Scandals (18 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Scandals
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I had just finished giving a dude a lap dance and was strutting across the club in nothing but a pink G-string, titties and ass bouncing. This was half-price night and the brothas had flooded the club. Just in case they hadn't received the memo, I wanted to make sure they all saw what I had to offer.
Dudes started hollering trying to get a sistah's attention and I grinned and added a little extra
to my sway. I was almost to the dressing room when I spotted Halo sitting at a small table. Any other time I would have gone the long way to avoid him, but I had important matters to deal with, like finding out how to get my sister out of this mess.
“There's my treasure chest. Yo, come holla at me a second.” He signaled with his hand for me to move closer. I faked like he was bothering me and sucked my teeth in disgust.
“Damn, Robin, give a nigga a break.”
I dragged my feet over to where he was sitting. As soon as I was close enough he snaked out an arm and pulled me against him.
“Halo, what do you want?” I said through gritted teeth.
“I wanna know who that nigga was you were tryna make me jealous with?” He actually sounded upset.
“Jealous? How the hell was I trying to make you jealous when I didn't even know you were coming there?” Goodness, men could be so stupid at times.
“If you were tryna hurt a brotha you succeeded, no doubt,” he whined. “Robin ... I miss you. Why won't you let a nigga prove it to you?” He stared at me with those green puppy-dog eyes of his. It didn't make any sense for a man to look that good. Thank goodness I already knew behind those fine qualities was a fuckin' lunatic. If I wanted information, I needed to play this shit right, because one thing I could say about Halo, he wasn't stupid. If all of a sudden I acted like I was interested in him, he would know something was up.
“C'mon, Halo. Why don't you just give it up?”
“ 'Cause I can't. I miss that good-ass pussy you got,” he said with a grin.
I allowed myself to smile just a little. “Yeah, my shit
the bomb.”
He hugged me close, laughing. “I know, that's why I want you back in my life. C'mon, can't you just give a brotha a chance to prove he's changed?”
I sighed. “You just not gonna give up, are you?”
“Not when I want something as bad as I want you.”
Ever since I had visited Deena in jail, all I could think about was what she had told me. Floyd raping her for God knows how long. After all she had gone through, there was no way I could stay mad. All my fight and anger was now pointed at finding out who had framed my sister, and that meant getting close to Halo again. I knew it was just a matter of time before the truth was revealed.
I acted like I was giving his suggestion some consideration when in reality I had already made up my mind and knew I was going to see him again. I had to, but it was going to be on my terms and just long enough to find out what I needed. But I had to play it safe, otherwise I would have to deal with a lot more than just Halo's fist.
“How about we try being friends? Wait ... let me finish. Let's start with being friends and see where things lead.”
Halo clearly didn't agree, but he didn't argue either. I gave him a look that said
either that or nothing
and he finally lowered his shoulders and grinned. “Yeah ... a'ight. I'll take what I can get for now.”
I grinned. “Now we're getting somewhere.”
“How about dinner on Sunday?”
I had planned to spend the evening at Trey's place curled up on the couch, watching a new DVD release, but helping Deena was just too important to pass up the opportunity.
“Okay, but dinner only.”
“How about we let it do what it do?”
I could see the look in his eyes. He thought he was going to dip into my treasure chest. Well, he was in for a few surprises. “Cool. Call me tomorrow.” I then wiggled out of his grasp before he could try to kiss me, and made it back to the dressing room. The whole time I kept wondering if maybe I was making a big mistake.
“For a second there I thought maybe you weren't working tonight.”
The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I turned around and found Greg sitting at a small table close to the stage with a beer in his hand. It took everything I had not to ask security to escort his ass out of the building. What the hell was he doing at Scandalous on a Saturday night?
All of a sudden my head began to hurt. It was bad enough he was still showing up at the club every Tuesday like clockwork for a private dance that felt more like being violated. Not to mention I was still meeting him at the hotel on Wednesdays. He even had the nerve to request the same room every time and was now calling it our love nest. I wanted to refuse but I couldn't, because so far he had been a man of his word and hadn't said anything to Anthony.
Reluctantly I walked over to him with a hand propped at my hip. “Greg, when are we going to stop playing this game?” My voice was cold and serious. I was far beyond annoyed.
“Well let's see ... Hmm ... probably not until I've had my fill of you, and as good as you feel that's a
time coming.” He chuckled, then boldly reached out and pulled me close until I was standing between his legs. I leaned back as far as I could, but it didn't stop him from kissing the side of my neck and whispering in my ear, “Have I told you how good you taste? Next week I plan on tasting that sweet pussy.”
Men at the club grabbed and touched me all the time, but it was different when Greg did it. As soon as I felt his clammy wet lips, I flinched. “Would you please let me go!” I gave him one hard push, putting some distance between us.
He shook his head wearing a nauseating smirk. “I don't know why you keep playing this game with me when you know you can't win.”
I was so tired of him hanging the custody of my girls over my head. It had to stop. I couldn't keep having sex with this man and letting him use my body at his own discretion. I was starting to have a hard time performing for Tremayne because I felt so used by the time he tried to touch me. Not to mention the guilt was starting to take its toll. I sighed unhappily. “Don't you have any compassion? Goodness! All I'm trying to do is raise my girls and graduate nursing school.”
“Which is why I always tip you generously. I know it's hard out here for a single parent, so I'm trying to do everything I can to help you. You wash my hands and I wash yours. I think that's a fair enough trade, don't you think?” Greg gave me this look like my response really mattered. As far as I was concerned, the sick fuck could kiss my ass. “How about my lap dance? Did you know it's the highlight of my week?”
Did he know that every week I imagined plunging a knife through his heart? “I was just getting ready to change for my next set. Why don't you have a seat? I'll be right back.”
“And I'll be right here waiting.”
I did an exaggerated eye roll and hurried back into the dressing room. I don't know what I was going to do with Greg. I couldn't think straight and had barely scored a B on my last test. My irritation was even starting to rub off at home with the girls. And when Tremayne tried to make love to me last night, I pretty much told him I had a headache. As much as I didn't want to lose custody of my girls, something had to give because I couldn't keep living like this.
I was slamming my locker shut when Treasure stepped into the locker room. I eyed the Wilma Flintstone costume she was wearing.
She gave my face a once-over, then asked, “What's wrong with you?”
I wasn't sure how much I could say without getting myself into trouble. But I didn't know where else to turn. All I knew was I needed help. “Did you see that guy I was just talking to?” She nodded. “He's a friend of my ex-husband who's been blackmailing me.” I then told her everything, I guess because unlike Reyna, Treasure wasn't one to judge me. She understood.
“Deja ... Deja ... Deja.” She wagged a perfectly manicured fingernail in my face and actually looked disappointed. “Girl, you shoulda come to me a long time ago. I coulda already gotten rid of his ass.”
“You can?” I was so excited, I hugged her. “Treasure, you're a lifesaver! How are you going to do that?” I didn't want to get ahead of myself.
“All you need to do is turn the table on his ass,” she replied like it was really that easy.
“How can I do that?” One thing I loved about Treasure was that she knew how to handle her job. I really needed to start taking notes.
“Think about it. I learned to find out everything you can about your clients because you never know when you might need to use that bit of information.” She looked me straight in the eye. “What do you know about him?”
I leaned against the lockers with my arms crossed. I had to think about that one for a minute because Greg Stevens started working at Richmond Investments right around the time Anthony and I were separating.
I pressed my trembling lips together, then exhaled. “I know he's married to this rich chick whose father is the dean of medicine at the University of Richmond.”
She snapped her fingers. “Bingo! There you go. You know more than enough. C'mon.”
I was totally confused but that didn't stop me from following her into the dressing room, where her eyes scanned the area.
“Tequila! C'mere a minute,” she called.
A pretty white girl stopped brushing her hair and without hesitation strutted her long legs over to see what she needed. I loved the way when Treasure spoke, girls just jumped to attention.
“Yeah, girl, what's up?”
“Remember that time we helped Ginger out?”
“Hell yeah, I remember,” Tequila said with a mischievous grin.
“Well, Deja's got the same problem.” I swiveled my head back and forth between them as Treasure started chattering away, telling her only what she needed to know.
Tequila shrugged like it was just another day on the job. “No problem, but it's gonna cost you your half.”
Hell, I would give her every dime I had earned tonight if it meant getting that sleazeball off my hands. “No problem.”
Her eyes sparkled with dollar signs. “Okay, go back out there and tell 'em you wanna do a private in the hot tub room.”
“Hot tub? I didn't even know we had one of those.”
She nodded her blond head. “It'll cost him a hundred and fifty. Seventy-five goes to the house and the rest to me. Get him in there and act like you down for fucking him and we'll handle the rest.”
After first I hesitated but since I didn't have much of a choice, I nodded and went back out to the dance floor, taking several deep breaths.
You're a survivor. You can do this.
I found him still sitting, waiting eagerly for my return. He gave me that devilish grin when he spotted me. All I wanted to do was kick him in the dick with my stiletto heel for being such an asshole.
In one swallow, Greg finished his beer, then rose from his table. “You ready to go upstairs?” he said all too eagerly.
“Actually ... how about we get into the hot tub instead?”
My approach worked because he seemed caught totally off guard. “Hot tub?” He looked at me suspiciously like I might be up to something. I was, but he didn't need to know that. “How much is that?”
“A buck fifty.” I could see he was getting ready to decline, so I leaned in close and rubbed his receding hairline. “It's in a private room in back. There'll be no one in there but you and me,” I purred. The thought of being alone must have gotten his attention because he quickly reached for his wallet.
I took his money and walked over to the floor manager and gave him his half and waited while he went in back and unlocked the door. I then grabbed Greg by the hand and led him inside. I thought, Treasure better know what she was doing, because the second I saw him pulling off his clothes, I was ready to run out of there.
The room was warm and the tub quite inviting. If it had been anyone else I might have looked forward to slipping inside. As I was reaching for the zipper of my short royal blue dress, there was a quick knock. The door swung open and Tequila came in wearing a red bikini and matching come-fuck-me shoes.
“Oops ... my bad! I didn't know anyone was in here.”
“Hey, Tequila,” I said, pretending that I hadn't been hoping she would walk in at any moment.
She winked, then walked over to Greg with this hungry look in her eyes. “My, aren't you delicious. Deja, who's your friend?”
I looked over at him with a phony smile. “This is Greg.”
“Mmm, Greg ... you mind if I join in the fun?” She smiled seductively, her eyes locked on him. She then had the nerve to reach down and squeeze his crotch. Greg's eyes grew large and for a second I thought he was going to flat-out refuse.
“I-I'll never turn down a t-two for one,” he sputtered nervously.
I was so relieved. Tequila slipped off her shoes and climbed into the hot tub and purred. “Oooh, Greg, baby! This water feels
good. Hurry up and join me.” She moaned like she was having an orgasm.
Greg forgot all about me. He practically dived inside. Tequila patted the spot beside her. I shook my head. Maybe he wasn't used to beautiful women throwing themselves at him. Whatever it was, I was thankful.
I was taking off my shoes when Tequila climbed over and straddled his lap. Within seconds she started tonguing him down. Greg was groaning and moaning and making all kinds of noise. It was almost comical.
“Deja, why don't you go and get the massage oils from Treasure.” She then tossed her bikini top onto the floor and guided a large rosy nipple into Greg's mouth.
“Massage oil?” I mumbled because I had no idea what she was talking about, yet I turned on my heel and left her alone with that freak. I stepped outside the door to find Treasure standing on the other side grinning.
“What?” I asked, because she was clearly amused.
“Girl, relax. Tequila is a straight-up freak! She'll have that muthafucka feinin for her ass.”
I released a heavy sigh of relief. “Good ... anything ... as long as he leaves me the hell alone.”
“He will,” she replied confidently, and I prayed she was right. “Here ... take this.”
I looked down, and when I saw what she was holding, it finally started to make sense to me. I smiled. “This is gonna be good.”
“Just wait three more minutes and go back in.”
My teeth were chattering with excitement and I was also nervous as hell. I counted to one hundred and stepped back into the room and found Greg had Tequila bent over and was ramming her from behind. Her breasts were bouncing all over the place and he had the biggest grin on his face. His eyes were rolled so far back in his head, he hadn't even noticed I had stepped back into the room.
I started snapping pictures like crazy on Treasure's cell phone. She had one of those that took beautiful pictures. Greg was so into what he was doing he didn't even stop until he came, and by then I had taken a dozen photographs.
“Deja ... did you get that?” Tequila asked nonchalantly.
“Yes, ma'am ... you know I did,” I replied loud enough for him to have heard me.
Greg, who was breathing hard, looked over at me and finally noticed the phone pointed in his direction and the light flashing. It took a few moments longer before realization sank in. “What the hell are you doing?”
“This is my insurance policy.” I snickered. The grin fell from my face the second he jumped out of the tub. Oh shit! I padded over to the other side of the room and moved behind a small bar in the corner, which meant I was trapped. You just don't know how happy I was when Treasure stepped into the room.
“Well, well ... this must be Greg Stevens,” she purred, eyeing his dick appreciatively. Like I said before, God had definitely blessed the wrong man.
He gave a suspicious look. “How do you know me?”
“Actually ... I know Lauren ... your wife.”
He practically jumped out of his skin as he turned and reached for a towel. “Y-you are mistaken. I'm not married.”
“Hmmm ... really? Because you look a lot like the picture I found of the two of you on the Internet.”
“Deja, let me see that.” She signaled for her phone and I hurried over and handed it to her. She flipped through the pictures, shaking her head. “You should be ashamed of yourself. Lauren would be so hurt.”
Greg started fumbling with his clothes as he tried to put them back on. Tequila leaned back in the water, laughing and splashing her toes. “Greg, you need to give me your wife's number so I can tell her how good her man was,” she purred.
“I know that right, girl.” Treasure started laughing, and for the first time in weeks I let out a thankful sigh. It felt so good finally being in control again.

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