SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (109 page)

BOOK: SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)
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Adam began rubbing his cock as he looked at Aleah’s body and she felt more desirable than she ever had before. Stephen lifted his head and Adam quickly placed his head between Aleah’s thighs. His cock was aligned perfectly with her hand and she began sliding it up and down his cock. As she did, he began flicking at her clit with his tongue. Aleah moaned as Stephen pounded his fingers into her both of them working as hard as they could to make her come.

When she came it was hard. She squirted all over Stephen’s fingers and a smile formed on his face. This was something that Jerome refused to allow her to do and said it was disgusting, but this time there was no stopping it. Adam raised his head and looked at Aleah trying to catch her breath as Stephen positioned himself between her legs and began sliding his huge cock into her.

Adam placed his at her mouth and allowed her to take it in as she wished. She could taste his precum as he slid in and out of her mouth hitting the back of her throat as she forced her head farther and farther down the shaft.

It was not long and she was coming again, which caused Stephen so explode inside of her. He howled as he filled her with is fluids and once she had caught her breath Adam took his place. Stephen laid beside her fondling her nipples and kissing her sweetly as Adam slid his thick shaft into her already exhausted body. He pushed her legs far apart and fucked her as hard as he could. Aleah squealed in pleasure as Stephen slid his hand between her legs and teased her clit. Soon she could feel Adam coming inside of her and just the thought of it pushed her over the edge.

The three of them fell asleep that night in Aleah’s bed completely naked and completely satisfied. The next morning when Aleah awoke the men were gone, but there was a note. It said: Shower and go see your husband. He is ready for you.

There was a heart at the bottom and even though she was sad to see them go, she knew that they had given her a night that she would not forget. Aleah showered and dressed but did not pack her bags. She was unsure if she was going to go back to Jerome or not. She would decide that by how he behaved toward her.

When she opened the door to his hotel room, she saw him sitting on the bed with his head down. She could see the dark marks on his skin before she was even in the door. When he lifted his head, she saw that there were cuts and bruises not only on his face but all over his body. It looked as if everything he had ever done to her had been done to him in one night.

Aleah walked to the bed and sat down. “I’m so sorry,” Jerome said and he started to cry. For the first time Aleah believed that he understood what he had put her through. They enjoyed the relationship conference and spent the rest of their vacation getting to know each other again.

Aleah did go home with Jerome but it was several weeks before she would allow him to have sex with her. She felt no guilt for what she had done, but decided he had to earn her back. The only reason that she had allowed him to have sex with her was that she found out 6 weeks after returning home from vacation that she was pregnant.

The doctor had confirmed it and wanted to do an ultrasound, which Aleah had refused. She knew that the baby either belonged to Adam or Stephen. She knew it was not her husbands and she knew that it was not human. Fear filled her as she wondered what was growing inside of her and what it would do to her body.

She remembered all of the stories that she had heard about Nibiruians breeding with humans in order to eliminate the human race. She wondered if that were true. She wondered if they would come for the baby, if they would take it or if they would take her.

More than anything she wondered how her husband was going to react if she had a Nibiruian baby. She wondered if the baby would look like a human or if it would be a shape shifter and she wondered if the baby would be white. She would never be able to explain a light skinned baby to her husband given that they both had very dark skin.

Aleah was thankful to the two men that had joined her in her hotel room while she was on vacation. They had saved her marriage and maybe even her life, but as the days went on and the baby grew in her belly, she wondered if that was what they really had done. She feared that when Jerome found out he would become the man that he was before they had gone to Nibiru and she knew that even if the child was a hybrid she would love it because it was hers and she would have to do whatever it took to protect it. Even if that meant leaving her husband.

Finally, Aleah told Jerome that she was pregnant and he was filled with excitement. Then she told him to sit down that there was more. She explained about the night that she had with the two men and how she knew the baby was not his.

Jerome sat back in his seat, “It was my fault you couldn’t have a baby,” he said, shaking his head, “Everything that happened was my fault.”

Aleah just looked at him. He had changed so much since the trip sometimes she wondered if he was still her husband. He asked her if she wanted the baby and she told him yes. Jerome told his wife that he would raise the baby as his own and did not care what it looked like. He apologized for putting her through hell and for blaming her for everything that went wrong in his life. He told her he knew the entire time that he was to blame but did not want to admit it.

Aleah wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck. “I love you,” Jerome whispered in her ear. Aleah smiled, “I love you,” she answered.





The Cowboy’s Rescued Widow

Chapter one

I stand here shaking like a leaf and I have no idea how I’m supposed to deal with something like this. I didn’t know that Hank had been carrying this burden on his shoulders. Now that he was dead, those debts that he had incurred were now coming down on me. It was bad enough that he was gone, but now I was overwhelmed to the point that I wanted to scream. I was Hope Crosby and my husband was Hank, but I suppose with his death that the last name Crosby went with him. This really couldn’t be happening, but the sleepless nights were a sure sign that it was. I would wake up thinking that he was there, but only finding the empty side of his bed.

My mother told me that being beautiful was not something that I should take lightly. Having spun gold hair and an hourglass figure with birthing hips was a sought after commodity. I was just glad that I was off the meat market, but apparently those days were over. I was not one to mess with. I might have only been 130 pounds and 5’9, but I could be a force to be reckoned with. My family was very important to me and I would lay down my life to protect my husband and everything that he had worked for.

I was still relatively young at 22 and being married for the past five years with the man of my dreams was like my life was complete. I did not fall into the trap of settling and Hank was the man that I was supposed to be with. Unfortunately, he had succumbed to a rare disease. Nobody really knew what to call it and they were just thankful that it wasn’t contagious. I’d known that his father had died of the same thing, but I never knew that he would succumb to it himself.

I stand here in front of this man and he’s licking his lips and looking me over like I’m prime steak ready to be devoured. He tells me that my husband owes him for cattle. I had no way to dispute his claims. I had this funny feeling that he was not going to take no for an answer.

“I don’t care about your problems, little lady. I just want what is due to me or maybe I will have to take it some other way.” He was not attractive, had whiskey breath, not to mention this growth of beard that seemed to collect food. His teeth were rotting, but it was his eyes that were the most unnerving. He was obviously undressing me and thinking of depraved ways that I could pay back the debt.

“You’ll get your damn money.” He tried to reach for me with those tobacco stained hands and I pulled away, while reaching for the pitchfork that was sitting by the door. If need be, I would use it to make a statement that would reverberate into the town.

“Hope, there’s no reason to get defensive. I’m just giving you an option and that’s more than other people are going to do for you. You’re certainly not going to get that from the bank. Just remember that before you start burning bridges. I’ll be back and I’ll expect my money.” I could see that he was perturbed and I guess I could understand his reaction. After all my husband had died and had taken his money with him.

I put my hand to my forehead, while my other hand was up on top of the door with the white paint peeling. I watched him get on his horse, his eyes still staring at me and making me feel dirty inside. There was no way that I was going to entertain that idea. It’s just that I was backed into a corner. I wasn’t exactly a woman of means and Hank’s family had died a long time ago. I wasn’t going to get any support that way. I didn’t have any skills, except for sewing. I suppose I could try my hand at making clothing.

When he was gone, I turned around and came face to face with that foreclosure notice. The bank had slapped it on my door, as a reminder that I had responsibilities to be fulfilled. That notice was mocking me, making me reach out to it and tear it off the door with my bare hands. I did it with such force that my fingernails had actually scratched into the surface. I balled it up in my fist and I stared down at it with hatred in my eyes.

I looked around at the 50 acres and I knew that I was this close to losing everything. There had to be away to save the hard work that my husband Hank had put into it. It wasn’t easy and we had a few setbacks, including a drought that lasted for two months. We persevered and continued to find a way to make it work. He really shouldn’t have hid these things from me. If he hadn’t, maybe I wouldn’t be in this mess.

I stumbled, but I caught myself before I did myself any damage. I got a little lightheaded and I knew that the frustration of the day was getting to me.

I went into the kitchen and immediately memories began to flood into my mind. Hank would be sitting there with his eyes watching me cook. I could feel the love from across the room. It was like destiny had played a part in bringing us together. I had never felt like this with anybody else. When he came calling, I almost fainted that he would be even interested. It wasn’t long before we were married, but that was then and this was now.

Living in the old west in 1855 was not a bed of roses. There were many hardships, but I took solace in the fact that my husband would protect me and keep me safe. With him gone, I had to find a way to move on without him.

It was then that I noticed a periodical that had followed me back from the store. I must’ve inadvertently picked it up when I was paying for my groceries. I sat down at the kitchen table and began to look through it and the answer to my problems was staring me right in the face. I could become a mail order bride. I just needed to find the right guy and hopefully he would find it in his heart to help me keep what I had. I had no delusions that I would find love, but at least I might be able to find that silver lining.

Chapter two

The bank was going to foreclose in one day, but I convinced them to give me an extension. Due to the circumstances of my husbands death, they saw clear to make that happen. It took a lot of crocodile tears to get them to back down.

I sit here in the stagecoach with the dust swirling around outside and the sound of hooves slapping into the earth. I looked out the window with my virgin white dress hugging my frame and lifting my bosom with the corset underneath. I had on a pair of boots and a sun hat. My luggage was packed and my final destination was just around the corner.

I saw the sign for the town and I breathed a sigh of relief that I had gotten here. I watched the people and I knew that once the word got out that I was a mail order bride that I would be scorned. Nobody really understood and they really didn’t want to. They didn’t believe that a good Christian boy or girl would resort to something like this. This was relatively new and it was widely known that anybody that was going to become a mail order bride was desperate.

I opened the page to see the ad that was written from the man that I was about to meet for the first time “If you’re looking for a man that has a strong Christian belief, knows what it’s like to treat a woman with respect and kindness, then you don’t have to look any further. I can and I will take care of you and all I ask is that you help me with the daily chores. Marriage is a big commitment and together we will decide when the time is right. I’m a man of considerable means and a ranch with 200 acres of land. Maybe I shouldn’t say that, but I just want to start this with complete honesty. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.” It was the eloquence in which he wrote that caught my eye from the moment that I started reading his ad.

The horse came to a stop and through the dust; I could see a figure standing by a horse with what looked like a handful of daisies. They were my favorite and during our brief correspondence that last few weeks, it became quite apparent that we had a lot in common. We were both only child’s and our fathers had died and left our mothers to raise us at a very young age. I think I saw a kindred spirit, but now the proof was going to be in what I saw in his eyes.

He came forward and opened the door like a true gentleman and offered me his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Hope. I’m Avery and if you would follow me, I will take you to your chariot.” I stepped down gingerly, holding the parasol in my hand. I could sense that we were being watched and I looked around to see that the people had stopped everything that they were doing to see who had come into their town. “I believe that I already know you. I think it’s time that I finally show you your new home.” He was handsome and rough looking with that scruff on his face and short disheveled brown hair. He also had the most piercing blue eyes that I had ever seen. He was maybe 6 feet tall with 180lbs of pure muscle that you could see bulging underneath the jacket.

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