Sea Dragon (Dragon Knights Book 9) (18 page)

Read Sea Dragon (Dragon Knights Book 9) Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Epic Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Sea Dragon (Dragon Knights Book 9)
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“It’s not like that. I never planned any of this to happen, and to be honest, I’m confused about it all. I’ve watched you from afar for years, Seth.” He took heart from her words. “I started seeing Gowan, and then suddenly, there you were, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get to know you the way I’d dreamed about for so long. I know it’s not right to keep you both on a string. It’s not fair to either of you.” She looked away, her expression tortured. “I’m very confused by it all. I don’t understand how I can be with both of you, or how this could end any other way but badly.”

“Well, I don’t know about the ending for you and me, but it’s pretty clear that you are destined to be a Lair wife. If that’s the case, it’s only natural that you be willing, even eager, to take on two lovers, so don’t doubt yourself. You’re following your instincts. The only real problem I see here is that you’ve chosen one knight and me, who will never be a knight. I’m the one who should bow out so that you can find the mates you were meant for.” He had to look away, gazing out at the dark sky. The pain in his heart was enormous. Almost too much to contain.

“Is that what you really want?” she asked in a small voice.

“No.” He had to tell her the truth. “I’ve admired you from afar for years, too. I didn’t think you ever noticed me, though I dreamed of you often enough.” He shook his head, almost not believing he was laying his deepest secrets out before her. But it was so easy to talk to Livia. The reality of being with her was better than any dream he’d ever had of her.

“We’ve both been foolish,” she said finally. “I liked you, and now, you say you liked me. Why did we never act on it before?” She didn’t wait for an answer to her question, but went on. “I’m sorry, Seth. We’ve wasted a lot of time. And now, there’s Gowan…”

“I don’t mind Gowan. I actually count him as a friend. I know he’s a good man, and I respect him.”

“I didn’t know you were close,” she said softly.

“Not close, exactly, but he’s probably my best friend in the Lair right now.” Seth didn’t talk about the way they’d been helping each other. He didn’t want anyone to know about his secret training. He didn’t want to be a laughingstock among the knights if word should somehow get out.

“I’m glad you two are friends, though it does seem to complicate an already complicated situation.” She made a face, and Seth had to smile.

“Actually, it makes this easier. I couldn’t bear to see you with anyone I didn’t respect as much as Gowan.”

She shook her head, but she had a soft smile on her face. “I don’t really understand the way you look at life. I wasn’t raised with Lair sensibilities, I guess.”

“You’ll adapt,” he said, shrugging. “Lair life is freeing in many ways. And so full of love and care between dragons and humans. Growing up in a Lair family was a really great experience.”

“You’re assuming I’ll end up as a Lair wife.”

He shrugged again. “It makes sense. Women who can talk to dragons are a rarity.”

He let that statement hang in the air for a bit as they both looked out at the sky. Silence reigned for a few minutes while they each processed their own thoughts.

“I suppose Gowan knows about us too, if you know about me and him?” she asked finally, surprising him.

“Well, yes. Genlitha has been talking to us both, I’m sure.”

“And what does he think?”

She bit her lip as if worried, and Seth wanted to kiss her, but he dared not at that moment. There were things to discuss and settle between them to ease her worry.

“I haven’t talked to him directly about it. Mostly, it’s been Genlitha talking to us individually. Dragons have been known to meddle in their humans’ lives from time to time.” He had to chuckle at that. It was truer than she knew. “Genlitha seemed to indicate that Gowan was learning to accept that, if and when he does find a wife, he would have to share her. He grew up much as you did, with even less exposure to the ways of the Lair. I got the impression that he sees me as a worthy competitor for your favor.” He had to smile at that.

“Competitor?” Livia shook her head. “I never meant to pit you two against each other.”

“Not at all,” Seth was quick to reassure her. “It’s not a competition in that sense.” Especially since he knew who would ultimately win, and it wasn’t Seth. “More like a friendly rivalry. And we have stayed friends. There are no hard feelings. We both want whatever—or whoever—you want. You are the one who decides, Livia. Not us.”

“That’s very generous of you,” she said after a moment’s thought. “I’m not sure, in your place, I could be as selfless.”

Seth didn’t know what to say to that, so he kept silent.

“Seth…” Livia turned away from the balcony rail to face him, her cheeks lit by starlight. He hadn’t lit the lanterns out here, and the only illumination came from the sky and the open doorway that led back to the apothecary. “I really like you, Seth. A lot.”

Seth felt his heart racing as he wondered where she was leading the conversation.

“I really like you too, Livia.”

“That’s good.” She smiled at him and moved closer. “Because I really don’t want to go home tonight. Can I stay with you?” She looped one arm over his shoulder, tangling her fingers in the ends of his hair at his nape. Little thrills of sensation went down his spine.

“Are you kidding?” He smiled, putting his arms around her and drawing her closer. “Of course you can. You can stay forever, as far as I’m concerned,” he whispered, closing in for a kiss. If he’d been too candid, then so be it. Maybe she’d chalk his enthusiasm up to the heat of the moment.

He kissed her, loving the feel of her in his arms. Her mouth welcomed his, her tongue enticing, tangling, tormenting in the most delightful way. But Seth wanted more. No. He

He dipped, lifting her into his arms, and carried her back into the apothecary, through a couple of archways that led them eventually to his private quarters. His room was attached to the apothecary on one side and a small side hall on the other. He entered from the apothecary side, glad to not have to go too far to get her to his bed.

He was a tall man, so he had a large bed, thank heaven. He placed her upon it, then paused. He just wanted to savor the moment, but Livia had other ideas.

She scooted forward until she was sitting on the side of the bed, facing him. Facing his belt buckle, to be exact. With a saucy smile, she set to work, her nimble fingers making short work of his belt, his ties and then his trews. Before he knew it, he was naked from the waist down, cock out, hard and pointing at her.

“For me?” She made a show of surprise, but the way she licked her lips made Seth’s breath catch. And then, she was touching him. Stroking him.

Seth yanked off his best tunic, throwing it into the corner. He wanted to see what his little vixen had planned.

A moment later, his knees threatened to buckle as she put her lips on his cock. She placed little teasing kisses all over his hardness, then batted her long, lustrous eyelashes as she looked up at him a moment before opening that luscious mouth and taking him deep. She held his gaze, and he just about came right then and there.

Only force of will kept him upright. He’d never had a woman go down on him before, and this was an experience he didn’t want to miss. He would remember every moment of this encounter until his dying day, he knew, because he was with Livia. The one woman who had always made an impression on him, even though he knew it was impossible to be with her on any sort of long-term basis. Especially now, when he knew she was destined to be a Lair wife.

But all that didn’t matter right now, with her tongue swirling around his cock, teasing and tantalizing. He wanted to bring her the same kind of pleasure, and he knew he had to slow things down before he got too excited. He placed gentle but firm hands on her shoulders. Livia looked up at him as she backed off, releasing him by slow degrees until the head of his cock left her mouth with a little pop.

“What? Don’t you like it?” she asked with mock innocence.

“I like it a little too much, and you’re wearing too many clothes,” he answered. He knew he had to be grinning like a fool, but Livia was the most amazing woman he’d ever been with. She made him feel things no other female had ever given him. She was one in a million, and he felt blessed to be with her in this moment.

“Well, we can fix that easily enough,” she said, putting action to words and unlacing her bodice.

A few tugs and her breasts were free. Another shimmy and a whoosh of fabric over her head and the dress was gone completely. With a few more pulls of ribbons and bows, the last of her undergarments went sailing into the corner to mingle with his tunic, forgotten for the moment.

And she was gloriously nude.


Livia enjoyed stripping for Seth. If she’d been any less excited, she would have taken the time to draw out the striptease, but as it was, she was too hot to wait much longer. She needed him, and she needed him soon.

“Come down here and join me,” she invited, rolling to one side of the bed and patting the sheet next to her.

Seth didn’t disappoint. He climbed onto the lovely, large, cushy bed and surprised her by taking a position between her knees. Was he going to…?

Oh, yes. He

Livia lay back for a moment and just enjoyed the feel of Seth’s surprisingly talented tongue in her folds. He stroked lightly over her clit, arousing sensations that made her moan. Oh, yes. He certainly knew what he was doing down there.

But she didn’t want to come without him. No, she wanted him inside her when she came.

She sat up on her elbows and met his gaze.

“Want to try this together?” she challenged.

Seth lifted his head away, quirking one blonde eyebrow at her. “What did you have in mind?”

She felt a moment of triumph. She loved the way Seth was game to try things. Some men got a little odd about a woman being somewhat bold in the bedroom. It was refreshing to find Seth wasn’t that way.

“Get up here and lie on your back. I’ll show you,” she told him.

Seth did as she asked, moving slowly and stroking her body as he assumed the position she wanted. “How do you know about such things, milady?” The title was exaggerated in a way that made her feel exceedingly naughty, just as Seth had intended. The accompanying wink made her want to blush, but it also heated her blood to an even higher level.

“My father sails all over, you know. And he brings back all sorts of things. In his library, there are many books in foreign tongues. Some with drawings. Very interesting drawings,” she said as she positioned herself over him so that her knees were on either side of his shoulders and her head was above his jutting cock. Perfect.

“I think I’d like to learn more about these strange books,” he whispered against the soft, sensitive flesh of her inner thigh. And then, he moved into position, and his tongue lapped at her clit.

Oh, yeah.

She couldn’t speak. She could only feel as she lowered her head and took his hardness back into her mouth. With the intense sensations coming from his tongue stabbing softly into her channel, she renewed her suction on him, using one hand to fondle his sac, making him moan. The rumble of sound from his mouth against her most sensitive place caused tingles to shoot up and down her spine.

It was almost too good.

All too soon, he was pushing her higher, but she didn’t want to come this way. Not this time. No, she wanted him inside her. She craved it. She had to have it.

Livia pulled away, moving upward over his body until she could seat herself on him, facing his feet. It was a different angle, but it felt like heaven the moment she slid down onto him fully.

And then, the door opened.


Gowan had come looking for Seth, hoping to score a pot of ointment to use on Genlitha’s scales, but it wasn’t an urgent mission. Still, he had a free hour and thought he’d check in on his friend. When Gowan couldn’t find him anywhere, he grew concerned enough to check his quarters, just in case something was wrong.

But the sight that greeted Gowan when he opened the door to Seth’s bedroom had him stopping in his tracks.

Livia was naked, an expression of pure bliss on her face as she rode Seth’s cock. She was facing the foot of the bed, and the doorway through which Gowan had come. For just a moment, she didn’t see him, and that image would remain forever etched on his mind. That free abandon of a woman thoroughly enjoying getting fucked by a man. It was beautiful, really. And intensely arousing.


Then she looked up and saw him.

But whether he was more concerned that she’d caught him watching or that he’d caught her fucking his friend, he wasn’t sure. He’d have to think about that.

Then Livia smiled.

What in the world?

“Join us?” she said, shaking his world to its foundations. Livia O’Dare was inviting him to…to what, exactly?

“You mean…?” He couldn’t even put it into words. His brain was leaping to all sorts of conclusions, and his body was so far ahead his cock could be used to drive nails at this point. That’s how hard he was.

“Well, this is the Lair, isn’t it? What better place for three?” She looked back at Seth, sitting up on his elbows behind her. “If you don’t mind?” she asked him, his cock still showing hard between the folds of her pussy. She was pulsing softly on him, slowed from what she’d been doing when Gowan walked in, but still moving as if she couldn’t quite help herself.

Seth apparently had to clear his throat before he could answer. “I don’t mind,” he said, then flopped back on the bed. “Just make up your mind quickly. This is torture.”

Livia reached back to pat Seth’s ass. “Delicious torture,” she agreed.

Gowan thought he heard a muffled
hell, yeah
from Seth, but he couldn’t be sure. All he knew at the moment was that he wanted in that pussy spread so delectably before him, servicing Seth at the moment. His mind might be confused by it all, but his body knew what it wanted.

Gowan stepped fully into the room and shut the door, locking it behind him. Then he leaned back against it and folded his arms.

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