Scottish Romance: Highlander Romance: Highland Whisper (Scotland Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Scottish Romance: Highlander Romance: Highland Whisper (Scotland Romance)
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He noticed her frail wrists had remained and her slender physique had not changed, but he noticed that she had a strong grip and defined muscles in her arms. She was still that sweet, strong girl he had fallen in love with at the tender age of sixteen.


"I've missed you too," Gavin said in agreement and smiled sweetly. Gavin thought that maybe this would be the right moment to finally kiss Malina as he had before, once upon a time.


Gavin leaned over and placed his hand on Malina's face and gently stroked her cheek before cupping it. He looked into her eyes and slowly moved towards her. She slowly moved her head towards him and leaned in. He brought his lips just over hers and began kissing her, slowly at first. Soft, sweet kisses that showed her how much he had missed her and his willingness to move at whatever pace she wanted.


Malina enjoyed this rekindling of their romance with the sweet kisses for a few minutes before she slipped her tongue into Gavin’s mouth. The two lovers could not slow down, let alone stop. Gavin moved his hand from her cheek to her breast and felt the ample swell of her bosom. He played delicately with them as his other hand brought her hand slowly to his groin. Soon the two were without clothes and in the throes of passion. Nothing is quite like the first time with a true lover and Gavin and Malina were experiencing the full extent of their love together.


The moors provided a beautifully delicate yet wild touch that encompassed the two bodies intertwined. When they had finished, they lay on the cool grass spooning one another with their clothes tossed over themselves for warmth like a mismatched hole-filled quilt.


The next morning came too soon for the newly reunited couple and neither one felt like waking up to face the day. Gavin held Malina closer to his chest and breathed in the heavenly air. He felt that life could not be better than it was in that single moment.


"Malina," Gavin whispered.


"Mmmhm?" Malina murmured. She had spent such a long time surviving on her own that she felt as though it had been years since she last rested. She blinked her eyes open and then quickly shut them. She could just listen to whatever it was Gavin had to say.


Gavin paused, "Malina, are you awake?"


"I'm listening," Malina answered with a sleepy half smile. Gavin grinned.


"What would you say if I said we should stay here for a while longer? We could get up whenever we wanted to and we could gather food together and bathe together and we could--"


"Yes." Malina didn't hesitate. "I would love it if you said we could stay here forever." Malina meant what she said. She never wanted to be apart from Gavin and she trusted him to take care of her. She knew that together they could find a way to make things work. The only problem would be food, maybe shelter, but Malina had already built a makeshift shelter that had served her well during the most extreme weather conditions in the highlands.


"I'm so glad," Gavin said and his heart soared as wide as his smile. He closed his eyes, falling asleep with his lover by his side.


A few hours later, both Gavin and Malina woke. Gavin woke up first and spent a few minutes before Malina woke up just gazing at her. He was so in love with this incredible woman.


When Malina woke the two lovers made love once again. They were relaxed and at peace after their night of pleasant dreams and the sex was even better than it had been before. They were discovering each other's bodies and the experience was more than they had ever dreamed that it would be.


When they finally did get up, they went to gather food out in the moors and talked at length before Gavin went down on one knee.


"Malina, I have loved you since the day that I first laid eyes on you. I know that this is fast, but why spend more time together apart when we know that we belong together? I don't have a ring to give to you right now, but I promise you that there is one waiting at home for you. It belonged to my grandmother, if that is okay with you?"


"Gavin, I don't even know where to begin, but yes! Of course, yes. Yes, yes, yes! And your grandmother's ring would be perfect, why would you think otherwise?"


"Well, Malina, I know what your parents think and I know that I cannot offer as much as any of your other suitors could. I have my cattle, I have my home in the moors, and I have my love for you. That's all. I wish I had more and could shower you with it all, but I don’t."


"Wait, why do you know what my parents think?"


"I visited them before I came here to find you. I knew where you were because I went to the royal court first. It is no accident that I found you here. I was on a mission to find you Malina and I know that your parents do not want me to marry you. They did not want me to pursue you."


"Oh, Gavin. You should never have gone to them!"


"But it brought me to you so it was well worth it."


"I will always be happy with what you have to give to me. I do not need anything else but you and one day, our children." Malina smiled her sly half smile as Gavin's smile faded. "What's wrong?" Malina asked.


"Nothing," Gavin responded. "Nothing at all my love, but I have been smiling so much that my mouth hurts."


Malina ran over to Gavin and kissed him so passionately that the two ended up making love yet again. Staying apart from one another would prove impossible.


The week that Gavin and Malina spent in the moors by themselves was almost a sort of honeymoon. It was a chance for the lovers to rekindle their romance without the watchful eyes of family or friends.


Soon it was time, however, to make alternative plans. The two lovers could not live off of the land in this way forever and the food supply was scarce. Gavin also knew that he wanted to marry Malina with his friends and family present.


"I was wondering if you think we should both approach my father?"


"Do you think he will have anything against me?" asked Malina.


"No, I don’t believe that he would, but to be honest I don't know. I never told him where I was going when I left and he may be expecting me to marry someone from the moors."


"My parents cannot be invited to the wedding Gavin. They won't come. They will leave us alone if we leave them alone, but I am afraid that if we poke them too hard then they will charge at us with everything they have."


"Meaning?" asked Gavin.


"Meaning that they will come and force me to go back. And they will not let you come with me. We will be separated in the same way that we were before. We will never get to raise our children together or live together because you will be no match for the protection of the royal court."


"Then we won't invite them." Gavin did not like the idea of ignoring Malina's parents but he could not bear the thought of losing her for any reason whatsoever. "Let's go home and you can meet my parents," Gavin said anxiously.


"To our new home," Malina cheered and smiled. She wasn't worried. She loved Gavin so they would have to learn to love her eventually.




Gavin and Malina walked hand in hand as they prepared to approach Gavin’s parents. Malina didn’t want to worry about her parents. She knew that they would not approve, and besides, they already knew where she was and what she wanted to do. They had also already shot down Gavin’s request to marry Malina honorably. Why would they be okay with the idea now? But Gavin’s parents were different. They did not have as many ideas about who their son would marry as long as he would marry someone. Still, Malina wanted them to like her. She thought it would be terrible if Gavin’s parents hated her and wanted someone else for her son. Gavin squeezed her hand and Malina squeezed back.


Gavin’s father was lying in bed once again and looked to be in worse shape than he had been before. His face was extraordinarily pale and his once rich black hair had not only turned silvery gray but had fallen out altogether. His breathing was shallow and the old mischievous twinkle in his eye was gone. When Gavin saw his father's current condition, he asked Malina if he could go alone.


"He should really talk to me alone first. I want him to get to know you, I really do, but in his state I don't want to overwhelm him."


"It's okay, go in alone. I will be here with the cows," Malina said as she squeezed his hand. Gavin squeezed back.


"Father?" Gavin asked as he entered his father's room. Gavin's father looked up at his son.


"Father, there is something that I have to tell you," Gavin stated. "I met a girl fourteen years ago and fell in love. I left the cattle with Marcus and mother so that I could go find her and I did. I love her and I want to marry her with your blessing," Gavin rambled. He knew his father only wanted the best for him so he had high hopes that he would understand.


"My son, come closer," Gavin's father whispered. Gavin walked over to his father's bedside and sat down. "I have always wanted you to be two things: responsible and happy. You take care of me, your mother, and everyone who needs an extra hand. You are responsible. If this woman will make you happy then you should marry her. You deserve to be with someone who makes you happy."


"Thank you father."


"But let me ask you something--"


"What is it?"


"Do you make her happy? That is equally as important. A marriage that is one-sided will never last."


"Yes, he does!" Malina said as she entered the room. "He really, truly does."


Gavin's father smiled. This beautiful woman loved his son and his son loved her. He looked at his son and said, "Go to your mother and ask her for your grandmother's ring. Let's start planning your special day immediately."


Gavin and Malina left the room at once to share the happy news with Gavin's mother. As soon as Gavin’s mother heard the news she gifted Gavin’s grandmother’s ring to Malina and the wedding planning began in earnest starting with a meal.


“Let us toast the new couple,” Gavin’s father said. “To many happy years together!”


“Thank you so much for welcoming me into your home,” Malina said. “I had no idea that Gavin’s family was so kind and generous.”


“We are happy to have you, my daughter,” Gavin’s mother responded.


As the week went by, the wedding plans were created. Gavin was anxious to have his wedding as soon as possible not just because he wanted to be married to Malina for the rest of his life, but also because he wanted to make sure that his father could witness his marriage. The doctors were not sure what Gavin’s father had, but he had lived longer than expected already in his current state. Gavin did not want him to miss the wedding. He wanted that moment to be shared with all of the people that he loved.






The night before the wedding, Gavin took Malina’s hand and whisked her outside. He wanted to spend a magical night together away from all of the newfound party planning activity. The people of the highlands had come together to create the most spectacular wedding despite the low financial profile of Gavin’s family. Everyone was donating his or her time, energy, and efforts to make the wedding a success, but Gavin just wanted to spend time with Malina alone.


Gavin led Malina up to a little dip in the rolling hills where the rock was that they had first met and where they had been sitting when they had their first kiss all those years ago.


“Do you remember when we sat here fourteen years ago?” Gavin asked.


“How could I ever forget?” Malina said smiling.


“You were sitting here.” Gavin placed Malina down on the rock where she had been.


“And I was sitting here.” Gavin sat down at the end of the rock.


“And I started inching my way over to you so that we could be sitting right next to one another.” Gavin started to move closer to Malina until he was sitting next to her.


“And then I kissed you.” Gavin started kissing Malina, slowly at first and then all at once in a continual fashion. Passion gave way and the two lovers quickly undressed. One last rendezvous before the wedding day.

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