Scars of the Heart (31 page)

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Authors: Joni Keever

BOOK: Scars of the Heart
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As Carly sat, she stated the obvious. “I have no money to bet with. Will you stake me?”

He peered across at her. She still wore his hat and looked damn good in it. The fire burnished her golden hair to reveal coppery highlights. The Texas sun had warmed her creamy complexion, and the tint made those incredible eyes even more so. Carly wore a dress Kade hadn’t seen before. It clung to her in such a way that no one would mistake this woman for a boy.

Kade swallowed hard and checked the cards he still held. He fought to control his mounting desire and reminded himself that he was not Carly’s type. She’d made that clear. She found nothing about this land or this man attractive. The sting of that fact hit him harder than he expected.

“I can’t stake you. You’re my opponent. You better think of something else.”

Carly scanned the meager contents of the lean-to. Not even matchsticks to bet with. She shrugged. “Guess that’s that then. No poker audition.”

“There’s one other option . . .” He paused to make sure he had her full attention. “I doubt you and your soldier boys played this version, but maybe you’ve heard of
strip poker
.” He suppressed a smile as he noticed her brows arch and her eyes widen even more.

“What?” Carly felt sure she’d misheard the man.

“Strip poker. Each time you lose a hand, you lose a piece of clothing.” Try though he might, Kade could not keep his eyes from straying. His sights wandered slowly over his companion, caressing all the places his hands longed to.

“You can’t be serious! You’re making that up.”

Kade chuckled. “No ma’am, I’m not. It’s just for fun, but it should serve our purpose.”

“And just what purpose is that?” Carly’s voice held more than a hint of indignation.

Kade shrugged. “Fine. We won’t play. But if I can’t evaluate your so-called poker skills, you’re not going up against Junior.” He noticed those tight-pressed lips and remembered how sweet they’d tasted that night in the dry gulch, that night when Carly’s overwhelming need drove her to forget that she was a refined eastern lady, that he was a half-breed she despised. That night Carly acted as though she truly longed for Kade, wanted him as a woman wants a man in the deepest embrace of the night. She’d made it almost impossible to resist her, almost impossible to maintain control. “Actually, your reaction to my suggestion tells me all I need to know.”

“How so?” Carly looked so flustered. She didn’t slow down a moment and consider how he might be manipulating her.

“Obviously you don’t have near the confidence in your abilities as you tried to lead me to believe. If you were as good a player as you bragged you were only moments ago, you wouldn’t be so worried about losing your clothes. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen what’s under that dress anyway.”

Carly’s arms rushed up to cover her thin, low-necked bodice. “Kade Roberts! A gentleman would never speak of such things.”

“I never claimed to be a gentleman, Carly.” He stiffened as her reaction verified what he already knew. Carly Dawson felt nothing but revulsion at the thought of entering into any situation with him that might be remotely intimate or compromising. “But for your information, I do happen to be a gentleman. I wanted nothing more than to see what sort of poker player you are and to have a bit of fun. Forget it.” He rose to return the cards to his saddlebag.

“Now wait . . . Don’t get yourself all bent out of shape. You just took me by surprise, that’s all. I didn’t say I wouldn’t play. I just wanted to understand your proposal.” Carly took a deep breath and smoothed the skirt of her dress.

When she raised her head to meet Kade’s stare, her eyes glimmered a deep emerald green as the flame’s reflection danced in their depths. Kade saw not only resolve there; he could’ve sworn she offered something more, something akin to a dare.

“Okay, then. Let’s play.”


Carly had no idea how much time had passed. She had promptly lost the first three hands and, consequently, two shoes and a stocking. Much to Kade’s surprise, he lost the next hand. Though she expected him to follow her lead and kick off one of his boots, the man stood and slowly removed his shirt. Her breath caught in her throat as he casually strode to the open door. He hung his discarded garment on a nearby peg and retrieved a flask from his saddlebag. As he turned toward her, he paused to take a sip.

Light from the small fire painted a rich, warm cinnamon wash across Kade’s torso. The shadows detailed every muscle, every line of sinew. Carly closed her eyes as she recalled their night together in the cave, the night he had been shot. With a deep breath, she remembered sitting behind him, bathing his torso in cool water, running her hands across smooth flesh, the taut plains of his chest and powerful mounds of his shoulders. In her mind, Carly watched a droplet of water trickle slowly down the ridges of his stomach, down and down until it slipped below the waistband of his pants.


Kade’s staccato call snapped her from her reverie. She looked up to find him looming above her. Her eyes couldn’t help but travel the reverse path of that water droplet to eventually find a quizzical expression on his face.

“Are you okay? I asked if you wanted some.”

“Uh . . . what? Want some?” She felt the heated blush in her cheeks and wondered at the warm rush spreading through other parts of her body.

Kade extended the flask. “Whiskey? Do you want a sip of whiskey? We seem to be out of lemonade.”

Carly ignored his sarcasm, cleared her throat, and quickly took the offering. Anything to help distract her from the half-naked man now sitting across from her. The first sip burned a fiery path down her throat that left her coughing and gasping for air. Kade’s amused look challenged her to try again. The second sip went down better, and she gathered her wits to concentrate on the cards before her.

The next few hands rid Carly of her other stocking and petticoat and Kade of both boots. The lean-to filled with laughter as the twosome began to feel the calming effects of the whiskey and enjoy the game.

Unsure whether she truly played well enough to hold her own or whether the cowboy let her win occasionally, Carly tried to keep her guard up. But it was challenging. She’d not seen this side of Kade, this relaxed, fun side of Kade. She liked the richness of his laugh, the way his eyes lit up and crinkled at the corners. His smile was disarming, as was the bareness of his chest.

“That’s a full house, my dear. Dealer wins.” He let his gaze boldly wander up and down his opponent. “You seem to be running out of clothing items, Miss Dawson. Need help unbuttoning that dress?”

A boyish grin softened Kade’s features, and Carly met his blatant stare with a steady gaze. Slowly she stood, and, reaching behind herself, she flicked each button through its corresponding cloth loop until the dress sagged at her shoulders, just clinging to the bare flesh there. With a quick little shimmy motion, Carly sent the dress billowing to the floor in a puddle around her bare feet.

Now it was her turn to grin as all traces of the smile melted from Kade’s face. As she stepped gracefully out of the garment and gently pushed it aside, Carly watched his blatant stare travel the length of her. She wore nothing but a thin chemise and his black hat. Some part of Carly knew she should feel embarrassed or uncomfortable or exposed, but she didn’t feel any of those things. Perhaps the whiskey made her more brazen. Perhaps she simply liked disarming the arrogant Mr. Roberts. Carly didn’t take the time to analyze her actions. She simply lowered herself to the little stool and gathered the deck.

“My deal?” She smiled sweetly and batted her eyes. Kade swallowed noticeably and drained the flask.

The wind outside rustled through the tree branches on its journey to parts unknown. The fire crackled and popped. The cowboy studied his cards and finally withdrew two. He placed them face down on the box and lifted his gaze to Carly. Without a word, she dealt him two new cards. Maintaining eye contact, she mimicked Kade’s action and replaced two of her own cards. Each player checked what they held and made a quick assessment. Kade withdrew three queens and laid them slowly on the table.

“A trio of ladies. Can you beat that,
my lady

His steamy stare held her captive. His hair hung loose, velvety black strands laying atop his broad shoulders. Thick coal-colored lashes shrouded his bottomless eyes, making him impossible to read. With a shaky breath, Carly withdrew two aces from her hand and let them fall on top of the cowboy’s cards.

She swallowed hard and rose to her feet. Kade stood with her, as if some magnetic pull caused his body to follow hers. Though Carly still wore his hat, her left hand reached for the satin ribbon that laced the front of her chemise. She breathed heavily, her breasts straining against the thin fabric.

With deliberate leisure, she pulled the ribbon until the bow fell apart and the garment parted, revealing creamy white mounds and much of Carly’s stomach.

Kade took one hesitant step, then closed the distance between them. He stood as close to her as possible without actually allowing their bodies to touch. Carly resisted the urge to lean into him. The scent of him intoxicated her.

Without a word, he removed the hat she wore and gently moved strands of hair from her face. His fingertips left fiery paths where they grazed Carly’s skin. With both hands, Kade ran his fingers through her hair, from root to tip, and then began again, but stopped this time to hold her face between his palms. He tilted her head back, then bent to brush his lips along her exposed neck and jaw.

Carly gasped. Her legs trembled, and she wondered for a moment if her knees would buckle.

In a fluid sweep, Kade lifted her with one arm behind her knees, the other behind her back. Her arms encircled his neck, and time froze as they searched each other’s eyes, searched each other’s soul. And then he kissed her, tender at first, then desperate and hungry. Carly matched his fervor, and as Kade made his way to the straw mattress, she released the cards she still held, letting two more aces flutter to the floor.


With the care he’d use handling one of his mother’s porcelain teacups, Kade set Carly on the bed. He slid the chemise from her shoulders. As the garment fell to her waist, he searched her face for any sign of doubt, any tension, or even a fleck of uncertainty. All he saw there in Carly’s lovely eyes was desire. She smiled at him and lifted her arms from the material. Kade slid it past her hips and let his gaze travel the full glorious length of her as she lay back on the blanket. Bending over her, he kissed her again, deeply, loving the taste of her, loving the way she seemed as eager for him as he was for her.

He placed soft, slow kisses down Carly’s neck to traverse the valley between her breasts and trail along the quivering flat expanse of her stomach. As he neared the golden tangle of curls at the apex of her thighs, he blew a stream of warm air across the area and down the inside of one thigh. She gasped and coiled her fingers around his forearm.

The unimaginable horrors Carly had suffered at the hands of the men that came before Kade forced him to keep his raging torrent of desire in check. Every muscle felt coiled to the snapping point. Heat flooded his entire being. He blew a breathy trail up Carly’s body to her mouth. Though he intended to kiss her ever so gently, the little vixen wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. She kissed him with a hunger so raw and so primal, Kade could only join her abandon. As his tongue plunged deep into her mouth, Carly moaned and arched her body toward him.

Kade could wait no longer. He’d wanted this innocent temptress since they’d first met. He’d already spent one night satisfying her need while barely keeping his own in check. He pulled away from Carly to stand by the bed. Her eyes flew open, and she reached for him. But as Kade began unfastening his pants, she settled back, breathing heavily, glancing from his face to his britches and back to his face.

Her eyes rounded as Kade stood bare before her. For a moment, surprise and a hint of uncertainty masked the desire that had been there only seconds before. He did not rush. He reminded himself that Carly had never known a man in this way, a way that represented tenderness, mutual satisfaction, love.

Slowly she reached trembling fingers toward Kade’s manhood. Looking up at his face, she started to withdraw her hand, but he took it in his own. He loved her brazen honesty and wanted to assure her she had free rein with him. Guiding her hand, he let Carly timidly explore his member. Desire and need ruled her movements. She reached for Kade’s arms to pull him atop her, and he willing conceded.

As he positioned himself between her ivory thighs, he took her face in his hands and kissed her slowly, deeply, supporting the bulk of his weight on his elbows. Carly moved her hips against him, and Kade knew her own primal need drove her.

Without breaking their kiss, he nudged the tip of his manhood past silken curls to unfurl Carly’s sweet petals and find the tender bud hidden within. Kade flexed his thighs and buttocks to gently stroke her little jewel, and she gasped against his mouth. Her hands roamed over his back, pulling him closer still, encouraging his exploration. Her body rose to meet him, needing more, wanting more. And he eagerly gave her that which she sought—kissing, massaging, stroking—Kade carried his sweet Carly to the pinnacle.

For a moment she froze, every muscle in her body focusing its energy toward the rush and release deep within. As she began to relax, Kade repositioned himself and slid just within the folds of soft flesh. Now was the time to take her to yet another level of pleasure, to reach even higher, to find that magical place where man and woman become one.

As Kade gazed into emerald pools of desire, he plunged deep into the well. Carly cried out and went rigid as her maidenhead ripped. Pain and surprise swept across her features. She sucked in little gasps of air and dug her nails into Kade’s shoulders.

“Carly! My god, Carly!” His own surprise stilled his movement immediately. He slid his arms behind her shoulders to hold her close. A virgin! How was that possible? “It’s okay, my love. It’ll be okay. The pain will pass in only a moment.” He showered her brow and eyes with kisses. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I had no idea you were still . . .”

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