Screwed the Undeclared War Against the Middle Class (38 page)

BOOK: Screwed the Undeclared War Against the Middle Class
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Matthew 25:31

Maurer, Lupita

McDonald, Forrest




Mellon, Andrew William

Message boards

Micheletti, Lorraine

Middle class



     Golden Age

     historical overview

     how created

Military contractors

Military spending

Mill, John Stuart

Milligan, Joseph

Minimum wage

Minnich, Elizabeth


Moon, Sun Myung

Morgan, John Pierpont

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mussolini, Benito


Nader, Ralph


National Industrial Recovery Act

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Institutes of Mental

Health (NIMH)

National Labor Relations Act

New Deal



Nike v. Kasky


1932 presidential campaign


Nixon, Richard

No Child Left Behind Act

Norquist, Grover

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Northeastern Hospital

Notes on Virginia

Nursing homes





On Labor

On Profits

On Wages

O'Neill, Paul

Online discussion areas


Operation Iraqi Freedom

Order 37

Order 39


Paine, Thomas

     acquaintance with Burke

Age of Reason, The

Common Sense



     Edison's writings

     egalitarian/liberal way of life

     French Revolution

     inheritance tax

     progressive taxation


Paine Webber

Palast, Greg


Parenti, Christian


Pension plans

Perot, H. Ross

Personal debt

Pew Hispanic Center

Pharmaceutical companies

Phillips, Kevin P.

Pollina, Anthony

Pollution controls

Populist Movement

Poverty rate

Powell, Michael

Predator cons

Presidential campaign (1932)

Prison system

Private-sector jobs

Privately owned prisons




     health care


     insurance companies



     prison system

     Social Security


Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO)

Profits before people

Progressive Movement

Progressive taxation

Proportional representation


Public Utility Holding Company Act

Public Works Administration



Randerson, James

Random House

Rationing (health care)

Raw materials

Reagan, Ronald

     big-oil money




     "greed is good" philosophy

     health care

     PATCO strike

     Sherman Antitrust Act

     smaller government

     starving the beast


     tax cuts

     true believer con

     war on working people

Reagan tax cut

Real jobs/salary equation

"Reflections on the Revolution in France" (Burke)

Remick, Morrison

Republican Party

Republicans of 1872

Revolutionary-era pamphleteering

Ricardo, David

Right-to-work states

Rights of Man, The
See also
Paine, Thomas

Road to victory


     contacting your congressional representatives

     Democratic Party

     electronic media

     labor movement

     letters to the editor

     never give up!

     Republican Party

     third electoral party

     to-do list

Robber Baron Era.
See also
Gilded Age

Roberts, Paul C.

Robespierre, Maximilien

Rockefeller, John D.

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

     acceptance of presidential nomination (1936)

     deficit spending

     economic freedom

     electric utilities

     fascist government



     income tax

     inspired by Paine

     New Deal

     rendezvous with destiny

     Social Security

     tax rate

Roosevelt, Theodore

Roper, Tim

Rose, Barbara

"Roy in Rio Rancho"
See also
Road to victory

Rules of the game

Rural Electrification Administration



Safety net

Sanders, Bernie

Santa Clara

Santorum, Rick

Savings rate

Scherer, Michael

School privatizing schemes


Senatorial election (Georgia, 2002)


Sherman Antitrust Act

Shumlin, Peter

Single-payer health insurance system

Smaller government

Smith, Adam

Social contract

Social programs

Social Security

Social Security crisis

Social Security Trust Fund

Socialized medicine

Soul of a Citizen

Specter, Arlen

Standard Oil Trust

Standardized tests

Starving the beast

Stephenson, Andy


Road to victory

Sun Myung Moon

Supply-side economics

Swarns, Rachel L.


Taft-Hartley Act

Talk-radio shows


Tax-and-spend liberal


     corporate tax rate

     FDR tax rate

     government services

     inheritance tax

     Paine, Thomas

     progressive taxation

     Reagan tax cut

     top tax rate

Tea Act of 1773

Telecommunications Act of 1996

Testing companies

Third-party candidate

"Three strikes" law

To Begin the World Anew: The Genius and Ambiguities of the American Founders

To-do list

Tompkins Square Park riot

Toxic waste cleanup

Trade deficit


Trickle-down economics

True believer cons

Truman, Harry S.

Tuition vouchers


Unemployment rate


Universal education

U.S. Constitution

U.S. economy

U.S. trade deficit

USS Lincoln


VA system

Vanderbilt family

Vermont 2002 gubernatorial election

Veterans' Administration (VA system)

Road to victory Vietnam War

Voodoo economics




Wagner Act


Wal-Martization of America

Walesa, Lech

Wallace, Henry

Walton family (Wal-Mart)


War on poverty

Washington, George

We the People: The Economic Origins of the Constitution

Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich

Wealth inequality

Wells Fargo Bank


What Would Jefferson Do?

What you can do.
Road to victory

"Winner take all" elections

Wise, Allen F.

Working America

Workplace rights

Works Progress Administration

Works Projects Administration (WPA)

World War II

World Trade Organization (WTO)





Young voters




This is the first book I've written since I started doing live progressive talk radio six hours a day, five days a week. (Several have been published, but all were largely written before I started the radio program.) Because my programs require ten to twelve hours a day of work on weekdays, most of the text was written over the past three years on weekends, much of it as individual essays that first appeared on

Unlike other books I wrote in the BR (Before-the-Radio-show) era, I couldn't just sit down to write this one straight through as was typical. The result was that it needed considerable editing, stitching together, and in some cases rewriting. For that I am tremendously grateful to Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, who took on an enormous project and in a matter of just a few months spun gold from the straw I'd provided. Perhaps as much as 5 percent of the words in this book are hers, particularly the transitions from chapter to chapter and the translations into prose of some of my on-air rants. Without her this book wouldn't have been possible. Thank you, Jo Ellen!

Special thanks also to the folks at Berrett-Koehler Publishers, who put so much work into transforming the manuscript into the book you're holding in your hands: Johanna Vondeling, Steve Piersanti, Ken Lupoff, and Jeevan Sivasubramaniam in editorial; the design team of Rick Wilson and Dianne Platner; and the marketing team of Maria Jesus Aguilo, Ian Bach, Marina Cook, Mike Crowley, Robin Donovan, Kristen Frantz, Tiffany Lee, and Catherine Lengronne.

Thanks too to my agent, Bill Gladstone.

The book's clean design is the work of the talented Gary Palmatier of Ideas to Images. And special thanks go to Elizabeth von Radics, who performed a brilliant final edit of the text.

And without the help, encouragement, research, and editing work of my wife, Louise Hartmann, this book wouldn't exist. She kept me and the project focused and on track, as she has done for so many other areas of my life. Thank you, Louise!

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