Scarlett Red: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 2 (In the Shadows) (21 page)

BOOK: Scarlett Red: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 2 (In the Shadows)
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It doesn’t seem fair that he shouldn’t experience some of what I just felt, and before I give it a second thought, I scoop up my necklace and rise on my knees. Leaning over his hard, muscular back, I kiss his throat as I lower the strand over his hard erection. “It seems only right to return the favor.”

When Sebastian exhales harshly, his back muscles tensing against my chest, I take the condom from his fingers and set it on the nightstand. Winding the beads around his cock several times, I circle my fingers fully around the strands and roll the pearls up his erection and then back down, whispering in his ear, “Help me forget.”

His breathing amps with my movements. “Are you sure?” His voice is hoarse as he trails his fingers along my wrist.

I slide my body around his until one leg is behind his back and my other is dangling between his hard thighs. Looking up into his hooded gaze, I give him a trembling smile. “Show me what you like.”

Sebastian cups the back of my neck, his thumb sliding along the column of my throat. Just as he pulls me into him for a kiss, his hand covers mine around his cock.

“Easy,” he says against my mouth, then traces my lips with his. I’m so drawn in by his distracting ‘almost kiss’ that the sensation of his fingers around mine don’t freak me out. I let him set the pace and tightness as he moves my hand along his erection. Clamping my leg around his lower back, I enjoy the feeling of power that rushes through me when his tongue finally slides against mine in a hot, searing kiss.

“Keep doing that,” he groans against my mouth as he releases my hand to clasp my face for a harder, even more arousing kiss.

Every part of me centers on Sebastian’s masculine scent and heat, the feel of my body wrapped around his hard one. I slow the pace of my hand and then speed it up, listening to his breathing to tell me what turns him on. Every harsh breath he expels into our kiss hikes my own arousal, making me wetter by the second.

Suddenly Sebastian presses his forehead to mine, his words barely coherent. “You need to stop.”

I pause for a second, but then I can’t help but move my hand up and then back down just one more time.

A low growl erupts from his mouth, and before I can blink I’m on my back and he’s above me, the necklace gone as his hard body pins me to the bed.

With his cock teasing my sex and his hands holding mine over my head, Sebastian’s breath saws in and out. “What the fuck, Talia? You can’t push me like this.”

I lift my hips up and slide him just inside my entrance. “And now I know what you like,” I say, my own breathing coming in short bursts of air.

is what I want,” Sebastian grates out, surging deep inside me.

I scream with the stinging sensation of my body stretching to accept his impressive size, and I’m shocked to feel my walls already contracting around him in another orgasm.

Sebastian’s a hard rock, holding himself perfectly still as my orgasm rips through me. “God, you feel like heaven. My heaven,” he says right before he pulls out and then slams into me.

He’s so powerful, all I can do is hold on, and when he finally releases my hands, I dig my nails into his back and roll my hips, meeting each of his thrusts with my own.

Just when I feel the euphoric tightness building in my sex once more, Sebastian clasps my hair, his sexy-rough voice a hot rush in my ear as he angles his next hip movement just right, sending me over the edge. Once my orgasm slows, he stops moving, his weight holding me locked in place. “Feel me keeping you, Talia,” he says in a tight, guttural groan. As Sebastian comes long and hard, his thick cock pulsing warmth deep inside me, I grip onto his sculpted shoulders and back, feeling taken, owned, and thoroughly enthralled by his savage primalness.

We don’t move for several minutes, our heavy breathing the only sound in the room. Still buried inside me, Sebastian lifts his head, stunned disbelief in his eyes. “What are you doing to me?”

I trace a finger along his jaw. “I imagine the same thing you do to me.”

He shakes his head. “I always wear a condom.”

I smooth his furrowed brow. “Don’t worry. I’m on the pill. Everything is fine.”

The relief that flashes across his face stabs me briefly in the gut. I don’t like that it bothers me. I start to slide out from underneath him, but he puts his hands on either side of me, locking me in place. “Where are you going?”

“To the bathroom.”

He frowns. “Do you have to go?”

I shake my head. “I should clean up.”

A ravenous smile tilts his lips “You’re staying right here.” He moves his hips and I’m surprised he’s swelling to full hardness inside me already. When my eyes widen, he releases a low arrogant chuckle, then kisses me, his tongue slipping past my lips to tangle with mine. “Three years is a hell of a long time to want,” he rumbles against my mouth. “You’re not going anywhere.”



Sebastian leaning around my shoulder to push a button on his watch wakes me. He’d left it turned on its side on the nightstand, and the backlight is still lit while he settles back into place behind me. My focus stays locked on the watch until the light goes out. One-eleven. Wasn’t that the same time his watch had been set to light up three years ago too?

Kissing my shoulder, Sebastian slides out of bed to use the bathroom. As soon as he closes the door, I pick up the watch and push a couple of buttons. He’s set it to go off everyday at the exact same time, one-eleven a.m. Why?

When the toilet flushes, I quickly push the buttons to put it back in the mode it was in before and then set the watch back down on his nightstand. He slips back into bed behind me thirty seconds later and hooks his arm around my waist. Hauling me close to his hard body, he runs his nose along my throat and into my hair, his voice a sexy vibration against my back. “I know you’re awake.”

I roll in his arms and face him, my hand sliding along his hard chest. “Your watch went off at that same time three years ago. What is the significance of one-eleven?”

He doesn’t say anything for a second or two, then pulls me close and kisses my forehead. Setting his chin on top of my head, he says in a quiet tone, “It’s a reminder.”

He cups the back of my head as he speaks, pressing me close, and I can’t help but inhale along his skin. I love the combination of deodorant and pure masculine musk. “A reminder of what?” I mumble into his chest.

His arms tighten around me. “To be diligent. Aware. Ready.”

I wrap my arm around his body and run my hand up his back. “Ready for what?”

He exhales. “Just…ready.”

He doesn’t say anything more. I start to press a kiss to his chest, when I suddenly realize that the back of his watch felt smooth against my fingers. What happened to the inscription on it? I pull back and look up at him, my heart racing with concern. “When did you get that watch?”

He stares down at me. “Last week. My uncle had set it up so that as soon as I filed the legal paperwork to change my name, his lawyer gave me the watch.” Expelling a laugh, he smiles fondly. “Even three years after his death, Jack continues to make me feel like a part of his family.”

I blink up at him, shock rolling through me. “Was the watch a family tradition?”

He shakes his head slowly, bitterness creeping into his tone. “Not really. The watch was my uncle’s way of replacing the one I’d lost.”

“Oh, I see,” I say as calmly as I can.
Damn it! Sebastian never received the watch I left for him? What happened? Why didn’t his sister give him the box? And if he never got the watch, that means he still doesn’t know I’m Red.
No wonder he didn’t ask me about that night eleven years ago. He still doesn’t freaking know. As relief and worry battle for dominance in my brain, I bite my lip. Most likely Sebastian never saw what the watch said on the back since he gave it to me the same night he got it.

“I remember you saying your dad got mad when you lost your watch. Have you ever considered the possibility that he gave you that gift because he was proud of you, and not just because it was your birthday?”

His mouth tightens briefly. “He gave it to me as a display of his wealth. Nothing more. Trust me.”

“But—” Sebastian captures my mouth in a devastating kiss, cutting me off. “I don’t want to talk about watches or asshole parents. Right now I just want more of you, Miss Scarlett Red.”


hat are you doing?”

I jump at the sound of Sebastian’s deep voice overriding the morning news he just turned on in the other room and almost drop the pearl necklace. I lift the strand and gesture to the sink filling with cold water. “Cleaning these. I hope we didn’t ruin them.”

Leaning against the doorjamb in nothing but a pair of black lounge pants, he frowns and unfolds his arms, defined abs flexing as he steps into the bathroom to turn the water off. “Leave them.”

When I glance up at him and start to ask why, he tucks a wet strand of my hair behind my ear. “They represent us, Talia. Naturally raw and beautifully dirty. I don’t want to erase that.”

As he turns me around, I set the necklace on the counter and giggle to cover how deeply his comment hits me in the gut. “I’d like to wear them again.”

“Then I’ll buy you another set,” he says in a gruff rumble just before he grasps my waist and sets me on the counter in front of him. Stepping between my legs, he slides his hands up my thighs, his gaze following their movement. “Next shower, you’re all mine. Got it?”

As his gorgeous blue eyes snap to my face, full of heated desire, I trail my hands up his muscular arms and shoulders. Hooking my fingers around his neck, I tease, “Next time don’t sleep in and you won’t miss out.”

He tugs on the collar of the blue dress shirt I’m wearing, a dark, dominant smile curving his sexy mouth. “Seeing you in my shirt almost makes up for it.” He lowers his lips to mine, his voice a husky rasp of sheer sexiness. “I think my clothes should be a required uniform from now on.”

I smile against his mouth. “And here I thought you preferred my birthday suit.”

He grips the top of my thighs, tracing his thumbs slowly down the damp bit of hair between my legs. “I’ll always prefer you wearing
, Talia.” He smiles, his magnetic charisma pulling me in. I tangle my fingers in his dark hair as he moves closer until his mouth barely touches mine. “On you. In you. Branding you
. Nothing else compares.”

Sebastian thrusts his tongue deep into my mouth at the same time he groans and steps into me, pressing his erection against my body. I kiss him back, loving how his possessiveness makes me feel cherished and wanted.

BOOK: Scarlett Red: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 2 (In the Shadows)
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