School for Nurses (11 page)

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Authors: T. Sayers Ellis

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #fetish, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

BOOK: School for Nurses
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There was a murmur of anticipation from the men. ‘Come on, Robbie,' one of them urged, ‘get stuck in and fuck her brains out!'

‘Don't you boys know anything about preparation?' his deep voice growled, and then she heard the hiss of laces as he untied his boxing gloves and pulled them off. Then he rested one of his bare hands on her bottom. ‘Do you admit you were wrong?' he asked her evenly.

‘I'm sorry,' she breathed, aching to be fully conquered by him.

‘What will you give to make it up to me?'

‘I... I'm showing you everything now,' she whispered. ‘What more do you want?'

‘Pull your cheeks apart for me,' he said harshly.


‘Pull your cheeks apart.'

She had expected him to shame her, but not like this; this was too humiliating by far. Biting her lip, she reached behind her with gloved hands, and struggled to pull open the cheeks of her bottom. She could almost literally feel the eyes of all the men standing around the ring on her intimate little rosebud, and also on the soft, wet lips of her pussy, puffed and hungry for Robbie, visible through the gap between her slim thighs.

‘That's nice,' Robbie said, ‘now beg me to fuck your arse.'

‘I'm sorry?!' she gasped.

‘Beg me to fuck your arse. You said I could have anything.'

‘No, I'm sorry I challenged you!' she sobbed. ‘I'm sorry!'

‘Beg,' he insisted.

‘Go on then - fuck my arse,' she cried. ‘Fuck me!'

‘What do you think, lads?' Robbie asked, his hands casually caressing and squeezing her firm yet yieldingly soft buttocks.

‘You should oblige the little one,' one of the men answered.

‘Well, maybe I will,' Robbie agreed, ‘but I don't think she deserves that yet. She wants it too much. Maybe a little smack or two on her other cheeks will make her see some sense.' And to the great delight of the assembled fighters, and to Sarah's disbelief and mortification, Robbie Carlton began spanking her with resounding smacks. A murmur of appreciation rose up from the men as his great palm made contact with her bottom, making her cheeks quiver and burn with a pain that sent sweet hot flashes of desire through her pussy. She wriggled her bottom provocatively, not caring any more who saw it. She didn't care how he fucked her now, she just wanted him to fuck her, and fuck her hard.

He spanked her for a full fifteen minutes as the men counted his blows in one great loud voice. ‘Twenty-seven! Twenty-eight...! Go on, make it the thirty, Rob!' And then - Sarah wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed - he pulled her to her feet, lifted her out of the ring, and pushed her ahead of him into the relative privacy of the changing room.

‘A man's got to have peace and quiet to do his best work, lads,' he called out, and they groaned their disappointment but did not dare follow.

And in the quiet cool of the changing room, Sarah sank to her knees again before the powerful form of Robbie Carlton as he pulled his shorts down, and his erection sprang straight out into her eager mouth. She nearly choked on his cock it was so big, but he slowly fed it to her as she struggled to take it all the way down into her throat to accommodate him, to let him go as deep as he wanted to. Then she released it and turned around, and kneeling on all fours again, offered him the soft, taut cheeks of her buttocks.

‘Do you still want to?' she asked throatily. ‘Do you still want to fuck my arse? I'll let you do whatever you want! You can have me however you want me!' And Robbie Carlton, champion of her youth and of her own making, promptly began pushing his long, thick dick into her bottom.

He fucked her and fucked her, thrusting and pumping his relentless erection into her tight rear passage, until she came with a scream that could easily be heard by the men ranked outside the changing room door chanting, ‘Champion! Champion! Champion!'


A Short Term



Vanessa was an estate agent's assistant whose body was her chief asset. She had full breasts that made one want to throw her onto her back to watch them spread, and her buttocks were so delightful that heads turned all the way up and down the street whenever she went to show a property. And at the moment, those gorgeous breasts were swaying gently back and forth as she leaned over her boss' face, estate agent Martin Croupe. His mouth was suckling her hard nipples and making her moan as she rode up and down on his cock, lodged deep inside her succulent sex.

‘Not bad,' he said as she lifted herself off him, holding the cigarette he had lit and then passed from his lips to hers. She lay down on her back, and watched with some interest as her large brown aureoles sank back down into the creamy round spheres of her breasts. He traced a finger beneath her high cheekbone, and gently wrapped her hair behind her ear. ‘You're getting better as a lay,' he went on, ‘but you're still thick as shit when it comes to selling houses.' He got out of bed and started pulling on his suit trousers.

She coughed, ‘What?' choking on a mouthful of smoke. Suddenly she felt compelled to cover her breasts and pulled the sheet up over them.

‘I'm sorry, love.' He reached down, plucked the cigarette out from between her fingers, and took a drag. ‘You're just not working out. Nice little pussy and all, but frankly,' he looked her up and down in a way that made her feel cheap as used oil, ‘the arse isn't worth what we're paying you.' And with that, he turned away and slipped on his jacket.

‘But Martin,' wrapping the sheet around herself, she leapt out of bed and ran after him as he headed for the door, ‘I'm just... I mean, I'm just...'

‘What?' He turned back to face her, his hand on the doorknob.

‘I need the job,' she said desperately, tears rising into her eyes; this was so horribly unexpected.

‘Yeah, well, we all need things,' he said, and turned away again.

‘No, I really, really need this job, Martin!' The air in the little apartment was almost cold - the heat hadn't been turned on before he brought her here to fuck her - and despite her distress, she felt her nipples stiffening again beneath the sheet.

‘How badly do you need it?' he asked, looking at her in a strange way.

She felt an anxious tightening in her tummy. ‘Very badly,' she admitted, her mouth dry. She had known she shouldn't go to bed with her boss, but she had been afraid he would sack her if she didn't, and she was sure that after he fucked her, he would want to keep her around...

‘Go back to bed,' he said.

‘All right,' she replied submissively.

‘I'll keep this.' He yanked the sheet off her, leaving her naked in the cold passageway. Even though he had been inside her only five minutes ago, the way he looked at her as he left made Vanessa blush.

There was a sound in the corridor just outside the bedroom where Vanessa lay. It sounded like some kind of motor, or perhaps a fan, had been switched on. She couldn't be sure because she couldn't see. She was blindfolded. And she couldn't go out to investigate the sound because she was handcuffed to the bed, face down.

Vanessa was lying bound and blindfolded and completely naked in an empty apartment up for rent. There was nothing in it except for the bed upon which she lay spread-eagled and handcuffed to the brass bedstead. The bedstead and bed were a trademark of Martin's agency. ‘Give them the feeling they can fuck there,' he always said, ‘and they'll pay twice the going market rent.' Which was why Vanessa was not surprised to find the bed in the apartment when he first took her there, or to find herself energetically fucking him on it a few minutes later. Now, however, she did wonder where he had got to, and why. Before he left, slamming the door behind him, he had turned on the heat, because it was warmer in the room. She pulled against her bonds. Why would he want the place warm now
he had fucked her? Yet she could not really concentrate on the question, because being tied up made her horny as sin and all she wanted was for him to come back and fuck her again.

She heard the front door open; a lock disengaged, and footsteps sounded down the hall.

‘Martin?' she called, but there was only silence.

‘Don't be a sod!' she cried. ‘Say something!'

‘The south exposure is quite grand,' she finally heard his voice commenting as he approached the bedroom and opened the door, which creaked slightly on its hinges. And then she heard the soft, gentle scuffing of another set of footsteps. Or was it two more sets? ‘You'll find, gentlemen, that this flat offers opportunities most apartments do not.'

Yes, there were two more sets of footsteps! Vanessa blushed like a peach in late summer when she realised he had men with him,
men! She was sure of it now; she could smell aftershave that definitely wasn't his.

‘Very nice, isn't it?' Martin's voice continued pleasantly. She could feel him standing over her now, which meant he could see right up into her body. She writhed against the mattress and pulled desperately on the ropes holding her legs open. There were two other men with him, and for all she knew, they were standing on either side of him enjoying an unimpeded view of her most intimate places. And suddenly, she felt a hand trace the lines of one of her shapely buttocks.

‘Oh,' she gasped. ‘Martin, you bastard, cover me up.'

The hand came down hard on her bottom with a ringing smack that sounded incredibly loud in the empty room.

‘Ouch!' she exclaimed, more in surprise than in pain.

‘The fittings and fixtures are most flexible,' Martin went on as though he couldn't hear her. Maddeningly, he was giving his usual pitch even as she felt a hand creeping up between her thighs again. She had no way of knowing if it was his hand, but she didn't want him to spank her again, so even though she writhed against the bed and pulled on her bonds, she didn't say anything as he kept on selling. ‘You'll find all the original decorations, no renovations have been necessary.' The hand had reached her buttocks and was massaging one of her cheeks, making her yelp it squeezed so hard. Then she felt it rise off her before it came down again even harder.

‘Oh, my God!' she gasped. ‘What was that for?'

‘Offer yourself up, bitch,' Martin addressed her suddenly. ‘Don't you want to sell? Push your arse up.'

‘Are you crazy? I'm not...'

‘Push your arse up or I'll fuck you right here in front of these two gentlemen, and then you
won't have a job.'

Gritting her teeth, Vanessa found herself pushing her bottom up towards the punishing hand. At least she knew it was his hand now. But for how long? He had just told her there were two other men in the room, she just didn't know where they were standing, or what they were thinking.

‘Does she do tricks?' a deep, foreign voice inquired. She tried, but she couldn't place the accent.

‘Sure, anything you like,' Martin replied.

‘Now, wait a minute!' she shrieked. ‘I'm not...'

‘Shut up and open your mouth,' Martin commanded.

‘Now wait just a minute!' she tried desperately.

‘Keep your mouth nice and wide open, Vanessa. This is a sales job, remember.'

‘I'm not a bloody tart! I...!' She cried out in real pain this time as something thin and flat and hard cut into her buttocks with a hiss and a crack. A riding crop? It struck her again, but this time her scream was cut off as her mouth was filled with a stiff penis. She choked a little as its owner drove it into the back of her throat and started fucking her, moving back and forth between her lips while her head was held in place by his fingers gripping her hair. She started to feel light-headed as the cock used her face like a pussy and fucked and fucked and fucked her mouth until it finally exploded, and forced her to swallow mouthful after mouthful of hot sperm surging from the balls of some strange man she couldn't even see.

Vanessa gasped for air when the blindfold was pulled off, and she lay panting on the bed after the thankfully spent erection slipped out of her mouth. The light hurt her eyes at first, then her blurred vision focused, and glancing over her shoulder, she saw Martin standing in his coat just behind her. To her right, a man in a beige suit was zipping up his fly. Another man, wearing a grey charcoal morning coat, was standing beside Martin directly behind her - right between her open legs - and he was holding a small vial. Both the strangers were black, a very deep black like ebony. She blinked in an effort to clear her head as she looked back at Martin again. ‘You bastard,' she hissed.

‘Don't worry, sweetie, you're not finished yet,' he said condescendingly, nodded, and the man in the coat approached the bed as he opened the vial in his hand.

‘No, Martin, no,' she panted. ‘I'm not...'

‘Do you want a job?' he asked in a maddeningly reasonable tone.

‘No, I don't...' she spat, before adding, ‘what's he doing?'

The man in the morning coat squeezed some white liquid onto his palm as he knelt between her legs at the end of the mattress. She felt his fingers slip between the cheeks of her bottom, and then one of them slipped into her anus and very efficiently lubricated her tight back passage with the cool, greasy ointment.

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