Sea of Sighs (Empath Book 2) (32 page)

Read Sea of Sighs (Empath Book 2) Online

Authors: Dawn Peers

Tags: #fantasy romance, #empath, #ya fantasy, #strong female protagonist, #young adult fantasy romance, #top fantasy series, #teen love stories, #fantasy for young adults, #fantasy female lead, #best ya fantasy

BOOK: Sea of Sighs (Empath Book 2)
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Ross nodded his agreement, “We have to get
you to Everfell. It all starts there.”

Quinn responded, but her eyes had drifted to
the shoreline and her voice was distant. “That might be easier said
than done.”

There was a crowd waiting on the jetty for
them, and banners were flying. They were not the banner of King
Vance, nor any of Baron Sammah’s own personal retinue. They were
the banners of Sevenspells.

About the


Dawn is a UK-based author of fantasy and
horror fiction, currently based in West Sussex. She writes books
for adults and teens, and is the author of the upcoming
series, as well as the horror series
, both available from Permuted Press. 

When Dawn isn't writing fiction, she is
usually found fixing computers (this sometimes includes more than
turning them off and on again). In her spare time she tends to read
too much, and obsesses over her geriatric cat. She would love to go
on more walks (but doesn't) and should cycle more (but hates

You can connect with Dawn on social media at
and @dawnpeersauthor



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