Scorpion (15 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Scorpion
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I thought about being left alone tonight.  I thought about being left alone at all.  If I didn’t have to just sit here, I wouldn’t wallow in loneliness.  So...I tipped the scales.

Cord was here. 

He was off the bed and searching the room. 

Not here.  In the Sun room.

He looked me over noting my shorts. 

Where was the guard?

Guarding his post.
Leave Granite alone.  He was possessed or something.  He didn’t even know.
   I smiled hoping to diffuse him.

Apparently.  He
’ll be replaced.

I felt a pang of guilt for that.

What did he want?

To bother me.

His hackles were up. 

He is harmless.
  I lied. 
Just let him play his game.  We might need him.

He wasn
’t eased.  I didn’t think he would be. 

Cas whispered, “Are you okay?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to be near him.”

“Done.  I won
’t leave you again.”

I turned over looking up at him now that the pressure released between us.  “That
’s not reasonable either, but I do have a request.”

“Anything!” H
is hands nervously traced the edges of my shoulder blade.

“I want to leave.”  He straightened at my request.  “I mean
, I want to get out some.  I want to do some research on the Elves and Borgon.  They want me dead.  I want to know who I’m up against.”

“No problem.  My library on the first floor is more than adequate.”

Didn’t see that coming.

“Okay, but I want to go out.  See my friends.  Curl up with Jane Austen and drink a chocolate brownie frappe at a coffee shop.” 

“That’s a lot of requests.  Can I join you?”

“If you have time.”

That’s not fair.

I didn
’t mean it that way, really.

But that is what you want?

“Yes, Cas.  Ideally I want your full attention.  Constantly.  But we both know that you can’t and nor can I allow myself to be a locked up Rapunzel.”

His face fell.  He couldn
’t afford all his time with me and be lord of the Vampire faction.

’s okay.”

“No, it
’s not.  You’re not meant to be left alone.”

In all my inexperience I clued into his thinking rather quickly now.  “Leaving me alone doesn
’t make me pan away from you.  It just makes me miss you more.  I know you have duties.  I just well…I’ve just recently found freedom away from my home.  I want to feel important.”

He frowned.  He was thinking.  “Will you do something for me?”

“What?”  I thought of his response to my same request earlier.  He’d said anything.

“Will you ask Cord to help you see a vision for me?”

“What?”  Was he asking me to paste a Scarlett colored A on the breast of my shirt?  Hello!

“I want to see the future.  What it holds for you.” 

Was he mad?  Why would he ask
...and in
way?  “I did already.”

“What exactly did you see?”   He leaned to meet my eyes being almost a foot taller than me and even in the bed it forced his height down to me.

“Cas, there is no way to know what it means.  There once was a woman who came to court who was labeled a physic.  She predicted my brother to be the next heir as funny as that is.  She also predicted that my father would have another child.  And that was wrong.”

Cas drew his eyes in.  His frown deepened.

“What?”  I asked.


“NO!  You said no secrets,” I reminded him.  He didn’t want to tell me.

’s just I’ve known Cord for a time.  He owes a lot to your father.”  Cas watched me and read me and analyzed pretty well every move I made.  He knows I know he said this for a reason.

“My father?” I finally said.

“Cord’s parents were killed when he was young and your father was his benefactor.  I’ve known this longer than I want to admit.”

My mind swirled with more questions than answers.  Cas
’ hands still moved over my cold skin.  “And you learned this how?”

“Cord and I developed a love/hate relationship early in life that that eventually led to tolerating each other
’s pending future.”

Yeah, but I think it was more than just that.  More like stupid boy competitiveness.

“He and I both came across each other a second time learning of our marks by accident while searching you out though we’d known each other previously in a way.  His name preceded him for his dark, sadistic circles he stayed in as a teenager and being that I was Vampire he crossed mine and my father’s radar.  When I learned of his mark and confirmed his claim to be born with it, I knew there was more I didn’t know.  I knew about you and your brother long before obviously.  I knew about Calum long before the night he revealed himself to you and only kept a close eye on him.  But I couldn’t figure Cord into it yet.  He was human. So I stayed in touch needing his assistance for various surveillance.” 

I didn
’t make any face Cas could read.  I was still processing this “friendship” between them.  “So let me get this straight.  You only made his acquaintance for the second time to keep an eye on him and I’m guessing to find out what he knew.”

Cas nodded centering his hand on the crook of my elbow and resting his gentle touch on me.  Then he said, “Only it backfired because he
’d already found out about you.”

“How did that come about?”

He was very reluctant to share this. He fidgeted, ran his fingers through his hair, and paced the floor beside the bed away from me again ending the information game he was playing.  This must be awful.  “Stace, don’t get mad.” 

Who prefaces it with that and doesn
’t expect a little? 

“I was keeping an eye on you one night.  He came to report some
intel when I didn’t respond to his text.  He followed me to your court and cornered me into telling what I was doing with the Val court alone in the dark...watching you.  I lied and said I was doing surveillance on you.  His curiosity got the best of him and before I knew it, he knew as much as I knew about all of us.  I made him promise to wait till you were ready to know.  He’s not very patient.”

“That is for sure.”  I thought back to the co
y way he just showed up in the Sun room.

“I still want to know what you saw again in the vision?” he asked. 

“Cord and I were crouched down on the ground surrounded by some type of forest on fire in every direction possible.  The Elf lord, I presume because he looked like one, was standing over us laughing.”

“Just you and Cord?”  His jaw tightened, the muscles screaming at me more than the words.


He looked down after the word left my lips. I shook my head in denial, not ready to believe anything with Cord could be that simple.  His fingers inched into my hairline from where he stood and stroked my neck. 

“It doesn’t mean anything, Cas.  Only maybe that a war is inevitable, the Elf lord is possibly our enemy, and Cord and I are involved.”

He glared at me. 

Cas, quit.  I change my mind.  I don’
t like jealous anymore.
I left the warm bed and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him to me like steel bands.  I pressed my lips hoping to warm them as well as warn him sinceI blamed him for the juvenile topic of discussion.  I couldn’t say I wasn’t childish about who was given his attention sometimes too.  He held the tension in his mouth at first but easily gave when I flicked my tongue on his cheek that made him chuckle. 
See, laughter is the best medicine.

.  He made his way down my jaw, up my neck.  I shivered thinking he had to hear my heart puttering too fast.  He did it again on the other side then leaned leaned back so I could see him.  His eyes, swirls of emotion, were making me come undone.  Completely.

His face sunk to mine and I forget all about Cord and impending war and goddesses.  That
’s what he does to me.  His kisses take me away to another place and time. 

And just like that, an interruption takes it all away.  One of his guards, that I didn
’t look up to see who was, slid in and asked to speak with him.  He left me cold in my spot and two timeless minutes later, he was back from our reality.

Hungry for more, I was holding on to the back of his neck at the edge of his hairline. 
Daringly, I slid my fingers back and forth across the nape of his neck feeling him respond then traced my hands in swirls across the spine of his bare back and inched my fingers in the backside where his belt hit.  I moved around to the front laying my hand atop his sun.  He’s so warm and getting warmer.  I swear he is hotter than fire.

He chuckled into my neck.


’s what I love.

I pressed.

The way you react.

Hmm!  How is that?
  My mind befuddled by the tender kisses he was placing on my neck again.  I sighed advancing from cloud nine and on up but determined to not show him and failing miserably.


I pushed him back.  “Okay, mister.  Then try this.” 
I can do it too.

I landed on the bed and pushed up on my knees placing my hand across my tank over my stomach.  I watched his eyes linger and saw the hunger
grow in his eyes.  I had to be careful on this dangerous ground I treaded.  He might not be able to hold back, but he needed a taste of his own medicine.

I slowly moved my tank up feeling very inexperienced.  He didn
’t budge but I knew he wanted to so I reminded him that this was a watch only demo.  Scared, I wanted him to want me in all the ways I’ve imagined but never thought I’d be allowed to enjoy. 

His eyes blinked twice when I told him to sit down on the bed.
I crawled on my knees as sexy as I knew how and stopped so his point of reference, my stomach, was centimeters from his eyes showing my mark.  I stayed seconds and slid down slowly and landed beside him eye to eye.  His hands shook when I tried to take one with the intention of giggling and plopping down on the bed and hiding under the covers.  When he jerked back I asked what was wrong hiding my disappointment.

Uh, Stace.
  I have to go.

“What?  Why?”

“Stace, you just don’t know what you do.”  He was off the bed now, his voice resonating louder and huskier.  I was smiling as he slipped out the door. 

Are you going to be okay? 
No answer from him. 
I’m not sorry.
  I giggled.

I know that more than anything.  I didn
’t want to leave.

Then come back.

Stace, I can’t do that.

I know, but I sure love how you react.

I heard his grunt from the other side of the wall.

Are you in the bed?

No, about to take a cold shower.

Want company?


Okay!  Okay!  I
’ll stop.  But you asked for it.

And when you say yes to my most important question I will make you shiver and sigh to the point that reacting won
’t be what’s at the top of your most important thought list you like to keep in your mind.

And what will be at the top of my list? 
I had to ask.  The anticipation would kill me.  I wanted everything with him.  This wasn’t some fantasy.  It was real and happening to me.  I found myself picturing a wedding gown and walking down an aisle.

’d caught my thought pattern but I was already sitting pretty on cloud fifteen and counting.

I love you, Stace. 
With every part of me.

I love you, Cas. 
With every part of me.

I didn
’t ask him to come hold me.  We both needed a cooling off.

Chapter Fourteen
...of surprise at the conduct of either party.



I didn
’t have to wait long before hearing from the almost Lord Cord Ryan.  His text said, U UP 

It was not an unknown number because he
’d put it in my phone.   Another text came in when I didn’t answer.  I AM

I couldn
’t be sure, but he seemed to be one of those kind that might be a little suggestive so I refused to answer.


I almost ignored it all together. Just a wild guess my foot.   Smothering my phone under my thigh to keep from seeing it was pointless since it buzzed again making me jump up falling off the stainless steel countertop I was perched on. 

A little BIRD talked  CU 2nite BABE

I gave in and peeked.  My blood boiled.  I typed the text as fast as my nimble fingers would go.  4UR411 I DO NOT NEED U 

I sent it. It needed more.  DHYB

This was one of my favorites because I could just picture the receiver holding their breath.  I hoped this one would.

CalmY I NEED U2  Hot4U

Calm myself?  As if!


I hadn
’t texted as much as Maze and Liz, but I knew enough after weeks with them.  His Calm Yourself message was maddening, and See You Soon.  He was just...ARG!

I hate texting language.   I vowed to stop it altogether.

I didn’t have much time to cool down from my obvious grunting fit in front of the kitchen staff before Cas joined me.  One of the ladies in the kitchen I’d seen but not greeted formally stood there with me.  I asked about a snack she listed the contents of out of my added goodies requested by Cas.  She buried her wrinkly face into the door of the fridge to look.

She slipped her head back out and squeezed her face up to the point her eyes looked closed and then suddenly flattened her Asian eyes back out to a scared look of surprise.  Something behind me scared her.

I didn’t want to move.  I already knew who it was anyway but wondered why this lady was scared.

  He did his usual sneak up behind me act, but found that he couldn
’t because I could feel him grab my waist seconds before with or without his stealthy thoughts.  I loved it so much I faked knowing and let him capture me.  He took me down to the ground and pinned me to the cold kitchen floor.  I heard Claire gasp and exit fast with the other lady I just learned was Arlene. 

Cas, you
’re going to give her a heart attack.

“What is it giving you?”

“A back ache.”


“You’re the one with the pants on fire mister attack me in the kitchen.”

He kissed me chastely and popped up holding his hand out.  “As much as I
’d love to make a comment back on that and play this out to find out where it might lead me, I will refrain.  We have preparations for tonight.”

“I know.”

His eyebrow rose considerably.  I felt way too short for a tall girl.   I showed him the text.  He frowned a lot as he erased them with fury in his fingertips.

Cas, ignore him.  I do. 

He nodded but I knew better.

“We will all meet at the warehouse.  We are to take a weapon, but I packed all of yours.  You will dress...” he looked off.


He was afraid to say something, “Do you have any other clothes to practice in besides the black one your partial to?  It
’s too catty and tight.”

“Cas.  That is
me.  Take it or leave it.”

His brow furrowed and then disappeared as fast, “You
’re right.  I want you just the way you are.  It’s just...”

“I know
, Cas.  I know.  But I am used to this.  I’m glad you think so well of my
cat suit
that it affects you, but it’s not intended to call out to you or anyone else.  It’s meant for my comfort.  And since that’s the way I want it, it goes.  The testosterone fights can stand aside for my needs.”

“And you realize what a distraction it is to me trying to defend you when our little group combines and forces me to throw them off of you.  It makes me lose focus.”

“Wow!  Love that actually.”


“Don’t you
me in your head.  I am me Cas and that’s that, take it or leave it.”

He smiled at my flailing arms and attempted anger at him.  That made me even madder.  I braced the counter to mimic a not so long ago event that happened in this very spot.  He figured me out fast and the chase was on.  He circled the counter.  I climbed on top on all fours.  He was faster.  I turned this way and that dodging him.  I was just about to make across and off the other end when he joined me on
top of the counter.  A gasp formed behind us as one of the house servants I didn’t know the name screamed in surprise and ran away.  I let him catch me and throw me up against the wall across from the counter.

“You are going to scare off all your staff,” I laughed still torqued with the idea that he was trying to boss me.

“If they can’t handle a little cat and mouse, the door is open.”


“Don’t you Cas me in your head.  I fully intend to win this chase and no one will hinder me.  You are mine only
.  I don’t share well with others.”

Oh, this I know.  “Cas, I
’m wearing what I want.”


“Then a request.”  He didn’t seem to move so I worried it was a ruse to get me to mess up.

I raised my eyebrow at him for effect and a possible chance to get out of whatever he wanted. 

“Meet me there one hour early.  Then, we will go out afterward.”  He stopped and I thought he was done but he added, “And bring clothes to wear out for a night of fun.”

Easy request.  No problem.  I nodded wondering what his idea of fun included other than picnics and saving baby birds.  We
’d not been on any real dates of what I’d consider normal dating procedures.  All his dates usually consisted of fancy dinners and the royal treatment.  We will see.

He relaxed and my eyes followed him over to the fridge.  I watched him take a drink out of a carton.  It looked like a milk carton. wasn

When he finished it off, I had to ask, “And that was oh so yummy.”

I thought I was yummy?

I slapped his chest.  “Ow, woman.  Save it for the ring,” his playful voice shining through.

“Are you eating breakfast with me or do I need to chase down a tasty little number and lay it out on the counter for you?”

Oh, oh, oh.  His eyes went instant gold.  “I think we both know that my tasty little number is not ready for that meal yet.”


I saw his arms start to rise.  I squealed rather loudly and ran.  He purposefully didn
’t catch me and let me close myself in my room because we needed to get ready.  We laughed through the door frame at each other. 

“I will get you my pretty...
” he announced in a very badly done shrill female voice, “and you’re little dog too.”

I laughed and said I was heading to the shower.  I walked away thinking the opposite of what I should. 
Yeah, and that dog has a name.


Sorry.  Need the ring.

No you don
’t.  You just shouldn’t be thinking some things.

Cas.  He is a dog.  And I
’m going to shake him down tonight to his level.  He needs a good girl beating.


Alright. alright.  Enough said.  I was quiet for the rest of the afternoon.  No noise.  Nothing but silence. 

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