Scavengers: Collection - Books 1-4 (Zombie Gentlemen) (m/m zombie steampunk erotic romance) (20 page)

BOOK: Scavengers: Collection - Books 1-4 (Zombie Gentlemen) (m/m zombie steampunk erotic romance)
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“You’ll be so sweaty and hard once I’m done with ya,” was Ira’s hoarse reply, as he delved his tongue deep into his lover’s mouth, pulling him close. James could feel his heartbeat becoming rapid and instantly responded with a long kiss. He was now quite sure he liked the idea, already getting excited at the imagined knots pressing into most intimate places. He gripped the case tightly, not wanting to let it fall to the floor, as Ira laid him down, deepening the kiss and tracing his calloused fingers over the shivering plains of James’ chest and belly. He was so good at it.

“Where did you find this print?” James looked into Ira’s eyes with raising excitement.

“A friend sold it to me,” Ira grunted, his thumb lazily teasing his partner’s nipple.

“Must have been a very good friend,” James murmured, while gently touching Ira’s arms.

“Still is.” The other man laughed, helping him put the case away and pulling James on top of himself. “Sells many interesting things... we might go together.” He thrust his stiff cock against his partner with a low moan.

James held his weight on one elbow and slid his other hand between their bodies, for an even more teasing caress to Ira’s stomach. “Maybe in disguise...”

“I might take you there all roped underneath ya clothes.” Ira smiled at him, running his large hands down James’ sides and eventually cupping his buttocks with a soft squeeze.

“I would not really be able to walk now, would I?” James started kissing down Ira’s neck, letting his hair tickle his man’s skin. Everything felt so natural with him.

“I know ‘ow to do it so ya would.” Ira grinned at him, slowly sitting up with James still in his arms.

feeling worried.” He laughed. “Where did you learn all this?”

“Asia has much to offer for a starvin’ man.” Ira wiggled his eyebrows and fisted James' cock, giving it a slow pump.

A soft moan left James’ lips. “That must have been a very special kind of hunger,” he muttered, holding on to his lover’s neck.

“After months on a ship? Ya can’t imagine, boy.” Ira continued to kiss James’ lips, his mouth much gentler than one might expect from someone of his physique and background. “Might ‘ave tried a woman if it weren’t for that young lad.”

“What young lad?” James became serious, searching his lover's face for answers. A pang of jealousy bit into him, but he shook it off immediately. That was then. This was now. He knew Ira only had eyes for him.

“Met ‘im in a tavern. And just like that, it felt like 'ome.” Ira gave his lover a wide grin and held him steady, as he slowly bowed forward, tipping James back. Air escaped from James’ lungs as he hung in the air, with the tips of his hair brushing the floor. He did trust Ira, but it was only after his body was safe on the soft carpet that he could breathe again.

“Oh come on, Ira! Just tell me!” he demanded. “Where was it? Who was it?” It was a bit awkward to get off the bed in the position he was in, with his calves still on the tops of his partner’s thighs, but James finally managed to sit on the rug.

The other man smirked, quickly fishing out a long rope from behind one of the embroidered cushions on his bed. “What? Wanna know the juicy details?” He moved to sit behind James with his legs spread wide enough to accommodate him.

“I do!” James gasped, turning his face to Ira for a brief moment. His heart started racing at the thought of that exotic image and Ira’s hardness pressing into the small of his back did nothing but fuel the arousal.

Ira smiled, holding the hemp rope close to his partner’s nose, as if he wanted James to smell it. “We went drinkin’ with other men from m’ship and there he was, lookin’ at me. Pretty one, with long, black hair, pouty mouth. But small he was, like a girl.”

“Not like me!” James said with pride, though he knew it might have sounded a bit needy. The mere sight of the rope was getting him hard, reminding him of the lustful moments they shared in its company. Just Ira, him and the rope.

“Nah, you’re much more ‘andsome, m’boy,” Ira whispered, already working wonders with the rope. Beginning at the back of James’ neck, he started expertly wrapping it around his body, as he did many times before.

“But how did you know you could approach him?” James' body was pulsing with excitement at every jerk of the ties, which were now tightly holding his arms in place. The patterns Ira created with the rope were balanced to apply enough pressure to tease, without being painful.

“Just knew.” The man shrugged, pinching James’ puckered nipple. “He took me to his small room, and we fucked.”

James sighed at the last word. It felt so blunt and rough. Just as he liked it. His buttocks tensed at the mere mention of fucking. “And you tied him up?” His voice came out raspier than he intended. The diamond-shaped patterns on his torso and belly did nothing to disguise his heavy breathing. If anything, they became tighter with every sharp gasp.

“Not this time, but I saw he wanted t’submit. I ‘eld ‘im down hard.” Ira’s breathing too was becoming more rapid as he continued the roping ritual along with the story.

James closed his eyes, imagining the scene. He couldn’t bring himself to imagine Ira with someone else, so he simply put himself in the place of the Asian boy. There was something in the feeling of being tied that made him feel both weak and happy. He trusted his lover to stop whenever he felt the need to and was more than willing to give up the control for an experience that seemed fuller and more overwhelming than anything else they had tried so far.

“Ya like it, don’t ya?” Ira took a deep breath and started meticulously working on James’ hands, which were now clasped behind his back.

“Ah...” James moved around a bit, to check how much freedom he had. His cock twitched when he found his arms pretty much tied to be as one. Ira worked with patience, taking care of every detail, every little knot, once in a while pressing a kiss to his shoulder or simply stroking the hypersensitive skin. Their connection differed from anything James had ever experienced, and deep down he knew it wasn’t only about the excitement of being close to a handsome man.

“And did you see him again?” James asked after a longer moment. The intimate atmosphere got his mind to relax, but his muscles were still tense as they strained against the ropes.

“I did, numerous times. And met more men through him.” Ira traced his partner’s thighs with a loving touch and kissed the underside of his jaw.

“You’re incredible... I would have never...” James trailed off. It was getting harder to focus, as his whole body was growing hotter from the strain on the arms, and a drop of sweat trailed down his neck. But the sting of cramping muscles mixed with the pleasure of being close to Ira, accumulated to arouse him even more. His cock felt heavy and tender, but he knew his lover wouldn’t give him release just yet and it wasn’t what he wanted. He needed this to continue until he trembled in Ira’s arms.

“You’d never what?” Ira pulled him to his feet once he was finished with James' arms.

“Would have never thought it possible. To just approach a man like that.” He got up on wobbly legs.

“Bend over.” The words were accompanied by a slap to his backside and even though it wasn’t possible, James got the impression the sharp sound echoed through the room. He let out a soft whimper and his cock moved even closer to his belly excited by the blunt command. When Ira spoke like that, James obeyed without hesitation, even when the tremors that shook his body made it hard for him to move. He trusted his lover knew what he was doing.

Warm hands traced both of his buttocks in languid moves, as if the contact itself was rewarding enough. “Rare treasure you ‘ave here, boy,” murmured Ira, before spreading the cheeks wide.

James’ breath became hoarse and as much as he wanted to be touched in this way, he still flinched forward, shivering at the feel of cool air on his heated pucker. “Don’t say that.”

“Why?” he heard in return as Ira proceeded with the gentle kneading of his sensitive backside.

“You don’t have to
about it.” In such moments, James was grateful for the thickness of his long hair, which helped him hide his red face.

“But I wanna! It’s invitin’ as ‘ell!” The other man laughed and blew air over the exposed anus. James went silent, tensing up, as blood rushed through his veins like a wild river.

Ira let out a sigh of disappointment, before encircling his lover’s waist with rope. “Shouldn’t be ashamed of ya ‘ole,” he stated, making a loop and pulling James’ privates through it. He then immobilized the circle of rope with two parts of the thread that quickly went between James’ legs and on his buttocks. “Somethin’ that pretty needs to be shown.”

James looked down, opening his eyes wide in panic. “My God! What... I... I don’t know if this is a good idea!” he stuttered, frozen at the thought that the rope could pull at his penis too harshly. He still shivered with excitement at the feeling between his arse cheeks. Mixed emotions kept flooding him every moment and he wasn’t certain if he liked it or not...

“Shhhh, quiet now, m’boy.” Ira kissed one buttock and got up from the bed.

sure this is safe?” James was surprised by the tremble in his own voice. Immediately, a soothing hand cupped the back of his neck. Ira stopped in front of him, gently covering James’ throat with the other palm.

“Ya tell me case somethin’ ‘urts or tingles,” he said in a calm voice, giving James a chaste kiss. “But I know what I’m doin’.”

That gave James a sense of peace and he managed to relax. It felt good to finally look into Ira’s eyes again. “I trust you then.”

“Ya always do." Ira's face was gentle as he ran his large hands up and down James’ body.

“Do I have reasons not to?” He leaned in for a kiss.

“Not one.” Ira moved closer and knelt down to continue with ‘his work’, because that's what he called the roping. It was a slow, precise process, but every moment of it felt to James like he was being worshipped. It took his breath away that Ira dedicated so much attention to cover his skin with an arabesque of string. He was a dominant man, but with his touch being so warm and gentle, James couldn’t feel anything but cared for. He mentally compared the rope patterns to a painting and if Ira was the artist, he'd gladly be both his muse and canvas.

“Did the boy teach you this?” James was trying to even out his breath. It was the strangest thing, but the more constrained he was, the safer he felt in his lover's arms. As if Ira was wrapping a blanket around him, instead of putting him in bondage. James was now lying on his side, with one leg bent and awkwardly fastened to his torso, while Ira finished up some knots on his back.

“No, an older friend of ‘is." Ira stroked the outer side of James’ thigh, swiping his fingers over the pattern of rope he left there.

“Did it take long to learn?” It never ceased to amaze James how precise and tight the knots were. All he could properly move was his fingers. With one leg lifted, he was obscenely exposed but it gave him pleasure to think that it was for Ira’s entertainment.

“Yeah,” the other man confessed before walking away to get a long metal rod. He looped the loose rope through a hook on one end and lifted the thread towards the ceiling. “It needs practice.” And just like that, James' mind was flooded by images of Ira exercising all that newly acquired knowledge.

“Must have been ‘very tedious’,” he teased. James never forgot the two words Ira said to him after he tried to talk him into believing that looking at dirty pictures was in fact 'research'. Ira understood the joke and laughed, suddenly pulling on the rope, which yanked James into attention. Startled, he looked up. “When did you get this ready?” he muttered, kneeling on the rug. There were five thick hooks protruding from the ceiling and he suspected what their purpose was. His cheeks heated as he remembered the obscenely beautiful picture.

“I know, didn’t ask.” Ira smiled, pulling him up and forcing James to stand on one leg. “But you’ll like it.” The rope held his body firmly in place and James already knew that there was nothing he could do to control the situation. His heart was sent into an uncontrollable flutter.

“Will it be like flying?” He let out a short, nervous laugh, trying to keep balance in the strange position. The low rumble of Ira’s laugh made him shiver.

“Ah, I’ll give you wings, m’boy,” he promised, muscles flexing right beneath his tattoo covered skin as he pulled on the rope again.

James’ foot left the ground and he whimpered in fright as the rope tightened around him like a cocoon. Loosing the possibility to stand was a nerve-wrecking experience.

“You good?” The strain of holding James' body weight up was clear in Ira’s voice. Slowly, James was once again lowered to the ground to stand on one foot. This was just a trial.

“This must look terrible.” He suddenly felt self-conscious about the ridiculous position, by his flushed face and tangled hair. “I think it’s all right though. It doesn’t
per se,” he added, unwilling to spoil his lover’s pleasure.

“Terrible? You daft?” Ira blurted out, looking into his face with a deep frown.

“At least I can hide my face." James shook his head to get more of his long hair to cover his eyes. “I’m not much of a ‘Lord Looker’ with those scars.” But at least he wasn’t dead either. He considered the burns on the side of his face a reasonable price to pay for health. Who knew, if Ira hadn't burned those scratches right away, maybe he would be walking through the countryside in search for human flesh right now. He would be a ‘zandy’. That’s what the working class called wealthy men who turned into zombies. Dandy. Zombie. Zandy. He considered it to be a joke in horrible taste.

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