunk.

Later that evening, he headed for the Kincade residence. It may not be the smartest thing, going without calling first, but he didn’t have their number. He pulled in the drive behind the large blue pickup, parked, and headed to the door with the item.

With a deep breath, he pressed the doorbell on the modest brick home. Just when he was about to push it again, the door opened, and he found himself face to face with Tyson Kincade.

Cold hazel eyes assessed him. “Yes?”

Shit he was nervous. Hefting the tube, he said, “This is a gift for Jay…your wife. From Affrica.” He licked his lips and waited.

“Come on in.”

Reeve followed hesitantly. The man scared him, plain and simple. He breathed so much easier when he saw Jayde in the kitchen. She looked at him with a kind expression.

“Hello, Reeve. What brings you by?”

He had great admiration for her, having heard what her family was like as well.

“Affrica sent this for you, Ja—Mrs. Kincade.”

Her smile was brilliant. “Jayde, please.”

He risked a glance to Tyson. The SEAL leaned back against a counter, arms crossed and an unidentifiable expression on his face. Until he looked at his wife. His entire countenance softened, even if possessiveness entered.

“Right.” He walked to her and handed over the tube.

“Thank you. How is she?”
Wonder why she assumes it hadn’t been shipped?
Jayde smiled at him. “She called me. That’s how I know.”

He avoided looking at Tyson. “She was fine when I saw her.”
I better keep my expression blank and don’t give away anything to the man glaring at me.

“Why were you there?”

Tyson posed this question. Reeve couldn’t avoid looking at him forever. Could he? Sucking it up, he met those extremely assessing hazel eyes. Crap, had he really found Hondo or Maverick more intimidating? He wasn’t so sure anymore.

“I had some things to do. I ran into her at a pub, and we hung out.”

“What things?”

“Excuse me?”

He blinked, expression unchanging. “You said things. What things did you have to do that took you to Ireland?”

“Tyson,” Jayde admonished.

Tyson didn’t appear the least bit apologetic at his wife’s tone. In fact, those eyes never wavered from Reeve’s face.
Yep, feeling more than a bit uncomfortable


The single word sat drenched in a tone that bespoke assumed compliance. Reeve opened his mouth to respond, only to pause when Jayde touched his arm.

“You don’t have to say a word. It is none”—she glared at her husband—“of our business. Ignore his demands. You tell him it’s not his business. These men tend to forget they aren’t overseeing everyone’s life.”

Like that would happen.

Tyson snorted and walked out of the room. Jayde’s smile slid away.

“One more thing, Reeve.”


“Us wives are probably worse than the husbands when it comes to protecting our own. We have our own ways as well as our spouses to use. We consider Affrica one of our own.”

Tyson returned, and Jayde lifted her face for a kiss. Reeve was uncertain but he believed Mrs. Jayde Kincade, rumored to be one of the quietest wives, just threatened him. It was more than a bit unsettling.

“I should get going. I wanted to make sure you got what she sent.”

The smile returned as if it never left. “Thank you.”

They escorted him to the door, and he left with a small wave. Back in his car, he exhaled loudly. That had been more nerve wracking than he cared to admit.

Leaving the driveway, he made his way to a bar and claimed a seat at one end before ordering a drink. Cell in hand, he debated calling Affrica and letting her know the thing had been delivered. He jumped at the hand which clapped his shoulder.

“The hell, man? Haven’t seen you in a while.”

Reeve blew out a breath. “Hey, Thomas.”

The man sat, rested his arms on the smooth and shiny bar top. He rolled his beer bottle in one hand. “What’s up with you, man? It’s beginning to feel as though you don’t want to hang with us anymore.”

I don’t.
He shrugged noncommittally.

“What gives?”

“Just tired of it all, Thomas.” He topped off his vodka and replaced the bottle on the bar.

“Seriously, man?”

“Yes. Look at you. We’re in our thirties. Why are you still talking like a prep school boy? We’ve done nothing except spend money we’ve done nothing to earn other than being born to it.”

Thomas spun on the chair and faced him. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

He blinked before taking a larger gulp. “Dead.”

“What’s gotten into you? Did your brother say something to you? Or someone else? Maybe you need to find Marisol.”

“Oh hell no. I will
seek out that lying, viperous bitch.”

“What happened? When we saw her last, she said y’all were back on.”

He almost choked at the absurdity. “I’ve not been with her for years.”

Thomas scratched her chin. “You really need to fill me in because to hear her tell it, you’re picking out rings and getting ready to live together.”

That time, he did choke. Eyes watering, he floundered for a napkin. When he stopped and could see again, Thomas watched him with a partially amused, part concerned expression on his face.

“Yes, definitely need to fill me in.” He waved for another glass, poured his own vodka and said, “Let me hear it.”

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