Scorched Fury: A SkinWalker Novel #5 (DarkWorld: SkinWalker) (38 page)

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Omega and Sentinel, both powerful paranormal agencies were interested in a rash of paranormal disappearances in the last six months, something that seemed to also have caught Fulbright's attention.

"So, I trust you will ensure Saleem here has full access to all our Missing Person's files?" Chief Murdoch said as he rose from his seat.

Fulbright reddened as he stood, his back ramrod straight. "Of course, Chief."

When he stalked out of the office and shut the door with a click, Saleem turned to Murdoch. "I don't need those files you know?" Chances were Omega's files on the disappearances were much more substantial than what Fulbright could come up with.

Murdoch smiled from beneath his mustache. "Of course I know that. It's just better that Fulbright doesn't." The Chief sat, his massive frame threatening to crush his creaking chair.

"So what has he been up to?" Saleem glanced through the window at the warren of desks. Fulbright stood at one of them, flipping through a stack of files while repeatedly glancing at Murdoch's glassed in office. Fulbright's stomach rose from mid-chest and hung low on his hips, so low over his waistband the man needed suspenders to hold his pants up. Not that body image bothered the detective at all.

"Investigating all of Mel's cases but especially focusing on the abductions and deaths involving paranormals. I don't know how, but he's managed to hone in on the paranormal cases too well for my comfort. Ask him yourself. He doesn't mind sharing his suspicions."

Saleem nodded left the Chief's office, heading to the two desks that sat facing each other. A floor to ceiling window looked out onto traffic and block after block of aging high-rises.

Saleem sat and the sound of the chair brought Fulbright's head swiveling toward him. Fulbright did not expect conversation with Saleem. In fact, he'd made it clear enough he didn't have much respect for Saleem or his presence. He'd barely glanced at the Djinn since he'd arrived.

He knew what that meant. Race always played a big part in heightening emotions. But Saleem didn't care. It was bad enough his Persian descent was clear in his deep olive skin, dark hair and black eyes. As far as his appearance went, Fulbright had him pegged. But imagine if this normal human realized he had a bloody djinn sitting next to him. A real, honest to goodness genie. He'd be off searching for a lamp so fast Saleem would probably choke on his dust.

Silencing a snort, Saleem sneaked a glance at his partner. Saleem wriggled in his seat. Time to find out a little more of what made the whole Fulbright-Morgan relationship tick. "So what's the deal with you and Mel Morgan anyway?" Saleem asked, pasting on the innocent rookie face he'd practiced with his team leader, Logan Westin, yesterday.

Fulbright gave him an impatient glare as he stacked his files in a pile and pushed them aside. The detective took a deep breath, grunted. "Just something about her that doesn't add up. Her ability to find people when we can't is strangely coincidental. Most of the cases we close end up with her. And she solves then. Finds the people, dead or alive."

"And you find that strange how?" The sounds of the office hummed around them. Saleem had his own reasons for being here, for watching Mel Morgan and the more he knew about her the better.

"Nothing I can put my finger on really. Just strange." Fulbright was being reticent and Saleem understood. Most cops didn't like Omega or Sentinel.

Saleem stared out the window for a moment then looked at his new partner. Fulbright shifted and threw Saleem an annoyed glare.

"It's an old case, nine years to be exact. A kid went missing. House trashed. Blood everywhere, parents' throats slit. And this Morgan kid standing there, covered in blood not saying a word. Then we found there's a kid missing, her younger sister. And from the blood and the condition of the house we knew the chances the girl was alive were slim to none. Case closed." Fulbright shook his head.

"So why keep an eye on her now?" Saleem couldn't keep the criticism from his voice but Fulbright was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he didn't even seem aware.

"I've been looking at the files. And she's just too good at her job to be ... normal."

The hairs on the back of Saleem's neck stood on end. "And this friend of hers you are investigating?" Saleem asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"A guy named Samuel Fontaine." Saleem went cold. Samuel, the Master tracker. So Fulbright was on the paranormal trail after all. Saleem just had to find out how much he knew.

Human mage trackers were rare. Which is why almost every available paranormal tracker was on both Omega's and Sentinel's contractor lists. Including Melisande Morgan. And Fontaine. Until he'd toasted his grey cells on a jump.

If Morgan's paranormal identity was blown, everyone else would soon follow. Fulbright was more dangerous than he could ever imagine.

The detective snorted, reminding Saleem of the unpleasant presence of the other man. Saleem didn't want to talk to him anymore so he started up the computer and logged into Omega to give his report.

# End of BLOOD MAGIC Excerpt #

Blood Magic – Book 1 in the SoulTracker Series

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I have been a writer since I was old enough to recognize that reading was a doorway into my imagination. Books were my best friends, my escape, my haven. I am essentially a recluse and am blessed with a husband who has left me for golf. It's a fair trade as I have left him for writing. We are both passionate supporters of each others loves - it works wonderfully...
My heart is currently broken in two. One half resides in South Africa where my old roots still remain, and my heart still longs for the endless beaches and the smell of moist soil after a summer downpour. The other half of me has been transplanted to the island of New Zealand. A land of green, pure beauty that truly inspires. And because I am so torn between these two lands - I shall forever remain cross-eyed.

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